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      • 김치에서 분리한 Lactobacillus sp. JC-7과 Lactobacillus acidophilus 88간의 Electrofusion 최적조건 설정

        조영배,최현정,백형석,전홍기 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1997 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.13 No.-

        김치 발효 숙성기간을 연장하고 신선도를 오랫동안 유지 할 수 있는 김치발효 starter의 개발을 목적으로 최적숙성기에 있는 김치로부터 bacteriocin생성능이 없는 유산균을 분리하여 동정하였으며, bacteriocin생성능이 우수한 L.acidophilus 88을 융합시키기 위해 electrofusion에 대한 최적 조건을 검토하였다. 분리균주는 Lactobacillus속으로 동정되어 Lactobacillus sp. JC-7이라 명명하였다. Electrofusion에 의해 생성된 융합주를 식별하기 위해 streptomycin(2.5㎎/ml)에 내성을 나타내는 Lactobacillus sp. JC-7변이주와 kanamycin(600㎍/ml)에 내성을 나타내는 L.acidophilus 88변이주를 분리하였다. Electrofusion을 100V/㎝, 120msec(72ohms,1670 capacitance) 에서 수행했을 때 융합효율이 가장 양호하였으며 전기장의 세기와 시간이 중가할수록 융합 효율이 현저히 감소하였다. 2가 양이온은 농도가 중가할수록 대체적으로 융합효율을 감소시키는 경향을 나타내었으나 1mM MGCl_2에서는 대조군에 비해 융합효율이 약간 증가하였다. PEG매개에 의한 융합법의 융합효율을 비교한 결과, 융합효율은 chemical fusion<electrofusion<electrofusion+20% PEG순을 나타내었다. Evaluation of Optimum Conditions for the Electrofusion between Lactobacillus sp. JC-7 Isolated from Kimchi and Lactobacillus acidophilus 88. Young-Bae Jo, Hyun-Jung Choi, Hyung-Suk Baik and Hong-Ki Jun*. Department of Microbiology, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735,Korea-A lactic acid bacterium was isolated from kimchi. The isolated strain was identified as the genus Lactobacillus thrugh its morphological characteristics and named as Lactobacillus sp. JC-7. The optimum conditions for the electrofusion between streptomycin(2.5㎎/ml)resistant mutant of Lactobacillus acidophilus 88 and kanamycin(600㎍/ml) resistant mutant Lactobacillus sp. JC-7 were evaluated. The highest number of fusants were obtained at a capacitance value of 120msec(1670㎌), a field strength of 100V/㎝,and a pulse controller setting of 72Ω. The potimum pH of elecroporation buffer was 7.5 and the concentration of divalent cation was 1mM MG^2+. Electrofusants were efficiently obtained by addition 20% polyethylene glycol to electroporation buffer. The yield of fusion was better than that of using polyethylene glycol mediated chemical induction.

      • KCI등재

        폐경 전후 여성의 신체활동 및 생활습관과 골 밀도 수치와의 관련성

        배성욱,남철현,홍성철,최연희,이정옥,양숙희 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.3

        To evaluate the degree of bone mineral density according to physical activity, lifestyle in pre- and postmenopausal women. The subjects were 951 premenopausal and 1,167 postmenopausal women who have examined in health promotion center of Yeungnam University Hospital in Daegu city from January, 1999 to Januaty, 2001. The test for bone mineral density. The physical activity and life style were evaluated by questionaire through interview. The results were summarized as follow. 1) The prevalence rates of reduced bone mineral density and osteoporosis in premenopausal women were 23.8% and 1.6%, respectively. However, these values were increased to 46.1% and 28.1% in postmenopausal women. 2) The regular exercise was revealed to have preventive effect for osteoporosis in pre- and postmenopausal women. Among the types of exercise, the most effective exercise was bowling and moderately effective exercise was swimming on prevention of osteoporosis, however, bare hand physical exercise was not significant effect on bone mineral density. 3) The risk for reducing bone mineral density was decreased in women who have higher educational background and income in pre- and postmenopausal. The bone mineral density was highest in white color worker and lowest in blue color worker. 4) The premenopausal women who favor meat were revealed higher bone mineral density than the women who favor vegetable. The women who have drunk none or small amount of alcohol were revealed increased bone mineral density and smoking was a risk factor for osteoporosis. These results suggested that to prevent osteoporosis, the systemized program for promoting anti-osteoporotic factor have to be developed and apply from the thirties whom have maximal bone mineral density.

