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        802.11 practical improvements using low power technology

        Vishal Bhargava,N.S. Raghava 한국인터넷정보학회 2022 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.16 No.5

        The reliability and performance of WiFi need optimization because of the rising number of WiFi users day by day. A highlighted point is saving power while transmitting and receiving packets using WiFi devices. Wake-on–Wlan (WoW) is also implemented to improve energy consumption, but it also needs betterment. This paper will introduce universal ideas to transmit and receive packets using low-power technology like Bluetooth or BLE (Bluetooth low energy). While looking for power-saving ways in this research, WiFi connection and maintenance also take care using lesser power-consuming technology. Identifying different use-cases where low power technology can help save energy and maintain 802.11 connection is part of the research. In addition, the proposed method discuss energy saving with unicast and broadcast/multicast data. Calculation of power-saving and comparison with standalone WiFi usage clearly shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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