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      • Investigation of the April 2000 forest fire damage in Kang-won Province, Korea, using RADARSAT data

        Kang, Sung Chul,Seo, Jin Won,Lee, Tae Hee,Park, Sang Eun,Hong, Suk Young,Moon, Wooil M. 대한원격탐사학회 2000 International Symposium on Remote Sensing Vol.16 No.1

        The series of forest Fires in Kangwon Province in April, 2000, were one of the mast serious ones in the Kang-won Province in recent years. The fire damaged areas are extensive and this paper investigates the utility of the satellite image data, particularly the RADARSAT SAR data. One of the main objectives of this study included evaluation of potential usefulness of the C-band RADARSAT data in the detection of forest fires in mountainous areas. Among several fire damaged sites, the area near Samchuk (city) was selected as the main study area and mufti-temporal RADARSAT(raw) data were acquired and the processed results were comparatively investigated with the IRS-1c data acquired shortly after the fire. To identify the burnt area from the undamaged background in the optical imagery, supervised classification and NDVI processing were carried out and tested with the IRS-1C data. For this experiment, several sets of raw RADARSAT standard and Fine mode (S4, F3, ascending orbit) data were processed and the final image was formed. In addition to the final image, sigma nought (σ°) was catnputed and compared for the burnt area against the undamaged areas. Because of the steep slopes in the study area and subsequent deviation from the flat surface scattering models, the fire scars in the sigma nought (σ°) image were not apparent. However, fire scars are slightly detected in the difference and ratio images obtained from the signal intensity data acquired at different dates (bath before and after fire). Texture analysis of the image data including the burnt areas were carried out using the Multiplicative Markov Random-Field (MMRF) algorithm. The detection of the fire damaged area from both standard mode and fine mode RADARSAT was not as straightforward as in optical data. However, Previous studies with ERS-1 S_AR and RADARSAT data in Indonesia and in the North American Plains indicate that C-band SAR data provide us with an effective tool for studying the forest fire damages. However, the application of C-band SAR data to the analysis of the forest fire areas requires careful processing of the data with realistic scattering models.

      • KCI등재

        Assessment of In Vitro Assay System for Thyroid HormoneDisruptors Using Rat Pituitary GH3 Cells

        Hee Jin Kim1,Hae Young Park1,Jeonga Kim1,Il Hyun Kang2,Tae Sung Kim2,Soon Young Han2,Tae Seok Kang2,Kui Lea Park2,Hyung Sik Kim1 한국독성학회 2006 Toxicological Research Vol.22 No.4

        The development of in vitro assays has been recommended to screening and test-ing the potential endocrine disruptors (EDs). These assay systems focus only on identifying thethe thyroid hormone (TH) disruptors. The aim of this study was to evaluate a test system to detectTH disruptors using rat pituitary tumor GH3 cells. The test system is based on the TH-dependentincrease in growth rate. As expected, L-3,5,3-triiodothyronine (T3) markedly induced a morphologicalchange in GH 3 cells from flattened fibroblastic types to rounded or spindle-shaped types. T3 stimu-lated GH3 cell growth in a dose-dependent manner with the maximum growth-stimulating effect9 M. In addition, T3 increased the release of growth hor-mone and prolactin into the medium of the GH3 cells culture. Using this assay system, the TH-dis-rupting activities of bisphenol A (BPA) and its related compounds were examined. BPA,dimethylbisphenol A (DMBPA), and TCI-EP significantly enhanced the growth of GH3 cells in therange of 1 × 10-5M to 1 × 10-6M concentrations. In conclusion, this in vitro assay system might bestandardization before it can be used as a broad-based screening tool.

