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      • The Ongoing Korean War at the Sinch’ŏn Museum in North Korea

        Sunghoon Han 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2015 Cross-Currents Vol.- No.14

        This essay analyzes the Sinch’ŏn Massacre and its memorialization at the Sinch’ŏn Museum of American War Atrocities in North Korea by placing the massacre within the context of North Korea’s political history. The museum illustrates Pyongyang’s perspective on the Korean War as a “war of liberation” and the museum’s role in the political education of the North Korean people, not simply as victims of American war atrocities but as “martyrs” and model citizens. Within the geopolitics of confrontation between North Korea and the United States since the Korean War, the Sinch’ŏn Museum has served to foster anti-American nationalism in North Korea. While the museum has served this specific purpose within the North Korean context, it should be compared with other examples of war memorialization that serve the function of identity formation for a sense of national unity.

      • Efficient Planar-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated by High-Throughput Sheath-Gas-Assisted Electrospray

        Han, Sunghoon,Kim, Hyungchae,Lee, Seojun,Kim, Changsoon American Chemical Society 2018 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.10 No.8

        <P>When a perovskite precursor solution is electrosprayed using the conventional method where the nebulization of the solution is primarily governed by electrostatics, its high electrical conductivity tends to cause electrospray instabilities and thus makes high-quality perovskite films very difficult to obtain. Here, we report high throughput fabrication of efficient perovskite solar cells (PSCs) whose CH3NH3PbI3-xClx films are deposited using a sheath-gas-assisted electrospray system. Our system, based on strong pneumatic nebulization as well as high-voltage electrostatic charging of droplets, enables very stable high-flow electrospray of small charged droplets, even for the highly conductive perovskite precursor solution. Consequently, with the control of the drying rate of the droplets deposited on substrates by adjusting the substrate temperature during deposition, crystalline, void-free CH3NH3PbI3-xClx films with nearly 100% surface coverage and high thickness uniformity are obtained. Inverted planar-heterojunction PSCs employing these films have a maximum power conversion efficiency of 14.2% with a small standard deviation of 0.9%, comparable to that of the spin-coated device.</P>

      • 무선 센서 네트워크에서 이동 센서 노드 이용으로 최적 라우팅 방법

        한성훈(Sunghoon Han),한기준(KiJun Han) 한국정보과학회 2006 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.33 No.2D

        센서 네트워크(Sensor Network)는 항공기(Aircraft)로 살포되는 센서 노드(Sensor Node)들로 구성된다. 자연적인 장애물 즉, 바람, 나무 등이나 빌딩과 같은 조형물로 인해 적절한 위치에 센서 노드들이 배치되지 못하여 불필요한 에너지 소비와 전송 지연 등이 발생하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 기존 논문에서 사용하던 고정 노드(Static Node) 뿐만 아니라 이동 노드(Mobile Node)를 센서 필드(Sensor Field)에 배치 할 것이다. 각 센서 노드의 정보를 싱크(Sink)노드가 수집 분석 후 본 논문에서 제시한 제안에 따라 이동 노드 위치 변경하여 센서 네트워크 라우팅(Routing)의 성능을 향상시키는 방법을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전쟁사회와 북한의 냉전 인식

        한성훈(Han SungHoon) 비판사회학회 2011 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.91

