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      • KCI등재

        특집. 동아시아 문학 속 상인형상 : 일본 근세소설 속의 상인상의 형성과 전개 -사이카쿠(西鶴)와 그 이후의 우키요조시(浮世草子)를 중심으로-

        수곡륭지 ( Mizutani Takayuki ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2015 民族文化硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        In this paper, it was confirmed how merchants were described in ukiyo-zoshi published from the beginning to the middle of the Edoperiod. First, the features of merchants drawn by Saikaku as well as the background of the creation of economic novels were examined, mainly by analyzing Saikaku’s Nippon eitaigura (1688), the first full-scale economic novel in Japanese literature. Saikaku’snovels,whilemainlyusingconventionalmoralsformerchants,suchas“economy”, “honesty”, “judgement” and “ingenuity” as a business scheme, either depict exaggerated situations of merchants who apply themselves to those rules faith fully or make caricatures of those who deviate from them. In addition, it was confirmed that there are ukiyo-zoshi written by other authors under the influence of Saikaku. Not only did they follow the characteristics of Saikaku’s novels, but they also adopted new ideas to their novels in various ways. Among them, the genre of the fraud novel, called terenmono, which depicted the negative side of “money” to excite a human “desire” arose. Economic novels of the first half of the Edo period place an indubitable lesson, while arousing interest by expressions of exaggeration and vanity. In other words, a feature of economic novels of that time is that they combine fiction with morals.

      • KCI등재

        하이카이와 우키요조시의 관계성 -이하라 사이키쿠 작품을 중심으로-

        미즈타니타카유키 ( Mizutani Takayuki ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.68

        근세문학의 특징으로, ?서민?에게 보급 되었다는 점, ?속(俗)?한 내용을 다루는 있다는 점에 대해서는 널리 인식 되어 왔지만, 이러한 속문예(俗文芸)는, 적어도 고등학교까지의 교육에서는 교재로써 가치를 인정받고 있지 않다. 중학교?고등학교의 고전교육이 중고문학(中古文?)의 고전문법에 기반을 두고 있고, 더욱이 대학수험을 염두하고 있다면 당연한 결과일 것이다. 그렇지만, 오늘날까지의 문화 수용과 전개를 알기 위해서는, 근세의 속문예를 피해 갈 수는 없다. 그런 이유로 본고에서는, 이하라 사이카쿠 작품인 ??호색일대남(好色一代男)??의 서두문을 예를 들어, 대학교육 교재로써의 가치와 가능성을 살펴보았다. ??호색일대남(好色一代男)??의 본문은 생략이 많고, 동시에 복잡한 구조로 이루어져 있다. 이는 학생에게 호색물 우키요조시의 내용을 알기가 어렵고, 그 재미를 받아들이기 힘든 이유이기도 하지만, 이것은 하이카이의 영향에 의한다. 본고에서는, 당시의 하이카이가 ?아(雅)(고전의 말이나 세계)?와 ?俗(속)(당시의 말이나 풍속)?의 이중구조를 취하고 있다는 점과, 더욱이 양자가 만날 때, 문장을 무리하게 꼬거나 말의 뒷면에 숨겨진 고전 문장을 상기할 것이 요구되고, 한 구의 중심이 되는 말이 의도적으로 생략 되거나 하는 등, 복잡하면서도 다양한 유희를 보여준다는 점을 확인하였다. 게다가, 이런 하이카이의 방법이나 발상을 이용하여 ??호색일대남(好色一代男)??의 문장이 창작 되었다는 점을 명시하고, 그 해석의 방법과 거기에 담겨져 있는 생각 및 재미에 대해서 논하였다. 하이카이와 우키요조시를 개별적으로 가르치는 것이 아니라, 양자가 겹치는 부분을 구체적으로 검토 하는 것에 따라, 선행고전을 이어받고, 그것을 다양하게 가공하여 새로운 장르를 낳은 근세문예의 특징을 알 수 있었다. 이하라 사이카쿠의 초기 호색물 우키요조시에는 그 특징이 특히나 현저하며, 근세문예의 특징이나 방법, 그리고 그 생각이나 웃음의 흔적을 알기 위한 입문서로써 좋은 교재라고 말할 수 있겠다. It is well known that one of the most prominent features of the early modern Japanese literature is that it spread to the common people and that its contents became increasingly vulgar. However, even the most popular literary works of the early modern period is not regarded as proper teaching material in high schools. In this paper, I consider the literary value and potentiality of the opening of Ihara Saikaku’s Ukio?z?shi masterpiece K?shoku ichidai otoko when used as teaching material in university education. The textual structure of K?shoku ichidai otoko is very complicated, and many keywords are deliberately omitted. Therefore, it is initially hard for students to understand the contents of K?shoku ichidai otoko and enjoy the fun of it, but the key to the text is the influence of Haikai poetry popular at the time of its creation.In this paper, I show how Haikai was created with double context of "雅 (context or words quoted from classical works)"and "俗(vulgar context or colloquial words from the same time period) ". When both of these aspects are connected in Haikai, sentences are forcibly twisted, and words which play a key role are omitted intentionally, or we are forced to remember sentences or words of classical works hidden in the background of the poem. With that in mind, I showed that the sentences of K?shoku ichidai otoko were composed by using the techniques and ideas of Haikai poetry, and showed the methods to interpret the elaborate sentences and how to enjoy them. By examining the similarities between Haikai poetry and Ukiyo?z?shi concretely, we can know the characteristic of literary arts in the early modern period of Japan how it inherited preceding classics, processed them variously, and brought about new literary genres. These characteristics are well expressed in early Ukiyo?z?shi of Saikaku. So it must be said that early Ukiyo?z?shi is a splendid teaching material for getting to know the characteristic, the methods, the device, and the whereabouts of the laughter in the early modern literature of Japan.

