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      • KCI등재

        화학물질 운반차량 누출사고 처리절차에 관한 연구

        Sungbum Kim,Sangjae Lee,Seongkyeong Jeong,Myunghee Lim,Youngil Song,Euisan Ahn,Hoyong Jeong,Najin Kim,Hyunjoo Lee,Sungwoon Choi 한국재난정보학회 2017 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        지난 3년(‘13∼’15)간 화학물질사고는 301건이 발생하였으며, 연평균 약 100건이 집계됐다. 이와 같은 화학사고는 인명과 환경에 많은 피해를 가져왔다. ‘13년∼’15년에 발생한 운반차량 화학사고는 연평균 21건으로 전체 화학사고의 약 21%를 차지한다. 화학물질 운반차량의 사고는 지역에 관계없이 도로상에서 발생하고 있기 때문에, 관계기관의 대응 및 사후처리 등 체계적인 현장조사가 필요하다. 또한 화학물질 운반업자 및 화물주 등의 협조가 절대적으로 필요한 상황이다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 화학물질 운반차량의 사고발생에 대한 현장조사 및 처리 절차를 조사·분석하였다. 이를 통해 운반차량의 화학사고에 대한 원인을 분석하고 현장조사와 처리절차를 체계적으로 마련하는 기초자료가 될 것으로 판단된다. 301 cases of chemical accidents occurred during the recent three years('13~15) recording about 100cases on average in Korea.. Chemical accidents has brought casualties and negative impact on the environment. The chemical accident by transporting vehicles during recent 3 years records 21 on average & takes about 21% of the whole chemical accident. Systematic investigation on chemical accident was needed by corresponding authorities since the transport accident has occurred on the road, all over the nation. For the systematic investigation on the accident scene by the corresponding authorities, the cooperation of transport companies and transport contractor is highly necessary. The investigation of such accident scene was examined and analyzed in this study. Through this study, the results can be basis to analyzed the cause of chemical accident by transporting vehicles and to prepare procedures for on-site investigation and handling systematically.

      • KCI등재

        Childhood Trauma, Femininity, and the Asian Other

        Lee, Sungbum(이성범) 한국동서비교문학학회 2010 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.23

          This essay is intended to address De Quincey’s politics of the unconscious. In his confessional writings, he pioneers the workings of the unconscious even before Sigmund Freud. In order to explain the unconscious, De Quincey introduces two terms: “involute” and “palimpsest.” He uses the former to argue for the convergence of different events making appearance in his dreams; in other words, he introduces it to give account to a sudden juxtaposition of “vagrant” “digressive” episodes. The latter, on the other hand, indicates the temporal version of “involute.” The word “palimpsest” is a metaphorical term through which De Quincey explains the relation of the origin of his sufferings to its later modifications. While revising the 1821 Confessions in 1856 and writing Suspiria de Profundis as the sequel of it in 1845, De Quincey gives special attention to the operations of the unconscious as a kind of “palimpsest.”   De Quincey places the mutual involution of feminine love and sublimity at the heart of his unconscious. While he assigns the former to the English, he assigns the latter to the Asian other. As a male-imperialist, De Quincey makes an imaginative control of two marginal others-females and Asiatic others-in his dreams, so that they can fit the flow of his male-imperial desires. They take charge of respectively pleasure and pain, beauty and sublimity, love and politics, and Britishness and otherness. In his unconscious as compared to “palimpsest,” the two elements of English femininity and the oriental other reemerge repeatedly by transforming themselves. Thus, for instance, the antagonism of his dead sister Elizabeth and the excessively lively oriental climate during childhood is transferred into the opposition of his meetings with Ann and a Malay during adolescence. They are apparently in stark contrast with each other, but serve the efficient circulation of De Quincey’s male-imperial desires.   The tension of feminine love and oriental sublimity becomes remarkably mitigated as De Quincey revises the 1821 Confessions in 1856. In an essay added newly to the 1856 Confessions named “the Daughter of Lebanon,” the Asian other represented by the title character is portrayed as being feminized and christianized, and thus anglicized. The Christianization of the Lebanese woman is fastened to British advantage over China accompanied by two Opium Wars during the mid-nineteenth century.

