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        „Stare” i „nowe” w polskiej terminologii prawnej 1 poł. XIX w. (na przykładzie terminologii dotyczącej rozwodów)

        Woźniak, Ewa,Wismont, Magdalena 한국슬라브어학회 2016 슬라브어연구 Vol.21 No.1

        The authors present the changes in the Polish legal terminology of the first half of the 19th century and illustrate them with the matrimonial law terms. The period was chosen because of undergoing transformations of the state and its legal system at the time - the decline of the Nobles’ Commonwealth, the formation of The Duchy of Warsaw and the introduction of the Napoleonic Code as the common law on its territory. The legal tradition of the Nobles’ Commonwealth was no longer maintained and people started to adjust previous terminology to the conceptual system of the French law. The fact that matrimonial law was reformed three times in the first half of the 19th century, i.e., in 1807, 1825 and 1836 and was adjusted to the expectations of the Catholic Church also influenced the lexicological transformations of the divorce terms. The discussed period is also important because some Latin terms had been removed from legal and administrative Polish language and were replaced with the native ones, since the Age of Enlightenment. One can observe the process of Polonization of legal vocabulary in the replacement of the old Latinism separacja (separation) with the expression rozdział/rozłączenie co do stołu i łoża (separation from bed and board) and also with the omittance of the borrowings from French language. The newly introduced terms such as rozwiązanie małżeństwa (dissolution of a marriage) or prefixal formation unieważnienie (małżeństwa) (annulment (of marriage)) met the requirements for native words. Nevertheless the influence of French can be still seen in some formations such as rozwiązanie małżeństwa przez rozwód [French: la dissolution du marriage par le divorce] (dissolution of a marriage with a divorce) or żądać/żądanie rozwodu [French: demander le divorce, demande en divorce] (to demand a divorce/a demand of a divorce). When compared with the original French words, Polish legal terminology of the time is far from being perfect since there are many variants of terms derived from different chronological levels of Polish language. Analiza terminów z wybranego pola tematycznego potwierdza, opartą na przesłankach zewnątrzjęzykowych, hipotezę o przełomowym dla prawno-administracyjnej odmiany polszczyzny charakterze początku XIX w. Język dokumentów prawnych, jeszcze u schyłku XVIII wieku „podszyty” łaciną (Szczepankowska 2004 I:27-35), w 1 poł. XIX wieku jest już makaronizmów całkowicie pozbawiony. Jest to okres ścierania się tego, co „stare”, i tego, co „nowe” w zakresie terminologii prawnej. Pewne terminy, choć utrwalone w polszczyźnie, były zastępowane nowymi. Nie zawsze wiązało się to ze zmianą w sferze pojęciowej. Przykładem terminu, który nie spotkał się z akceptacją twórców nowej terminologii dotyczącej rozwodów, był latynizm separacja, który został zastąpiony synonimicznymi wyrażeniami rodzimymi. Spełniały one wymogi stawiane neologizmom terminologicznym w okresie oświecenia: analityzmy, takie jak rozdział co do stołu i łoża, były wprawdzie mniej ekonomiczne niż dawniej stosowana separacja, ale za to pojęciowo przejrzyste, a nawet obrazowe. Wybór pomiędzy tym, co „stare”, a tym, co „nowe” w terminologii był sprawą „autorską”, jednak wspólna dla jej twórców, wychowanych w atmosferze oświeceniowego kultu rodzimości, była tendencja do unikania zapożyczeń. Taką motywacją tłumaczy się jedynie sporadyczne wprowadzanie separacji, brak separatki, jak również pozostałych wyrazów pokrewnych, a także rezygnację ze stosowanego jeszcze w 2 poł. XVIII w., synonimicznego wobec sprawy, latynizmu akcja – mimo obecności w podstawie tłumaczenia fr. action. Przekłady Kodeksu Napoleona raczej nie przysporzyły polszczyźnie zapożyczeń właściwych – galicyzmów . Stosunek tłumaczy wobec francuskiej podstawy KN nie był niewolniczy. Przykłady, takie jak choćby rozwódka (wprowadzona jako odpowiednik fr. la femme divorcée), świadczą o tym, że starano się wykorzystywać zasoby rodzimej leksyki, nawet formacje stosunkowo nowe. Francuskie źródło miało jednak, jak się wydaje, wpływ na powstanie niektórych formuł o dużej trwałości, takich jak np. rozwiązanie małżeństwa przez rozwód (fr. la dissolution du mariage par le divorce) czy żądać/ żądanie rozwodu (fr. demander le divorce, demande en divorce), ale też efemerycznych, „autorskich” propozycji, takich jak rozwód dla przyczyny udeterminowanej czy czynność o rozwód. Nowe terminy, takie jak rozwiązanie małżeństwa czy formacja z prefiksem unieważnienie (małżeństwa), należy uznać za udane i spełniające kryterium rodzimości. W analizowanych źródłach obserwujemy dużą wariantywność terminów w obrębie jednego znaczenia, co również traktować można jako znak czasów przełomu. Niezdecydowani autorzy sięgają po terminy starsze, nawet już archaiczne, i wprowadzają je obok terminów nowych. Widać to na przykład w nazywaniu czynności wnoszenia sprawy do sądu czy określaniu uczestników spraw sądowych. Zjawisko takie jest niepożądane w języku prawnym, któremu stawia się wymóg precyzyjności i jednoznaczności. Niestabilność terminologii uwidacznia się zwłaszcza w konfrontacji z francuskim oryginałem Kodeksu Napoleona. W obrębie niektórych znaczeń daje się jednak już zauważyć ujednolicenie terminologii – dotyczy to na przykład nazw sprawy sądowej (sprawa o coś). Jeśli chodzi o wyraz rozwód, to zmiana znaczenia (z ‘unieważnienia małżeństwa’ na ‘rozwiązanie małżeństwa ważnie zawartego’), dokonana w procesie adaptacji prawa francuskiego, nie utrwaliła się jeszcze wówczas w szerszej świadomości, pozostała w zakresie wiedzy specjalistów – świadczy o tym definicja sformułowana w SW. Było to spowodowane krótkim obowiązywaniem zasad KN w sprawach rozdzielania małżeństw, a następnie powrotem do przepisów prawa kanonicznego w tzw. prawie o małżeństwie już w 1836 r. Spojrzenie z przyjętej tu persp...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        가족 내 사회적 자본을 통한 학부모의 교육열 탐구