      • 펜싱 종목별 연습 및 시합시 심박수 변화

        최태석,이근배,천영호,이현수 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.4

        This experiment was done on 30 fencers that had joined the national competition and had a research on theft heart rates during the fencing bout and got the following results. 1. In average, a male fencer have a height of 178.40㎝, weight of 72.50㎏, the height when sitting of 93.70㎝, the chest perimeter of 94.70㎝, arm length of 56.50㎝, and thigh parameter of 60.20㎝. In average, for a female fencer, had a height of 167.98㎝, weight of 59.00㎏, the height when sitting of 87.00㎝, chest perimeter of 84.50㎝, the thigh perimeter of 58.30㎝, and the arm length of 50.90㎝. From the result of testing a fencer's endurance by general footwork, it was proofed that the evaluation of respiratory function was needed more. 3. When comparing the heart rates of male fencers in the fencing bout of fleuret and epee, we found out that the fleuret fencer had a higher heart rate, in average of 17.06beat/min, than the epee fencer. However, there was not much difference with the heart rates during the bouts of sabre and fleuret Clearly, the bout during epee showed lowest heart rate among these three subjects. 4. The heart rates during female's fencing bout, there was not much difference with the heart rates in the male's fencing bout, and the heart rate during a bout of epee was about 18.59beat/min lower than fleuret.

      • 취학전 아동의 의생활 상황에 대한 연구 : 부산시내 유치원을 중심으로 In Pusan Metropolitan City

        왕인숙,배현숙 慶星大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.17 No.2

        This study applies to 686 mothers of kindergartners who are living in four school district(northward, westward, southward, dongraeward) of Pusan Metropolitan city. We've studied about the change in clothing habits according to the age and the investigation on kindergartner's uniform, their mother's degree of satisfaction about it. The coclusion runs as follows. 1. The findings about the clothing habits of young children show that there is some differance in dressing, unsuitable part of the clothes, a method for re-use, aware to others, unpleasant colors, favorite colors, the distinction of a nightdress. 2. In clothing habits as they grew older, there's no problem generally in respect of controversal part. In view of unsuitable part, it is in need of overall ease of the clothes. Most of children distinguish plain clothes from nightdress. Boys dislike red, black and pink while they like red, green and yellow. In this point we can see a little strange fact. As for red they like and dislike it at the same time. Girls dislikeblack and gray while they like red, pink and white clothes. As for girls they wear the clothes with their favorite colors. 3. In clothing habits as their rank in birth, there is some difference. But in their aware to others, boys want to be seen cleanly and girls want to be seen pretty. They make efficient re-use fo the clothes by leaving them to their relatives. 4. For the last time, let's consider about the kindergartner's uniform and group dress. In the most kindergarten they have group dress rather than uniform. It seems they consider children's vitality and economical efficiency. Both children and their mothers are satisfying with the uniform and group dress. Mothers like the clothings if only their children what to wear them. This report is written limmited to Pusan Metropolitan City so we have to take the limitations into consideration.