      • KCI등재


        미즈타니 타카유키(Mizutani Takayuki, 水谷隆之) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.68

        근세문학의 특징으로, 「서민」에게 보급 되었다는 점, 「속(俗)」한 내용을 다루는 있다는 점에 대해서는 널리 인식 되어 왔지만, 이러한 속문예(俗文芸)는, 적어도 고등학교까지의 교육에서는 교재로써 가치를 인정받고 있지 않다. 중학교 · 고등학교의 고전교육이 중고문학(中古文学)의 고전문법에 기반을 두고 있고, 더욱이 대학수험을 염두하고 있다면 당연한 결과일 것이다. 그렇지만, 오늘날까지의 문화 수용과 전개를 알기 위해서는, 근세의 속문예를 피해 갈 수는 없다. 그런 이유로 본고에서는, 이하라 사이카쿠 작품인 『호색일대남(好色一代男)』의 서두문을 예를 들어, 대학교육 교재로써의 가치와 가능성을 살펴보았다. 『호색일대남(好色一代男)』의 본문은 생략이 많고, 동시에 복잡한 구조로 이루어져 있다. 이는 학생에게 호색물 우키요조시의 내용을 알기가 어렵고, 그 재미를 받아들이기 힘든 이유이기도 하지만, 이것은 하이카이의 영향에 의한다. 본고에서는, 당시의 하이카이가 「아(雅)(고전의 말이나 세계)」와 「俗(속)(당시의 말이나 풍속)」의 이중구조를 취하고 있다는 점과, 더욱이 양자가 만날 때, 문장을 무리하게 꼬거나 말의 뒷면에 숨겨진 고전 문장을 상기할 것이 요구되고, 한 구의 중심이 되는 말이 의도적으로 생략 되거나 하는 등, 복잡하면서도 다양한 유희를 보여준다는 점을 확인하였다. 게다가, 이런 하이카이의 방법이나 발상을 이용하여 『호색일대남(好色一代男)』의 문장이 창작 되었다는 점을 명시하고, 그 해석의 방법과 거기에 담겨져 있는 생각 및 재미에 대해서 논하였다. 하이카이와 우키요조시를 개별적으로 가르치는 것이 아니라, 양자가 겹치는 부분을 구체적으로 검토 하는 것에 따라, 선행고전을 이어받고, 그것을 다양하게 가공하여 새로운 장르를 낳은 근세문예의 특징을 알 수 있었다. 이하라 사이카쿠의 초기 호색물 우키요조시에는 그 특징이 특히나 현저하며, 근세문예의 특징이나 방법, 그리고 그 생각이나 웃음의 흔적을 알기 위한 입문서로써 좋은 교재라고 말할 수 있겠다. It is well known that one of the most prominent features of the early modern Japanese literature is that it spread to the common people and that its contents became increasingly vulgar. However, even the most popular literary works of the early modern period is not regarded as proper teaching material in high schools. In this paper, I consider the literary value and potentiality of the opening of Ihara Saikaku's Ukio-zoshi masterpiece Koshoku ichidai otok owhen used as teaching material in university education. The textual structure of Koshoku ichidai otoko is very complicated, and many keywords are deliberately omitted. Therefore, it is initially hard for students to understand the contents of Koshoku ichidai otoko and enjoy the fun of it, but the key to the text is the influence of Haikai poetry popular at the time of its creation.In this paper, I show how Haikai was created with double context of "雅 (context or words quoted from classical works)"and "俗(vulgar context or colloquial words from the same time period) ". When both of these aspects are connected in Haikai, sentences are forcibly twisted, and words which play a key role are omitted intentionally, or we are forced to remember sentences or words of classical works hidden in the background of the poem. With that in mind, I showed that the sentences of Koshoku ichidai otoko were composed by using the techniques and ideas of Haikai poetry, and showed the methods to interpret the elaborate sentences and how to enjoy