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      • Law and Order in Cyberspace : A Case Study of Cyberspace Governance and Internet Regulations in Hong Kong

        Wong Kam C,Wong Georgiana 아시아경찰학회 2005 Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice Vol.3 No.1

          This research project is a first attempt to study cyber space governance and computer crime control in Hong Kong. The report begins with a discussion of the nature, prevalence and distribution of computer crime in Hong Kong. It then embarks on a comprehensive review of Hong Kong Government"s cyber space governance philosophy and computer crime control policy. The article closes with a number of recommendations in improving Hong Kong cyber space governance.

      • Policing Cross-Border Crimes between China and Hong Kong - A Preliminary Assessment

        Wong Kam C 아시아경찰학회 2004 Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice Vol.2 No.1

          This article is a first attempt to investigate into Hong Kong Police (HKP) and Public Security Bureau (PSB) cooperative practices in dealing with cross-border crimes penetrating the two jurisdictions, in the backdrop of “one country two systems” political settlement. The article begins by observing that despite growing cross-border crimes between People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), these two jurisdictions have failed to develop a framework of cooperation. However, in spite of the lack of formal agreement, the PSB and HKP have been working closely together to deal with cross-border crimes through official INTERPOL and other unofficial channels. The article closed by observing that in order to effectively control cross-border criminality PSB and HKP must learn to work more cooperatively with each other.

      • Evolution & Innovation in Clinical Education in Nursing

        Frances Kam Yuet Wong 한국간호과학회 2011 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.10

        As nurse educators, there are some key questions we often ask ourselves. Are we preparing nurses who are fit for practice? How do we know how do we let others know that our graduates are fit for practice? Nursing is a practice discipline. The answers to the above questions are strongly connected to the clinical part of the curriculum where real clients are involved. An effective learning context is an environment where the students can demonstrate professional competence and produce positive patient patient outcomes. The author will present a project on clinical problem-based learning to demonstrate how the above can be achieved. Then the author will deliberate on the issue of setting fit objective. Fit objective refer to deriving learning objectives that are appropriate to students’ level of learning rather than having one-size-fits-all type of clinical objective. The latter arrangement usually outlines what teaching opportunities are available in a particular clinical setting without addressing particular background and experience of the students. At the end of the presentation, the author will speak on how nurse educators can prepare students that fit the changing health care environment. Nurse academics conduct research to create new knowledge and build evidence for practice. We can integrate research, service and learning by involving students in research projects where the students can provide service and learn at the same time. The author will illustrate this with an example of a randomized controlled trial that tested the effects of a transitional care model to support patients after hospital dischar.

      • 中文教與學處理學生學習差異的原則和策略

        Tse Shek Kam,Wong Man Ying,Laing Victor,Wu Kam Fong,Tsui Pik Fong,To Heiken,Lam Lu Sai 단국대학교 한문교육연구소 2020 International Han-character Education Research Vol.3 No.1