      • 食品添加物이 Custard 製造 및 全卵의 加熱에 미치는 影響

        韓錫鉉,黃七星,裵台鉉 건국대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        In this work, various components of custard were studied to determine the effects of stirring on heat coagulation when manufactured by whole egg custard (1), egg white custard (2) and egg yolk custard (3) in the ratio of 244 g of milk, 48g egg, 25g sugar. Nine lots from three kinds of custard were designed and stirring treatment was used for all lots; lotA, lotB, and lotC from each custard treated by method of blending (r.p.m; 900) for 5 seconds, 1 minute, and 3 minutes respectively. Sensual test, density of coagulation, shrinkage etc, were discussed. On the other experiment, another 9 lots of custard including control lot were prepared to estimate the theological transformation of heat coagulation in case of adding general annexes of food to the whole egg liquid; control lot was composed of whole egg 100ml only, distilled water 5% (T1), sugar 5g (T2) salt 5g (T3), soyhean oil 5% (T4), wheat meal 5g (T5), milk 5% (T6), monosodium glutamate 0.5g (T7), vinegar 5% (T8) was added to whole egg 100ml of each treatment lot respectively. All the samples were cooked by heating at the temperature of 85 ± 1℃. They were followed by sensual test and observation of penetration value, shrinkage, pH etc. The results obtained in this study were as follows ; 1. In sensual test, whole egg and egg yolk custard was favorable but egg white custard was not. 2. The treatment lot blending fur one minute was superior in relation to any other lots. 3. The extent of shrinkage of custard was increased according to the increase of stirring period. 4. The more the custard was agitated, the darker its color was changed. 5. The analysis of variance on the penetration value to estimate the rheological transformation of heat coagulation by adding annexes of food to egg showed highly significant of 1 % level (p > 0.01). 6. As a result of L.S.D. test among average values of each treatment, there were significant differences only in T8: T5, T6, T3, T7, T4, C, and T2, and T1: T5, T6, and T5: T7, T4, T2, C. 7. In effect of annexes of flood on heat coagulation of egg, the tenderness of custard was in the rank of T8>T1>T2>C>T4>T7> T3>T6> T5. In comparison with control, vinegar distilled water and sugar was appeared as deterrent and soybean oil, mono-sodium glutamate, salt, milk and wheat meal speeded up coagulation. 8. High significant was indicated by 1% level (p>0.01) in impact of food additives on shrinkage. Sugar used in T2 made the greatest influence on shrinkage (3.52%) and milk used in T6, the least. (0.5%) 9. T2 with sugar and T6 with milk was equally on the highest score 54; and T3 with salt of 43, T1, T7 C let was similarly 40, 39, 38, respectively. T4 and T5 lot were the same score of 35, T8 with vinegar was the worst as the score of 31. 10. pH value of custard with various flood additives was in the constant state of neutrality before heating except a lot with vinegar (pH 5.4) but after heating all the lots of neutrality were changed toward alkali. (pH 7.8 ∼ 8.5). On the other hand, the lot treated with vinegar, which had been acidity before heating, toward neutrality (pH 6.8). 11. There was a general tendency of being more comfact hardness in an external appearance as the pH value was raised upward alkali.


        지속적 및 간헐적 가압력이 치주인대 배양세포의 Alkaline Phosphatase 활성도에 미치는 영향

        성재현,경희문,배성민,권숙이 대한치과교정학회 1997 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        지속적 및 간헐적인 가압력이 배양치주인대 세포의 ALP활성도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 치주인대세포를 24 well 배양접시에 배양한 후 밀생상태가 되었을 때, 세포배양기 속의 특수제작된 사각상자에 배양접시를 넣은 후 실험기간동안 300g/㎠의 압력을 10분간 가압시킨 후 10분간 가압이 중지되도록 한 간헐적 가압군, 그리고 압력을 가하지 않은 군을 대조군으로 하여 각각 실험 24시간, 72시간 후의 alkaline phosphatase의 활성도를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 가압 24시간 군에서는 간헐적 가압군이 대조군에 비하여 ALP활성도가 낮게 나타났다(p>0.05). 2. 가압 48시간 군에서는 실험군은 대조군에 비하여 ALP활성도에 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 3. 가압 72시간 군에서는 지속적 가압군이 대조군에 비하여 ALP활성도가 높게 나타났다(p>0.01). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of cellular activity on PDL cells dependent on intermittent and continuous compressive force by determining the alkaline phosphatase activity. An intermittent and continuous compressive force were applied on PDL cells at the confluent stage. The alkaline phosphatase activity was measured on control and experimental groups every 24, 48, 72hours. The experimental group were consist of continuous and intermittent compressive group which were compressed by 300g/㎠ of diaphram pump. The intermittent compressive group was connected by timer which was worked on 10 minutes and off 10minutes. The results were as follows; 1. The alkaline Phosphatase activity of intermittent compressive group was lower than control at 24 hours(p>0.05). 2. The alkaline Phosphatase activity between each groups showed no significant differences at 48hours. 3. The alkaline Phosphatase activity of continuous compressive group was significantly higher than control group at 72 hours(p>0.01).