them. By examining the similarities between Haikai poetry and Ukiyo-zoshi concretely, we can know the characteristic of literary arts in the early modern period of Japan how it inherited preceding classics, processed them variously, and brought about new literary genres. These characteristics are well expressed in early Ukiyo-zoshi of Saikaku. So it must be said that early Ukiyo-zoshi is a splendid teaching material for getting to know the characteristic, the methods, the device, and the whereabouts of the laughter in the early modern literature of Japan.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Use of Imaging Agent to Determine Postoperative Indwelling Epidural Catheter Position

        Uchino, Tetsuya,Hagiwara, Satoshi,Iwasaka, Hideo,Kudo, Kyosuke,Takatani, Junji,Mizutani, Akio,Miura, Masahiro,Noguchi, Takayuki The Korean Pain Society 2010 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.23 No.4

        Background: Epidural anesthesia is widely used to provide pain relief, whether for surgical anesthesia, postoperative analgesia, treatment of chronic pain, or to facilitate painless childbirth. In many cases, however, the epidural catheter is inserted blindly and the indwelling catheter position is almost always uncertain. Methods: In this study, the loss-of-resistance technique was used and an imaging agent was injected through the indwelling epidural anesthesia catheter to confirm the position of its tip and examine the migration rate. Study subjects were patients scheduled to undergo surgery using general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia. Placement of the epidural catheter was confirmed postoperatively by injection of an imaging agent and X-ray imaging. Results: The indwelling epidural catheter was placed between upper thoracic vertebrae (n = 83; incorrect placement, n = 5), lower thoracic vertebrae (n = 123; incorrect placement, n = 5), and lower thoracic vertebra-lumbar vertebra (n = 46; incorrect placement, n = 7). In this study, a relatively high frequency of incorrectly placed epidural catheters using the loss-of-resistance technique was observed, and it was found that incorrect catheter placement resulted in inadequate analgesia during surgery. Conclusions: Although the loss-of-resistance technique is easy and convenient as a method for epidural catheter placement, it frequently results in inadequate placement of epidural catheters. Care should be taken when performing this procedure.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Use of Imaging Agent to Determine Postoperative Indwelling Epidural Catheter Position

