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      • Non-volatile, Li-doped ion gel electrolytes for flexible WO<sub>3</sub>-based electrochromic devices

        Yun, Tae Yong,Li, Xinlin,Bae, Jaehyun,Kim, Se Hyun,Moon, Hong Chul Elsevier 2019 Materials & Design Vol.162 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Flexible electrochromic devices (ECDs) based on Li-doped ion gels and tungsten trioxide (WO<SUB>3</SUB>) are demonstrated. Colored ECDs cannot be produced using conventional ion gels comprised of copolymers and room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) due to a lack of cations that can be inserted into WO<SUB>3</SUB>. Based on considerations of the coloration mechanism, we developed Li-doped ion gels and applied these to devices. The effects of Li salt concentration are systematically examined, with respect to device dynamics, coloration efficiency, and transmittance contrast. In addition, the coloration/bleaching switching stability of the ECD produced using optimal Li salt content is investigated. The ECD exhibits distinct colored and bleached states even after 24 h operation in air. Using the described Li-doped ion gel electrolytes, flexible WO<SUB>3</SUB> ECDs were successfully demonstrated with good bending stability and no electrolyte leakage.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Non-volatile, Li-doped ion gel electrolytes are designed for flexible WO<SUB>3</SUB>-based ECDs. </LI> <LI> ECDs exhibit low voltage operation (–0.9 V) and large transmittance contrast (~85%) between colored and bleached states. </LI> <LI> Electrolyte leakage is not observed in flexible ECDs containing Li-doped gel electrolyte when bending deformation is applied. </LI> <LI> Flexible ECDs maintain ~90.3 and ~84.5% of initial optical transmittance and coloration efficiency after 1000 bending tests. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        A successive ‘‘conversion-deposition” mechanism achieved by micro-crystalline Cu2O modified current collector for composite lithium anode

        Yifei Cai,Bin Qin,Chun Li,Xiaoqing Si,Jian Cao,Xiaohang Zheng,LIANG QIAO,Junlei Qi 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.120 No.-

        Lithium (Li) metal is a promising material for high-energy–density batteries, but it is still plagued byobvious capacity degradation and low average Coulombic efficiency resulting from dendrite Li propagation. One main reason is the electro-mechanic coupled failure of plated Li on the current collector, whichcontributes to non-dense Li deposition on the anode. Transition metal oxides (TMOs) with a conversiontypemechanism have been used directly as the anode materials for lithium ion batteries, which demonstratedbetter electro-mechanical stability than metal Li. Herein, a successive ’’conversion-deposition’’mechanism is ingeniously developed to restrain the generation of dendritic Li. Specifically, a microcrystallineCu2O modified current collector was prepared, in which Li+ are sequentially inserted intoCu2O and deposited in the form of Li metal at successive low potential. A Li-Cu half-cell based on thehybrid mechanism sustains a high Coulombic efficiency of over 99.3 % in up to 800 cycles. This work ingeniouslyinhibits the generation of dendrite Li by incorporating conversion-type materials withdeposition-dissolution type metal Li, which contributes to a novel concept for the design of functionalcurrent collectors for composite Li anodes.


        First-principles studies of K<sub>1</sub> <sub>−</sub> <sub>x</sub>M<sub>x</sub>MgH<sub>3</sub> (M = Li, Na, Rb, or Cs) perovskite hydrides for hydrogen storage

        Li, Yuanyuan,Mi, Yiming,Chung, Jin Suk,Kang, Sung Gu Elsevier 2018 International journal of hydrogen energy Vol.43 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The structural stability and hydrogen release properties of M-doped KMgH<SUB>3</SUB> (M = Li, Na, Rb, or Cs) were examined using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The reaction enthalpies (ΔH) of the four possible dehydrogenation reaction pathways were calculated using the doped structures with different phases ( P m 3 ¯ m , P<I>nma</I>, and R3<I>c</I>). The most favorable reaction pathway among these four pathways was found. Among the dopants investigated, the most promising dopant for this reaction was Li. In addition, the application of pressure was found to be useful for tuning the reaction enthalpies of the dehydrogenation reactions. Overall, the results present an efficient means of designing new promising perovskite-type hydrides for hydrogen storage.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Perovskite-type KMgH<SUB>3</SUB> is a promising candidate for hydrogen storage. </LI> <LI> The most favorable reaction pathway of dehydrogenation reactions was examined. </LI> <LI> Li was the most useful and effective dopant to release hydrogen. </LI> <LI> Pressure can be usefully employed for tuning the reaction enthalpies of dehydrogenation reactions. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        사계 김장생의 이기론과 심성론 소고

