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      • Dynamic ternary cam for hardware search engine

        Vinogradov, V.,Joowan Ha,Changhyuk Lee,Molnar, A.,Sang Hoon Hong IET 2014 Electronics letters Vol.50 No.4

        <P>A five-transistor dynamic ternary content addressable memory (CAM) is presented for high-density data search applications. The data path and the search path are separated to avoid unwanted capacitive coupling at the storage node. To increase the data retention time, the data lines are grounded and dummy search lines are implemented for refresh operations. The proposed CAM cell is fabricated using a 130 nm CMOS process, and occupies an area of 8.99 μm<SUP>2</SUP>. A prototype array of 64 × 128 search memory has a retention time of 2.84 ms at room temperature with a 1.2 V supply voltage. The hardware search performance is compared with a conventional software-based search scheme, running on two different systems with clock frequencies of more than an order of magnitude faster. The hardware search engine exhibits comparable search speeds while dissipating only 149 mW.</P>


        Scalar form of dynamic equations for a cluster of bodies

        Vinogradov, Oleg Techno-Press 1997 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.5 No.2

        The dynamic equations for an arbitrary cluster comprising rigid spheres or assemblies of spheres (subclusters) encountered in granular-type systems are considered. The system is treated within the framework of multibody dynamics. It is shown that for an arbitrary cluster topology the governing equations can be given in an explicit scalar from. The derivation is based on the D'Alembert principle, on inertial coordinate system for each body and direct utilization of the path matrix describing the topology. The scalar form of the equations is important in computer simulations of flow of granular-type materials. An illustrative example of a three-body system is given.

      • KCI등재

        История бурлачества в России

        Daniil Vinogradov 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2018 러시아연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The article considers such a unique phenomenon of Russian history as "burlachestvo" (work and life of barge haulers), which has not been described in detail so far. The causes of the burlacs work on Russian rivers are analyzed in detail. The role of river shipping, which over the centuries was the largest passenger and cargo transportation in comparison with other ways and very important for Russia's social and economic development, has also been analyzed, as well as the factors that played a role in the emergence of burlachestvo as a social phenomenon. This phenomenon is considered from the moment of its occurrence to its complete disappearance in the second half of the XIX century, caused by the increasing use of steam engines on river ships. Also, on the basis of rare and previously unknown sources, the issues of the number of Russian burlaks and the regional geography are analyzed. The analysis of the documents allows us to conclude that this kind of work was one of the most popular in the history of Russia, attracting at the peak of its development annually more than 650 thousand people. В статье рассматривается такой уникальный феномен русской истории, как бурлачество, подробно не описанное до сих пор. Анализируются причины возникновения бурлацкого промысла на русских реках, роль речного судоходства, на протяжении столетий осуществлявшего наибольшие по сравнению с другими способами пассажиро- и грузоперевозки, для социально-экономического развития России, а также факторы, сыгравшие роль в становлении бурлачества как социального явления. Данный феномен рассматривается с момента возникновения до полного исчезновения во второй половине XIX века, вызванного все более широким использованием на речных судах паровых двигателей. Также на основании редких и ранее не введенных в научный оборот источников рассматриваются вопросы численности русских бурлаков, география распространения самого промысла и тех регионов, жители которых занимались бурлацким промыслом. Анализ документов позволяет сделать вывод, что данный вид отхожего промысла стал одним из самых массовых в истории России, привлекая на пике своего развития ежегодно более 650 тысяч человек.