        홍콩에는 예부터 지금까지 파키스탄, 인도, 네팔 등에서 온 이민들을 포함하여, 비중국어권 아동들이 적지 않다. 평등교육의 이념을 표방하는 홍콩평등기회위원회(香港平等機會委員會)는 비중국어권 학습자들이 중국어권 학습자들과 같은 학교에서 학습하기를 건의하여 그들이 최대한 빠른 시일 내에 홍콩 사회로 융화되게 하려 하였다. 이로 인해, 비중국어권 아동들은 홍콩 현지의 일반 유치원을 다니게 되었는데, 홍콩의 교육 관할 당국도 적지 않은 자원을 투입하여 이들이 현지 교육과정에 적응할 수 있도록 협조하였으나, 그 효과를 즉각적으로 확인할 수는 없었다. 그 중 가장 큰 문제는 학습의 차이를 처리하는 것이었다. 비중국어권 아동들의 중국어 실력은 모국어 수준에 미치지는 못했다. 이들이 중국어권 아동들과 함께 중국어 수업에 참여할 때 적잖은 어려움이 발행했다. 또한, 비중국어권 아동들의 성장 배경도 각기 달랐다. 신이민자 가정의 아동도 있고, 현지에서 출생한 소수 민족 아동도 있어, 이러한 학습자 사이의 중국어 수준의 차이도 존재했다. 이밖에도 소수민족과 홍콩의 문화적 차이 또한 매우 커서 모든 교사와 아동은 ‘학습’과 ‘교수’ 두 측면에서 모두 여러 가지 차이로 인해 발생하는 문제들을 처리해야 했다. 이처럼 비중국어권 학습자들이 홍콩에서 중국어를 배우는 것은 매우 쉽지 않았다. 상술한 문제들을 해결하기 위해서 경마회 자선기금 및 다섯 단체의 공영교육 사회복지기구는 「경마회의 재밌는 중국어 배우기(賽馬會(有)友趣學中文)」 라는 프로젝트를 추진하여, 중국어를 모국어로 갖지 않는 학습자들이 효과적으로 중국어 학습 하여 빠르게 사회에 융화되도록 도왔다. 본 프로 젝트는 수준별 교육과정, 수준별 교재, 수준별 학습법, 수준별 교구, 수준별 평가와 다층적 교학법을 설계하고 지원하여 학습 차이에서 생기는 어려움을 해결하는 데 도움을 주었다. 본고에서는 연구 이론과 설계, 데이터 수집 및 연구 결과를 상세히 서술하고, 효과적인 사례에 대해 상세하게 서술하려고 한다. 이러한 연구 성과는 세계 각지에 광범위하게 적용될 수 있을 것이다. The majority of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) young students are studying in mainstream kindergartens. They are of ethnic groups, for instance, Pakistani, Indian, and Nepalese, who are new immigrants or offspring of immigrants in the past. The Equal Opportunities Commission encourages NCS students to study together with Chinese speaking students, for the sake of social inclusion in the long run. In recent years, the Education Bureau has allocated more resources in supporting NCS students for early adaption to the local education system. However, its effect is not predominant. It is believed that managing individual learning differences is one of the major challenges. NCS students is generally lagging behind those with Chinese as their mother tongue in the Chinese proficiency. Therefore, problems and complications arise as the result of the two groups of students studying in the same environment. Dissimilarities exist even among NCS students, some are new immigrants while some are born in Hong Kong. While there are obvious cultural differences between ethnic minorities and local Hong Kong students, teachers face challenges in handling these disparities. NCS students learning Chinese in Hong Kong is not an easy task. Regarding all these above, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in collaboration with three universities and two social welfare organizations have initiated the “C-for-Chinese@JC” project. It supported NCS students learning Chinese, as well as facilitated early social inclusion. The project developed differentiated school-based curriculum, differentiated teaching and learning materials, differentiated pedagogies and assessment, and varied support measures to kindergartens. Language development of non-Chinese speaking kindergarteners was tracked longitudinally in each of their pre-school years that composed of four language assessments. Significant improvement of language learning results was observed during the three years, which proved the effects of differentiate teaching and learning system. The system is able to alleviate the learning difficulties of NCS preschoolers and bridge the learning differences. This paper detailed research theories and design, data collection, research findings, and analysis of successful cases. The findings of this research could be applied in different settings internationally and be globally referenced.

      • KCI등재


        ( Shek Kam Tse ),( Man Ying Wong ),( Toi Na Lee ),( Sing Pui To Chan ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2014 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.34 No.-

