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        Rumen Microbial Population in the In vitro Fermentation of Different Ratios of Forage and Concentrate in the Presence of Whole Lerak (Sapindus rarak) Fruit Extract

        Suharti, Sri,Astuti, Dewi Apri,Wina, Elizabeth,Toharmat, Toto Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2011 Animal Bioscience Vol.24 No.8

        This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of lerak extract on the dynamic of rumen microbes in the in vitro fermentation of diet with different ratios of forage and concentrate. In vitro fermentation was conducted according to the method of Tilley and Terry (1963). The design of experiment was a factorial block design with 2 factors. The first factor was the ratio of forage and concentrate (90:10, 80:20, and 70:30 w/w) and the second factor was the level of lerak extract (0, 0.6, and 0.8 mg/ml). Total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration, proportional VFA and NH3 concentration were measured at 4 h incubation. Protozoal numbers in the buffered rumen fluid after 4 and 24 h of incubation were counted under a microscope. Bacterial DNAs of buffered rumen fluid were isolated from incubated samples after 24 h of incubation using a QiaAmp kit. Total bacteria, Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus albus, and Prevotella ruminicola were quantified using real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Lerak extract markedly reduced protozoal numbers in buffered rumen fluid of all diets after 24 h of incubation. Total bacteria did not change with lerak extract addition. While no difference in F. succinogenes was found, there was a slight increase in R. albus number and a significant enhancement in P. ruminicola number by increasing the level of lerak extract in all diets. Propionate concentration significantly increased in the presence of lerak extract at level 0.8 mg/ml. It was concluded that the addition of lerak extract could modify rumen fermentation and had positive effects on rumen microbes.

      • KCI등재

        Smart agroforestry for sustaining soil fertility and community livelihood

        Octavia Dona,Murniati,Suharti Sri,Hani Aditya,Mindawati Nina,Suratman,Swestiani Dila,Junaedi Ahmad,Undaharta Ni Kadek Erosi,Santosa Purwanto Budi,Wahyuningtyas Reni Setyo,Faubiany Varenna 한국산림과학회 2023 Forest Science And Technology Vol.19 No.4

        Smart Agroforestry (SAF) is believed to be one of the alternative solutions in implementing sustainable forest management to achieve the community welfare. SAF provides agricultural and silvicultural knowledge and practices that aims not only for recovering the environmen- tal attributes but also for increasing farmers resilience. However, the benefits of agroforestry related to soil fertility in optimizing the land productivity and governing the community live- lihood are often overlooked and have not been well discussed. This review aims to describe how smart agroforestry practices in various regions in Indonesia and several other countries have significantly contributed to maintaining soil fertility and increasing crop production while assuring profitable benefits for the community. This review paper focuses on discus- sing the role of SAF in sustaining soil fertility and community livelihood in tropical and non- tropical regions. The review article was based on a synoptic review approach to SAF and Soil Fertility-related relevant publications and nationwide experiences. The review compiled and analyzed information from national and international research papers in various online scientific journals, conference proceedings and relevant books, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic being discussed. The study utilized a qualitative approach and drew upon primary and secondary sources based on a systematic review. Agroforestry has a significant role in recycling soil nutrients from the materials in the surrounding environment. SAF influences soil fertility physically, chemically and biologically. SAF practices in both wet and dry lands can contribute significantly to the community’s income. This review unveils the latent potential and the role of SAF in sustaining soil fertility that supports the community’s livelihood and can serve as impetus for future research.

      • KCI등재

        Forest land redistribution and its relevance to biodiversity conservation and climate change issues in Indonesia

        Gunawan Hendra,Mulyanto Budi,Suharti Sri,Subarudi Subarudi,Ekawati Sulistya,Karlina Endang,Pratiwi Pratiwi,Yeny Irma,Nurlia Ari,Effendi Rachman,Widarti Asmanah,Martin Edwin,Kalima Titi,Desmiwati Desmi 한국산림과학회 2024 Forest Science And Technology Vol.20 No.2

        Indonesia’s 120.5-million-hectare forest area shrinks due to deforestation, mainly community cultivation. Forest Land Redistribution (FLR) via programs like Social Forestry, TORA, KHDPK, Food Estate, and infrastructure development attempts to address this issue but conflicts with climate change and biodiversity goals. This review analyses the urgency of FLR for non-forestry and proposes balanced policy recommendations for economic development and environmental preservation. Implementing FLR in Indonesia is crucial for national programs like SF, TORA, FE, and infrastructure development, impacting biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. It should follow three key principles: regional strategies for sustainability, a mitigation hierarchy to prevent biodiversity damage, and enhancing biodiversity hotspots to connect fragmented forests, fostering wildlife movement and genetic diversity for resilient ecosystems.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Megasphaera elsdenii supplementation on rumen fermentation, production performance, carcass traits and health of ruminants: a meta-analysis

        Susanto Irwan,Wiryawan Komang Gede,Suharti Sri,Retnani Yuli,Zahera Rika,Jayanegara Anuraga 아세아·태평양축산학회 2023 Animal Bioscience Vol.36 No.6

        Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the use of Megasphaera elsdenii (M. elsdenii) as a probiotic on rumen fermentation, production performance, carcass traits and health of ruminants by integrating data from various related studies using meta-analysis. Methods: A total of 32 studies (consisted of 136 data points) were obtained and integrated into a database. The parameters integrated were fermentation products, rumen microbes, production performance, carcass quality, animal health, blood and urine metabolites. Statistical analysis of the compiled database used a mixed model methodology. Different studies were considered random effects, while M. elsdenii supplementation doses were considered fixed effects. p-values and the Akaike information criterion were employed as model statistics. The model was deemed significant at p<0.05 or had a tendency to be significant when p-value between 0.05<p<0.10. Results: Supplementation with M. elsdenii increased (p<0.05) some proportion of fermented rumen products such as propionate, butyrate, isobutyrate, and valerate, and significantly reduced (p<0.05) lactic acid concentration, acetate proportion, total bacterial population and methane emission. Furthermore, the probiotic supplementation enhanced (p<0.05) livestock production performance, especially in the average daily gain and body condition score. Regarding the carcass quality, hot carcass weight and carcass gain were elevated (p< 0.05) due to the M. elsdenii supplementation. Animal health also showed improvement as indicated by the lower (p<0.05) diarrhoea and bloat incidences as well as the liver abscess. However, M. elsdenii supplementation had negligible effects on blood and urine metabolites of ruminants. Conclusion: Supplementation of M. elsdenii is capable of decreasing ruminal lactic acid concentration, enhancing rumen health, elevating some favourable rumen fermentation products, and in turn, increasing production performance of ruminants.

      • KCI등재

        Total Phenolic and Starch Content of Arrowroot Tuber in The Agroforestry System

        Octavia Dona,Wijayanto Nurheni,Budi Sri Wilarso,Batubara Irmanida,Suharti Sri 한국산림과학회 2024 Forest Science And Technology Vol.20 No.1

        Indonesia’s tropical forest management faces several challenges owing to the growing demand for forest resources and increasing population. The forestry sector plays a significant role in supporting food security programs by harnessing the potential of forest resources. One solution to sustainable forest management and optimal forest land use is agroforestry techniques. Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) is tolerant to heavy shade and is a promising functional food crop that can contribute to food security programs. Starch content in arrowroot tuber plays an important role in meeting nutritional requirements and overcoming several health problems. Arrowroot tubers also contain phenolic compounds, the largest group of compounds that act as natural antioxidants in plants. This study aimed to analyze the total phenolic and starch contents of arrowroot tubers cultivated in agroforestry systems. We used a Randomized Complete Block Design with a planting pattern as treatment for the species combinations of Falcataria moluccana þ arrowroot (FA), F. moluccana þ arrowroot þ Amomum cardamomum (FAC), and monoculture arrowroot (MA) with three blocks/replications. The arrowroot tubers were harvested from nine-month-old plants and composite samples representing each treatment were analyzed for total phenolic and starch contents. The total phenolic content in the arrowroot tubers was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Starch content was measured using the Modified Somogyi method, which involves preparing reagents, followed by hydrolysis and the reducing sugar determination methods. The results revealed that the planting pattern significantly affected starch content. The highest starch content was observed in the MA pattern of 23.99%, followed by the FAC and FA planting patterns of 22.75% and 18.44%, respectively. The planting pattern did not significantly affect phenolic content. The MA, FAC, and FA patterns yielded the highest to lowest phenolic contents of 218.02, 212.62, and 210.04 mg/g, respectively. Furthermore, the planting pattern significantly affected the total phenolic of tuber yield per plant, with the highest value of 214.48 mg yielded by MA pattern. Thus, agroforestry practices can maintain the phenolic and starch content of arrowroot tubers. The development of arrowroot in agroforestry system will be prospective not only for meeting food demand, but also for supporting forestry multi-business and social forestry programs to achieve sustainable forest management.

      • KCI등재

        Forest cover change and its carbon dynamic of the karst area in Bulusaraung, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

        Ansari Fajri,Narendra Budi Hadi,Putri Indra A.S.L.P.,Tata Hesti Lestari,Susi Dharmawan I Wayan,Rachmat Henti Hendalastuti,Suharti Sri,Windyoningrum Ayun,Khotimah Husnul,Sayektiningsih Tri,Tabba Suprat 한국산림과학회 2024 Forest Science And Technology Vol.20 No.2

        Information on land forest cover changes and carbon stocks in karst areas is vital for management planning. Therefore, an analysis of the dynamics of land forest cover, carbon stocks of secondary karst forests, and their future projections is necessary. This study aimed to analyze the carbon stocks of secondary forests, forest cover change, and their projections in karst areas. We used 43 sample plots of 20 m x 20 m to measure Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and soil organic carbon stocks. Forest cover data were collected using remote sensing and GIS tools. Data analysis of the ABG of the secondary forest for the karst plain and karst tower was conducted using the Chave equation. Land-cover change was analyzed by delineating the 2011, 2016, and 2021 land-cover data from satellite imagery and testing the accuracy using survey data fields and high-resolution images. Land-cover projections for 2026 and 2031 were obtained using Cellular Automata Markov (CA -Markov) analysis. The results revealed ten land cover types in the karst area of the Bulusaraung Forest Management Unit (FMU). Secondary dryland karst forests (tower and plain karst) were the dominant forest types (60%) in the Maros-Pangkep essential karst ecosystem area. Both karst types of secondary forests are relatively high carbon stores. Data projection shows that the mining area will grow extensively by 2031. Secondary dryland karst forests will be degraded by 15.5% in 20 years due to increased mining activities, conversion to paddy fields, dryland agriculture, and mixed dryland agriculture. Karst ecosystems are vital for carbon and water storage. Therefore, some strategies are required for the sustainable management of Maros-Pangkep Karst are as follows: (i) controlling the opening of mining areas according to sustainable environmental principles, (ii) encouraging the implementation of post-mining land rehabilitation, (iii) increasing public awareness of the importance of preserving karst areas, and (iv) implementing soil conservation rules by prioritizing agroforestry systems in dryland farming.

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