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      • Discovery of urinary metabolomic biomarkers for early detection of acute kidney injury

        Won, A Jin,Kim, Siwon,Kim, Yoon Gyoon,Kim, Kyu-Bong,Choi, Wahn Soo,Kacew, Sam,Kim, Kyeong Seok,Jung, Jee H.,Lee, Byung Mu,Kim, Suhkmann,Kim, Hyung Sik The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 Molecular bioSystems Vol.12 No.1

        <P>The discovery of new biomarkers for early detection of drug-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) is clinically important. In this study, sensitive metabolomic biomarkers identified in the urine of rats were used to detect cisplatin-induced AKI. Cisplatin (10 mg kg(-1), i.p.) was administered to Sprague-Dawley rats, which were subsequently euthanized after 1, 3 or 5 days. In cisplatin-treated rats, mild histopathological alterations were noted at day 1, and these changes were severe at days 3 and 5. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (SCr) levels were significantly increased at days 3 and 5. The levels of new urinary protein-based biomarkers, including kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), glutathione S-transferase-alpha (GST-alpha), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), calbindin, clusterin, neutrophil, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and osteopontin, were significantly elevated at days 3 and 5. Among urinary metabolites, trigonelline and 3-indoxylsulfate (3-IS) levels were significantly decreased in urine collected from cisplatin-treated rats prior to histological kidney damage. However, carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), a hepatotoxicant, did not affect these urinary biomarkers. Trigonelline is closely associated with GSH depletion and results in insufficient antioxidant capacity against cisplatin-induced AKI. The predominant cisplatin-induced AKI marker appeared to be reduced in urinary 3-IS levels. Because 3-IS is predominantly excreted via active secretion in proximal tubules, a decrease is indicative of tubular damage. Further, urinary excretion of 3-IS levels was markedly reduced in patients with AKI compared to normal subjects. The area under the curve receiver operating characteristics (AUC-ROC) for 3-IS was higher than for SCr, BUN, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total protein, and glucose. Therefore, low urinary or high serum 3-IS levels may be more useful for early detection of AKI than conventional biomarkers.</P>


        Clinical Outcome of Modified Cervical Lateral Mass Screw Fixation Technique

        Kim, Seong-Hwan,Seo, Won-Deog,Kim, Ki-Hong,Yeo, Hyung-Tae,Choi, Gi-Hwan,Kim, Dae-Hyun The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2012 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.52 No.2

        Objective : The purpose of this study was 1) to analyze clinically-executed cervical lateral mass screw fixation by the Kim's technique as suggested in the previous morphometric and cadaveric study and 2) to examine various complications and bicortical purchase that are important for b-one fusion. Methods : A retrospective study was done on the charts, operative records, radiographs, and clinical follow up of thirty-nine patients. One hundred and seventy-eight lateral mass screws were analyzed. The spinal nerve injury, violation of the facet joint, vertebral artery injury, and the bicortical purchases were examined at each lateral mass. Results : All thirty-nine patients received instrumentations with poly axial screws and rod systems, in which one hundred and seventy-eight screws in total. No vertebral artery injury or nerve root injury were observed. Sixteen facet joint violations were observed (9.0%). Bicortical purchases were achieved on one hundred and fifty-six (87.6%). Bone fusion was achieved in all patients. Conclusion : The advantages of the Kim's technique are that it is performed by using given anatomical structures and that the complication rate is as low as those of other known techniques. The Kim's technique can be performed easily and safely without fluoroscopic assistance for the treatment of many cervical diseases.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 여가정책(2): 활성화 방안

        원형중 ( Hyung Joong Won ),김숙자 ( Sook Ja Kim ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2006 체육과학연구 Vol.17 No.4

