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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Optical and Infrared Lightcurve Modeling of the Gamma-ray Millisecond Pulsar 2FGL J2339.6-0532

        Yen, Tzu-Ching,Kong, Albert Kwok-Hing,Yatsu, Yoichi,Hanayama, Hidekazu,Nagayama, Takahiro,OISTER 한국우주과학회 2013 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.30 No.3

        We report the detection of a quasi-sinusoidally modulated optical flux with a period of 4.6343 hour in the optical and infrared band of the Fermi source 2FGL J2339.7-0531. Comparing the multi-wavelength observations, we suggest that 2FGL J2339.7-0531 is a γ-ray emitting millisecond pulsar (MSP) in a binary system with an optically visible late-type companion accreted by the pulsar, where the MSP is responsible for the γ-ray emission while the optical and infrared emission originate from the heated side of the companion. Based on the optical properties, the companion star is believed to be heated by the pulsar and reaches peak magnitude when the heated side faces the observer. We conclude that 2FGL J2339.7-0531 is a member of a subclass of γ-ray emitting pulsars -the ‘black widows’- recently revealed to be evaporating their companions in the late-stage of recycling as a prominent group of these newly revealed Fermi sources.

      • KCI등재

        Optical and Infrared Lightcurve Modeling of the Gamma-ray Millisecond Pulsar 2FGL J2339.6-0532

        Tzu-Ching Yen,Albert Kwok Hing Kong,Yoichi Yatsu,Hidekazu Hanayama,Takahiro Nagayama 한국우주과학회 2013 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.30 No.3

        We report the detection of a quasi-sinusoidally modulated optical flux with a period of 4.6343 hour in the optical and infrared band of the Fermi source 2FGL J2339.7-0531. Comparing the multi-wavelength observations, we suggest that 2FGL J2339.7-0531 is a γ-ray emitting millisecond pulsar (MSP) in a binary system with an optically visible late-type companion accreted by the pulsar, where the MSP is responsible for the γ-ray emission while the optical and infrared emission originate from the heated side of the companion. Based on the optical properties, the companion star is believed to be heated by the pulsar and reaches peak magnitude when the heated side faces the observer. We conclude that 2FGL J2339.7-0531 is a member of a subclass of γ-ray emitting pulsars -the ‘black widows’- recently revealed to be evaporating their companions in the late-stage of recycling as a prominent group of these newly revealed Fermi sources.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Safety and Efficacy of Adalimumab for Patients With Moderate to Severe Crohn`s Disease: The Taiwan Society of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (TSIBD) Study

        ( Chen Wang Chang ),( Shu Chen Wei ),( Jen Wei Chou ),( Tzu Chi Hsu ),( Chiao Hsiung Chuang ),( Ching Pin Lin ),( Wen Hung Hsu ),( Hsu Heng Yen ),( Jen Kou Lin ),( Yi Jen Fang ),( Horng Yuan Wang ),( 대한장연구학회 2014 Intestinal Research Vol.12 No.4

        Background/Aims: Only moderate to severe Crohn`s Disease (CD) patients without a satisfactory conventional therapy effect are eligible to get reimbursement from the National Health Insurance of Taiwan for using adalimumab. These are more stringent criteria than in many Western countries and Japan and Korea. We aim to explore the efficacy of using adalimumab in CD patients under such stringent criteria. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted in nine medical centers in Taiwan and we collected the results of CD patients receiving adalimumab from Sep 2009 to Mar 2014. The clinical characteristics, response measured by CDAI (Crohn`s Disease Activity Index), adverse events and survival status were recorded and analyzed. CR-70, CR-100, and CR-150 were defined as attaining a CDAI decrease of 70, 100 or 150 points compared with baseline. Results: A total of 103 CD patient records were used in this study. Sixty percent of these patients received combination therapy of adalimumab together with immunomodulators. CR-70 was 68.7%, 74.5% and 88.4% after week 4, 8 and 12 of treatment, respectively. The steroid-free rate, complications and survival were 47.6%, 9.7% and 99% of patients, respectively. In considering the mucosal healing, only 25% patients achieve mucosal healing after treatment for 6 to12 months. Surgery was still needed in 16.5% of patients. Combination treatment of adalimumab with immunomodulators further decreased the level of CDAI at week 8 when compared with the monotherapy. Conclusions: Even under the stringent criteria for using adalimumab, the response rate was comparable to those without stringent criteria. (Intest Res 2014;12:287-292)

      • The Effect of a Scenario-Based Spiritual Care Course on Spiritual Care Competence among Clinical Nurses

        Suh-Ing Hsieh,Li-Ling Hsu,Hui-Ling Lin,Chen-Yi Kao,Yi-Ping Tseng,Li-Yun Szu,Ching-Yun Lee,Lun-Hui Ho,Shu-Ling Yeh,Shu-Hua Kao,Yen-Fang Chou,Tzu-Hsin Huang 한국성인간호학회 2021 성인간호학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.8

        Aim(s): Clinical nurses are facing patients’ biopsychosocial and spiritual problems at diverse clinical settings, but they are lack of knowledge, skills, and confidence on providing spiritual care. However, no studies adopted simulated educational program and objective structure clinical examination (OSCE) to educate nurses and to assess the outcomes. Therefore, this study was to validate the effect of a scenario-based spiritual care course on spiritual care competence in clinical nurses. Methods: This non-equivalent quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and two post-tests (end of the intervention and three months later) was conducted between August 2019 and February 2021 (11 sessions). The recruitment posters with a QR code were distributed to different units at three branches of a large medical institute for recruiting clinical nurses, who provided direct patient care. The attendees of one-day scenario-based spiritual care course are the experimental group (n=53) and the control group (n=85) was matched with the experimental group (1:1-3 ratio) by similar units, ages, working experience, and clinical ladder. Instruments include basic information, self-evaluated and head nurses evaluated spiritual care competence scale (SCCS), spiritual perspective scale (SPS), and spiritual care perspective scale-revised (SCPSR) for both groups and reflective log, course satisfaction scale, OSCE checklist, and standardized patient feedback scale for the experimental group. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, linear regression, and paired t test. Results: After controlling for pre-test scores and interest in attending spirituality/spiritual care, the experimental group showed significant higher SPS (p=0.012) and self-evaluated SCCS (p=0.002) and lower SCPSR (p=0.015) than the control group at the 2nd post-test. Repeated measure ANOVA also showed significant within-subject effects across three time points of the experimental group on SPS (p<0.001), SCPSR (p<0.001), and self-evaluated SCCS (p<0.001), but paired t test showed non-significant differences on SPS, SCPSR, and self-evaluated SCCS between pre-test and post-test with an exception of head nurse evaluated SCCS (p=0.035). The mean overall course satisfaction of the experimental group was 4.34±0.62. The mean global performance of OSCE was 3.40±0.91 and the majority of experimental group was pass (43.4%) and good (35.8%). 64.5% and 26.1% of standardized patients were partial and strongly agreed with examinees’ performance in spiritual care assessment respectively. Conclusions: The scenario-based spiritual care course is effectively to enhance clinical nurses’ spiritual care competence. It may cultivate clinical preceptors with better spiritual care pedagogy through simulation and OSCE for bedside teaching of nurse post-graduate year.

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