        중국 대륙이나 홍콩 등의 지역적 구분에 관계없이 “유치원에서 학생들에게 한 자 쓰기를 가르쳐야 하는가?”는 오랜 동안 쟁론의 대상이 되어왔다. 이에 대해 홍콩교육국에서는 “한자와 어휘 쓰기”를 명확하게 교육목표로 설정 하고, 학생들로 하여금 정확히 한자를 씀으로써 자신의 생각을 문자 쓰기를 통해 표현하도록 하였다. 때문에 홍콩에서의 유치원 학생들을 대상으로 하는 한자 쓰기 교육은 한자 자형의 균형성과 비율, 정확한 필획과 그 형태를 학습하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이런 이유로 전통적인 한자 모사를 통해 한자의 자형을 학습하는 방법이외에 다른 어떤 방법이 유아들의 한자 쓰기 교육을 수행할 수 있는 지가는 매우 중요하고도 의미 있는 연구 과제이다. 이 문제에 대해 본 연구는 유아들에게 자유롭게 그림을 그리고 쓰는 방법을 채 용하였다. 우선 유아들이 “자유로운 쓰기”의 할동을 통해 한자 쓰기를 학습할 수 있는가를 관찰하였고, 이와 동시에 “자유로운 쓰기”와 기존이 “정식 쓰기 연습”이 쓰기 활동에 어떤 영향을 미치는가를 비교 연구하였다. 이 연구를 통해 대부분의 3, 4세 유아들은 아직까지 필순에 따라 안정된 형태의 한자 쓰기를 할 수 없었음을 발견하였다. 그러나 이 연구를 통해 우리는 유아들은 불규칙한 선을 따라 쓰는 단계로부터 천천히 안정된 형태의 한자 쓰기로 변화되 는 일련의 과정이 있음을 발견하였다. 이렇게 초기 단계에서 안정된 형태의 한자 자형 쓰기로 넘어가는 단계를 “중간 단계 쓰기 한자 자형(過渡字)”이라고 할 수 있다. 유아들의 “중간 단계 쓰기 한자 자형(過渡字)”을 부정하는 것이 아니라 인 정하는 것이 유아들이 한자를 인지하고 이를 통해 필순의 학습까지 이르게 할 수 있다. 이 단계에서 교사들은 “정자”와 “필순”의 문제에 너무 집착하여 유아들이 “외관적 아름다움을 지닌 표준자형”을 쓰도록 강요하고 유아들의 한자 쓰기를 제 한함으로써 유아들의 한자 쓰기 능력의 발전을 방해하거나 저해하여서는 않도록 해야 한다. 이를 통해 볼 때, “중간 단계 쓰기 한자 자형(過渡字)” 사용은 유아들 의 문자 독해 능력과 쓰기 능력의 발전을 도울 수 있는 매우 중요한 시기임을 인 식해야 한다. Should pre-schoolers start learning how to write Chinese characters? This has been a controversial topic among the public and education circle in mainland China and Hong Kong. In the 60`s and 70`s, as writing was part of the requirement for Primary One admission tests, kindergartens had to start preparing children by drilling them into practicing writing. This was a painful experience for many pre-schoolers as their cognitive development at that age were not ready to differentiate and identify character structure and character stroke sequence. Many of them lost interest in learning Chinese characters, although some of them did pick up this required skill from mere drilling. This practice has been discouraged by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong Government. However, some kindergarten teachers and parents still keep this practice. This study will focus on free writing and drawing for preschoolers, and attempts to investigate if children are able to write characters during free writing and drawing sessions, through participant observation and case studies. The study will also make comparisons between what preschoolers write during free writing and drawing when there is no pressure and the conventional characters they would write during normal lessons. At the tender age of 3 to 4, children are not able to follow through the conventional learning process of characters writing. Hence if they can also practice emergent writing where they are allowed to form emergent characters or even drawings during free writing, this can help them to recognize the characters though the stroke sequence or even the characters written may not be precise by conventional standards. This interim stage of learning has found to be important for reading and beneficial for preschoolers to write conventional characters better at a later stage.

      • Law and Order in Cyberspace: A Case Study of Cyberspace Governance in Hong Kong

        Dr,Kam C Wong,Georgiana Wong 아시아경찰학회 2003 아시아경찰학회 국제학술회의 Vol.2003 No.-

        Hong Kong has been enjoying the benefits brought by the Information Age that has totally changed our private life and business operations. Computer mediated communication has brought people closer in a virtual world surpassing geographical distance, time zone difference, social inhibitions, or cultural barriers. With a high usage and penetration of information technology at households and offices, Hong Kong's economy is increasingly and irreversibly relying on the Internet to operate. At the same time, computers, particularly the Internet, facilitate traditional criminality and bring new crimes of different types. To safeguard the environment for economic restructuring and e-commerce development, the Hong Kong government has made attempts to control computer crime and maintain order in cyberspace. This research project is an attempt to study cyberspace governance and computer crime control in Hong Kong. The report begins with an investigation into the usage of personal computers and penetration of the Internet in the community. It is then followed by an exploration of the nature, prevalence and distribution of computer crime. The article finishes with a comprehensive description and thorough analysis of the approaches adopted by the government in controlling computer crime. Various recommendations in improving cyberspace governance are proposed to foster law and order in cyberspace.

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