        현재 우리나라 노인들은 노후생활에 대한 대비도 부족했었으며 청장년기의 여가경험도 풍부하지 못한 세대이다. 또한 유교적인 전통사회에 익숙하며 가족 공동체 내에서 심리적·물질적 부양문제 해결을 실천했던 세대이다. 그러나 현재의 노인세대가 겪고 있는 가족문화나 사회문화·여가문화는 과거 선조들의 겪었던 내용과는 완전히 다른 것이며 급변하는 사회변동에 맞추어 노화에 따른 적응이 그 어느 때보다도 시급한 시점이다. 그렇기 때문에 현대사회의 고령화 문제 해결을 위한 정책개발에 있어서는 노인부양의 사회적 책임, 사회구성원으로서의 노인에 대한 재조명, 노후생활에서 여가활동의 중요성 등이 주요 과제로 다루어져야 한다. 특히 여성노인과 관련된 전반에 관한 충분한 이해 없이는 고안된 정책은 실현가능성이 떨어지고 사회보장 부담만 증가시키며 나아가 노인여가의 전반적 문제로 인한 가족 전체의 삶의 질 저하에까지 확대될 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 원형중(2005)은 여성노인 복지구현이라는 궁극적 목표를 통해 나누어진 총체적 건강만족, 가정생활만족, 여가생활만족, 노인문제의 여성문제화, 경제적 안정 등의 일반목표를 제시하였으며, 개인적 차원과 국가·사회적 차원의 부분목표를 제시하였다. 이중 국가·사회적 차원의 정책적인 지원으로 중요하게 다루어질 부분으로 ①여가연구의 활성화, ②관련법규의 정리 및 조정기능강화, ③여가시설·자원공급 시스템 구축, ④노인 여가시설·환경의 개발과 개선, ⑤여가시설·환경의 효율적 관리의 5가지 세부목표를 제시, 최종적으로 ``우리나라 여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 여가정책 모형``을 제시하였다. 기존 여성노인의 여가정책이 다양한 분야에서 접근이 되었었지만 그 구심점을 찾지 못하고 있는 실정에서 원형중(2005)의 모형은 여성노인의 정서요인과 여가만족 및 생활만족의 관계 정립에 대한 양적연구와 성공적 노화를 위한 여성노인의 요구분석을 위한 질적 연구를 통해 도출된 자료를 기반으로 정립된 모형으로서 보다 실질적인 활성화 방안 제시는 모형의 활용도 및 여성노인을 위한 사회기여에 있어 반드시 필요한 학문적 노작이어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 원형중의 모형(2005)을 근간으로 ``여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 여가정책``을 달성하기 위한 구체적이고 실질적인 여가정책 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 문헌조사를 통하여 실시되었으며, 여성노인의 여가정책이 노인복지와 통합적인 여가정책에 그 기반을 두어야 한다는 기본 전제 하에 일반적 노인복지와 여가정책을 동시에 탐색하여 그 해답을 구명코자 하였다. 구체적으로 노인복지정책과 여가정책의 대상영역을 파악하기 위해 관련 기본법과 현황자료를 토대로 하였다. 또한 우리나라의 여성노인의 여가정책의 대안을 마련하는데 참고하기 위해 연구된 선진국의 사례는 주로 인터넷을 이용하여 수집하였으며 각각의 내용을 정책 대안별로 분석하는데 사용하였다. Contemporary Korean elderly appeared not to prepare properly for their aging life and did not have a plentiful leisure participation experiences due to Korean War and Japanese annexation when they were at youth and mid-life stage. In addition to this fact, they had been regarded as bread winners who were under obligations to support their family`s psychological and material lives under the traditional Confucius norms. However, unfortunately, their life at hand is quite different what they had envisioned and need to cope with ever changing life surroundingsin their elderly life stages. Therefore, it is necessary to consider social supporting system of the elderly economic life, pay special attention on social life system of the elderly and leisure life patterns of the elderly. In particular, policies those overlooked the general problems incurring with elderly women may add up the burden of social support system and end up with deterioration of overall family lives along with elderly lives in general. Won(2005) has provided a theoretical model requesting plans for both personal and governmental plans to meet the needs of Korean elderly women and has suggested general goals including family life satisfaction, leisure life satisfaction, women`s issue in elderly problems, and financial stabilization. In addition, he insisted 5 elements of strategic plans for optimal elderly life satisfaction procedures and they are revitalization of leisure research, straightening out of the related acts and strengthening of adjustment of the acts, system construction for leisure facilities and resources, development and improvement for leisure facilities and resources of the elderly, and efficient management of leisure facilities and resources. Considering the fact that there is no scholastic agreement in terms of elderly research in spite of various approaches from different areas of specialization, Won`s model should become the center of scholastic interest in that the research model had been achieved through both epidemical (in-depth interview) and empirical methodologies and appeared to suggest the applicable model that could be used at hand. Therefore, in this research, the researchers have provided more concrete strategic plans for leisure policy for optimal aging of the Korean female elderly. Primary methodology of this research was review of the literature. The researchers` focus of literature review aims to find out the solution that bonds the elderly welfare and comprehensive leisure policy in contemporary Korean society. In particular, the researchers` research work mainly based on arranging and developing leisure related policies. In addition, the researcher used foreign countries those have exemplary leisure policy for the elderly through internet usage and suggested strategic plans based on these endeavors.

