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      • BBISS(Broad Band Internet Service via Satellite)Ka-band Broadband Satellite Plan

        Tatsukawa, Kenichi,Akinaga, Wakoto,Yamada, Kenichi,Hashimoto, Katsumasa,Okui, Tamio,Koishi, Yoichi,Horiuch, Yasuo 통신위성우주산업연구회 2004 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications Vol.2004 No.-

        Broadband internet, by ADSL, fiber optic, and CATV circuit has become very popular. However this service can not be shared in the depopulated area, where Broadband service business is difficult to materialize. BBISS satellite has been planned to provide the Broadband service to these un-equipped areas. In order to do so, a wide Ka frequency band is utilized and moreover, multi-beam antenna is adopted to realize the improvement of the efficient frequency reuse and to succeed in earth station antenna miniaturization. As for the problematic matter in use of the Ka-band due to great rainfall attenuation will be solved by use of adaptive code modulation method and realize high availability, and high=speed information speed will be provided in case of fine weather by maintaining the necessary minimum margin. This paper introduces best effort service by BBISS with such features.

      • KCI등재

        The Expected Oral Proficiency Level for Japan’s Secondary School English Teachers: Analysis of the Eiken Pre-1<sup>st</sup> Grade Interview Exam

        ( Keiso Tatsukawa ) 범태평양 응용언어학회 2018 Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Ling Vol.22 No.1

        This paper aims to clarify the expected oral proficiency level for secondary school English teachers in Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (hereafter MEXT) encourages public secondary school English teachers to reach a threshold level of the Pre-1st Grade of Eiken (an English proficiency test). However, the number of teachers attaining those levels has yet to reach MEXT’s target. An analysis of the Pre-1st interview tests can give an indication of what MEXT expects Japanese English teachers to be able to do in oral communication. In this paper, a brief history of Eiken is reported, and the proficiency level of the Pre-1st Grade and the test contents are summarized. Then, features of the picture cards and questions used for the second-stage interviews from 2007 through 2015 are analyzed: (1) a series of four pictures for story narration (in total 54 cards), and (2) four questions to be asked afterwards (in total 216 question items). Some unique linguistic features are found as well as popular test topics. Also, interview questions have several featured sentence patterns and many basic-level words, as well as topic-related vocabulary items. This research will be of some help for understanding the threshold level of speaking abilities for secondary school English teachers in Japan.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Persistent Organochlorines in Japanese Coastal Waters : An Introspective Summary from A Far East Developed Nation

        Tanabe, Shinsuke,Tatsukawa, Ryo 경남대학교 환경문제연구소 1989 환경연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Japan has emarged as a leading industrialized nation and an economic power in the world scene from the Far East. The rapid modernization and industrial growth have also left behind marks of environmental deterioration and incidents of human health effects. Considering organochlorine contaminants such as PCB, DDT arid HCH as markers of environmental quality, this introspective review examines the coastal health of Japan. A case study on these compounds in Seto-Inland Sea region in Japan revealed that the environmental load of persistent organochlorines, as typified by PCB is in coastal sediments. Temporal observations on these compounds in Japanese environment indicate that these classical pollutants have gradually decreased through years after restricting their usage. However, new environmental challenges are also recognized. Compounds such as Chlordane, TDCPP, PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs still contaminate Japanese coastline. Environmental impact of exceptionally toxic PCDDs, PCDFs and related compounds in under strutinization.

      • KCI등재

        Twice Stretched Fabrication of Polylactic Acid Microneedle Arrays Using Drawing Lithography

        Shingo Terashima,Chikako Tatsukawa,Masato Suzuki,Tomokazu Takahashi,Seiji Aoyagi 한국정밀공학회 2020 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.21 No.10

        A biodegradable poly-lactic acid (PLA) microneedle array composed of needles with a maximum length of 3 mm and an aspect ratio of up to approximately 18 was fabricated by drawing lithography. In the proposed fabrication method, the melted polymer is stretched twice. The approximate length is set in the first stretch, and the tip is sharpened in the second stretch. In the first stretch, by changing the thickness of the PLA sheet, PLA pillars with various lengths are fabricated. By defining the initial length of the needle, it is possible to set a wide range of aspect ratios and lengths. In the second stretch, it is possible to control the final aspect ratio and length of the needle, as well as the shape of its tip by changing the temperature and stretch speed of the PLA pillars. Finally, it was confirmed that the needle can pierce the surface of artificial skin and porcine skin.

      • KCI등재
      • Heavy metal accumulation in the livers of waders in the Naktong estuary

        Lee, Doo-Pyo,Honda, Katsuhisa,Tatsukawa, Ryo,Won, Pyong-Oh 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1988 연구보고 Vol.2 No.-