        북한사회는 전쟁에 대비하기 위해 군인을 중심으로 사회를 조직하고, 군대를 거점으로 정치경제가 움직이는 체제이다. 이는 전쟁이 사회제도의 일부로 편입되어 인민과 사회와 국가는 전쟁을 수행하기 위한 하나의 유기체와 같은 조직이 된다. 그리고 군을 중심으로 체계화된 사회는 경제와 사회영역이 무력에 종속된 병영국가로 나타나고, 이것은 선군정치가 등장하는 데 매우 용이한 배경이 되었다. 1958년 북한은 한국전쟁 당시 주민피해로부터 모든 피해의 상징이자 반미인식을 고취하는 상징으로서 신천박물관을 건립했으며, 60여 년 동안 지속된 전쟁공포와 핵무기 위협은 이들의 냉전 인식을 강화시켰다. 북한 지도부는 이곳을 인민의 계급교양 거점으로 삼아 피해의식과 전쟁기억을 전승하고, 반미라고 하는 실천 이데올로기의 물질적 기초이자 선군시대 혁명 후속세대의 계급교양 전통으로 역사화하고 있다. DPR Korea is military community to combat readiness. This state organized social structure focus on military center and politics and economy system work order force base. War world become to garrison state, it is an organism that people, society and state to efficiently carry out war. The social order on centered military provide a backdrop for the Military-First Politics. The constructed Shincheon Museum in 1958, symbolize injury awareness of the Korean war and was just beginning to play a role as the hub of anti-Americanism. North Korean people was haunted by the fear of war and nuclear weapons as a threat in the past 60 years by the United States, they have taken effect political idea education to people against state of crisis. On the one hand, this museum transmit from generation to generation war memory what injury awareness and war phobia and on the other, it is a physical basis on anti-Americanism as practical ideology and has educated traditionally succeeding generation in the Military-oriented Age.

      • KCI등재

        전시 북한의 반동분자 처리 -군중심판과 두문

        한성훈 ( Sunghoon Han ) 한국사회사학회 2012 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.93

        한국전쟁 당시 38선 이북에 진출한 국군과 경찰은 반공치안대와 함께 점령지 주민들에게 남한 헌법과 일민주의, 반공주의 등을 교육했다. 인민들에 대한 사상적 재정향은 전쟁패배와 사회주의 건설에 대한 회의, 그리고 북한정권으로부터 이탈을 가져오는 ‘반혁명 상황’을 초래했다. 체제 핵심집단인 로동당 조직은 위기에 처했고 당원은 계급성이 약화되어 당증을 버리고 도망쳤으며, 일부 주민은 우익청년단을 돕기도 했다. 이러한 상황은 신생 사회주의 국가인 북한의 정치교육과 토지개혁, 남녀평등정책 등 ‘민주개혁’ 조치의 실패이자 지도부가 인민들의 지지를 전폭적으 로 얻고 있지 않다는 것을 의미했다. 북한은 일시적 강점기 때 적에게 협력한 자들을 반동분자로 처리하였는데, 사회 적 처벌의 형태인 군중심판으로 두문을 집행한 경우가 많았다. 형법은 계급적 속성 을 반영하고 있는데 정치공동체 구성원에 대한 이데올로기적 기능을 수행하였고, 군중심판은 범죄의 사회적 위험성을 인민들에게 효과적으로 전파했다. 군중심판에 참여하는 인민들은 그 과정을 통해 정치적 교양과 투쟁의식을 강화하였고, 계급적 각성과 더불어 그들 스스로 국가의 주인이 되는 의식을 갖게 되었다. 이러한 일련 의 조치는 인민들을 신생 사회주의 국가의 구성원으로 통합해 나가는 과정이었다 While South Korea entered the 38th parallel, civil police taught constitution of South Korea, the Ilmin-ideology and anti-communism to north people in the Korea War. Reorientation of the people was caused to a result an ‘Anti-Revolution Situation’ that war defeat, skeptical response about construction of a socialist state and broke away from the regime. The Workers’ Party of Korea came to a crisis of system breakdown and members of the party got away to throw a certificate of membership and were weaked class resistance. Some people collaborated with the Anti-communism Youth Organization. The state of affairs meant that defeat of political education of a new socialist state and a political leader failed to get on support of people. North Korea disposed of wartime collaborators in temporary occupation by South Korea and executed of crowd trial. To stay-at-home life as social punishment integrated with the people whose not politically conscious into regime. People whose participate referee crowd strengthened political education and had themselves of state ownership with class-conscious. The series of courses had shown to integrate people of socialist state building.