      • KCI등재

        토끼 복부 내벽으로부터 분리된 경락으로 믿어지는 관조직

        손준형 ( Joon Hyung Sohn ),윤진하 ( Jin-ha Yoon ),김영주 ( Young Joo Kim ),김민경 ( Min Kyung Kim ),김지화 ( Ji Hwa Kim ),권오현 ( Ohyun Kwon ),김현원 ( Hyun-won Kim ) 대한미용학회 2016 대한미용학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Investigation of meridian line and acupoints as anatomical entities should be very important, as acupuncture and meridian massage for medical purpose in the hospital or for skin care in beauty shop are each based on the traditional meridian theory. We isolated tubular structures under the skin of rabbits where the traditional meridian lines are located. The characteristics of these tubular structures isolated from the abdominal wall matches those of Bonghan tubes and Bonghan tubules found by Bong Han Kim. The Bonghan theory established by Bong Han Kim suggests that meridian lines consist of Bonghan tubes and Bonghan tubules. We could observe the presence of large cells inside the Bonghan tubule and the presence of small granules referred to as Sanal in Bonghan theory inside the striae consisting of the Bonghan tubules. Present research suggests that there exist a third unique tubular structure where Sanals flow other than Bonghan tube and Bonghan tubules.

      • KCI등재

        2010 파주, 안산지역 갈대, 억새 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가

        서성(Sung Seo),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),박형수(Hyung Soo Park),심재진(Jae Jin Shim),박진길(Jin Gil Park),성하균(Ha Guyn Sung),김종덕(Jong Duk Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2011 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 부존 조사료자원의 이용을 활성화하여 수입사료를 줄이고 가축 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 경기 파주 (민통선 지역)와 경기 안산 (시화지구)에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초자생지를 탐색하고, 수확?이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 파주 민통선 내억새 (Miscanthus sinensis)와 갈대 (Phragmites communis) 혼합 자생지는 90~100 ㏊ 규모로, 1차 곤포작업으로 사일리지 520톤 (㏊당 6톤), 2차로 380톤 (㏊당 4톤)을 조제하여, 연 사일리지 900톤 (㏊당 10톤)을 생산하였다. 곤포의 유통가격은 롤당 52~55천 원으로 ㎏당 130~137.5원이었다. 곤포는 자가소비 50~70%, 판매유통 30~50%로, 수익성은 인건비 정도로 추정되었다. 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 억새는 조단백질 9.6%, 상대사료가치 82.4 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 67.7%, 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 각각 13.8%, 84.3 (4등급), 67.9%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 수확이 늦어짐에 따라 사료가치는 크게 낮아졌다. 안산 시화지구 (3공구)의 갈대 등 야초류자생지는 100 ㏊ 정도로 2009년도에는 50 ㏊에서 사일리지 550톤 (㏊당 11톤)을 생산하여 롤당 50천 원에 유통하였으며, 2010년도는 잦은 강우와 장마로 부분 이용에 그쳤다. 고초기의 갈대는 건물률 89.8%, 조단백질 2.2%, NDF 80.6%, ADF 55.4%, 상대사료가치 52.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 36.4%로 볏짚에 비해서도 사료가치는 크게 낮았다. 초장 80 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 조단백질 12.9%, 상대사료가치 99.8 (3등급), 건물 소화율 66.6%로 사료가치는 양호하였으며, 개화기의 초장 150 ㎝ 갈대는 조단백질 4.5%, 상대사료가치 59.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 42.2%로 볏짚의 사료가치와 비슷하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거?이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성을 고려한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전 (늦어도 7월까지)에 수확?이용하는 것이 권장된다. 본 연구에서 조사된 대부분의 야초류는 상대사료가치가 75 이하인 건초 5등급으로 사료가치는 매우 낮았으며, 키가 작은 영양생장기에 수확한 경우에만 4등급으로 나타났다. 