        1986年 5月 및 1987年 5月에 洛東江 河口에서, 새그물로 採集한, 좀도요 3, 민물도요 3, 청다리도요 1, 노랑발도요 6, 뒷부리도요 5 및 큰뒷부리도요 3等 6種 21個體에 대해, 肝에 농축된 Pb, Cd 및 Hg等 3元素의 濃度를 分析하였는데 그의 結果는 다음과 같다. Pb는 모든 個體에서 檢出되지 않았다(檢出 限界 1.0㎍/g ). 그러나 Cd는 86%, Hg는 100%의 檢出率을 나타냈으며, Cd와 Hg의 種間 差는 有意性이 없었다(p>0.05, 中央値 檢定, 單側檢定). Cd는 檢出限界(0.04㎍/g ) 以下에서 14.6㎍/g 까지 濃度 범위가 매우 넓은 反面, Hg는 大部分이 1.0㎍/g 以下로 거의 一定한 레벨을 나타냈다(表 10, 그림 2 및 3). Cd의 濃度는 0.5㎍/g 以下가 全個體數의 48%였고, 1.0㎍/g 以上은 全個體數의 38%로, 高濃度의 汚染個體가 相當數에 達하였으나 Hg는 0.5㎍/g 以下가 全個體數의 80%로, Cd에 比해 比較的 낮은 濃度를 보여주었다. 一般的으로 Hg는 먹이連鎖의 段階가 높을수록 高濃度로 蓄積된다는 事實이 알려져 있지만, 今般 分析한 6種의 涉禽類는 Hg의 濃度에서 種間差가 없고 그 레벨이 거의 一定하여, 먹이連鎖의 段階가 同等함을 알 수 있다. 그러나 Cd에 있어서 個體內 濃度差가 甚한 것으로 보아 洛東江 河口는 Hg보다 Cd의 汚染이 훨씬 더 進行되고 있으며 이러한 Cd濃度의 甚한 個體差는 洛東江 河口에서의 滯留期間의 差異를 反映해주고 있음을 示唆한다. Parslow (1973)는 英國의 Wash 地方에서 越冬하는 涉禽類의 肝臟中의 Hg레벨에 關한 硏究에서 붉은가슴도요는 渡來 初期인 가을에 1.0㎍/dry g(約 0.3㎍/wet g)이었던 것이 越冬을 끝낸 2-3月에는 10~20倍가 높아졌는데, 그러한 傾向은 민물도요와 붉은발도요에서도 나타났다고 報告했다. 민물도요中 1個體에서 Hg 1.18㎍/g와 Cd 1.66㎍/g의 高濃度가 檢出되었는데, 이는 洛東江 河口에서 越冬한 個體로 짐작된다. 洛東江 河口는 涉禽類의 移動途上의 寄着地로서, 短期間에 많은 量의 먹이를 그곳 河口에서 取食할 것으로 이루어 보아, 그와 同時에 또한 짧은 期間內의 高濃度의 濃蓄도 豫想된다. 따라서 앞으로 洛東江 河口에서의 滯留期間의 差에 따른 重金屬 레벨을 比較 檢討해 볼 必要性이 있으며 이는 洛東江 河口의 汚染이 鳥類集團에 미치는 影響을 評價하는데 큰 意義가 있을 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Swine Waste-water Treatment System for A Small Farm

        주영희,료 타츠카와,Joo, Yeong-Hee,Tatsukawa, Ryo 한국토양비료학회 1993 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        혐기성소화조(嫌氣性消化槽), 간이살수여상(簡易撒水濾床), 저류조(貯溜槽)로 구성(構成)된 폐수처리시설(廢水處理施設)을 개발(開發)하여 소규모(小規模) 양돈농가(養豚農家)(사육두수(飼育頭數):200두(頭))에서 1년간(年間)에 걸쳐 시험운전(試驗運轉)했던 바 그 결과(結果)는 다음과 같았다. 1. 양돈(養豚) 폐기물(廢棄物) 발생량(發生量)은 고형폐기물(固形廢棄物)이 2.8kg/두(頭)/일(日), 폐수(廢水)는 $7.4{\ell}$/두(頭)/일(日)이었다. 2. 돼지 BOD발생량(發生量)은 207g/두(頭)/일(日)이였으며 이중 81%는 돈분(豚糞)과 사료(飼料)찌꺼기 및 깔짚 등(等)이 혼합(混合)된 고형폐기물(固形廢棄物)에서, 나머지 19%는 요(尿)와 축사세척수등(畜舍洗滌水等)이 혼합(混合)된 양돈폐수(養豚廢水)에서 유래(由來)되었다. 3. 혐기성소화조(嫌氣性消化槽), 간이살수여상(簡易撒水濾床) 및 저류조시설(貯溜槽施設)을 통한 양돈폐수(養豚廢水)의 처리(處理)로는 BOD 99%, T-N 78%, T-P 74%를 각각(各各) 감소(減少)시킬 수 있었으며 최종(最終) 배출수(排出水)의 수질(水質)은 BOD가 $52mg/{\ell}$, T-N, $213mg/{\ell}$ 및 T-P는 $28mg/{\ell}$이였다. 4. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로 보아 본(本) 폐수처리시설(廢水處理施設)은 폐수중(廢水中) BOD 농도(濃度)를 낮추는 측면(側面)에서 실용화(實用化)가 가능(可能)한 것으로 사료(思料)된다. A newly developed waste-water treatment system for small scale piggery wastes through a demonstration trial at a farm. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The amount of piggery wastes produced was 10.2kg/head/day, which consisted of 2.8kg solid wastes and $7.41{\ell}$ fluid wastes. 2. The unit BOD discharge from piggery wastes was 207g/head/day, among which 81 percent was originated from solid waste and 19 percent from fluid waste. 3. After the treatment of the waste-water through the system, BOD, total N and total P were lowered by 99, 78, 74 percent, respectively : the BOD, total N and total P in the final effluent were $52mg/{\ell}$, $213mg/{\ell}$ and $28mg/{\ell}$, respectively. 4. The results of the trials suggested that the system could be recommended for the practical use at the farms.

      • 韓國産 鳥類의 重金屬 蓄積

        李斗杓,元炳旿,閔丙允,本田克久,立川凉 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1988 연구보고 Vol.2 No.-

        Five different tissues taken from 13 Korean bird species were analyzed for seven heavy metals, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, lead, cadmium and mercury. The main purpose was to make clear the background levels of the metal concentrations. The metal levels were generally low and could be considered as the background levels. But some markedly elevated levels of toxic metals were found in estuarine and urban birds, suggesting that there may be heavily polluted areas in Korea. Furthermore, it was found that the avian feather is useful as an “indicator” tissue for monitoring heavy metal pollution in birds.

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