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      • Contribution of jellyfish soil amendment to tree seedling growth for hillside reforestation

        Tsugio Ezaki,Suk-Woo Kim,Kun-Woo Chun 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2017 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.11

        Rapid reforestation of devastated hillslopes is important for preventing sediment-related disasters due to soil erosion during heavy rains. This study aimed to examine the contribution of jellyfish soil amendment on tree seedling growth as part of a hillside reforestation effort at landslide sites based on 7 years of field monitoring. In 2010, 100g jellyfish soil amendment was applied to each planting hole of 3-year-old Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) seedlings in an attempt to improve the survival and growth of the trees in a strip-terracing system. In the first year, seedling mortality rate was significantly lower in the treatment (4.4%) compared to the control (8.3%) group (p < 0.05). Both mean height and root diameter of C. obtusa seedlings were significantly different between the treatment and control groups and were 95.0 cm and 1.07 cm in the treatment and 40.6 cm and 0.74 cm in the control group in the first year, respectively, 316.1 cm and 3.81 cm in the treatment and 263.6 cm and 3.27 cm in the control group in the fourth year, and 458.0 cm and 6.90 cm in the treatment and 343.0 cm and 4.75 cm in the control group in the seventh year (p < 0.05). The positive growth of C. obtusa seedlings in the treatment group can be explained by a higher soil moisture retention in the initial growth stage and a higher availability of nutrient supply from the jellyfish soil amendment, which acted as a fertilizer. These results suggest that jellyfish soil amendment may contribute greatly to the rapid restoration of devastated hillslopes.


        Inaba, Tsugio 이화여자대학교 동서교육연구소 1985 East west education Vol.6 No.1

        For Korean people, one typical phenomenon of the Liberation from Japan's colonial control meant recovery of their own language and characters. Due to the 36 years of education in the Japanese language, and due to the fact that Koreans were forced to use Japanese in their daily life, toward the end of the colonial period, the usage of the Korean language was quite confused right after Liberation. Thus, the most urgent task for the new establishment in the field of education was to recover their national language, Korean, and to eliminate the illiterates in Hangul by removing the habit of using the Japanese language which regarded as the remains of the colonial control. This chapter attempts, first of all, to outline the situation of the Korean language education from the viewpoints of teacher training/retraining and of publication of Korean language textbooks for primary and secondary education, secondly, to discuss the question of "purification of national language" and the exclusive use of Hangul, and finally to trace the process of development of the social education. The approach of this study may help us understand the structure of the "Hangul campaign" which took several forms in its development such as recovery of the Korean language, spread of the Hangul script, elimination of illiteracy, compilation of textbooks in Hangul, exclusive use of Hangul, etc. It may also contribute to understand to historical implication of language education in Korea today.

