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      • 雪岳山植物調査硏究

        鄭台鉉,李愚喆 成均館大學校 1963 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Mt. Sulak is located on the border of Yangyang and Rinje Gun, Korea(38˚8′ N, and 128˚28′ E.). Mr. Sulak is the highest mountain of the Taiback Mountains which run Korean Peninsula from north to south and the peak Taichoug is the highest of it (above the sea level 1709m.). The Plants of Mt. Sulak have been first collected by Dr. T. Ishitoya & TaiHyun Chung in October 1923 and the first study of this mountain was Dr. T. Nakai's survey of Spiraea pubescens var. lasiocarph Nakai in 1928^⑼ The flora of this mountain has been partly surveyed by many scholar, but no one has ever surbeyed the entier flora of this mountain and as an first attempt toward it Tai-Hyum Chung & Il-Koo Lee published 109 families, 305 genera and 642 species(contained varieties and formae) in 1959. ^(23) The writers are now presenting as the results of survey of 1962 (July 30-August 5) and synthetieal survey of the theories which have been published till today. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The plants of Mt. Sulak are composed of 127 families, 376 gebera, 758 species, 181 varieties, 14 forma and 812 Kind in all. (2) The distribution of this mountain, comparing by Climate Division* of Dr. T. Nakai in 1935^(4), is as the following Table: ◁표 삽입▷ 원문을 참조하세요 *Southern......Southern part from the line connecting from Yong-II bay to Tai-an peninsula, Korea. Northern......Northern part from the line connecting from Won-San bay to Chang-San-Chung, Korea. Middle region......from southern line to Northern line (3) Endemic plants of this mountain are as follows; Spiraea pubescens var. lasiocarpa Nakai Taxus caespitosa Nakai Hyphear Tanakae(Fr.&Sav.) Hosokawa Prunns sibrica L. var. Pubescens (Kostina) Nakai Tilia mandshurica Rupr. & Maxim. var. villicarpa Nakai Veratrum Maackii Regel var. Macranthum Loesner fil. for. viridiflorum Nakai Clematis koreana Komarov var. biternata Nakai Rubia mitis Miquel for. glabrescens Nakai

      • 24시간 회상법으로 조사한 여대생의 식이섭취자료 분석 : Comparison of Analysis and Assessment Method 분석방법 및 평가방법의 비교

        현태선 충북대학교 교육·생활연구소 1999 생활과학연구논총 Vol.2 No.-

        A dietary survey with 24-hour recall method was performed to female college students, and the food intake data were converted to nutrient intakes using two different computer programs. The mean daily energy intake calculated with DS24 program was 1598kcal(79.9% of RDA) while 1840kcal with CAN program. The mean intake of other nutrients was also mostly higher with CAN program than with DS24 program. Therefore, when we assess nutrient intake using CAN program, we must consider the possibility of the overestimation of the intake before interpreting the data. Each 24-hour recall was evaluated for the consumption of items from the dairy, meat, grain, fruit, and vegetable groups. Failure to consume any foods from the fruit, meat, and dairy group was reported by 60.9%, 30.4%, and 21.7% of the subjects, respectively. Consumption of food from all five food group was associated with higher nutrient intake. The results emphasize the need for nutrition education directed at increasing the diversity of the diet. The index of measuring diet quality will be further evaluated.