      • KCI등재

        Реформирование Российской академии наук: 1987 – 2017

        Daniil Vinogradov 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2018 러시아연구 Vol.28 No.1

        The article attempts to analyze three main reforms of the Russian Academy of Sciences that took place in the last 30 years: from 1987 to 2017. We can distinguish three main attempts to reform the Russian academic system: 1) in the late 1980s – 1991; 2) in 2006 and 3) starting in 2013. The main attention is paid to the latest reform, which is the longest and most extensive, affecting the activities of many thousands of employees and several hundred institutions. The reform continues to this day. In its course, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences were abolished after merging with the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The property management of the Russian Academy of Sciences and its subordinate scientific organizations were transferred to a new organization – the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FAO). The study highlights the unprecedentedly active role of the state in reforming the Russian Academy of Sciences, which testifies to the traditionally close connection between the Academy of Sciences and the state power, which lasted throughout the Academy’s existence for 300 years. За последние 30 лет в России были предприняты три попытки реформирования национальной академической системы: Академии наук Советского Союза и ее правопреемницы – Российской академии наук. Эти действия были вызваны желанием исправить ситуацию, сложившуюся в академической системе, которая по определению должна была объединять в себе лучшие научные силы страны. Аргументация сторонников реформирования системы менялась, доводы в пользу ее проведения находились в чрезвычайно широком диапазоне – от чисто научных до практически- утилитарных. В данной статье предпринят анализ трех главных реформ Академии наук, имевших место за последние 30 лет. При этом основное внимание уделяется реформе Российской академии наук (РАН), начатой в 2013 году и продолжающейся и в настоящее время. Несмотря на широкое освещение данной реформы в средствах массовой информации, поиск материалов для анализа был в значительной степени затруднен – как из-за обилия материалов, так и из-за их неконкретности и частого отсутствия в них фактической составляющей, что объясняется, на наш взгляд, традиционной закрытостью Академии наук.

      • KCI등재

        Яков Карлович Грот: лексикограф-новатор

        Daniil Vinogradov 충북대학교 러시아 • 알타이지역 연구소 2019 러시아학 Vol.- No.19

        In the middle of the 19th century, the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences planned to create a new dictionary of the Russian language, which was supposed to represent new words. The dictionary was created very slowly, and Academician Y. K. Grot, who was a famous lexicographer, became do the work. Academician Y. K. Grot worked very hard and in 1891–1895 issued three issues of the first volume of the Dictionary of the Russian Language (he died in 1893). Careful work and high professionalism of Y. K. Grot made the first editions of the Dictionary almost perfect. Grot's dictionary became the theoretical foundation of Russian academic lexicography. The next head of the preparation and publication of the Russian Language Dictionary, academician A. A. Shakhmatov, changed the lexicographic concept, so the ideas of Y. K. Grot were embodied only in these three issues (1891–1895). Y. K. Grot made a lot of new things, but our research considers his “notes”. Notes sometimes gave different information about words. Notes can be divided into several groups: 1) grammatical (including historical-grammatical) notes; 2) etymological notes; 3) regulatory assessment notes; 4) encyclopedic notes. The appearance of these notes in dictionaries is unique in the history of Russian lexicography. Later this practice was not continued.

      • KCI등재

        On the Problem of Classification of Professional Vocabulary in Russian Linguistics: History of Research and Prospects for Solution

        ( Daniil Vinogradov ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2018 슬라브연구 Vol.34 No.2

        The problem of identifying professional vocabulary in Russian linguistics is very difficult and complex theoretical problem. If in various classifications of social dialects the professional language (professional lexical system) is singled out sufficiently clearly, then its internal heterogeneity and terminological identification have long been the most complex theoretical problems. The professional vocabulary has received in the Russian linguistic tradition a lot of different names: technical words (D. K. Zelenin), professional jargon words, professional jargons (V. M. Zhirmunsky, L. P. Krysin), professional argo, argot professional vocabulary, professional argotisms (B. A. Larin, D. S. Likhachov), professional terms, professional terminology (B. L. Bogorodsky, O. N. Trubachev), not standard professional vocabulary, industry jargon words (M. A. Grachev), professional sublanguage (O. V. Borkhvaldt), etc. In order to eliminate terminological inaccuracy and reveal the basic properties of the professional vocabulary it is classified in the article according to the following criteria: nomination methods, normative characteristics, functional-style characteristics, emotional-expressive characteristics, dictionaries fixation. The proposed classification allows us to identify three groups of vocabulary - professional vocabulary, terminology, and profe ssional jargon - each of which has its own characteristics. It seems that the identified criteria and characteristics of a professional language can be considered as basic and valuable for next researches in the area.