      • 東アジア共同体形成への夢と展望

        井出亞夫 동아대학교 동아시아연구원 2006 동아시아 : 비교와 전망 Vol.5 No.-

        글로벌 사회가 진전되고 있다. 동아시아 공동체의 형성도 이러한 움직임의 일환이며, 우리는 이러한 움직임 속에서 역사 발전의 궤도를 바르게 진전시켜야 한다. 오늘날 동아시아공동체의 가능성을 부정하는 사림들은, 일찍이 유럽 의 평화와 번영을 기도한 범 유럽주의가 유토피아라고 불리며 EU의 형성이 순조롭게 진행되어 지고 있는 모습을 보면 좋을 것이다. 물론, 동아시아공동체 본연의 모습은 유럽과 다르며, 그에 대한 지적 정치적 국민발안제(initiative)등 많은 노력이 요구된다. 동아시아 공동체를 전망할 때, 각국에 존재하는 발전단계의 상이함과 이를 둘러싼 고유의 문제에 직면하게 된다. 이를 인식하여 그 상이성을 인정·조정·극복을 하지 않으면 이 문제를 크게 발전, 진전 시키는 것은 불가능하다. 동아시아공동체의 형성은 무역·관세·투자를 중심으로 한 연맹과 함께 경제건설 제도 설계를 포함한 EPA (경제 연맹협정)이어야 한다. 작년 2월 쿠알라 룸프르(Kuala Lumpur)에서 개최된 동아시아공동체를 둘러싼 아세안+ 한·중·일, 인도. 호주, 뉴질랜드의 수뇌회담은 동아시아공동체형성을 향한 의미 있는 선언 은 채택했다. 한일 양국은 그 문화, 역사에 있어서의 다양성을 공유하는 한편, 근대화의 접근에 있어서도 수많은 난관을 극복 하고, OECD 가맹국으로서 많은 가치를 공유하고 있다. 대부분의 아시아 국가들은 아직까지 건설 발전의 과정에 있고 한일 양국은 동아시아공동체형성에 있어 그 역사적 경험을 객관화하고 그 외의 아시아 국가들과 함께 나아가는 역사적 역할을 맡고 있다. The global society is progressing. Creating East Asian Community is a part of the movement. We have to follow a right course in human history. When you look at Europe, you would notice that it had opened a new page of its history by learning from thelesson of the two world wars and by building a pan. Those who deny the possibility of East Asian Community might as well look into the fact that the creation of United Europe, once considered as utopian, has come true. East Asian Community with its vision should be different from that of Europe, of course, and more political efforts and intellectual initiatives should be exercised. When we look at existing East Asian countries, we face differences of their developmental stages in respective countries in addition to institutional problems. Therefore it is necessary to recognize the kind of differences, admit them and try to make efforts to coordinate and overcome those differences. Without making such efforts we will not be able to develop and flourish our objectives. East Asian Community should be established not only through IT As but EPA which deal with economic and institutional development. The Summit meeting among ASEAN, Japan, Korea, China, India, Australia and New Zealand issued a significant statement on East Asian Community in Kuala Lumpur last December. Japan and Korea have lots of common historical and cultural backgrounds. They share a common value as members of OECD by overcoming lots of difficulties in their modernization. Asian countries are still in their own phase of development. Therefore Japan and Korea have to play a historical role in building an Asian Community by examining their historical experiences including Japan's mistake of expansionism before the war.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluating the Effect of Jellyfish Chips on the Survival and Growth of Pinus thunbergii Seedlings Planted in a Coastal Area of Ehime Prefecture, Japan

        김석우,Tsugio Ezaki,이윤태,Yukiyoshi Teramoto,전근우 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.2

        This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of jellyfish chips in promoting the survival and growth of Pinus thunbergii seedlings in a coastal area based on a five-year field investigation from 2012 to 2016. Seedling survival rate was significantly higher in the treatment (96%) than in the control (75%) group in 2012. Furthermore, the height of five-year-old seedlings after plantation in 2012 was significantly greater in the treatment (3.41 m) than in the control (2.32 m) group (t=10.151; p-value<0.01). These results revealed that jellyfish chips can improve soil condition by enhancing moisture retention during the early growth stages and supplying nutrients to the seedlings over time. Our findings indicated that jellyfish chips could be used effectively as an organic fertilizer for growing coastal disaster prevention forests.

      • KCI등재

        環境과 조화한 砂防事業(Ⅱ) : 日本에 있어서 水邊地域의 管理와 指針 The Management and Guidelines of Riparian Zone in Japan

        西門原,全槿雨,廉圭眞,江崎次夫,金炅南 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 1998 Journal of Forest Science Vol.14 No.-