        ( Tetsuya Uchino ),( Satoshi Hagiwara ),( Hideo Iwasaka ),( Kyosuke Kudo ),( Junji Takatani ),( Akio Mizutani ),( Masahiro Miura ),( Takayuki Noguchi ) 대한통증학회 2010 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.23 No.4

        Background: Epidural anesthesia is widely used to provide pain relief, whether for surgical anesthesia, postoperative analgesia, treatment of chronic pain, or to facilitate painless childbirth. In many cases, however, the epidural catheter is inserted blindly and the indwelling catheter position is almost always uncertain. Methods: In this study, the loss-of-resistance technique was used and an imaging agent was injected through the indwelling epidural anesthesia catheter to confirm the position of its tip and examine the migration rate. Study subjects were patients scheduled to undergo surgery using general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia. Placement of the epidural catheter was confirmed postoperatively by injection of an imaging agent and X-ray imaging. Results: The indwelling epidural catheter was placed between upper thoracic vertebrae (n = 83; incorrect placement, n = 5), lower thoracic vertebrae (n = 123; incorrect placement, n = 5), and lower thoracic vertebra-lumbar vertebra (n = 46; incorrect placement, n = 7). In this study, a relatively high frequency of incorrectly placed epidural catheters using the loss-of-resistance technique was observed, and it was found that incorrect catheter placement resulted in inadequate analgesia during surgery. Conclusions: Although the loss-of-resistance technique is easy and convenient as a method for epidural catheter placement, it frequently results in inadequate placement of epidural catheters. Care should be taken when performing this procedure. (Korean J Pain 2010; 23: 247-253)


        Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis of Genetic Relationships Among Acanthopanax Species

        Park, Sang-Yong,Yook, Chang-Soo,Nohara, Toshihiro,Mizutani, Takayuki,Tanaka , Takayuki The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2004 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.27 No.12

        Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to determine the genetic relationships among seventeen species of the Acanthopanax species. The DNA isolated from the leaves of the samples was used as template in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with twenty random decamer primers in order to distinguish plant subspecies at the level of their genomes. The RAPD patterns were compared by calculating pairwise distances using Dice similarity index, and produced to the genetic similarity dendrogram by unweighted pair-group method arithmetic averaged (UPGMA) analysis, showing three groups; a major cluster(twelve species), minor cluster (4 species) and single-clustering species. The results of RAPD were compatible with the morphological classification, as well as the chemotaxonomic classification of the Acanthopanax species. The Acanthopanax species containing 3,4-seco-lupane type triterpene compounds in their leaves corresponded to the major cluster, another species having oleanane or normal lupane type constituents to minor clusters, and one species not containing triterpenoidal compound to single-cluster.

      • KCI등재

        Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis of Genetic Relationships Among Acanthopanax Species

        Sang-Yong Park,Chang-Soo Yook,Toshihiro Nohara,Takayuki Mizutani,Takayuki Tanaka 대한약학회 2004 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.27 No.12

        Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to determine the genetic relationships among seventeen species of the Acanthopanax species. The DNA isolated from the leaves of the samples was used as template in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with twenty random decamer primers in order to distinguish plant subspecies at the level of their genomes. The RAPD patterns were compared by calculating pairwise distances using Dice similarity index, and produced to the genetic similarity dendrogram by unweighted pair-group method arithmetic averaged (UPGMA) analysis, showing three groups; a major cluster(twelve species), minor cluster (4 species) and single-clustering species. The results of RAPD were compatible with the morphological classification, as well as the chemotaxonomic classification of the Acanthopanax species. The Acanthopanax species containing 3,4-seco-lupane type triterpene compounds in their leaves corresponded to the major cluster, another species having oleanane or normal lupane type constituents to minor clusters, and one species not containing triterpenoidal compound to single-cluster.

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