      • 영아식의 종류에 따른 영아의 철분과 아연의 섭취량 및 혈청 농도 고찰 : a review

        현태선,민지영,이혜경 충북대학교 교육 ·생활연구소 생활과학연구센터 2002 생활과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        Although breast milk is the best food for infants, there will always remain a need for good substitutes when breastfeeding is not possible. Most of these substitutes are based on cow milk, but soy milk has been used as an alternative. It is necessary to ascertain that rearing infants on these formulas yields results comparable to those obtained by breastfeeding. Absorption of trace elements such as iron and zinc is well known to be higher from breast milk than from cow milk formula while absorption from soy formula is lower than from cow milk formula. The studies on the contents of iron and zinc in breast milk, cow milk formula and soy formula, and the intakes and blood levels of iron and zinc in infants fed breast milk, cow milk formula and soy formula, and the intakes and blood levels of iron and zinc in infants fed breast milk and cow milk formula were reviewd. The contents of iron and zinc in artificial formulas were higher than those in breast milk, and the intakes lf iron and zinc in infants fed cow milk, formula were higher than those in infants fed breast milk, However, the blood levels of iron in infants fed cow milk formula were significantly lower than those in infants fed breast milk, and there was no significant difference in the blood levels of zinc between infants fed cow milk formula and those fed breast milk. No results have been reported on the iron and zinc nutriture in Korean infants fed soy formula. More research should be focused on the potential consequences of excessive intakes of iron and zinc in infants fed soy formula as well as cow milk formula.

      • 웹 상에서 QoS 제공을 위한 Diff-HTTP

        현은실,이윤정,김태윤 고려대학교 컴퓨터과학기술연구소 2001 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TECHNOLO Vol.3 No.-

        HTTP 프로토콜은 WWW에서 HTML(HyperText Markup Language)문서를 송수신하기 위해 사용하고 있는 애플리케이션 프로토콜로서 TCP를 수송 계층 프로토콜로 이용하여 이루어지는 애플리케이션 계층 프로토콜 가운데 하나이다. HTTP/1.0은 동일한 서버로부터 각각의 개체에 대하여 개별적인 TCP 연결을 생성하기 때문에 다중의 요구를 비효율적으로 처리한다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 제안된 HTTP/1.1은 TCP 연결을 지속적인 연결(Persistent connection)이라는 개념을 도입하여 하나의 TCP 연결 상에서 다중의 요구(Request)를 처리하도록 하고 있다. 네트워크가 발전됨에 따라 사용자가 늘어나고 다양해지면서 서비스의 차별화 문제가 중요한 문제로 대두되었다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 Diff(Differentiated)-HTTP은 웹 서버에 서비스를 요청한 클라이언트들에게 차별화된 서비스를 제공하기 위해서 사용자를 두 등급, 기본 등급과 우선 순위를 고려한 상위 등급으로 구분한다. 각 등급은 제한 시간(Holding Time)으로 차별화 되고 상위 등급에 속한 클라이언트에게 제한된 시간을 증가 시켜 지연을 최소로 함으로써 고품질의 서비스를 제공하는 방안을 제시한다. The HyperText Transfer Protocol(HTTP), the Web's application-layer protocol, is at the heart of the Web. HTTP/1.0 establishes a new TCP connection for each HTTP request, resulting in many consecutive short-lived TCP connection. HTTP/1.1 standard reduces latencies and overhead from closing and re-establishing connections by supporting persistent connections as a default, which entourage multiple transfers of objects over one connection. HTTP/1.1, however, does not define explicitly connection-closing time but specifies a certain fixed holding time model. This paper proposes the mechanism of a Diff-HTTP((Differentiated-HTTP) supported by the server-side under HTTP/1.1. The current World-Wide Web services model treats all requests equivalently, while being processed by servers. Based on the policy, different levels of service are desirable. This paper presents, service-side, application-level mechanisms to provide each different level of web service with upper class and default class. Our experiments show that upper class latencies are reduced than default one.

      • 재순환 실관 효소 반응기 시스템에서 엄밀수치해와 근사해석해의 비교(Ⅱ)

        박태현 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.1

        Hollow fiber membrane devices have been used as enzyme reactors because of their large surface area-volume ratio and the advantage of immobilized soluble enzymes in intact form. Theoretical analysis of the hollow fiber enzyme reactor with recirculated enzyme solution was performed and the model equations were numerically solved in previous paper. For a slow kinetics one might assume that the flowing substrate solution has radially uniform concentration profile. In this paper, the equations were solved analytically with the above assumption in the case of 1st and zero order reaction, and the approximate analytical solutions were compared with the exact numerical solutions. Exact numerical solutions of shell side concentration and of the outlet concentration at low Pe'clet number were in good agreement with the approximate analytical solutions. And the two solutions of outlet concentration at high Pe'clet number were agreed, when the Thiele modulus was small.