      • 전측 시개전핵의 하행성 통각 조절계에 대한 중뇌수도주변회백질의 관여

        이배환,김현,서영석,홍승길,안창일,김기석 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구는 전측 시개전핵의 자극으로 인한 하행성 통각 억제 체계에 중뇌수도주변회백질이 관여하는가를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 펜토바비탈로 마취된 쥐의 꼬리튀기 반사를 사용하여 전측 시개전핵을 전기자극하고 중뇌수도주변회백질에 리도카인을 주입한 결과 전측 시개전핵의 자극으로 유발된 무통 효과가 억제되었다. 하올리브 수준의 복측 연수에 WGA-HRP를 주입하였을 때 중뇌수도주변회백질의 복외측 부위에 표지된(labeled) 뉴론이 집중적으로 관찰되었으며, 전측 시개전핵에서도 표지된 뉴론이 발견되었다. 이러한 결과는 전측 시개전핵의 하행성 통각 억제 체계에 최소한 부분적으로 중뇌수도주변회백질이 관여한다는 것을 시사한다. This study was conducted to determine whether the periaqueductal gray (PAG) is involved in descending pain inhibition system mediated by the anterior pretectal nucleus (APTN). Pain sensitivity was assessed using tail-flick test to radiant heat in the rat anaesthetized with pentobarbital. Microinjections of lidocaine into the PAG inhibited the analgesic effects of stimulating the APTN. After WGA-HRP was injected into the ventral medulla at the level of the inferior olivary nuclei, the labeled neurons were detected in the ventrolateral PAG and in the APTN. The results suggest that the PAG is at least partially involved in a descending antinociceptive pathway originating in the APTN.

      • 일반골퍼의 성취목표성향과 참여동기가 스포츠 몰입에 미치는 영향

        한태준,배영훈,박현숙 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        A study is to analyze how a participating motivation and achievement goal orientation of amateur golfers concentrate on sports and the results are as follows.: First, there was no significant difference on sex in the achievement goal orientation, however, the better record, the more selforiented and retention-oriented. Second, men had a higher participating motivation in pleasure and sociability, on the contrary, women had one in health and physical strength. The highest level of participating motivation among men was pleasure and that among women was physical condition Third, the expected factors on sports concentration were given different depending on golf records. The higher record, the more importance in inner motivation factors rather than external ones or achievement goal orientations. To make them participate in playing golf continuously, the participating motivation of sports should be given differently according to the level of competition. It is required to study the ways in succession how to rase the level of concentration on sports with the less competition, the higher concentration.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 치과의원 내원요인 조사 연구

        류영욱,배현숙,성진효,김동기 조선대학교 구강생물학연구소 2003 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.27 No.1

        According to the increase of the number of dental clinics and the level of the patient's recognition about oral health care, the need for effective clinical management to provide proper oral health care service to the patients has arisen. Many patients has selected the dental clinics based on self estimation or other recommendation. Therefore the main reasons for selecting the dental clinic by the patients needed to analyze, So we conducted the survey which prepared questionnaire were provided to 700 subjects and collected data related to the factors for patients to select the dental clinics. The results were as follows : 1. In the view of access, the place easy of access and parking capacity was important to the degree of 43.0% and 30.8%, respectively. 2. In relation to the dentist, the quality of treatment and the trust was important to the degree of 80.7% and 71.3%, respectively. 3. Modern clinical facility was occupied 65.5% in the basic environment factors. 4. In the basic factors, kindness and cleanliness was 76.6% and 76.7%, respectively, and it showed that these factors were more important than the number of the clinicians and comfort of the waiting room. 5. In relation to the satisfaction of treatment, cheaper treatment cost, decreased waiting tine, the variety of treatment tine and various payment method were important to the degree of 51.8%, 48.4%, 42.8% and 39% in order.

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