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      • Physico-chemical Characteristics of Ammonia Adsorbed Fly Ash (AAFA)

        Kim, Jae-kwan,Park, Seok-un,Hong, Jin-pyo Korea Electric Power Corporation 2018 KEPCO Journal on electric power and energy Vol.4 No.1

        Ammonia Adsorbed Fly Ash (AAFA) samples produced from coal fired plants equipped with SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction) of nitrogen oxides with urea have been chemically analyzed, and their physical and dissolution properties have been investigated. XRD results for the ammonia component in AAFA ascertained that ABS (ammonium bisulfate) and AS (ammonium sulfate) were deposited on fly ash as $SO_3$ reacted with unreacted ammonia at SNCR. SEM and EDS images showed that fine ashes on large fly ash surface of sphere type were agglomerated, due to adhesive role of ammonium salts attached fly ashes. Dissolution test results of ammonium salts absorbed on AAFA in distilled water or sea water showed that the proportion of un-ionized $NH_3$ to $NH_4{^+}$ were primarily a function of pH and temperature. Increasing pH and temperature causes an increase in the fraction of un-ionized $NH_3$. At pHs of 9.6 and 10.7, un-ionized $NH_3$ and $NH_4{^+}$ ions are present in equal amounts at distilled water and sea water, respectively.

      • 박테리오신의 특징과 응용

        박진용,주치언,김진욱,이상현,이재화 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 2006 自然科學論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Bacteriocins are antibacterial proteins produced by bacteria that kill or inhibit the growth of other bacteria. Many lactic acid bacteria produce a high diversity of different bacteriocins. Since food safety has become an increasingly important interantional concern, the application of antimicrobial peptides from lactic acid bacteria that target food pathogens without toxic or other adverse effects has received great attention. This article gives an overview of bacteriocin applications, and characteristics.

      • 초음파탐상 PD-RR Test의 통계적 신뢰도 평가 (Ⅲ) : a Round Robin Test Reesult (Part Ⅲ)

        박익근,박은수,김현묵,박윤원,강석철,최영환,이진호 한국비파괴검사학회 2003 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.1

        국내 원전의 건전성 및 안전성 확보에 직결되는 자동 초음파검사의 신뢰도 및 검사시스템의 기량을 평가하기 위해 자동UT-PD RRT를 수행하였다. 수행된 RRT의 조건은 2001년 수동 PD-RRT에 적용된 설계변수와 동일하다. 본 연구에서는 자동 UT의 결함검출확률 및 오판확률과 결함크기측정에 대한 불확도 분석을 이용하여 자동 초음파검사의 통계적인 신뢰도를 평가하고 수동 UT PD-RRT의 결과와 비교하여 기량을 검증하고자 한다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 향후 각종 비파괴검사에 대한 RRT를 수행하여 기술수준을 파악하고 비파괴검사기술의 발전을 도모할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • 메추라기의 위점막 점액질의 조직화학적 성상에 관한 연구

        박선옥,조기진,조운복 부산대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1999 科學敎育硏究報 Vol.26 No.-

        메추라기 위 점액분비세포의 점액질 성상을 조직화학적으로 밝히기 위하여, periodic acid Schiff(PAS)염색, alcian blue pH2.5 및 pH1.0염색, aldehyde fuchsin pH1.7 및 pH1.0염색, alcian blue pH2.5 -PAS염색, alcian blue pH1.0-PAS염색 및 aldehyde pH1.7-alcian blue pH2.5염색을 시행하여 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 전위 점막상피의 점액질은 체부에서 표면상피는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 중성점액질이 혼합된 점액질이었고 관상선상피는 소량 내지 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 중성점액질의 혼합성이었으나, 사낭 연접부 전위에서 표면 및 관상선상피는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin만을 가진 세포와 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 소량 또는 상당량의 중성점액질을 가진 세포가 구별되었다. 전위복합선상피의 점액질은 소량 또는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 중성점액질의 혼합성이었다. 사낭 점막상피의 점액질은 체부에서 표면상피는 상당량의 강 sulfomucin만을 가진 세포와 상당량의 강 sulfomucin과 미량의 중성점액질을 가진 세포가 구별되었고 전자가 대부분이었으나 사낭선은 소량의 중성점액질을 함유하고 있었으며, 전위 연접부 사낭에서 표면 상피는 상당량의 sulfomucin만을 가진 세포와 소량 또는 상당량의 sulfomucin과 상당량의 중성점액질을 가진 세포가 구별되었으며 사낭선은 미량의 sulfomucin과 소량의 중성점액질의 혼합성이었다. This experiment was performed to study histochemical properties of epithelial mucosubstances in the gastric mucosa of the quail(Coturnix coturnix japonica). The specimens used in this experiment were obtained from the proventriculus and gizzard, of the quail. The removed tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formaline, then were embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 6㎛ . The sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin for histological structure of proventriculus and gizzard, and by periodic acid Schoff(PAS), alcian blue pH 2.5, alcian blue pH 1.0, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.0, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5, for the histochemical differentiation of mucosubstances, respectively. The results were as follows: In the corpus of proventiculus, the mucosubstances of surface epithelial cells were contained large amounts of strong sulfomucin and neutral mucin, the mucosubstance of the epithelial cells in the tubular gland were small or large amount of strong sulfomucin and neutral mucin. In proventriculus of proventriculogizzard junction, surface epithelium and tubular gland showed two types of cells with mucosubstances, one large amounts strong sulfomucin and small or large amounts of neutral mucin. In composite gland, the mucosubstances of epithelial cells were recognized as consisting of small or large amounts of strong sulfomucin and neutral mucin. In the corpus of gizzard, there were two kinds of cells consisting of surface epithelium in mucosa: one large amounts of strong sulfomucin, the other large amounts of strong sulfomucin and minimal amounts of neutral mucin. The former were much more than the latter in the number of cells. In tubular gland on the gizzard corpus, the mucosubstances of epithelial cells were recognized as consisting of small amounts of neutral mucin. In the gizzard of proventriculogizzard junction, there were two types of cells in surface epithelium: one cell having large amounts of sulfomucin, other cells having large amounts of sulfomucin and neutral mucin. In gizzard gland of above region, it was contained minimal amounts of sulfomucin and small amounts of neutral mucin.