        안우환,김경식 경북대학교사범대학부속 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.1

        이 글에서는 Coleman(1988)이 개념화한 사회적 자본의 개념을 통해 우리 나라 학부모의 교육열을 탐색해 보고자 하였다. 학부모-자녀간의 신뢰(trust), 사회 망(social network), 기대 및 규범(norms)이라는 세 가지 관점에 따라서 학부모의 교육열을 분석하였다. 연구결과 학부모-자녀 간에 바람직한 신뢰 관계 형성이 필요하며, 계층에 따른 교육양상에서 학부모들의 자녀 교육 지원에 대한 사회 망은 철저하리 만큼 계층간에 서로 배제적이고, 차별적인 경향이 형성되는 것을 엿볼 수 있다. 학부모의 자녀에 대한 기대와 규범이 자녀의 실제 학업성취에 긍정적 영향을 주기도 하지만, 전혀 영향을 주지 않거나 오히려 부정적인 영향을 줄 수도 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그리하여, 한국 사회의 교육열 정상화를 위하여 몇 가지 제언을 제시하였다. 이를 통하여 사회적 자본 개념이 한국 사회의 교육열 현상을 분석하는데 유용한 하나의 이론적 개념 틀(frame of reference)로서 자리 매김 하기를 바래본다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the parent's education fever by social capital in family. In order to see the parent's education fever, Coleman's social capital concept(trust, social network, and norms) was accepted. Social capital is measured by the density of the interaction among parents, children and school. Within the family, social capital is measured by the amount of positive parent-child interaction. Social capital model clearly provides a powerful explanation for social capital's effect on the parent's education fever. From the results of education fever study, the followings were proposed; First, parents' education fever needs not to be instrumental education fever for success but intrinsic education fever for all-round personality. Second, parents' education fever needs to be changed from selfish education fever for only my children welfare to altruist education fever for all man. Third, the structure of education which widely dispersed competing system needs to be changed. The tracking system in middle school level needs to be necessary. Fourth, in order to reduce the waste of education, it is necessary that the gap of compensation between winner and loser needs to be gradually decreased. In competing system, the fair rule which was accepted by all should be considered.