      • KCI등재

        Sensibility, Luxury, and the Economy of Sympathetic Pleasure: Henry Mackenzie`s The Man of Feeling

        ( Lee Sungbum ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2017 현대영어영문학 Vol.61 No.1

        This essay aims to address an affinity between excessive emotionalism in sentimental fiction and luxury economy in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Although contemporary moralists demonize both excessive sensibility and luxury in terms of weakening frugality and industry, it is crucial to approach them in light of satisfying consumers` pursuit of pleasure. Scottish political economists, such as James Steuart, David Hume, and Adam Smith among others, identify luxury goods as consuming desire, pleasure and taste, as opposed to necessaries for gratifying bodily needs. I would like to call this advent of luxury the aestheticization of commodity. Likewise, sentimental fiction, which is blamed for squeezing tears exceeding what is necessary, implicates the consumption of pleasure in the literary marketplace. Focusing on The Man of Feeling by Henry Mackenzie, I explore the linkage of sensibility to luxury in terms of the consumption of pleasure. Mackenzie`s novel participates in the circulation of emotional excess in the marketplace for the reading audience`s desire for lachrymose stories. The involvement of his novel in pursuit of sentimental pleasure at the literary level is thus interwoven with the consumption of luxury at the economic level. (Sangmyung University)

      • KCI등재

        Keats, Adolescent Melancholy, and Oriental "Pleasure Thermometer"

        Sungbum Lee 19세기영어권문학회 2013 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.17 No.1

        In the preface to Endymion : A Poetic Romance (1818) , Keats focuses attention to adolescence as a “mawkish” “space of life between” childhood and adulthood. He marks this period as a transitional stage of life when contradictory emotions are mixed together. Young Endymion, the title character of the poem, goes back and forth between sensuality and spirituality, privacy of passion and social control of it, or selfish passion and disinterested love. This adolescent duality itself activates what Keats terms “pleasure thermometer.” His poetics of immaturity this de-stabilizes the contemporary establishment of adult literacy. Closely examined, the two-faced aspects of Keatsian adolescent melancholy reflect a historical division of privacy and publicity in modern society. With the advent of the “bourgeois public sphere” in Habermas’s terms, modern society becomes steeped in the constant conflict of private opinions and their publicity. Romantic writers, intriguingly enough, internalize publicity so as to extol sentimental community. They cherish such values as fellowship, humanity, love, imagination. They cherish such values as fellowship, humanity, love, imagination, and sympathy. In the poem, Endymion pursues emotional, but not political, leadership in a new world of sentimental community. Putting the doubleness of Endymion’s romance in a colonial context, Keats’s adolescent imagination accompanies his imperial imagination. Endymion alternates between his sensuous desires for the Indian maid and English Cynthia’s request for his self-reflection. This orientalized polarization of his desires reflects the distinction between the privacy and publicity of passion. Like Keats as a chameleon poet who aims to embrace different identities, Endymion rejoices in chameleon pleasure by including both the Indian maid and Cynthia. Keats senses the importance of textual conquest. He sends his work Endymion to English explorer Joseph Ritchie going to the Sahara Desert. Just as the British government seeks territorial conquest, Keats pursues textual infiltration into foreign lands. He anticipates that his orientalist text Endymion will be read both at home and abroad.

