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        Effects of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Waste Silage and Polyethylene Glycol on Ruminal Fermentation and Blood Components in Cattle

        Nishida, T.,Eruden, B.,Hosoda, K.,Matsuyama, H.,Nakagawa, K.,Miyazawa, T.,Shioya, S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.12

        The effects of green tea (Camellia sinensis) waste silage and supplemental polyethylene glycol (PEG) on rumen fermentation and blood components were studied in cattle. Six Holstein steers were fed three diets in a 3${\times}$3 Latin square design, replicated twice. One diet was a control with no added silage, and the other two diets were supplemented (20% of the dry matter) with green tea waste silage either with (PEG) or without PEG (tea). Most of the fermentation parameters including major volatile fatty acids (VFA) were not affected by the diet treatments. The concentrations of high density lipoprotein cholesterol in the PEG group and urea nitrogen in the tea and PEG groups were greater than those in the control before morning feeding. The plasma 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid equivalent concentration was not different before morning feeding, but 3 h after morning feeding, its concentrations in both the tea and PEG groups were higher than in the control. Although the concentration of plasma vitamin A in the animals was not affected by feeding green tea waste silage, the concentrations of plasma vitamin E were significantly higher in the tea and PEG groups than in the control, both before and 3 h after morning feeding. The results from the present study suggest that feeding diets containing 20% of the dietary dry matter as green tea waste silage to Holstein steers has no negative impact on their ruminal fermentation, and increases their plasma antioxidative activity and concentration of vitamin E.



        Fujihara, T.,Hosoda, C.,Matsui, T. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1995 Animal Bioscience Vol.8 No.2

        In the present study, nutritional status of some minerals in sheep grazed on native pasture was investigated in dry area, Ningxia district, of the People's Republic of China. Samples of some forages and blood of sheep were collected for two seasons, dry (March) and rainy (August) seasons. The Ca contents of forages (wheat straw, green-pea straw and some wild grasses) were relatively high as compared with that required ordinarily as standard, but on the contrary, the P content was much lower than that of standard. Consequently, Ca/P ratio was very high in cost of the roughages sampled in the region. Trace elements, Cu and Zn, content of forage samples were fairly low, and the contents of Mo and Fe were fairly high, particularly in some wild grasses, when the values were compared with that required normally. The Ca level in blood of sheep was in a range accepted as normal, and the other macro minerals(Mg and P) were contained at relatively high levels as compared with the values observed ordinarily, but not at a toxic level. With trace minerals, the plasma Fe level was extremely high as compared with the standard level, although there were no disorders due to toxicity, and Mo level in plasma was a little lower than the lower limit described as a normal. The plasma levels of other trace elements (Cu, Zn and Se) in all the animals were within the range accepted as normal. There would be no clear differences in mineral nutrition of sheep between dry and rainy seasons. These results could suggest that there is no severe unbalance and/or imbalance, and grazing sheep in the Ningxia area of midland China have no problems relating to the nutritional status of minerals.


        Influence of Mentha×piperita L. (Peppermint) Supplementation on Nutrient Digestibility and Energy Metabolism in Lactating Dairy Cows

        Hosoda, K.,Nishida, T.,Park, W.Y.,Eruden, B. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.12

        The characteristic smell of cow milk was suppressed when herbs were consumed by lactating dairy cows. But it is unclear whether or not peppermint ingestion affects the nutritional and milk production parameters in lactating dairy cows. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of peppermint feeding to lactating dairy cows on nutrient digestibility, energy metabolism, ruminal fermentation and milk production. Eight Holstein cows were given a diet supplemented with or without 5% of dried peppermint per diet on a dry matter basis. The digestion of nutrients from cows fed the diet with peppermint was significantly lower than that of the control group. Energy loss as methane and methane released from cows receiving the peppermint treatment was significantly lower than that in the control cows. Peppermint feeding to cows resulted in the promotion of thermogenesis. However, ruminal fermentation and milk production were not affected by peppermint feeding. In conclusion, peppermint ingestion by lactating dairy cows reduces the nutrient digestibility and methanogenesis, and changes energy metabolism.