      • 근막통 증후군에 대한 고찰

        이우경 대불대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        This paper is designed to review the classical and recent papers about the myofascial pain syndrome which is a benign, but frustrating disease. This disease is characterized by he trigger point which is a hypersensitive region in muscle, palpable nodule, muscle stiffness, limitation of motion and referred pain generated by trigger point stimulation. Since the finding of myofascial pain syndrome, there have been many attempts to find exact pain dechanism and improve the therapy method. In this paper, I'll review the papers about the clinical characteristics, pain mechanism, therapy method and comparison of injection fluid, and try to help the understanding of the myofacial pain syndrome.

      • 尿血과 IgA 腎症에 대한 比較 考察

        李政遠,趙忠植,金哲中 대전대학교 한방병원 2000 惠和醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        According to the comparative study on the IgA nephropathy and hematuria, the results were as follows. 1. IgA nephropathy seems to be caused by deposits of IgA antibodies in the kidney mesangial tissues. 2. The symptoms of IgA nephropathy are repetitive hematuria, secondarily asthenia, slight fever, the urination pain and the flank pain etc. 3. Steroids have a few effect on the incipient stage of IgA nephropathy, but the specific medicine isn't in existence at present. 4. In oriental medicine, hematuria defines the urine including blood or blood clot without pain in urination. 7. The causes of hematuria are cases of heat and asthenia of kidney(腎虛). 8. For the medical prescriptions are used Paljungsan(八正散), Dojo˘ksan(導赤散), Yo˘ngyopaedoksan(連翹敗毒散), Singihwan(腎氣丸), sogyeeumja(小계飮子), Daebuncho˘ngeum(大分淸飮), Dangguieum(當歸飮), Cho˘ngjangtang(淸腸湯), Silyungtang(柴영湯), Kamisagunjatang(加味四君子湯), Jwaguieum(左歸飮)

      • KCI등재

        Design of a MEMS sensor array for dam subsidence monitoring based on dual-sensor cooperative measurements

        ( Tao Tao ),( Jianfeng Yang ),( Wei Wei ),( Marcin Woźniak ),( Rafał Scherer ),( Robertas Damaševičius ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2021 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.15 No.10

        With the rapid development of the Chinese water project, the safety monitoring of dams is urgently needed. Many drawbacks exist in dams, such as high monitoring costs, a limited equipment service life, long-term monitoring difficulties. MEMS sensors have the advantages of low cost, high precision, easy installation, and simplicity, so they have broad application prospects in engineering measurements. This paper designs intelligent monitoring based on the collaborative measurement of dual MEMS sensors. The system first determines the endpoint coordinates of the sensor array by the coordinate transformation relationship in the monitoring system and then obtains the dam settlement according to the endpoint coordinates. Next, this paper proposes a dual-MEMS sensor collaborative measurement algorithm that builds a mathematical model of the dual-sensor measurement. The monitoring system realizes mutual compensation between sensor measurement data by calculating the motion constraint matrix between the two sensors. Compared with the single-sensor measurement, the dual-sensor measurement algorithm is more accurate and can improve the reliability of long-term monitoring data. Finally, the experimental results show that the dam subsidence monitoring system proposed in this paper fully meets the engineering monitoring accuracy needs, and the dual-sensor collaborative measurement system is more stable than the single-sensor monitoring system.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of precipitation time of the aluminum salts adsorbed potentially frozen vaccines used in the Polish National Immunization Schedule for their pre-qualification before the administration