      • KCI등재

        Literature, Romantic System-Building and Porosity

        Sungbum Lee(이성범) 한국영미어문학회 2007 영미어문학 Vol.- No.82

          According to Adorno and Horkheimer, the culture industry controls daily lives of the masses by reorganizing their sentiments and desires for economic interest and political need. They acknowledge that although culture seems to get away from politico-economic system, it in reality becomes an object for systematic management.<BR>  This institutionalization of culture moves back to the Romantic age. Although cultural production at the beginning of the twentieth century starts to be electrically-oriented and Romantic literary production at the turn of the eighteenth to the nineteenth century is print-oriented, two types of cultural production mirror each other. For, Romantics enthusiastically attempt to regulate the public"s sentiments in the name of the creation of taste as well. Literary production becomes a "moral steam engine" in Coleridge"s phrase.<BR>  It should be noted that cultural production becomes a new site where conflicting positions revolves around the issue of how culture/literature should operate in society. While Adorno disparages the culture industry as a planned deception, Benjamin defends it as a medium for the expansion of human senses. This controversy over whether the culture industry is manipulative or liberating is closely linked to the debate over whether literary education effects moral virtue or moral virus. The Lake School poet Southey defames Byron as the representative of the Satanic School, claiming that Byron disseminates what Southey termed "a moral virus." According to the Lake School poets, say, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey, disciplined morals promote national wealth. Byron, as a kind of "moral virus," attempts to unbuild the moral system that the Lake poets wish to build. In an age when literature gets instituted as a moral engine to individualize social regulations, it simultaneously tends to question itself.

      • KCI등재

        Reference, Self-Reference and the Power of Signs

        Sungbum Lee 19세기영어권문학회 2009 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper aims to address the self-division of reference into outer reference and self-reference in order to eventually show how the self-referential arbitrariness of sign systems acts as a new device for social control in early nineteenth century Britain. The in-depth discussion of what Ferdinand de Saussure describes as the arbitrary relation between the signifer and the signified in reality goes back to the Enlightenment and the Romantic era. Enlightenment and Romantic linguists are alike in that both of them note the circumstantial relation of a sign to its referent. These two groups, however, differ from each other in that the former esteems the referentiality of language whereas the latter attempts to thematize the self-referencial recursion of it. The Enlightenment theorist of rhetoric Hugh Blair, in spite of his argument for the arbitrariness of language, ultimately puts accent on the referential exactness of it. He prioritizes modern English over ancient languages since, as a simple example, the former eliminates, for the primacy of prepositions and auxiliary verbs, the qualitative marks of syntactic order (i.e., case declension and verb conjugation) that the latter, namely ancient Latin has. Blair's preference for English over Latin indicates that English develops the arbitrary ordering of words to set up purely intra-linguistic rules. Blair, however, finally contends that language should reinforce its referential clarity. Romantic linguists, on the other hand, divide reference itself into outer reference and self-reference. They exert themselves to displace the former, that is, what is referred to with the latter, that is, how it is referred to. This dividing process can be called the “desynonymization” of reference. It causes the mismatch of sign and referent. Romantic poetics thus structuralizes the constant tension between reference and self-reference. Now, just as literature is desynomymized from other social institutions, self-reference is desynonymized from reference itself for the autotelic turn of signification. Percy Bysshe Shelley observes that the structural inconsistency between sign and referent serves as a new device for social hegemony in politico-economic as well as literary systems. He questions the poetic, political, and economic web of a repressive rule by arbitrary signs. Although he cherishes the merit of language as “measured words,” he simultaneously worries about the instability of signification. He also notices that the ruling class, what he calls “a new aristocracy,” plays with the overrepresentation, underrepresentation, and misrepresentation of political representatives in the parliamentary assembly. They take advantage of the variations of representation. In the economy of currency, too, the contemporary Tory government encourages bad money, say, paper currency to misrepresent its real value, which results in the fluctuations of value. Shelley problematizes this ongoing inconsistency between the signifier and the signified that repeats itself in divergent social organizations. Coming up against the political-economic-poetic network of repression by arbitrary signs, Shelley's subversive imagination ironizes a dominant logic itself. In “The Mask of Anarchy,” his poetic strategies for tackling the deceptive system of signs is to paradoxically appropriate it for resistance. The poem shows that the power of self-referential signs operates double-edgedly; although it can facilitate domination, it simultaneously helps defamiliarize contemporary authorities. When Shelley images Hope and Shape as surfing into contradictory entities, this on-going displacement is meant to parody the repressive power of sign systems.

