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      • A Hybrid Model for Android Malware Detection using Decision Tree and KNN

        Sk Heena Kauser,V.Maria Anu International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.7

        Malwares are becoming a major problem nowadays all around the world in android operating systems. The malware is a piece of software developed for harming or exploiting certain other hardware as well as software. The term Malware is also known as malicious software which is utilized to define Trojans, viruses, as well as other kinds of spyware. There have been developed many kinds of techniques for protecting the android operating systems from malware during the last decade. However, the existing techniques have numerous drawbacks such as accuracy to detect the type of malware in real-time in a quick manner for protecting the android operating systems. In this article, the authors developed a hybrid model for android malware detection using a decision tree and KNN (k-nearest neighbours) technique. First, Dalvik opcode, as well as real opcode, was pulled out by using the reverse procedure of the android software. Secondly, eigenvectors of sampling were produced by utilizing the n-gram model. Our suggested hybrid model efficiently combines KNN along with the decision tree for effective detection of the android malware in real-time. The outcome of the proposed scheme illustrates that the proposed hybrid model is better in terms of the accurate detection of any kind of malware from the Android operating system in a fast and accurate manner. In this experiment, 815 sample size was selected for the normal samples and the 3268-sample size was selected for the malicious samples. Our proposed hybrid model provides pragmatic values of the parameters namely precision, ACC along with the Recall, and F1 such as 0.93, 0.98, 0.96, and 0.99 along with 0.94, 0.99, 0.93, and 0.99 respectively. In the future, there are vital possibilities to carry out more research in this field to develop new methods for Android malware detection.

      • Android Malware Detection using Machine Learning Techniques KNN-SVM, DBN and GRU

        Sk Heena Kauser,V.Maria Anu International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.7

        Android malware is now on the rise, because of the rising interest in the Android operating system. Machine learning models may be used to classify unknown Android malware utilizing characteristics gathered from the dynamic and static analysis of an Android applications. Anti-virus software simply searches for the signs of the virus instance in a specific programme to detect it while scanning. Anti-virus software that competes with it keeps these in large databases and examines each file for all existing virus and malware signatures. The proposed model aims to provide a machine learning method that depend on the malware detection method for Android inability to detect malware apps and improve phone users' security and privacy. This system tracks numerous permission-based characteristics and events collected from Android apps and analyses them using a classifier model to determine whether the program is good ware or malware. This method used the machine learning techniques KNN-SVM, DBN, and GRU in which help to find the accuracy which gives the different values like KNN gives 87.20 percents accuracy, SVM gives 91.40 accuracy, Naive Bayes gives 85.10 and DBN-GRU Gives 97.90. Furthermore, in this paper, we simply employ standard machine learning techniques; but, in future work, we will attempt to improve those machine learning algorithms in order to develop a better detection algorithm.

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