      • KCI등재

        헤드라인의 은유에 관한 이해

        전태현 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2001 언어와 언어학 Vol.26 No.-

        At a glance, readers may receive linguistic signals from newspaper headlines indicate the kind of texts that they are about to encounter. Most readers, however, are unable to precisely explain what the signals are, This study deals with ways that readers can discover and decode the signals that they encounter. In Chapter I, I deal with ways the linguistic signs in newspaper headlines can be recognized and understood by readers. For this, I refer to the views of William A. Foley(1998) and Asmah Haji Omar(1996) concerning metaphors in language. According to these scholars, metaphors reflect the conceptual system both of language and cultural(Asmah, 1996:7). It is important to note that in most cases metaphorical choices for semantic domains are not randomly made; rather, choices often reflect basic cultural understandings that individuals bring to that specific language domain(Foley, 1998:183). In Chapter II, I review research of the idiosyncratic nature of headline language(Ahn Young Ho, 1998, 1999) in order to provide insight into the problematic nature of traditional grammatical analysis. Because of the often ungrammatical nature of headlines, the textually ungrammatical/intertextually grammatical view held by both Riffaterra(1978) and Asmah(1995) is examined. I then claim that headline language does not differ in use of metaphors from poetic language. In Chapter III, I provide specific examples of metaphors from newspapers to explain a way of understanding the rhetoric of headlines. To do this, I discuss and analyze both structural and static metaphors and demonstrate newspaper headlines can be regarded as cultural models for understanding the perception system of language and culture held by readers. In Chapter IV, I summarize this study, claiming that newspaper headlines are filled with cultural codes for readers. In addition, I claim that the next step in this discussion should be to investigate headlines as more than simple language, but as a code that must be carefully reviewed based on readers' cultural perceptions. Further, we must consider traditional approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages that have too much emphasis on the study of grammar.

      • 三國史記地理志의 硏究

        辛兌鉉 慶熙大學校 1958 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Through Samguksagi as the oldest historical records in most precious materials for Korean history and culture, it is Chirizi (Geographical reassons) included in its Vols. 34 to 37, which is even more valuable than any part of it. Chirizi in which the old names of places called by vernaculars of the Three Nations before the conquest of Shinra are written with pronunications and meanings of Chinese characters. The changed names of places at the King, Kyungduck and at Koryu dynasty are not only indispensable for geography and hisotory, but to study Korean literature. It is very likely that the names of places at that times and old Korean will carry to a new outlook by translating, since the words of the Three Nations and Shinra dynasty will have the original meanings of their repective court rank, official titles, the names of persons and other peculiar words by verifying the ways and examples of writing the vernaculars with prnounciations and meaning of Chinese character. It may also be true that the accurate study of Hyang-ga, the original resoures of Korean literature, depends upon the reliable consequences of scrutinizing Chirizi. I dare say that the desire to study Chirizi of Samguksagi was very feeble and minute, and the researching methods of them was not suitable to expect a good improvement. The rendering of Chinese into Korean at Lee dynasty used the mixed elements of it, according with the tendency of its dissatisfactory synthesis without the classification of ages, since the old names of places in Chirize of Samguksagi had been written with pronunciations and meanings of Chinese character. The rendering of Chinese into Korean, in accordance with ages, had so many changes and so many ways for a word in reading, for the reading ways of it has used in its complicated diversities at the mercy of each one's will. It may fairly be said that to verify the old names of places in Samguksagi we must rely on pronunciations and the meaning of Chinese characters included in it. This is the only was to have an accurate translation of it. For my translation of it, I therefore took such methods as to put emphasis on texts of it, to write down the historical sketches of the Three Nations, Shinra, Koryu and Lee dynasty owing to Koryusa, Kyungsangdo-chirizi, Seizongsillock-chirizi, and Yuchisungram, collecting the different words, and also by relying on examples of pronunciations and the meanings of Chinese characters which contained in Chirizi. It this study do something for the academic fields, I will be very happy. Lastly, we must find out peculiar culture hidden in the Chinese characters in Samguksagi to cultivate our national stand-point.