      • KCI등재

        История бурлачества в России

        ВиноградовД.В. ( Vinogradov D. V. ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2018 러시아연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The article considers such a unique phenomenon of Russian history as burlachestvo (work and life of barge haulers), which has not been described in detail so far. The causes of the burlacs work on Russian rivers are analyzed in detail. The role of river shipping, which over the centuries was the largest passenger and cargo transportation in comparison with other ways and very important for Russia's social and economic development, has also been analyzed, as well as the factors that played a role in the emergence of burlachestvo as a social phenomenon. This phenomenon is considered from the moment of its occurrence to its complete disappearance in the second half of the XIX century, caused by the increasing use of steam engines on river ships. Also, on the basis of rare and previously unknown sources, the issues of the number of Russian burlaks and the regional geography are analyzed. The analysis of the documents allows us to conclude that this kind of work was one of the most popular in the history of Russia, attracting at the peak of its development annually more than 650 thousand people.


        Analysis of dry friction hysteresis in a cable under uniform bending

        Huang, Xiaolun,Vinogradov, Oleg Techno-Press 1994 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.2 No.1

        A cable is considered as a system of helical wires and a core with distributed dry friction forces at their interfaces. Deformations of the cable subjected to a uniform bending are analyzed. It is shown that there is a critical bending curvature when a slip at the wire-core interface occurs. It originates at the neutral axis of the cross section of the cable and then spreads symmetrically over the cross section with the increase of bending. The effect of slippage on the cable stiffness is investigated. This model is also used to analyze a cable under the quasi-static cyclic bending. Explicit expression for the hysteretic losses per cycle of bending is derived. Numerical examples are given to show the influence of dry friction and helix angle on the bending stiffness and hysteretic losses in the cable.


        Dry friction losses in axially loaded cables

        Huang, Xiaolun,Vinogradov, Oleg G. Techno-Press 1996 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.4 No.3

        A model of a cable comprising interacting wires with dry friction forces at the interfaces is subjected to a quasi-static cyclic loading. The first cycle of this process, comprising of axial loading, unloading and reloading is investigated analytically. Explicit load-elongation relationships are obtained for all of the above phases of the cycle. An expression for the hysteretic losses is also obtained in an explicit form. It is shown that losses are proportional to the third power of the amplitude of the oscillating axial force, and are in inverse proportion to the interwire friction forces. The results obtained are used to introduce a model of a cable as a solid rod with an equivalent stiffness and damping properties of the rod material. It is shown that the stiffness of the equivalent rod is weakly nonlinear, whereas the viscous damping coefficient is proportional to the amplitude of the oscillation. Some numerical results illustrating the effect of cable parameters on the losses are given.


        Extension of a cable in the presence of dry friction

        Huang, Xiaolun,Vinogradov, Oleg G. Techno-Press 1996 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.4 No.3

        A mathematical model of a cable as a system of interacting wires with interwire friction taken into account is presented in this paper. The effect of friction forces and the interwire slip on the mechanical properties of tension cables is investigated. It is shown that the slip occurs due to the twisting and bending deformations of wires, and it occurs in the form of micro-slips at the contact patches and macro-slips along the cable. The latter slipping starts near the terminals and propagates towards the middle of the cable with the increase of tension, and its propagation is proportional to the load. As the result of dry friction, the load-elongation characteristics of the cable become quadratic. The energy losses during the extension are shown to be proportional to the cube of the load and in inverse proportion to the friction force, a result qualitatively similar to that for lap joints. Presented examples show that the model is in qualitative agreement with the known experimental data.

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