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        Revisiting the concept of women’s political ambitions: A case study of Malaysia

        Azmi Zaireeni,Ann Teo Sue,Waringin Onn Siti,Selamat Nor Hafizah,Ambak Nurul Jannah 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2024 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.30 No.1

        Studies have revealed that fewer and fewer women are keen on pursuing leadership positions in Malaysian politics as they lack political ambitions. It has been revealed that they prefer to be party members, work for the welfare of their constituents, and mobilize political support for the party and its leadership, especially during general elections. This preference is often viewed as being subordinate to male dominance. However, this present study contends that the political ambitions of women are self-ascribed and should be understood based on their preferred ways of participation and the extent of their influence. Qualitative data from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to demonstrate that women can be politically ambitious party members. Furthermore, the male-dominated leadership of a party may not hinder these ambitions but give women more ease and flexibility to be the influencers and welfare providers of the party. The political ambitions of these women were determined by examining their interests, aspirations, and relentless efforts in the roles that they play in their respective political parties. The findings of this present study broaden our perspectives and understanding of the intersection between gender and political ambitions.

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