부존 조사료자원의 이용은 양질의 사료작물 생산과 병행하여 추진하는 것이 바람직하였다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and nutritive value of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions within the Civilian Control Line in Paju and Sihwa region in Ansan were surveyed. In Paju, the yearly silage production was 900 MT harvested from 90 ha (10 MT/㏊). About 30~50% of these were sold out at the marketing price of 52,000~55,000 Won per roll (130~137.5 Won/㎏). Regrown Miscanthus sinensis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 9.6% of crude protein (CP), 82.4 of relative feed value (RFV), and 67.7% of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Regrown Phragmites communis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 13.8% of CP, 84.3 of RFV, and 67.9% of IVDMD. As harvesting was delayed, the quality was decreased dramatically. In Ansan region, Phragmites communis plantation covers 100 ha. The silage production was 550 MT from the area of 50 ha (11 MT/㏊) in 2009. And the marketing price was 50,000 Won per roll. But in 2010 only a small amount of grasses could have been baled due to frequent and much rainfall from spring to summer season. However, the good forage quality was observed from regrown Phragmites communis of 80 ㎝ in length, 12.9% CP, 99.8 RFV and 66.6% IVDMD, while that of late matured grasses was very low, 2.2% CP, 52.9 RFV and 36.4% IVDMD, greatly lower than forage quality of rice straw. The quality of grasses at bloom stage of 150 ㎝ in length was similar to that of rice straw, showing 4.5% CP, 59.9 RFV and 42.2% IVDMD. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses in this survey were very poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis should be harvested during June or July to obtain better forage quality which is richer in forage values than rice straw. Production of high quality forage crops was also desirable for self sufficiency of forage.

      • KCI등재

        하수처리장 적용을 위한Semi-카플란 수차가 장착된 마이크로수력발전 시스템

        채규정(Kyu Jung Chae),김동수(Dong Soo Kim),천경호(Kyung Ho Cheon),김원경(Won Kyoung Kim),김정연(Jung Yeon Kim),이철형(Chul Hyung Lee),박완순(Wan Soon Park) 大韓環境工學會 2013 대한환경공학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        소수력발전은 하수처리장 에너지 자립을 위한 효과적인 대안이다. 본 연구는 유량변동이 크고 유효낙차가 낮은 중소형하수처리장(기흥레스피아) 적용을 위해 피치조절형 세미카플란(semi-kaplan) 마이크로수력발전의 적용 타당성을 평가하였다. 가변피치 semi-kaplan 수차는 유량조절을 위한 가이드베인은 생략하고 피치조절형 런너를 장착하여 기계적 결함은 줄이면서 유량변동이 큰 처리장에 특화된 기술이다. 마이크로수력발전 시스템은 설계조건(유량 0.35 m3/s, 유효낙차 4.7 m)에서 90.2%의 수차효율 달성이 가능하였고 발전용량은 13.4 kW로 산정되었다. 설비가동률 74%로 가동 시 연간 약 86.8 MWh 에너지 생산을 통해 2.1%의 에너지 자립이 가능하고 이는 연간 49톤의 CO₂ 감축효과와 맞먹는다. 경제성 평가결과 초기 건설공사비가 200,000,000원 이하인 경우에는 내부수익률은 6.1%, 순현가는 15,539,000원, 편익-비용률은 1.08, 투자회수년은 15.5년으로 경제성이 충분한 것으로 나타났다. Small scale hydropower is one of most attractive and cost-effective energy technologies for installation within sewage treatment plants. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a semi-kaplan micro-hydropower (MHP) system for application to sewage treatment plants with high flow fluctuations and a low head. The semi-kaplan MHP is equipped with an adjustable runner blade, and is without a guide vane, so as to reduce the incidence of mechanical problems. A MHP rating 13.4 kWp with a semi-kaplan turbine has been considered for Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant, and this installation is estimated to generate 86.8 MWh of electricity annually, which is enough to supply electricity to over 25 households, and equivalent to an annual reduction of 49 ton CO₂. The semi-kaplan turbine showed a 90.2% energy conversion efficiency at the design flow rate of 0.35 m3/s and net head of 4.7 m, and was adaptable to a wide range of flow fluctuations. Through the MHP operation, approximately 2.1% of total electricity demand of Kiheung Respia sewage treatment plant will be achievable. Based on financial analysis, an exploiting MHP is considered economically acceptable with an internal rate of return of 6.1%, net present value of 15,539,000 Korean Won, benefit- cost ratio of 1.08, and payback year of 15.5, respectively, if initial investment cost is 200,000,000 Korean Won.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        심한 협착이 동반된 크론병 환자에서 인플리시맵 치료 후 발생한 소장 천공