      • KCI등재

        The Romantic Control of History and the Politics of Difference

        Sungbum Lee 한국비평이론학회 2008 비평과이론 Vol.13 No.1

          Once the universal history of Christian teleology weakened its own authority with the rise of modern society, individual (national or personal) histories started to have their own internal telos. That is, the gradual decrease of theological monism leads to the valuation of time-dependent change. Now temporal differentiation characterized as irreversible, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable rises to the surface as a new parameter of the modern notion of time. What is at issue here is that as soon as eschatological totality loses its influential power, individual histories have their own totalizing programs. I define the diachronic ordering of different histories as Romantic time discipline.<BR>  In her poem, "Eighteen Hundred and Eleven" (1812), Anna Letitia Barbauld (1743-1825) becomes involved in this Romantic chronology in a global context. She reveals how the British Empire is determined to incorporate local others into its own master plot. I term this kind of globalization Romantic globalization.<BR>  The politics of difference, which celebrates local differences against global capitalism, emerges as an alternative to Romantic globalization especially in an era of global capitalism. In the name of the politics of location, the war of positions or the politics of postcoloniality, the politics of difference values non-classed, non-national, local identities as an epistemological center, a subject-position, and a site of resistance to guard against global capitalism. It argues for local differences tackling the totalizing pressure of Capital that serializes them at a global level. The presence of heterogeneities, led by local subjects troubling the conceptual authority of thc classed or national subject, regionalizes the master plan of transnational capitalism.<BR>  The politics of difference, however, has two problematic postulates. One is that it tends to abandon any kinds of the interconnectedness of differences as a repercussion of its rejection of monolithic totalization. The other is that although thc politics of difference, of course, has its own advantage in that the existence of local histories can question global totalization, it is likely to fall into the de-historicized essentialization of differences. Avoiding both the totalizing repression of global totality and the fetishized notion of difference, I suggest the decentered netting of local differences. This new paradigm is characterized by the multifocal, glocalized flow of differences.

      • KCI등재

        Romance, Bildungsroman, and the Science of Man

        Sungbum Lee 19세기영어권문학회 2010 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.14 No.1

        This essay aims to trace the revisionary history of romance ranging from chivalric romance to the bildungsroman. Chivalric romance becomes a dominant narrative form that represents the diverse variations of medieval romance with the passing of the High Middle Ages. Unlike heroic epic throwing martial heroism into relief, this genre creates its own genetic identity by gradually highlighting high ideals and love of an illustrious knight. Yet it undergoes a serious change with the rise of the early modern and modern periods. Many contemporary writers make great efforts to modernize romance to exhibit modern manners and lives. They attempt to bring together the high life of romance and the low life of the novel. It turns out that romance gets novelized and novel gets ennobled. By make an anthropological turn of romance into a scrutiny of human nature, modern romance reformers like William Godwin complete this novelization of romance. In his famous essay "Of History and Romance," (1797) Godwin argues that a true romance writer should study the "individual history" of human character. A new romance should pursue personal transformations through which an individual should aspire for republican ideal, he claims. His genetic revision is thus characterized by the radical humanization/internalization of romance. It follows that Godwinian romance turns into what later generations term bildungsroman. Godwin's work St. Leon: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century (1799) exemplifies the modern refitting of romance into the bildungsroman. Although the time setting of the story is the sixteenth century, French nobleman Count Reginald de St. Leon, the title character of the story, changes his own identity from an aristocrat exerting chivalric knighthood at war through a gambler showing off aristocratic bounty at table and ultimately to a republican liberalist. Here the noble adventures of a chivalric knight turns into the novel adventures of a modern enlightener. Characterological transformations of the hero correspond to the genetic incorporation of romance into the bildungsroman plot. This self-transformative unfolding of romance consequently produces overdetermined textuaity; the narrative grammar for the education of formation domineers over the textual functions of other literary forms within the text of St. Leon. Godwin's modernization of romance as a study of an individual is particularly oriented toward his scientific perusal of a system of prejudiced thoughts. He senses that political influence in modern society becomes actualized through human consciousness. With this motivation worthy of notice, he strives for the systematic knowledge of ideological biases.

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