        要約지난 5월 20일과 21일에 일본 삿포로시에서 平成10年度 砂防學會硏究發表會가 개최되어 기획발표 21편과 일반발표 185편의 논문이 발표되었다. 기획발표로는 火山防災 一般 6편, 地震砂防硏究會 活動報告 6편, 水邊地域의 管理와 指針 5편 및 平成9年度 土砂災害 4편이 각각 발표되었으며, 일반과제로는 斜面安定 10편, 斜面崩壞 10편, 地震 9편, 環境砂防 41편, 土砂流出 25편, 警戒·避難 11편, 砂防計劃 10편, 砂防事業 11편, 砂防構造物 10편, 火山砂防 12편, 綠化 4편, 水文 4편, 눈사태 4편, 땅밀림 4편, 土石流 18편 및 留學生 2편 등이 발표되었다. 특히 기획발표중 「水邊地域의 管理와 指針」에서는 「水邊地域의 構造와 機能」, 「洪水와 水邊形成의 相關關係」, 「土砂管理의 場으로서의 溪畔地域과 流路整備 方法」, 「住民參加에 의한 自然林 再生 努力」, 「水邊緩衝地域 設定의 制度的·社會的 課題」등 5편이 발표되었다. 이는 우리 나라의 砂防分野에 있어서 앞으로의 山地急流小河川을 親環境的인 방법으로 정비하는 데에 중요한 자료이므로 그 내용을 요약·정리하였다. ABSTRACTA meeting for Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering took place, from May 20-21 in Sapporo, Japan, with the presentations of 21 special topics and 185 general papers. Special topics consists of 6 copies on volcanic disaster prevention, 6 copies on the activity report of Earthquake Erosion Control Engineering Society, 5 copieson the management and guidelines of riparian zone and 4 copies on debris disaster occurred in 1997. General papers consists of 10 copies on slope stability, 10 copies on slope failure, 9 copies on earthquake, 41 copies on environmental erosion control, 25 copies on debris flow, 11 copies on warning and refuge, 10 copies on erosion control plan, 11 copies on erosion control project, 10 copies on erosion control facility, 12 copies on volcanic erosion control, 4 copies on revegetation technology, 4 copies on forest hydrology, 4 copies on avalanche, 4 copies on landslide, 18 copies on debris flow and 2 other copies presented by international student.Among the special topics, 5 papers with the titles of the function and structure of riparian ?one, the interactive relation of flood and riparian zone, the management method of channel and river forest for controlling debris flow, the forest restoration efforts by native population, the law and social issue for building river riparian zone were presented in the subsection of "The Management and Guidelines of Riparian Zone". Thus, this article summarize and introduce the presented contents which are very important and can be referred to keep environmentally sound-river in the erosion control field.

      • KCI등재

        녹화와 인간(Ⅳ) : 잡초를 활용한 제방 비탈면의 식생관리;The weed management of levee controlled the weed in the weed

        江崎次夫,岩本徹,염규진,문진희,전근우 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 2004 Journal of Forest Science Vol.20 No.-

        제방 비탈면의 잡초관리는 상당한 노동력을 필요로 하기 때문에 풀베기 작업을 경감시키기 위해 일반적으로 잡초라고 불리고 있는 식물을 활용하여 「잡초로 잡초를 제어한다」라는 개념 하에 연구를 추진하고 있다. 제방 비탈면의 식생에는 ① 침식 및 붕괴방지, ②풀베기 작업시의 작업성 등과 같은 식물자체에 요구되는 조건, ③ 숲을 기본으로 한 농촌풍경의 향상·유지 및 ④ 걷기 편함 등이다. 황폐지나 제방 비탈면의 우점종인 식물에 대하여 이 4가지 조건에 맞추어 검토를 실시한 결과, Imperata cylindrica Beauv., Shibataea kumasaca Nakai, Sasaella kogasensis Nakai war. gracillima S. Suzuki 및 Hedera canariensis Willd.가 이용 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. Farm working also needs most of the labor on the weed management of the levee. Then, the research which controlled the weed in the weed was promoted in order to reduce this weed management. Required conditions for the levee vegetation from the viewpoint of the weed management are the following 4 points. ① the prevention of erosion and landslide. ② the improvement in the workbility at the mowing. ③ the improvement and maintenance of the rural landscape. ④ the accessibility. Next, the plants becoming dominant species in devastated land and slope of river banks were compared through these 4 conditions, and the utility was examined. As the result. Imperata cylindrica Beauv., Shibataea kumasaca Nakai, Sasaella kogasensis Nakai var. gracillima S. Suzuki and Hedera canariensis Willd. seemed to be usable. Finally, weed management method for connecting for the reduction in the mowing work using these plants was presented.