        임창섭 ( Chang Sup Lim ),문원 ( Won Moon ),박선자 ( Seun Ja Park ),박무인 ( Moo In Park ),김형훈 ( Hyung Hun Kim1 ),김종빈 ( Jong Bin Kim ),최정문 ( Jeong Moon Choi ),장희경 ( Hee Kyung Chang ),이승현 ( Seung Hyun Lee ) 대한소화기학회 2013 대한소화기학회지 Vol.62 No.3

        Crohn`s disease is characterized by chronic transmural inflammation of the bowel and is associated with serious complications, such as bowel strictures, abscesses, fistula formation, and perforation. As neither medical nor surgical therapy provides a cure for Crohn`s disease, the primary goals of therapy are to induce and maintain remission and prevent complications. As a biologic agent, infliximab, a monoclonal antibody to tumor necrosis factor, is indicated for refractory luminal and fistulizing Crohn`s disease that does not respond to other medical therapies or surgery. Infliximab has proven to be very effective for inducing and maintaining remission in Crohn`s disease; however, infliximab treatment has several potential complications. Here, we report a case of free perforation following a therapeutic response after an initial dose of infliximab for Crohn`s disease. This is the first case report describing a free perforation in a Crohn`s disease patient after an initial dose of infliximab. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2013;62:169-173


        ( Yu Kyung Lee ),( Eun Young Park ),( Shi Won Kim ),( Ji Yeon Son ),( Tae Hyung Kim ),( Won Gu Kang ),( Tae Chun Jeong ),( Kyu Bong Kim ),( Seung Jun Kwack ),( Jae Won Lee ),( Suh Mann Kim ),( Byung M 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2015 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.25 No.-

        The aim of this study was to investigate urinary metabolomics profiles associated with cadmium (Cd)-induced nephrotoxicity and their potential mechanisms. Metabolomic profiles were measured by high-resolution 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in the urine of rats after oral exposure to CdCl2 (1, 5, or 25 mg/kg) for 6 wk. The spectral data were further analyzed by a multivariate analysis to identify specific urinary metabolites. Urinary excretion levels of protein biomarkers were also measured and CdCl2 accumulated dose-dependently in the kidney. High-dose (25 mg/kg) CdCl2 exposure significantly increased serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN), but serum creatinine (sCr) levels were unchanged. High-dose CdCl2 (25 mg/kg) exposure also significantly elevated protein-based urinary biomarkers including osteopontin, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), kidney injury molecules-1 (Kim-1), and selenium-bingding protein 1 (SBP1) in rat urine. Under these conditions, six urinary metabolites (citarate, serine, 3-hydroxyisovalerate, 4-hydroxyphentllactate, dimethylamine, and betaine) were involved in mitochondrial energy metabolism. In addition, a few number of amino acids such as glycine, glutamate, tyrosine, proline, or phentlalanine and carbohydrate (glucose) were altered in urine afrer CdCl2 exposure. In particular, the metabolites involved in the glutathione biosynthesis pathway, including cysteine, serine, methionine, and glutamate, were markedly decreased compared to the control. Thus, these metabolites are potential biomarkers for detection of Cd-induced nephrotoxicity. Our results further indicate that redox metabolomics pathways may be associated with Cd-mediated chronic kidney injury. These findings provide a biochemical pathway for better understanding of cellulat mechanism underlying Cd-induced renal injury in hunmans.