        The Effects of Three Herbs as Feed Supplements on Blood Metabolites, Hormones, Antioxidant Activity, IgG Concentration, and Ruminal Fermentation in Holstein Steers

        Hosoda, K.,Kuramoto, K.,Eruden, B.,Nishida, T.,Shioya, S. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.1

        The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three herb supplementations on blood metabolites, hormones, antioxidant activity, immunoglobulin (Ig) G concentration, and ruminal fermentation in steers. Four Holstein steers in a $4{\times}4$ Latin square design received four herb treatments. The treatments consisted of the steers' regular diets with addition of: 1) nothing (control), 2) peppermint, 3) clove, and 4) lemongrass at 5% of the diet (DM basis). Clove supplementation increased the plasma concentration of cholesterol by about 10% (from 79 to 87 mg/dl). Peppermint and lemongrass feeding resulted in an increase in the concentrations of plasma urea nitrogen (from 5.9 to 6.9 and 6.4 mg/dl, respectively). The three herb treatments had no effect on other metabolites and hormones. Steers receiving clove supplementation showed a higher plasma antioxidant activity. The three herb treatments caused lower concentrations of IgG in the blood. Peppermint and lemongrass feedings increased, and clove feeding decreased ruminal concentrations of ammonia. There were no significant differences in VFA concentrations among herbal treatments, except for the decrease in propionate concentration in steers receiving clove treatment. This study suggested that clove feeding changed cholesterol metabolism and increased antioxidant activity in plasma, and feeding of three herbs affected immunity system and ruminal fermentation in steers.



        Aitaka, K.,Hosoda, M.,Nomura, T. The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 2003 International journal of automotive technology Vol.4 No.2

        The Intelligent Power Unit (IPU) utilized in Honda's Civic Hybrid Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) system was developed with the aim of making every component lighter, more compact and more efficient than those in the former model. To reduce energy loss, inverter efficiency was increased by fine patterning of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) chips, 12V DC-DC converter efficiency was increased by utilizing soft-switching, and the internal resistance of the IMA battery was lowered by modifying the electrodes and the current collecting structure. These improvements reduced the amount of heat generated by the unit components and made it possible to combine the previously separated Power Control Unit (PCU) and battery cooling systems into a single system. Consolidation of these two cooling circuits into one has reduced the volume of the newly developed IPU by 42% compared to the former model.


        K. AITAKA,M. HOSODA,T. NOMURA 한국자동차공학회 2003 International journal of automotive technology Vol.4 No.2

        The Intelligent Power Unit (IPU) utilized in Honda's Civic Hybrid Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) system was developed with the aim of making every component lighter, more compact and more efficient than those in the former model. To reduce energy loss, inverter efficiency was increased by fine patterning of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) chips, 12V DC-DC converter efficiency was increased by utilizing soft-switching. and the internal resistance of the IMA battery was lowered by modifying the electrodes and the current collecting structure. These improvements reduced the amount of heat generated by the unit components and made it possible to combine the previously separated Power Control Unit (PCU) and battery cooling systems into a single system. Consolidation of these two cooling circuits into one has reduced the volume of the newly developed IPU by 42% compared to the former model.


        Anomalous temperature dependence of the superelastic behavior of Ti-Nb-Mo alloys

        Al-Zain, Y.,Kim, H.Y.,Koyano, T.,Hosoda, H.,Nam, T.H.,Miyazaki, S. Elsevier Science 2011 Acta materialia Vol.59 No.4

        The effect of test temperature on the superelasticity of Ti-27Nb and various Ti-Nb-Mo alloys is investigated. A deviation in the stress at which martensitic transformation starts (σ<SUB>β-α'</SUB>') from the behavior expected from the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship is confirmed in all alloys. The degree of deviation is found to be in inverse proportion to the electron-to-atom ratio. However, no deviation is observed in the stress at which the reverse transformation finishes (σ<SUB>α'</SUB>'<SUB>-β</SUB>). All alloys exhibit anomalous electrical resistivity during cooling. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy investigations show that the volume fraction of the athermal ω (ω<SUB>ath</SUB>) phase increases with a decrease in temperature. An in situ XRD experiment obtained during a loading-unloading cycle shows that the β and ω<SUB>ath</SUB> phases transform into the α'' phase during loading. The annihilation of the ω<SUB>ath</SUB> phase within the α'' phase allows σ<SUB>α'</SUB>'<SUB>-β</SUB> to obey the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. As a result, a large hysteresis loop is produced.

