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      • KCI등재

        Radiolarians, bivalves and the J/K boundary in the Birafu Formation, southern Kurosegawa Belt, Central Shikoku, SW Japan

        Takeshi Kozai,Keisuke Ishida,Yasuo Kondo 한국지질과학협의회 2006 Geosciences Journal Vol.10 No.3

        The OxfordianBerriasian Birafu Formation in thesouthern Kurosegawa Belt (Permian accretion terrane), CentralShikoku, SW Japan, yields micro- and mega-faunas that contrib-ute to the biostratigraphy across the Jurassic-Cretaceous bound-ary. The type section consists of turbiditic sandstone and mudstonewith an upward-fining tendency in the lower members (A1-A3).with muddy limestone intercalations, whereas the upper memberC is characterized by a fine-grained turbiditic succession. Radi-olarians define the assemblage zones (AZ): Kilinora spiralis AZ(Oxfordian) in member A2, Loopus primitivus AZ (Tithonian) inthe upper part of member A3, and Pseudodictyomitra carpatica AZ(Berriasian - lower Valanginian) in members B2 and C. These giveat least an Oxfordian - Berriasian total time-range to the BirafuFormation. The mixed marine and brackish bivalve assemblage ofmembers B1 and B2 (lower part) comprises Grammatodon takien-sis Tamura, Pterotrigonia toyamai (Yehara) and Ctenoides tosanusKimura, the range of which is Late Jurassic to Earliest Creta-ceous, and Aguilerella nagatoensis (Ohta), Miltha japonica Tashiroand Isocyprina japonica Tashiro and Kozai, having an Early Cre-taceous range. The concurent range of Jurassic to Cretaceousbivalves and exclusively Cretaceous species is significant for theclarification of bivalve evolution across the Jurassic -Cretaceousboundary. The Berriasian appearance of Cretaceous marine andnon-marine bivalves takes place while Late Jurassic marine bivalvesboundary situated at its base.

      • KCI등재

        Faunal affinity of Toarcian-Aalenian (Early Jurassic) bivalves from Mae Sot and Umphang (Tak Province), Northwestern Thailand

        Takeshi Kozai,Francis Hirsch,Keisuke Ishida,Assanee Meesook 한국지질과학협의회 2006 Geosciences Journal Vol.10 No.3

        In the Mae Sot and Umphang areas (NW Thailand),Jurassic strata seal the Permian and Triassic substratum of theShan-Thai terrane with a brecciated conglomerate. Pliensbachianto Early Bajocian shallow marine strata are intercalated withinthe partly terrestrial Jurassic sequence. Thirty-five Toarcian-Aale-nian bivalve species from Mae Sot and Umphang were identified.Among these, Eomiodon chumphonensis Hayami is known onlyfrom Thailand, whereas Parvamusium donaiense (Mansuy), Myo-phoriella saurini Hayami, Thracia loducensis Hayami, Pholadomya(Bucardiomya) fontainei Hayami, Thracia loducensis Hayami andModiolus sestiniae Hayami were originally described in Vietnam.M. sestiniae also occurs in Iran. The greater part of the fauna,however, shows varying degrees of affinity with Myanmar (6 spe-apan (13 species) and Europe (9 species),Levant (2 species). In view of these, it appears that these highlyendemic Toarcian-Aalenian bivalves from Thailand characterizethe Southeastern Asian Province of Tethys.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        New micropalaeontological evidence for a Late Triassic Shan-Thai orogeny

        Keisuke Ishida,Ariko Nanba,Francis Hirsch,Takeshi Kozai,Assanee Meesook 한국지질과학협의회 2006 Geosciences Journal Vol.10 No.3

        The Shan-Thai block is viewed as a remnant of Pale-otethys in South East Asia. The general consensus about its originis that it happened through the rifting from Gondwanaland andfinal amalgamation to Eurasia, sealed by fluvialshallow marineJurassic deposits. As the main Paleotethyan closure, the NanUttara-dit/NanChantaburi and BentongRaub sutures were proposedby other workers. However, a suture further west, flanked by theGondwanaTethys divide (GTD), is advocated here as the mainPaleotethyan closure. The Midle and Late Triassic radiolarianfaunas were extracted from a chert-sequence in the Mae-Sot andUmphang areas of NW Thailand. The radiolarian faunas indicateearly Ladinian, earlymiddle Norian, and NorianRhaetian, indi-vidually. The Triassic chert-sequence is overlain by the ‘Jurassicbase-conglomerate’. The limestone and chert clasts in the conglom-erate yield EarlyLate Triassic conodonts and MiddleLate Tri-assic radiolarians, respectively. Chert clasts in the conglomerateyield among others NorianRhaetian radiolarians that are correl-Late Triassic conodonts arefound in limestone clasts. The silici-pelagic origin of the clasts sug-gests the presence of an ocean before the end-Triassic orogenyalong the Mae Sariang Zone that amalgamated the parts of theShan-Thai block. This first finding of Late Triassic radiolariansfrom chert-sequence, next to the Middle Triassic and older radi-olarian faunas, adds another element to the reconstruction of thesequence now comprised in the Mae Sariang Zone, west of theNanUttaradit Suture. The occurrence of Triassic limestone, as thatof the Chaiburi Formation in the Mae Sariang Zone, or the Kodi-ang Limestone in the “Western Zone”, may elucidate the questionclasts in the Jurassic base-conglomerate that seals the MaeSari-ang Zone. The newly dated Triassic sequence is further sealed bythe continental-shelf deposits of the Toarcian-early Bajocian HuaFai Group.

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