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        Farmers' management of cabbage and cauliflower pests in India and their approaches to crop protection

        Katinka Weinberger,R. Srinivasan 한국응용곤충학회 2009 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.12 No.4

        Cabbage (Brassica olearaceae var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) are two major vegetables produced and consumed in India. Over the years, they have been cultivated more intensively. This has resulted in higher rates of pest infestation, especially by the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and higher pesticide use. This, in turn, has contributed to insecticide resistance, environmental degradation, and human health impacts, which have triggered a growing interest in alternative management techniques. There is a dearth of knowledge on current pest management practices in cabbage and crucifer. Knowledge about pest management practices is necessary to develop appropriate strategies such as Integrated Pest Management. The main purpose of this study was to obtain comprehensive information on pest management practices among farmers growing cabbage and cauliflower in India. A survey was conducted in the states of Gujarat, West Bengal, and Karnataka from October 2006 through January 2007. Three hundred farmers were interviewed to obtain information on pesticide use in cabbage and cauliflower production, the cost of pesticide use, and socioeconomic characters that influence cabbage and cauliflower production. Farmers relied on pesticides as the major and often exclusive crop protection strategy. Ten of the active ingredients (16.4% of all pesticides reported by all farmers in this survey) were listed as extremely or highly hazardous (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization. The results confirmed that pesticide use differs between states of India, but that location alone does not determine pesticide spraying pattern. A regression model was used to identify determinants of pesticide application frequency and pesticide cost per hectare. After controlling for location, individual level variables, such as age, education and experience, had significant effects on how often farmers sprayed. Farmers also spent more for pesticides, and sprayed more frequently on cauliflower than on cabbage and on open-pollinated varieties than on hybrid varieties. Our findings highlight the excessive use of pesticides in cabbage and cauliflower, and the reliance on pesticides as the only pest management strategy. The results confirm the need for alternative management strategies. Bt vegetables may be one of these alternative strategies. However, it is questionable whether cultivation of Bt vegetables will reduce the strong reliance on pesticides. Small-scale farmers will need training in the identification of pests, natural enemies, basic ecology, and integrated pest management strategies to ensure sustainable and safe vegetable production. Cabbage (Brassica olearaceae var. capitata) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) are two major vegetables produced and consumed in India. Over the years, they have been cultivated more intensively. This has resulted in higher rates of pest infestation, especially by the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) and higher pesticide use. This, in turn, has contributed to insecticide resistance, environmental degradation, and human health impacts, which have triggered a growing interest in alternative management techniques. There is a dearth of knowledge on current pest management practices in cabbage and crucifer. Knowledge about pest management practices is necessary to develop appropriate strategies such as Integrated Pest Management. The main purpose of this study was to obtain comprehensive information on pest management practices among farmers growing cabbage and cauliflower in India. A survey was conducted in the states of Gujarat, West Bengal, and Karnataka from October 2006 through January 2007. Three hundred farmers were interviewed to obtain information on pesticide use in cabbage and cauliflower production, the cost of pesticide use, and socioeconomic characters that influence cabbage and cauliflower production. Farmers relied on pesticides as the major and often exclusive crop protection strategy. Ten of the active ingredients (16.4% of all pesticides reported by all farmers in this survey) were listed as extremely or highly hazardous (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization. The results confirmed that pesticide use differs between states of India, but that location alone does not determine pesticide spraying pattern. A regression model was used to identify determinants of pesticide application frequency and pesticide cost per hectare. After controlling for location, individual level variables, such as age, education and experience, had significant effects on how often farmers sprayed. Farmers also spent more for pesticides, and sprayed more frequently on cauliflower than on cabbage and on open-pollinated varieties than on hybrid varieties. Our findings highlight the excessive use of pesticides in cabbage and cauliflower, and the reliance on pesticides as the only pest management strategy. The results confirm the need for alternative management strategies. Bt vegetables may be one of these alternative strategies. However, it is questionable whether cultivation of Bt vegetables will reduce the strong reliance on pesticides. Small-scale farmers will need training in the identification of pests, natural enemies, basic ecology, and integrated pest management strategies to ensure sustainable and safe vegetable production.