        이학당 ( Li Xue-tang ),왕천천 ( Wang Qian-qian ) 우리한문학회 2017 漢文學報 Vol.37 No.-

        사계 김장생은 조선 중기의 저명한 예학가이고 교육가이다. 그는 스승 율곡의 "기발리승설"과 "리통기국설" 리기론 사상을 계승하면서 리와 기를 혼연일체의 존재로 보았다. 또한 리는 무형무위이고 기는 유형유위라고 보았다. 사계는 퇴계의 이기호발설을 부정한다. 그는 정호의 “기가 도이고 도가 기이다’는 주장을 근거로 이기불상리를 해석한다. 또한 주희의 “리는 리이고 기는 기이다”는 주장을 근거로 이기불상잡을 해석한다. 율곡이 제창한 ‘기발 이승’을 따르면서 리와 기는 “하나이면서 둘이고 둘이면서 하나다.”는 주장을 하면서 리와 기의 조화를 강조한다. 사계는 리와 기가 둘이면서 하나인 관계를 해석할 적에 이기가 합쳐지는 것이 시간적 선후로 구분하는 것은 아니라는 점을 밝힘과 동시에 공간적으로는 기가 리를 포함한다는 입장을 견지한다. 사계는 리는 기 안에 있고 원래 떨어지지 않는다고 하는데 이런 말은 기의 능동성을 중시하는 사계의 입장을 잘 보여주며 그의 심성론과 예악사상의 이론적 기초를 구성한다. 구용에 이해 방식은 사계 사상의 독자성을 보여준다. 사계는 송강이 “구용은 리이다”라고 하는 주장을 두고 체용을 원용하여 구용을 리의 작용으로 설명한다. 따라서 사계는 율곡의 입장에 기반하여 송강의 주장을 반대하지 않는다. 그러나 “형이상자는 기이고 형이하자는 도이다”는 구절에 대한 사계의 해석은 다소 문제가 있다. 사계는 도와 형을 다른 개념으로 이해하고 형과 기를 같은 개념으로 이해하는데 이런 이해는 사실에 부합하지 않는다. 사계는 율곡사상에 기초하여 심, 성, 정, 의, 지 등 성리학 심성론의 기초 개념을 심도 있게 해석한다. 본 연구는 이후 그가 주장하는 사단칠정론과 인심도심설의 이론적 토대가 된다. Shagai Kim jang-saeng was a famous scientist and educator in the middle of the Chosun Dynasty, on Confucianism he basicly inherited Zhu xi and Lee er's overall spirits, in the view of qi he claimedLi is of intangible and inaction, while Qi is of visible and action, so he denied Lee huang’s theory of which Li and Qi are inspired with each other. He cited Cheng hao’s theory of that "Qi is Dao and Dao is Qi" to explain the Li and Qi are not separated, and also quoted zhu xi's theory of that "Li is Li, Qi is Qi" to explain that the Li and Qi are not mixed. He agreed the Lee er’s idea of that"the Qi emits and Li follows " , he advocated "one is two, two is one", emphasizing the harmony of the Li and Qi. In the explanation of the relationship between "two is one", he was not only explained the combination of Li and Qi in chronological order, but also considered that the combination of Li and Qi was "Li was surrounded by Li"in space order. Shagai often said that "Li is in the Qi and they are not dissimilar"which reflected that he emphasised motility of the Qi, and also laid a theoretical foundation for his theory of mindand ritual thought. The understanding of the problem of "nine looks" reflected the autonomy of Shaxi’s thought. He believed that Songgang’s theory of which"nine looks are Li" was the use of Li from the perspective of body and function, so he did not denid Songgang's viewpoint in accordance with Lee er's thought. But he had some problems in the understanding of that "the person who is above, what is the Dao; There are some problems with the understanding of the "Meta physics is the Dao while the opposite is Qi". He seed that the Xing and Dao are different concept, but he thought that Xing and Qi are the same concept, which was lack of science. In terms of theory of mind, he based on the Yulgok’s thoughts, he made the detailed explanation for the basic concepts of neo-confucianism, such as the heart, character, feeling, idea, aspiration, whichbecame the necessary theoretical matting of the theory of four sides and seven feelings and the theory of people’s mind and Dao’s mind for the next step.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Zn2+ and F- Co-Modification on the Structure and Electrochemical Performance of Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material

        Aijia Wei,Wen Li,Lihui Zhang,Xiaohui Li,Xue Bai,Zhenfa Liu 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2017 NANO Vol.12 No.5