      • KCI등재

        環境과 조화한 砂防事業(Ⅰ) : 日本의 環境保全砂防 Environment-oriented erosion control works in Japan

        全權雨,江崎次夫 江源大學校 森林科學硏究所 1996 Journal of Forest Science Vol.12 No.-

        최근의 砂防事業은 防災空間의 확보뿐 만 아니라 周邊環境에 잘 조화되고 生物資源이 풍부한 環境空問의 확보가 강조되고 있다. 일본에서도 이와같은 노력이 1990년대에 들어 활발히 진행되고 있으므로 우리나라의 사방사업의 참고가 될 수 있도록 일본의 親環境的 砂防事業에 대한 자료를 수집, 분석하였다. 구체적인 내용은 합리적인 水邊環境 造成과 親環境型 砂防事業이며, 親環境的인 砂防事業은 砂防댐, 流路工과 護岸工, 魚道 및 水質保全工 등에 대하여 정리하였다. In recent erosion control works, securing not only the disaster prevention space but the environmental space, harmonized with surrounding environment and abundant with biological resources are emphasized. Inspired of by the fact that efforts to secure such spaces have been being briskly promoted in Japan since the beginning of 1990s. we compile and analyze the Japanese sources about the 「environmentally-sound erosion control works」 to contribute to the erosion control works of our country. Specifically, in this report, we deal with the subjects of 「establishment of the comfortable river environment」 and 「environmentally-sound erosion control works」 which includes 「erosion control dam」, 「water channel works and revetments」, 「fish routes」 and 「water quality conservation works」.

      • KCI등재

        流域의 環境保全을 고려한 합리적인 林道施工에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) : 일본에 있어서 최근의 林道事業을 중심으로 Recently forest road conservation in Japan

        全權雨,江崎次夫,吳在萬 江源大學校 森林科學硏究所 1996 Journal of Forest Science Vol.12 No.-

        우리나라에서는 농업분야의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 일환으로 임도사업이 전국적으로 실시되고 있으나 임도개설에 따른 土砂流出 및 水質惡化 등의 환경문제가 대두되고 있다. 따라서 임도사업의 역사가 길고 자연환경 등이 우리나라와 유사한 일본에 있어서 임도분야의 연구방향, 임도개설유역의 환경영향평가 방법, 環境親和型 林道施工 및 연구방법에 대한 자료를 정리하였으므로 앞으로의 合理的인 流域管理와 親環境的 林道事業에 유용하게 사용될 것으로 생각된다. In our country, nation-wide forest road works are being carried out as one of the efforts to bolster the international competitiveness of agriculture, however such environmental problems as sediment discharge and water quality degradation accompany such efforts more often than not. Hence, in this research report. we compile and analyze the Japanese sources dealing with the 「research direction of the forest road construction」, 「environmental impact assessment upon the watershed of the forest road construction」 , 「environmentally-sound forest road construction and its research method」 in consideration of the fact that natural environment of Japan is similar to that of our country and Japanese forest road works has a long history. We hope that this report be useful to the reasonable watershed management and the environmentally-sound forest road works.

      • KCI등재

        Temporal Change in Vertical Distribution of Woody Vegetation on the Flank of Sakurajima Volcano, Southern Kyushu, Japan

        Yukiyoshi Teramoto,Etsuro Shimokawa,Tsugio Ezaki,Young-Hyup Lim,Suk-Woo Kim,Kun-Woo Chun 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2016 Journal of Forest Science Vol.32 No.3

        This study explained vertical distributions and growth environments for woody vegetation. It had been degenerated by long-term volcanic activity of Sakurajima; vegetation and thicknesses of tephra layers and forest soils were investigated at 5 sites (250-700 m in altitude) with different altitudes localized at the northwestern-northern flanks of Sakurajima in Kagoshima Prefecture. The results in 2015 were compared with the vertical distribution of woody vegetation in 1963, when the volcanic activity of Sakurajima was relatively moderate. Thus, we investigated temporal changes in the vertical distribution of woody vegetation owing to volcanic activity over about 50 years (1963-2015). We indicated altitude decreased, the number of woody vegetation, number of species, sum of cross-sectional area of tree diameter at breast height, Fisher-Williams’s diversity index , and forest soil thickness increased. However, these values were found to be degenerated when compared to climax forest values, and succession was incomplete. It seems that because the woody vegetation of the flank was affected by volcanic activity for a long time, exposing them to severe growth environments, areas with lower altitudes became distant from the craters of Sakurajima, thereby weakening the effect of volcanic activity in these areas at lower altitudes. a at the same altitudes over about 50 years (1963-2015) decreased by about 31-72%, and the sum of the cross-sectional area in tree diameter at breast heights decreased by about 14-62%. Thus, comparative growth environments for woody vegetation in 2015 were more severe than that of 1963, with respect to tephra layer thickness. In addition, for vegetation succession in the flank of Sakurajima, vegetation restoration should be promoted through the introduction of artificial woody plants covered by symbiotic microorganisms or organic materials.

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