        Paulina Górska,Małgorzata Główka,Katarzyna Woźnica,Aleksandra A. Zasada 대한백신학회 2022 Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: Vaccines adsorbed on aluminum adjuvants irreversibly lose potency after freezing and their safety is affected. To prevent the administration of such vaccines, the World Health Organization developed the Shake Test designed to determine whether adsorbed vaccines have been frozen or not. However, the Shake Test is difficult and time-consuming when routinely conducted at the place of vaccination. In this study, a modified shake test for prequalification of potentially frozen vaccines was elaborated. Materials and Methods: Vaccines used in the Polish Immunization Schedule were investigated and the analysis includes an assessment of precipitation time and the influence of the container type, amount and type of aluminum compound, and a volume of vaccine dose on the precipitation time. Results: Significant differences between the precipitation time of frozen and non-frozen vaccines routinely used in the Polish Immunization Schedule were observed. The precipitation time of all non-frozen vaccines was above 30 minutes. The longest precipitation time of frozen vaccines was 10 minutes. Conclusion: The finding of the study can be used in practice by the personnel administering vaccines to patients. Step-by-step recommendations for the preparation of the test have been proposed in the article.

      • 진공청소기용 팬 모터의 비정상 유동 해석 및 공력소음 해석

        김재열,심재기,송경석,오성민,양동조,김우진 한국공작기계학회 2004 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2004 No.-

        The vacuum cleaner motor runs on very high speed for the suction power. Specially, the motive power is provided by the impeller being rotate on very high speed. And centrifugal fan consists of the impeller, the diffuser, and the circular casing. Due to the high rotating speed of the impeller and small gap distance between the impeller and diffuser, the centrifugal fan makes very high noise level at BPF and harmonic frequencies. In order to calculate the sound pressure of centrifugal fan, the unsteady flow data is needed. And Noise cause is dividing to fluid noise by exhaust flow of fan and vibration noise by rotational vibration of vacuum cleaner fan motor. Until now, measuring method has been used to measure vibration by the accelerometer; this method has been not measured for the vibration in some parts of brush and commutator because of motor construction and 3-D vibrating mode. This paper was purposed on the accurate analysis, using laser vibration analyzer, By using this measured data of noise cause against the difficult part in old times, we would like to use for the design of silent fan motor.

      • KCI등재

        酸棗仁이 CT105에 의한 신경세포 상해 및 白鼠의 기억에 미치는 영향

        정정욱,박창국,박치상,이소연,윤현덕,신오철 대한본초학회 2005 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        Objective: This study was designed to research whether demonstrate neuroprotective and memory enhancing effects of Z1BU, suggesting its beneficial actions for the treatment of AD. Methods: The present study investigated effects of the dichloromethane extract of Semen Zizyphi Spinosae(ZIBU) on neurotoxicity and reactive oxygen species(ROS) and nitric oxide(NO) formation in PC 12 cell line overexpressed with carboxyl-terminal 105 amino acid peptide fragment of amyloid precursor protein(CT105). In addition, the present study evaluated its radical scavenging activity and effects on acetylcholinesterase(AChE) activity. Furthermore, effects on neuronal loss in CAl area and cognitive deficits induced by scopolamine treatment were also evaluated in rats. Result: we found in this study that ZIBU significantly inhibited apoptotic neuronal death induced by CT105 overexpression in PC12 cells, with the IC_(50) value of 23 ㎍/ml. Based on phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopic examinations, ZIBU reversed morphological changes of CT105-expressed PC-12 cells. It was also found that Z1BU significantly induced neurite outgrowth and inhibited formation of ROS and NO.Z1BU scavenged DPPH radicals and inhibited AChE activity. Furthermore, it attenuated memory impairment induced by the injection of scopolamine in rats, based on passive avoidance test. Crystal violet staining of rat brain slices exhibited increase in the viability of pyramidal neurons in hippocampal CAI area. Conclusion: these results demonstrate neuroprotective and memory enhancing effects of ZIBU, suggesting its beneficial actions for the treatment of AD.

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