      • KCI등재

        오공약침의 안전성에 대한 임상적 연구

        소기숙,최회강,박소영,고강훈,김성남,이옥자,윤민영,문형철,김성철,이정훈,나원경,So, Ki-suk,Choi, Hoi-kang,Park, So-young,Koh, Kang-hun,Kim, Sung-nam,Lee, Ok-ja,Yun, Min-young,Mun, Hyung-chul,Kim, Sung-chul,Lee, Jung-hun,Na, Won-kyung 대한침구의학회 2004 대한침구의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Objective: Recently scolopendrid aquacupuncture has been a good effect on pain control but it has not been known about clinical safety. So, In order to prove the clinical safety of scolopendrid aquacupuncture, We have observed the physical reac-tion and clinical pathology test after scolopendrid aquacupuncture treatment. Methods: We analyzed physical reaction and clinical pathology test before and after Scolopendrid aquacupuncture treatment of 30 patients suffering from pain, who admitted department of Acupunture and Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Won-Kwang University Kwangju hospital. Results & Conclusions: The results were summarized as follows. 1) The distribution of sex was 14 males and 16 females, and the average of patients age was 46.2 years. 2) The distribution of symptom was lumbago, lumbago with radiating pain, nuchal pain and knee joint pain. 3) In the 30 patients treated with Scolopendrid aquacupuncture, hematologic test did not show remarkable change. 4) In the 30 patients treated with Scolopendrid aquacupuncture, Liver function test(AST, ALT, ALP) showed a slight decrease on the contrary, and abnormal rate showed a decrease of 1.0%(from 3.3% to 2.3%) compared with previous study. 5) In the 30 patients treated with Scolopendrid aquacupuncture, Renal function test(BUN, Cr) and abnormal rate(from 2.5% to 2.0%) showed a slight decrease on the contrary. 6) In the 30 patients treated with Scolopendrid aquacupuncture. Electrolyte were normal range before & after treatment. 7) In the results of the Urine analysis of 30 patients, Leukocyte, Protein. Glucose, Keton, Bilirubin, U-bilinogen were not detected before and after Scolopendrid aquacupuncture treatment, and the rest almost made no difference. 8) In the Physical reactions, all of the patients complained of pain of body partially, only one patient showed reddish and itch, but symptoms like those were entirely disappeared within 24 hours and whole body pain, swelling, headache, dizziness, fatigue and nausea was not observed.

      • KCI등재후보SCOPUS

        Practice guidelines for managing extrahepatic biliary tract cancers

        Hyung Sun Kim,Mee Joo Kang,Jingu Kang,Kyubo Kim,Bohyun Kim,Seong-Hun Kim,Soo Jin Kim,Yong-Il Kim,Joo Young Kim,Jin Sil Kim,Haeryoung Kim,Hyo Jung Kim,Ji Hae Nahm,Won Suk Park,Eunkyu Park,Joo Kyung Par The Korean Association of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreati 2024 Annals of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery Vol.28 No.2

        Backgrounds/Aims: Reported incidence of extrahepatic bile duct cancer is higher in Asians than in Western populations. Korea, in particular, is one of the countries with the highest incidence rates of extrahepatic bile duct cancer in the world. Although research and innovative therapeutic modalities for extrahepatic bile duct cancer are emerging, clinical guidelines are currently unavailable in Korea. The Korean Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery in collaboration with related societies (Korean Pancreatic and Biliary Surgery Society, Korean Society of Abdominal Radiology, Korean Society of Medical Oncology, Korean Society of Radiation Oncology, Korean Society of Pathologists, and Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine) decided to establish clinical guideline for extrahepatic bile duct cancer in June 2021. Methods: Contents of the guidelines were developed through subgroup meetings for each key question and a preliminary draft was finalized through a Clinical Guidelines Committee workshop. Results: In November 2021, the finalized draft was presented for public scrutiny during a formal hearing. Conclusions: The extrahepatic guideline committee believed that this guideline could be helpful in the treatment of patients.

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