      • 염분적응에 따른 뱀장어 표피의 미세 구조적 변화 : Ⅰ. 상피세포 Ⅰ. Epithelial Cell

        박인식,김진정,조운복,박상옥 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1995 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.11 No.-

        뱀장어, Anguilla japonica의 표피를 구성하는 주종 세포인 상피세포는 80Å 정도의 많은 당김세사를 함유하고 있어서 표피의 골격 유지에 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 회유행동 측성에 의해, 성숙된 뱀장어는 바다로 나가게 되고 표피는 급격한 환경변화를 겪게 되는데 그 현상들을 살펴보면 먼저 상해반응으로 세포 내의 과립 형질내세망의 내강이 확장되는 현상과 다양한 크기의 공포의 증가로 인해 상피세포들 사이의 공간이 확장되며 일부 세포에서는 괴사 또는 변성되는 형태인 다층층판구조를 갖기도 한다. 이에 대한 능동적 대퍼로 부착반쪽으로 모이는 당김세사들이 일정한 방향성을 갖게 되며, 상피세포 사이의 연접부위에 부착반의 수가 증가되며, 미토콘드리아, 형질내세망 등 세포소기관이 발달되고, 분비과립의 증가 등 분비양상이 증가되고, 능동적인 염배출과 연관된 핵상부의 중앙축을 따라 미토콘드리아 및 과립 형질내세망이 풍부한 세포도 나타났다. 이와 같은 변화는 염분농도의 증가에 따른 환경적요인에 의해 일어나는 상피세포의 기능적 방어기작이라고 사료된다. The epidermis of the Korean eel, Anguilla japonicus, was examined for the study of structural and funcional adaptation mechanism by change in external environment during the migration from fresh water to sea water. The epithelial cell which was observed in the eel epidermis is characterized by the presence of numerous cytoplasmic tonofilaments that attributes to the epithelial structures. Many structural changes were occured in the epithelial cell according to adaptation of high concentration of salt solution. First, Structural lesions were observed. The lumen of rough endoplasmic reticulum was dilated and myelin figures which was suspected to necrosis or denaturation were noted. Extensive cytoplasmic vacuolations were appeared, which caused increase of the intercellular space. Second, active responsive mechanism against the structural lesions in high salinity were observed. Cytoplasmic tonofilaments which attached to desmosome have orientation from central to peripheral region and then aggregrated each other. And number of desmosomes was increased between the cells. The cell organelles which contained mitochondria, small vesicles, et al. were more developed and number and amount of secretory granules were increased than fresh water adapted eel epithelial cell. Mitochondria- and rough endoplasmic reticulum-rich cells which related to active salt secretion were appeared.

      • 생쥐의 발정주기에 따른 자궁내막의 점액질에 관한 조직화학적 연구

        조운복,김진정,김봉선,박상옥 부산대학교 1985 자연과학논문집 Vol.39 No.-

        Histochemical studies to elucidate the changes of properties and composition in the endomeritum of uterine horn and body of the normal adult mice were done during proestures, estrus, metestrus and diestrus. The determination of estrus cycle was confirmed by means of the papanicolaou smear method, and the mucosubstances were stained with alcian blue pH 2.5 and 1.0, PAS, alcian blue pH 2.5-PAS, alcian blue pH 1.0-PAS, aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue pH 2.5, and high iron diamine-alcian blue pH 2.5 methods. The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1. The mucosubstances in the free surface of epithelial and glandular epithelial cells in endometrium of uterine horn and body were the mixture of acid and neutral mucins during proestrus, metestrus and diestrus. The acid mucins were the mixture of the sulfated and nonsulfated mucins, and the amount of the sulfated mucin was more prominent than nonsulfated mucin. During estrus the amount of mucosubstances was more increased than other periods of the estrus cycle. In the endomeritum of uterine horn and body, the free surface of epithelial cells contained a lot of strongly sulfated and neutral mucins, and that of glandular epithelial cells contained sulfated, nonsulfated and neutral mucins, and increased especially the amount of strongly sulfated mucin. 2. In the endometrium of uterine horn and body, the mucosubstances in the luminal substances and stroma did not show any significant charges according to eastrus cycle. The luminal substances contained a lot of neutral mucin and a a little of sulfated and nonsulfated mucins, and the stroma contained a little of neutral, sulfated and nonsulfated mucins.

