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      • Role of e-Learning Environments in Training Applicants for Higher Education in the Realities of Large-Scale Military Aggression

        Nataliia Bakhmat,Maryna Burenko,Volodymyr Krasnov,Larysa Olianych,Dmytro Balashov,Svitlana Liulchak International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2023 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.23 No.12

        Electronic educational environments in the conditions of quarantine restrictions of COVID-19 have become a common phenomenon for the organization of distance educational activities. Under the conditions of Russian aggression, Ukrainian proof of their use is unique. The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of electronic educational environments in the process of training applicants for higher education in Ukraine in the realities of a large-scale war. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction) and special pedagogical prognostic methods, modeling, and SWOT analysis methods were used. In the results, the general properties of the Internet educational platforms common in Ukraine, the peculiarities of using the Moodle and Prometheus platforms, and an approximate model of the electronic learning environment were discussed. The reasons for the popularity of Moodle among Ukrainian universities are analyzed, but vulnerable elements related to security are emphasized. It was also determined that the high cost of Prometheus software and less functionality made this learning environment less relevant. The conclusions state that the military actions drew the attention of universities in Ukraine to the formation of their own educational platforms. This is especially relevant for technical and military institutions of higher education.

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