      • 이단계 연속배양시 세포 재순환의 영향

        박태현 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1992 論文集 Vol.43 No.2

        Uncoupling of the cell growth from the production of an inducible substance gives higher performance, and two-stage continuous operation allows one to separate the cell growth from the product induction. Residence time of each individual cell in the second tank is important since the extent of the induction is dependent on the residence time of the cell in the second tank and keeps the cell to stay long enough for the product induction. The effect of cell recycle on the residence time in two-stage continuous operation has been theoretically analyzed. The cell recycle system increases the mean intracellular concentration by the increment of the mean residence time of the cell. Higher recycle ratio and lower separation parameter give longer mean residence time. Optimum dilution rate exists for the maximum productivity.

      • 一部 男子大學生들과 運動選手들의 一側優位性(左右差:手·足·體·眼)에 關한 比較硏究

        백현중,윤태영,최중명,박순영 慶熙大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        This study is from March 1st, of 1988 to September 31, 1988. The subjects of study consists of students in general who are in attendance at university and all samples are selected at random. The total number of subjects counts to 187(sports man : 56, College students : 131) and the researcher measures and analyses the subjects' physique, physical strength, the test of dominance eye, the functional tests of hand, foot, body and eye. The results as follows : 1. Physical growth and development Mean values of body height are 177.19±5.01㎝ for sports man and 173.3±0.46㎝ for college student and superior to standard value of Korean. Mean values of body weight are 69.6.±6.17㎏ for sports man and 66.1±1.68㎏ for college student, and the mean values of chest girth are 91.86±4.83㎝ and 94.1±1.53㎝. Mean values of sitting height are 93.0±4.28㎝ and 93.3±1.05㎝. 2. Physical fitness Mean values of grin strength are 41.6±4.3 for right side and 44.0±6.0 for left side in sports man and 44.2±1.4 for right and 46.3±1.7 for left in college student. Mean values of arm strength are 29.7±3.9 for right and 31.8±2.9 for left in sports man 25.±1.4 or right and 28.7±1.9 for left in college student. Mean values of leg strength are 38.4±5.8 for right and 43.8±6.1 for left in sports man and 43.5±1.8 for right and 44.2±1.1 for left in college student. 3. Functional rate of foot, trunk, eye and hand As considered according to its functions, the rates of right foot, left foot, both of feet in both of the sports man and college student, total rates are each of 83.3%, 16.7%, 2.4% for sports man and 53.7%, 39.0%, 2.6% for college student. The rates of right side, left side, both of sides in both of the sports man and college student, the total rates are each of 53.3%, 37.4%, 6.7% for sports man and 39.1%, 46.1%, 5.1% for college student. The rates of right eye, left eye, both of eyes in both of the sports man and college student, the total rates are each of 53.6%, 31.7%, 4.1% for sports man and 53.3%, 20.8%, 22.7% for college student. The rates of right hand, left hand, both of hands in both of the sports man and college student, the total rates are each of 67.5%, 21.8%, 5.2% for sports man and 84.5%, 10.4%, 2.2% for college student, respectively. 4. Tests of dominance eye As considered according to tests of dominance eye, the results of right eye, left eye in both sports man and college student, results are each of 62.5%, 37.5% for sports man and 70.2%, 29.8% for college students, 67.9%, 32.1% for the total of sports man and college student, respectively.

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