      • 80年代의 美 軍事 戰略

        Casper W. Weinberger,김원식 해군대학 1982 海洋戰略 Vol.- No.20

        불과 몇개월 전에 미 정부의 정책 및 우선순위에 있어서 중요한 변화가 일어났습니다. 가장 큰 변화는 미국이 다시 한번 강력하고 절대적이며 신뢰할만한 국가가 되기로 결정하였다는 것입니다. 우리는 현재 우리의 국가이익에 입각한 전략을 개발하고 있으며 이 과정에 있어 일어나고 있는 몇가지 지연은 중요하면서도 필요한 계획수립과정 및 예산과정에서 비롯되고 있습니다. 그러나 이 과정은 명확히 정의된 전략개념을 통해서 해결되어야 합니다. 본인은 어떤 정당한 국가전략은 우리 국가이익에 대한 충분한 고려를 통해 시작해야 한다고 믿고 있습니다. 이러한 기본적인 이익은 해를 거듭하면서 정의되고 재정의되어 왔으며 행정부나 해외정책 변화에 따라 변화되지 않으며 변화되어서도 안 됩니다. 예를 들어 우리의 국가주권유지나 바로 우리의 생존권과 같은 이익은 물론 우리의 방위요구의 근거가 되는 것입니다.

      • 美·蘇 軍事力 均衡의 核心 目標

        Casper W. Weinberger,김형곤 해군대학 1982 海洋戰略 Vol.- No.19

        군사력 면에서 현재 소련이 직면하고 있는 위협적인 존재는 뭐니 뭐니 해도 미국을 그 첫째로 꼽지 않을 수 없다. 그런데 소련은 미국민 수억을 희생시킬 수 있는 군사력을 가지고 있을 뿐만 아니라 아울러 유럽과 아시아에 있는 미국의 우방 내지는 동맹국에 직접적으로 대치시킬 목적으로 대형의 현대식 핵무기 및 비핵무기를 배치 완료해 놓았다. 뿐만 아니라 소련은 자유진영의 주요 에너지국들을 위협할 목적으로 군사력으로서 지리적 접근을 시도하고 있다. 또 정치적 영향력을 팽창시키고 군사적 목표달성의 가능성을 높이기 위해서 소련은 지속적인 노력을 기울여 세계각처의 전체주의 세력을 부추기며 무장시키고 있다. 한편 레이건 행정부는 세계 평화와 미국의 안보를 위협하는 또 다른 요소들이 많이 있다는 사실을 충분히 인식하고 있는 바다. 예컨대, 미국과 그 우방들은 주요자원 문제 때문에 강력한 현대무기를 소유할 수 있는 적성국이나 비우호국 혹은 양자 모두에 너무나 매달려 왔다는 사실을 들 수 있다. 미국 정부는 또한 핵확산이 장래 새로운 위험요소로 등장할 것이라는 사실에 대한 염려와 핵폭발물의 보급을 저지시키거나 아주 금지되어야 한다고 생각하고 있다. 더욱 미국은 그의 우방국과 더불어 현재 소련과 무관하게 단독으로 행동하고 있는 테러 행위자들의 위협을 막아내어야 할 뿐만 아니라 포용하기도 해야만 한다.


        Kim, Su Yeon,Weinberger, Florian,Boo, Sung Min Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010 Journal of phycology Vol.46 No.6

        <P> <I>Gracilaria vermiculophylla</I> (Ohmi) Papenf., an agar‐producing red alga introduced from northeast Asia to Europe and North America, is often highly abundant in invaded areas. To assay its genetic diversity and identify the putative source of invasive populations, we analyzed the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (<I>cox</I>1) gene from 312 individuals of <I>G. vermiculophylla</I> collected in 37 native and 32 introduced locations. A total of 19 haplotypes were detected: 17 in northeast Asia and three in Europe and eastern and western North America, with only one shared among all regions. The shared haplotype was present in all introduced populations and in ∼99% of individuals in the introduced areas. This haplotype was also found at three native locations in east Korea, west Japan, and eastern Russia. Both haplotype and nucleotide diversities were extremely low in Europe and North America compared to northeast Asia. Our study indicates that the East Sea/Sea of Japan is a likely donor region of the invasive populations of <I>G. vermiculophylla</I> in the east and west Atlantic and the east Pacific.</P>

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