      • KCI등재

        신해방지구 인민의 사회주의 체제 이행

        한성훈 ( Han Sunghoon ) 북한연구학회 2016 북한연구학회보 Vol.20 No.2

        This paper analyzes the process of how the formation of the people assumed to be the subject of historical development of North Korea was accomplished in the New Liberation district. The change of people formation and life is about the new Liberation district which was the area south of the 38th pre-war area before the Korean War mainly in the Kaeseong area. The contents of the changes were examined with the Kaeseong Newspaper in terms of the changes of life such as the policy and labor relations of the Labor Party, the formation and inclusion process of the model people, the settlement of the agricultural cooperation and collectivism principle, and the hygiene culture. In the New Liberation district, which was ruled by North Korea after the occupation of South Korea before the Korean War, in terms of the political community and its members, the people belonging to different systems were under the new government. This political change means “a change in the baseline” that changes the rules of life for people. The `change of baseline` is fundamentally different from the guideline of value seeking and daily organization and behavior. In the restoration district, the Labor Party`s policies have faced resistance. However, changes in living conditions such as mobilization of labor and the stratification of the working class, and the creation of the model, have created residents with the people they want. Agricultural cooperation policy was pursued in accordance with the principle of collectivism, and the party created the people`s orthodoxy by exemplifying the Labor Party, the Demilitarized Zone, Min Cheongwon.

      • KCI등재

        제노사이드와 근대 이성에 대한 성찰

        한성훈(Sunghoon Han) 한국문화사회학회 2015 문화와 사회 Vol.19 No.-

        이 글은 제노사이드로부터 근대 이성에 대한 성찰을 통해 공동체의 윤리를 기획한 것이다. 근대성과 대량학살의 관계에서 계몽의 기획을 비판적으로 검토하고 ‘공유’와 ‘환대’를 윤리로 제시하였다. ‘환대’는 칸트의 영구평화론에 등장하는 세계시민법에서 보편적인 권리의 조건으로 설정되고, ‘공유’ 역시 권리로 인식되는 점에서 기획한 윤리이다. 논문은 ‘공유’와 ‘환대’를 칸트의 공통감, 이를 재해석한 아렌트의 공동체 감각 - 동정심에 기반한 인간의 본성으로서 공동체의 전망과 성찰 - 을 근간으로 설명하였다. 이 두 개념은 공동체의 (재)통함 관점에서 제시한 인식론적 산물이다. 사례로서 제노사이드 연구는 국가와 정치, 공동체의 본질을 묻는 것이고, 인간의 권리와 윤리에 대한 해석은 공동체와 개인의 관계를 재조명하는 것이다. 공동체 윤리를 계몽의 다차원성에서 찾고자 한 것은 근대의 기획이 도구적 이성의 합리성뿐만 아니라 감성과 상상, 감각 등에 기반한 것이기도 하기 때문이다. 이를 사회과학의 도덕에 대한 이론으로 보면, 공동체 구성원의 관계를 어떻게 설정할 것인가가 중요하고 이것은 의무라기보 다는 책임으로서 윤리를 문제 삼는다. 개인과 공동체의 관계를 권리와 윤리의 관점에서 보는 것은 근대국가에서 인권을 보장하는 형태는 국민국가 정치체제가 아니고서는 불가능하고, 이는 또한 구성원간의 공동체 윤리에서 실현될 수 있기 때문이다. 공동체의 개별 관계는 한편으로 권리와 윤리의 결합이고 다른 한편으로 나와 타자가 맺는 관계의 속성이라고 할 수 있다. ‘공유’와 ‘환대’는 공동체 감각이라고 하는 공통의 인식을 바탕으로 하고, 이는 인간의 본질이 존재에 앞서는 관계에 있음에 주목한 것이다. This thesis abstract observes community ethics through examining genocide and modern rationality. It critically analyzes the system of enlightenment in relation to modernity and genocide, and proposes ‘common’ and ‘hospitality’ as ethics. ‘Common’ and ‘hospitality’ are conceptual thoughts based on looking at the Cosmopolitan Law in Kant’s Perpetual Peace as the general conditions for hospitality, and accepting common as a right. The thesis explains ‘common’ and ‘hospitality’ based on Kant’s sensus communis and the idea of the community sense — the observation and examination of community through human nature based on compassion — as reinterpreted by Arendt. These two concepts are epistemological outcomes proposed by the integrated viewpoints of the community. The genocides as the case study question the essence of nation, politics and community, and the modern rationality on the status of community and individual sheds a new light on the interpretation of human rights and ethics. This text strives to find community ethics from the multi dimensionality of enlightenment because enlightenment is not only rooted in the rationality of instrumental reason but also on sensibility, imagination and perception. When looking at this in terms of ethics theories in social science, what’s important is how to establish the relationships between the members of the community, and questioning ethics not as obligation but as responsibility. The relationship between individuals and community is seen through the perspective of rights and ethics because it’s impossible for human rights to be guaranteed in modern nations except for as a political system of the people and nation, and this can also be executed through the community ethics of each community member. The individual relationships within a community are partly a union of the political and the ethical, as well as attributes of the relationships between the self and others. ‘Common’ and ‘hospitality’ is based on the collective awareness of the community sense, and this demonstrates that the human nature rests beyond its existence, on relationships with each other.