        Zn2+ and F- ions are successfully used to modify pure Li4Ti5O12 via a co-precipitation method followed by calcination at 400℃ for 5 h in an Ar atmosphere in order to further investigate the reaction mechanism of the fluoride modification process. Zn2+ and F- co-modified Li4Ti5O12 samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical measurements. After the modification process, no ZnF2 coating layer is formed on the surface of Li4Ti5O12, instead, F- ions react with Li4Ti5O12 to generate a new phase, composed of a small amount of anatase TiO2, rutile TiO2, LiF, and Zn2+ ions are suspected to form a ZnO coating layer on Li4Ti5O12 particles. The electrolyte reduction decomposition is suppressed in Zn2+ and F- co-modified Li4Ti5O12 due to the ZnO coating layer. 1 wt.% Zn2+ and F- co-modified Li4Ti5O12 exhibits the best rate capability, which leads to a charge capacity of 236.7, 227.8, 222.1, 202.7, 188.9 and 150.7 mAh g -1 at 0.2C, 0.5C, 1C, 3C, 5C and 10C, respectively, between 0 V and 3 V. Furthermore, 1 wt.% Zn2+ and F- comodified Li4Ti5O12 exhibits 96.0% charge capacity retention at 3C rate after 200 cycles, which is significantly higher than that of pure Li4Ti5O12 (78.4%).

      • KCI등재

        A polymeric composite protective layer for stable Li metal anodes

        Guo Suogang,Wang Li,Jin Yuhong,Piao Nan,Chen Zonghai,Tian Guangyu,Li Jiangang,Zhao Chenchen,He Xiangming 나노기술연구협의회 2020 Nano Convergence Vol.7 No.21

        Lithium (Li) metal is a promising anode for high-performance secondary lithium batteries with high energy density due to its highest theoretical specific capacity and lowest electrochemical potential among anode materials. However, the dendritic growth and detrimental reactions with electrolyte during Li plating raise safety concerns and lead to premature failure. Herein, we report that a homogeneous nanocomposite protective layer, prepared by uniformly dispersing ­AlPO 4 nanoparticles into the vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene matrix, can effectively prevent dendrite growth and lead to superior cycling performance due to synergistic influence of homogeneous Li plating and electronic insulation of polymeric layer. The results reveal that the protected Li anode is able to sustain repeated Li plating/stripping for > 750 cycles under a high current density of 3 mA cm −2 and a renders a practical specific capacity of 2 mAh cm −2 . Moreover, full-cell Li-ion battery is constructed by using ­LiFePO 4 and protected Li as a cathode and anode, respectively, rendering a stable capacity after 400 charge/discharge cycles. The current work presents a promising approach to stabilize Li metal anodes for next-generation Li secondary batteries.

      • KCI등재

        First-principles calculations of the effect of Ge content on the electronic, mechanical and acoustic properties of Li17Si4-xGex

        Xiaohong Li,Hong-Ling Cui,Rui-Zhou Zhang 한국물리학회 2019 Current Applied Physics Vol.19 No.6

        The electronic, mechanical and acoustic properties of Li17Si4-xGex (x=0, 2.3, 3.08, 3.53, and 4) have been investigated by using first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT). The research shows that the bulk modulus B, Young's modulus E, shear modulus G, and hardness Hv gradually decrease with the increasing Ge content. Li17Si4-xGex have the brittle nature from the analysis of B/G ratio and Cauchy pressure. The maximum Young's moduli are all along [1 1 0] plane, and the sequence of degree of anisotropic property is Li17Ge4 > Li17Si0.48Ge3.52 > Li17Si0.92Ge3.08 > Li17Si1.7Ge2.3 > Li17Si4. The analysis of acoustic velocity shows that all the sound velocities decrease with the increasing Ge content for Li17Si4-xGex (x=0, 2.3, 3.08, 3.53, and 4), and the longitudinal wave along [111] direction is fastest for the studied compounds. Debye temperature ΘD, vt and vl decrease with the increasing Ge content. The minimum thermal conductivity decreases with the increasing Ge content, and Li17Si4-xGex have low thermal conductivities and are not potential thermal conductors. The analysis of electronic properties indicates that Li17Si4-xGex have the metal nature and anisotropic electrical conductivity. The electric conduction is improved with the increasing Ge content.