      • 메조포러스 물질에 담지된 팔라듐 촉매에서 메탄의 연소반응 : 티타니아 담지 효과 Effect of Titania Loading

        강태구,김태진,김종호,서 곤 전남대학교 촉매연구소 1998 촉매학술발표회 Vol.- No.15

        연소과정에 촉매를 사용하여 연소온도를 낮추고 완전산화시키면, 에너지를 효율적으로 이용할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 질소산화물 생성과 일산화탄소 등 불완전연소 물질을 줄일 수 있어 환경오염 방지 측면에서 매우 바람직하다. 화염이 없는 조건에서 안정적으로 열을 발생시키기 위한 중•저온 연소촉매로 활성이 높은 귀금속 성분을 지지체에 담지시켜 사용한다. 통과 유량이 크고 열 발생량이 많기 때문에, 연소촉매의 지지체는 물질과 열전달이 용이하도록 세공이 크고열적 안정성이 우수하여야 한다. 중간 크기의 세공이 발달되어 있는 메조포러스 물질은 물질전달과 열전달이 용이하다는 점에서 연소반응의 지지체로서 가능성이 높다.

      • <돈 끼호떼>에 나타난 속담 속의 현실성

        姜泰鎭 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1986 연구논문집 Vol.32 No.1

        En la obra, "El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha". muchos refranes se han citado por las personas, entre las cuales Sancho Panza es muy distinguido porque el actua como un diccionario de refran. 'Dime con quien andas, decirte he quien,' o 'auando a Roma fueres, haz como vieres,' etc los que son muy populares a nosortros se derivan de esta obra. Primero, vamos a ver los caracteres del refran, Comunmente este es forklorico, humano, que es de los pensamientos y experiencias de los sabios antighuos. En base de estos sentidos, vamos a estudiar las caracteristicas de dos protagonistas: Don Quijote y Sancho Panza comparando los refranes de cada uno. Sobre todo, analicemos los refranes de Don Quijote que se describe como la primera personal quien se esfuerza por armonizar la realidad con su propia idea. en el punto del numero, Don Quijote dice solamente un tercio en comparacion con los refranes de Sancho. Sin embargo, sus refranes nos dicen algunas cosas. Primero, la desconfianza de la sociedad misma; el menciona el peligro social con siguientes refranes. 'Mis arreos son las armas, im descanso, el pelear,' y 'cuando la cabeza duele, todos los miembros duelen.' etc. Segundo, la tendencia del cambio social; en este caso, nuestro protagonista expresa la intencion de que el quiere escaparse rapidamente del ambiente social de aquel tiempo con esto. 'Donde una puerta se cierra, otra se abre.' Tercero, el metodo de existencia del individualismo: en este caso, parece que el autor trata de recuperar el humanismo menospreciado. Por lo tanto, en los dialogos con Sancho, se ven algunos refranes para expresar la situacion de aquel entonces. Y luego, el autor eleva el individualismo con 'Cada uno es artifice de su ventura'. Entonces, vamos a observar los refranes de Sancho Panza. Generalmente, el se expresa como 'un hombre de bien (si es que este titulo se puede dar al que es pobre), pero de muy poca sal en la mollers' en la obra. Pero, en el aspecto de los refranes, el es gran sabio y dice que ''ninguna otro tengo, ni otro caudal alguno, sino refranes y mas refranes.' Los refranes de Sancho se dividen en tres partes, los elementos economicos: el muestra el mammonismo, es decir solamente los ricos puenden gozarse de los derecho humanos segun 'Bien predica quien bien vive'. Y tambien muestra el concepcion de que el presente es mejor que el futuro con 'mas valia un toma que dos te dare.' Segundo, la relacion humana en la sociedad: se ve de vez en caundo una tendencia del oportunismo sobre el estado. Esto dice que en qaquel entonces, se ocurrio frecuentemente el cambio de los estados. Estos ejemplos son 'Juntate a los buenos y seras uno de ellos,' y' Haceos miel y paraos, han moscas,' etc. Tercero, la idea igualitaria de la persona: significa no solo la igualdad con Dios, sino la con reyes. Estos son: 'No ocupa mas pies de tierra el cuerpo del papa que el del sacristan' y 'Al dejar este mundo y meternos la tierra adentro, por tan estrecha senda va el principe como el jornalero'. En conclusion, parece que Don Quijote tiene mas problemas sociales que las cosas individuales. Por esta razon, para solucionar estas problemas, este protagonista que se describe como un idealista mueve continudamente contra la realidad com9o un revolucionario. Al contrario, Sancho Panza se preocapa de sus propios asuntos. Y en vez de combatir contra la situacion real, el quiere ser adoptado a la realidad como un realista.

