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Dr. Yuji TANIGUCHI,Dr. Rie YAMAMOTO,Dr. Moriki TERADA 한국직업자격학회 2017 한국직업자격학회 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.10
This presentation clarifies the relevance between qualifying technical education courses and career experiences in colleges, and the development of key vocational competencies and vocational values by students. This study was originally implemented as one part of the surveys within the framework of Prof. Terada’s research project. The analysis was made from longitudinal data (N=82) from students at two Japanese polytechnic colleges, based on responses in 2013 (freshmen) and 2016 (seniors). Many students had received vocational certificates before entering college, but the tendency had been reinforced since the first year in college. This influences the development of vocational key skills or vocational values. These situations were shown through factor analyses of variables for skills and values, analyses of variances on factor scales, and some career experience variables.
Terada, Tomoki P.,Kimura, Toru,Sasai, Masaki American Chemical Society 2013 The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed ma Vol.117 No.42
<P>The mechanism of allosteric conformational transitions of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is investigated theoretically by applying a newly developed coarse-grained model. Functional forms of interaction potentials in the model depend on the local structural environments around those interactions to represent the many-residue effects due to atomic packing in each local region, and hence, this model is called “the chameleon model”. The chameleon model consistently describes the free-energy landscape of two conformational transitions in the catalytic cycle of DHFR, which we call conformational transition 1 (CT1) and conformational transition 2 (CT2); CT1 is accompanied by the hydride transfer reaction, and CT2 is accompanied by the product ligand release. The transition state of CT1 is entropically stabilized by the disordering of loops at the peripheral regions of the protein, which enhances the positively correlated fluctuations at the center part of the protein, showing that the allosteric communication between distant regions through the central region is intrinsically associated with the entropic stabilization of the transition state. The transition state of CT2 is entropically stabilized through the mechanism that enhances the breathing motion of two domains, showing that the difference in the distribution of interactions brings about the difference in the transition mechanism between CT1 and CT2. The chameleon model opens a way to consistently describe the dynamical energy landscape of enzymatic reactions.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC=''></P><P><A href=''>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>
Development of Urban Mine Recycling Technology by Machine Learning
Terada, Nozomi,Ohya, Hitoshi,Tayaoka, Eriko,Komori, Yuji,Tayaoka, Atsunori The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling 2021 자원리싸이클링 Vol.30 No.4
The field of recycling for waste electronic components, which is the typical example of an urban mine, requires the development of useful sorting techniques. In this study, a sorter based on image identification by deep learning was developed to select electronic components into four groups. They were recovered from waste printed circuit boards and should be separated to depend on the difference after treatment. The sorter consists of a workstation with GPU, camera, belt conveyor, air compressor. A small piece (less than 3.5 cm) of electronic components on the belt conveyor (belt speed: 6 cm/s) was taken and learned as teaching data. The accuracy of the image identification was 96% as kinds and 99% as groups. The optimum condition of sorting was determined by evaluating accuracies of image identification and recovery rates by blowdown when changing the operating condition such as belt speed and blowdown time of compressed air. Under the optimum condition, the accuracy of image classification in groups was 98.7%. The sorting rate was more than 70%.
The Development of gearless reducers with rolling balls
To satisfy the various demands such as no-backlash characteristic and so on, we have newly developed three types of no-backlash reducers:the cycloid ball reducer, the precession ball reducer and the reciprocating motion input type ball reducer. Especially, these reducers are developed for the robot joints. Also, these reducers are a kind of the constant velocity cam mechanisms with rolling balls; their inputs use eccentric motion, precession motion and reciprocating motion. The motion principle and the profile calculation method of each reducer are proposed, using the vector analysis.
Modeling of an ER Fluid’s Time Delay for Servo Systems
Tomohiro Terada,Ken’ichi Koyanagi,Toru Oshima 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.8
A particle type ER(Electro-Rheological) fluid damper in which viscosity was controlled for fast and precise positioning control have been developed in aprevious study. However, for improvement of control performance or new control demands of mechatronics devices using particle type ER fluids, it will be needed to further investigate are sponse time of the fluids. It is commonly said around 5-milliseconds, but, the formula structure of that delay has not been clear. This study aims to develop a functional damper(attenuators), that can control its viscous characteristics in real time using ER fluids as its working fluid. ER dampers in this case are useful to a ccomplish high precision positioning not to prevent high speed movement of the motor. To realize the functional damper that can be manipulated according to situation sortasks, the modeling and control of ER fluids are necessary. This paper investigates time delay affects of ER fluids and makes an in-depth dynamic model of the fluid by utilizing simulation and experiment. The mathematical model has a dead-time and first ordered delays of the fluid and the high voltage amplifier for the fluid.