      • In-situ PECVD-enabled graphene-V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> hybrid host for lithium–sulfur batteries

        Song, Yingze,Zhao, Wen,Wei, Nan,Zhang, Li,Ding, Feng,Liu, Zhongfan,Sun, Jingyu Elsevier 2018 Nano energy Vol.53 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries have been regarded as promising candidates for current energy-storage technologies due to their remarkable advantages in energy density and theoretical capacity. However, one of the daunting challenges remained for advanced Li–S systems thus far deals with the synchronous suppression of polysulfide (LiPS) shuttle and acceleration of redox kinetics. Herein, a cooperative interface bridging adsorptive V<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> and conductive graphene is constructed <I>in-situ</I> by virtue of direct plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), resulting in the design of a novel V<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-graphene hybrid host to synergize the LiPS entrapment and conversion. The redox kinetics and electrochemical performances of thus-derived cathodes were accordingly enhanced owing to the smooth adsorption-diffusion-conversion of LiPSs even at a sulfur mass loading of 3.7 mg cm<SUP>–2</SUP>. Such interfacial engineering offers us a valuable opportunity to gain insight into the comprehensive regulation of LiPS anchoring ability, electrical conductivity and ion diffusive capability in hybrid hosts on suppressing the LiPS shuttle and propelling the redox kinetics. Our devised PECVD route might pave a new route toward the facial and economic design of hetero-phased multi-functional hosts for high-performance Li–S systems.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Graphene-V<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> hybrid host was designed <I>in-situ</I> based on PECVD route. </LI> <LI> Thus-derived cathode showed a low capacity decay of merely 0.046% per cycle at 2 C after 1000 cycles. </LI> <LI> Cathodes with a relatively high sulfur mass loading (3.7 mg cm<SUP>–2</SUP>) were fabricated. </LI> <LI> The smooth adsorption-diffusion-conversion of polysulfides was thoroughly probed <I>via</I> experimental studies and DFT simulations. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        White-Matter Hyperintensities and Lacunar Infarcts Are Associated with an Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease in the Elderly in China

        Shuai Ye,Shuyang Dong,Jun Tan,Le Chen,Hai Yang,Yang Chen,Zeyan Peng,Yingchao Huo,Juan Liu,Mingshan Tang,Yafei Li,Huadong Zhou,Yong Tao 대한신경과학회 2019 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.15 No.1

        Background and Purpose This study investigated the contribution of white-matter hyperintensities (WMH) and lacunar infarcts (LI) to the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in an elderly cohort in China. Methods Older adults who were initially cognitively normal were examined with MRI at baseline, and followed for 5 years. WMH were classified as mild, moderate, or severe, and LI were classified into a few LI (1 to 3) or many LI (≥4). Cognitive function was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination and the Activities of Daily Living scale. Results Among the 2,626 subjects, 357 developed AD by the end of the 5-year follow-up period. After adjusting for age and other potential confounders, having only WMH, having only LI, and having both WMH and LI were associated with an increased risk of developing AD compared with having neither WMH nor LI. Moderate and severe WMH were associated with an increased risk of developing AD compared with no WMH. Furthermore, patients with many LI had an increased risk of developing AD compared with no LI. Conclusions Having moderate or severe WMH and many LI were associated with an increased risk of developing AD, with this being particularly striking when both WMH and LI were present.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of the Molar Ratio of Li/Ti and Thermal Treatment on the Electrochemical Performance of Li4Ti5O12–rutile TiO2 Nanocomposite as Anode Materials

        Zhen Yang,Xi-Ping Li,Jian Mao 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2016 NANO Vol.11 No.8

        Li4Ti5O12–rutile TiO2 (LTO–RTO) dual-phase nanocomposite anode materials show excellent electrochemical performance. However, the effects of molar ratio of Li/Ti and thermal treatment on electrochemical properties of the LTO–RTO composite have been rarely reported. In this work, LTO–RTO nanocomposites were prepared by sol-hydrothermal method with different Li/ Ti molar ratios in raw materials and following calcinations at 600℃, 650℃ and 700℃ for the different holding time. The results indicate that with the decrease of Li/Ti molar ratio, the discharge capacity of the LTO–RTO nanocomposite increases at first and then decreases, and the optimal Li/Ti molar ratio is 4:4.77, which was obtained with calcination at 600℃ for 10 h. The effects of calcination temperature and holding time were further investigated. The result demonstrates that the thermal treatment has an obvious influence on the electrochemical performance due to the morphology change in the nanocomposite. The LTO–RTO nanocomposite calcinated at 650℃ for 2 h with a Li/Ti molar ratio of 4:4.77 in raw materials delivers excellent rate capability: the initial discharge capacity is 175.9, 176.3, 170.4, 167.5, 163.3 and 155.6 mA h g-1 at the rate of 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20℃ (1 C = 175 mA h g-1), respectively.

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