      • O-GlcNAc modification of Mef2c regulates C2C12 myoblast differentiation

        Han Byeol Kim,Jung Hwa Seo,Hyun Gyu Seo,Hyeonjin Choi,Byung Gyu Kim,Sang Yoon Park,Sunghoon Kim,Jaeyoung Pai,Injae Shin,Jin Won Cho 한국당과학회 2016 한국당과학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.07

        O-GlcNAc modification is glycosylation that occurs on Serine and Threonine residues of proteins located in nucleus and cytoplasm. O-GlcNAcylation regulates various cellular events including transcription, translation, cell death and cell proliferation as cellular nutrient sensor. It also has important roles in development processes such as neurogenesis, osteogenesis, adipogenesis and myogenesis. Although some roles and molecular mechanism of O-GlcNAcylation in various development process has been studied, the relationship between O-GlcNAcylation and muscle differentiation is not clearly established. We confirm that physiological conditions to regulate cellular O-GlcNAc level as well as O-GlcNAcase inhibitor treatment influenced the myogenin expression and myogenesis. We also confirm that this results was shown in mouse model system. We demonstrate that these phenomenons result from O-GlcNAc of Mef2c. Furthermore, we identify the 3 O-GlcNAc sites in Mef2c and find that one of these site has role regulating the DNA binding affinity with promoter of myogenin. Our results suggest that one specific O-GlcNAc site of Mef2c is closely associated with muscle differentiation through the regulation of myogenin transcription.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 파킨슨 환자의 역학적 기능수행지수 개발

        ( Sunghoon Shin ),( Byungin Han ),( Chulmin Chung ),( Yungon Lee ) 한국운동역학회 2020 한국운동역학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Objective: The study aimed to develop a functional performance index that evaluates the functional performance of Parkinson's patients, i.e., to integrate biomechanical measurements of walking, balance, muscle strength and tremor, and to use multiple linear regression with stepwise methods to identify the most suitable predictors for the progression of disease. Method: A total of 60 subjects were tested for sub-variables of four factors: walking, balance, isometric strength and hand tremors. Potential independet variables were extracted through correlation analysis of the sub-variables and dependent variables, Hoehn & Yahr scale. And then, a stepwise multiple regression analysis using the potential independent variables was performed to identify predictor of Hoehn & Yahr scale. Results: First, the results of the study showed that physical composition and gait had a relatively more correlated with the progression of the disease, compared to balance and hand tremor. Second, Parkinson's functional performance is characterized by dynamic pattern of walking, such as foot clearance and turning angle (TA) of walking, and a high-explained regression model is completed. Conclusion: The study emphasized the importance of walking variables and body composition in minor pathological features compared to Parkinson's patient's balancing ability and hand tremor. Specifically, it revealed that dynamic walking patterns functionally characterize patients. The results are worth considering when assessing functional performance related to the progression of the disease at the site.

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