      • 大學에서 測量敎育 : 大學에서 敎科課程開發을 中心으로

        强泰煥,全芳珍 청주대학교 대학원 1995 우암논총 Vol.12 No.-

        Maintaining the content of a surveying curriculum so that it is current requires regular reassment of the expected future tasks of surveyors. The surveyor must be able to respond to rapid developments in computing, satellite positioning, computer graphics, image management, and spatial information system. This paper presents a view of the expected future role of a professional surveyor and its impact on the development of the curriculum of a surveying course. Discriptions are goven of the goals and principles used for the development of the revised Bachelor of Surveying Course at the University of New South Wales. The course was developed on the basis of a flexible structure comprising strands in basic science, computing surveying, high surveying, land information management and professional practice. The expectation is that future modifications can be achieved with in this strands without a major restructuring.

      • The Effect of Cultural Factors on Anther Culture in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

        Kang,Tae-Jin,Yang,Deok-Chun 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.2

        Effects of shaking, medium consistency and anther density on polyhaploid production in two wheat cultivars, Pavon and Chris, were studied using a modified 85D12 medium. Pavon produced more calli in shaking and more albino plants tban Chris. However, Chris produced threefold more green plants than Pavon in non-shaking treatment. More calli and green plants were derived from non-shaking treatment than those from shaking treatment. Anthers were cultured on both liquid and semi-solid 85D12 media, using two anther densities, 48 and 96 anthers per plate. Although Pavon generally produced more calli and albino plants than Chris, Chris produced more green plants than Pavon. More green plants were derived from semi-solid medium than those from liquid medium. A factor that may affect plant regeneration from anthers is the length of time on initiation medium. Most of the calli for both genotypes were transferred during the first two time periods. Fertility, as measured by seed set, was determined for all surviving regenerated plants. About 24% of Chris and Pavon anther-derived green plants in the experiment of medium consistency and anther density produced seed.

      • Los de abajo에 나타난 民衆意識

        姜泰鎭 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1985 연구논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        Es muy raro a nosotros la literatura revolucionaria,un genero liteario queresulto como n producto secundario de la Revolucion mexicana. Por esta razon, este genero es lo particular de Mexico que tiene las caracteristicas populares. Esta literatura que se comenzo en forma de poesias o canciones, durante la Revolucion que dro desde 1910 hasta 1917 se ha desarrollado a la novela revol-ucionaria. Como los representantes de los movelistas revolucionarios, se podrian mencionar Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes, y Mariano Azuela. Especialmente, este tomo parte actuando de medico en la Revolucion como un miembro de la partida de villa. Durante este periodo, ancio en base de la propoa experiencia del autor "Los de Abajo"que se considera como la esencia de la novela revolucionarea. En este estudio, vamos a observar en base de esta obra la transicion de la con-ciencia popular que se vea a traves de la Revolucion Mexicana. Generalmente la revolucion se divide en dos:la de arriba y la de abajo. En caso de la Revolcion Mexicana, esta seria la de abajo porque se desarrollo con pancho villa como la figura central quien cogio el interes de las masas popula-res. Estas masas no pusieron algun proposito a la Revolucion ni combtian paralos intereses de ellas. Estas que son ignorantes y pobres soltaron a la voragine de la Revolucion sin saber la razon del movimento de la Revolucion. Es decir, ellas se pusieron a partivipar ciegamente en el movimento. Sin embargo, e el curso revolucionario que se presenta en la obra podemos ver la voluntad que no dejaran de derribar el gobierno dictatoroal. Pero, desgraciadamente, esta volutad se veia solamente a proncipios de la Revolucion y se enfrio poco a poco a causa de la prolongacion de la Revolucion. Al fin, se aburrieron de la Revolucion y se pusieron a tener el pensamiento peligroso como "Suceda lo que suceda" sin porvenir. Esto quiere decir que la voluntad a la esperanza se convirtion en la desesperanza despues. Bajo esta situacion, el autor que fue un inteligente nos describe realmente la circunstancia de aquel entonces en "Los de Abajo" como si iluminara a las vmasas populares. Por eso, podriamos decir que nuestro autor, a traves de suobra, no solamente propone claramente el proposito de la Revolucion sino tam-bien lleva un papel de antorcha que declara un camino a las masas que estaban confudidas.