      • Lattice modulation and superelasticity in oxygen-added β-Ti alloys

        Tahara, M.,Kim, H.Y.,Inamura, T.,Hosoda, H.,Miyazaki, S. Elsevier Science 2011 ACTA MATERIALIA Vol.59 No.16

        The microstructure and martensitic transformation behavior of (Ti-23Nb)-1.0O (at.%) alloy have been closely and systematically investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Diffuse streaks along the <110><SUB>β</SUB><SUP>*</SUP> directions with intensity maxima at ½ positions between basal spots are observed in selected area diffraction patterns obtained from the β phase. The streaks correspond to six variants of {110}<SUB>β</SUB><11@?0><SUB>β</SUB> transverse lattice modulation caused by randomly distributed oxygen atoms and their local strain fields. Nanosized modulated domains (nanodomains) in the β phase are confirmed in dark field micrographs. These nanodomains act as local barriers to martensitic transformation, thereby suppressing long-range martensitic transformation in the (Ti-23Nb)-1.0O alloy. We suggest a new mechanism for superelasticity in oxygen-containing β-Ti-Nb alloys based on the results of in situ X-ray diffraction measurements and in situ TEM observations.


        Shape memory properties of TiNbMo biomedical alloys

        Al-Zain, Y.,Kim, H.Y.,Hosoda, H.,Nam, T.H.,Miyazaki, S. Elsevier Science 2010 Acta materialia Vol.58 No.12

        Mo is added to Ti-Nb alloys in order to enhance their superelasticity. The shape memory properties of Ti-(12-28)Nb-(0-4)Mo alloys are investigated in this paper. The Ti-27Nb, Ti-24Nb-1Mo, Ti-21Nb-2Mo and Ti-18Nb-3Mo alloys exhibit the most stable superelasticity with a narrow stress hysteresis among Ti-Nb-Mo alloys with Mo contents of 0, 1, 2 and 3at.%, respectively. The ternary alloys reveal better superelasticity due to a higher critical stress for slip deformation and a larger transformation strain. A Ti-15Nb-4Mo alloy heat-treated at 973K undergoes (211)<111>-type twinning during tensile testing. Twinning is suppressed in the alloy heat-treated at 923K due to the precipitation of the α phase, allowing the alloy to deform via a martensitic transformation process. The Ti-15Nb-4Mo alloy exhibits stable superelasticity with a critical stress for slip deformation of 582MPa and a total recovery strain of 3.5%.

      • Effect of nitrogen addition and annealing temperature on superelastic properties of Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta alloys

        Tahara, M.,Kim, H.Y.,Hosoda, H.,Nam, T.h.,Miyazaki, S. Elsevier Sequoia 2010 Materials science & engineering. properties, micro Vol.527 No.26

        The composition dependence of the mechanical properties and martensitic transformation behavior of Ti-Nb-4Zr-2Ta-N alloys is investigated. The effect of annealing temperature on the microstructural evolution and superelastic properties in the N-added and N-free alloys is compared. The addition of N decreases M<SUB>s</SUB> of Ti-Nb-4Zr-2Ta alloys by about 200K per 1at.%N and improves the superelastic properties of Ti-Nb-4Zr-2Ta alloys. The dissolution of α phase increases the martensitic transformation start temperature and decreases the superelastic recovery strain for the N-free alloy, whereas it causes opposite effects for the N-added alloy. The different annealing temperature dependences of superelastic properties are discussed on the basis of microstructure observation.

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