      • KCI등재후보

        오리부산물과 한약재를 이용한 추출액의 영양성분 및 중금속 노출에 대한 피해 완화 효과 : (Ⅱ) 중금속 노출에 대한 오리추출액의 피해 완화 효과 (Ⅱ) Damage Mitigation Effects on Heavy-metals Exposure of Peking-Duck By-Product Extracts

        한종현,이우진,조성균,이미정,정미란,전정우,김운영,박성혜 동아시아식생활학회 2003 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        This study was performed to investigate the effects of peking-duck extracts added with medicinal herbs(DJ) on the intoxication of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cd, As) in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 150±15g, were randomly assigned to 5 groups: basal diet only in normal control group(NCG); basal diet and heavy metals without DJ injection in heavy metal control group(HMC); basal diet, heavy metals and DJ(3㎎/㎖) injection in heavy metal low duck juice group(HMLD), basal diet, heavy metals and DJ(30㎎/㎖) injection in heavy metal middle duck juice group(HMMlD); basal diet, heavy metal and DJ(300㎎/㎖) injection in heavy metal high duck juice group(HMHD). Hg and As was injected by 50ppm and Cd and Pb by 25ppm for 17days. Also DJ oral feeding was conducted for 28days. The result of this study were as follows: Food intake and body weight gain in heavy metal administered groups were lower than those of NCG. Liver, kidney and testis weights were not significantly different among 5 groups. GOT, GPT and BUN activities were significantly reduced in DJ treated groups as compared to HMC. DJ showed the suppressing effect on the accumulation of Hg, Pb and Cd in serum, liver and kidney. Fecal Hg and Cd excretions increased with DJ feeding. The results suggested that DJ may have some protective effects on Hg, Cd and Pb intoxication by reducing the accumulation m tissues and increasing excretion. This study also showed the effective way of using duck-extract and its application to the oriental medicine.

      • 수입 외국산 모발세정용 화장품의 중금속 농도에 관한 연구

        문정아,문덕환,박명희,안진홍,김종은,손병철,김대환,이창희,김휘동,이채언 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.5

        Objective : For the purpose of preparing the fundamental data and preventing the health impairment due yo heavy metals in hair cleaner. Methods and Material : The author determined the concentration of heavy metals(Fb, fn, Cr, Ni and Cu) in hair cleaner with flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results : The results were as follows : 1. The mean concentration of heavy metals in total hair cleaner were 0.046㎍/g for Pt, 0.O67㎍/g for Mn, 0.069㎍/g for Cr, 0.046㎍/g for Ni, and 0.022㎍/g for Cu, respectively. 2. There was not statistically significant difference to mean concentrations of each heavy metal in hair cleaner by producing nation. 3. The highest mean concentration of each heavy metal in hair cleaner by type of use were 0.140㎍/g for Mn in sensitive hair cleaner(p<0.05), 0.053㎍/g for Cu in others products(p<0.01). 4. The mean concentration of heavy metals in hair cleaner by type of hair cleaner were high at 0.O54㎍/g for Pb in shampoo products(p<0.O5), 0.120㎍/g for Cr and 0.06㎍/g for Cu in combination products(p<0.01). 5. The mean concentration of heavy metals in hair cleaner by acidity were high at 0.056㎍/g for Pb, 0.124㎍/g for Cr, and 0.032㎍/g for Cu in alkali products (p<0.05). 6. Correlation coefficient of heavy metal concentration in hair cleaner were 0.175 for Pb and Cr, 0.165 for Pb and Mn, 0.824 for Cr, and Mn, 0.189 for Cr, and Ni, 0.406 for Cr, and Cu, 0.197 for Mn and Ni, and 0.375 for Mn and Cu(p<0.05). 7. Exposure amount of heavy metals per when we used lOg of hair cleaner (onetime using amount) were 0.46㎍ for Pb, 0.67㎍ for Mn, 0.69㎍ for Cr, 0.46㎍ for Ni, and 0.22㎍ for Cu, respectively. Conclusion : As above results, there was very low level concentration of heavy metal in hair cleaner but we are using the hair cleaner everyday, therefore we can exposed to heavy metals as cronic exposure so the author suggest to prepare the program of preventing the health impairment due to heavy metals.

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