      • Zn를 첨가한 고온초전도체 Y Pr Ba₂Cu₃O 의 Raman 분석

        강재필,김성재,박현진,노태호,송승기,박영민,전인 明知大學校 自然科學硏究所 1997 자연과학논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        고온초전도제 Y Pr Ba₂Cu₃O 에 Zn를 첨가(x=0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20)하여 전이온도 측정, X-ray회절 실험과 Raman 실험을 하였다. Raman 측정결과 다섯 개의 시료가 일반적인 YBCO 초천도체의 Raman 스펙트럼에서 존재하는 다섯 개의 대칭활성모드(115cm¹,150cm¹.340cm¹,440cm¹,504cm¹)가 관측되었다. 이것은 Cu 와 관련된 대칭활성모드의 주파수가 모두 저주파 변위를 나타내어 Zn가 Cu(1)과 Cu(2)에 치환되었음을 의미한다. 저주파 변위 정도는 Zn에 거의 무관했으나, Raman 스펙트럼의 각 피이크의 선폭은 치환된 Zn에 의해 증가했다. 이 결과는 Zn가 Cu자리에 어느 한계 이상은 치환되지 못하고 시료 내에서 불순물상을 형성함을 나타내는 것이다. We measured transition temperature, X-ray diffraction pattern and Raman spectra of Zn added(x=0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) high-T superconductor Y Pr Ba₂Cu₃O All samples have been observed five symmetric activity modes(115cm,150cm¹.340cm¹,440cm¹,504cm¹)which exist in Raman spectrum of general YBCO superconductor. This means Zn is substituted for Cu(1) and Cu(2) due to the fact that symmetric activity mode frequency related with Cu shows low-frequency shift. The degree of low-frequency shift was nearly independent on Zn but line width of Raman spectra peaks were increased by the substituted Zn. This results shows that Zn does not be substituted for Cu-site more than limit value and formes impurity phase in the sample.

      • RAPD Pattern of Ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) Lines Containing High Level of Ginsenoside

        Kang,Tae-Jin,Kim,Se-Young,Rho,Yeong-Deok,Deok-Chun 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.3

        The important component for medical effect in ginseng is ginsenoside. Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute contains approximately 200 lines produced by inbred selection. It is assumed that ginseng lines containing high level of ginsenoside should be included in those lines. Besides, new breeding methods such as cell line selection in vitro and hairy root were recently developed. Therefore, this study was carried out to detect genes related to ginsenoside, and to use it for selection marker to select and distribute lines containing high level of ginsenoside. DNA was extracted from both ginseng roots and hairy roots, and the difference between the line containing high ginsenoside(KG101) and normal ginsenoside(KG103) were analysed. As a result, 28 out of 36 primers showed bands, and many primers showed band difference between ginseng lines. It is considered that the bands should be analysed using DNA sequence comparison to check if those are related to ginsenoside. In case of hairy roots of ginseng, almost no differences were found between two lines.

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