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        森崎和江の旅路の果て- 最終詩集『ささ笛ひとつ』を読み解く -

        SORIMACHI MASUMI 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2022 일본학 Vol.58 No.-

        1927年に当時の植民地朝鮮で誕生した詩人、作家の森崎和江は、その人生を通して様々な活動を行ない、2022年6月15日に95歳で逝去した。森崎は主に思想家、ルポルタージュ作家として大衆には認知されていたものの、一方で「わたしは詩人」と自称していた。森崎はその95年の生涯において7冊の詩集を世に送り出している。単行詩集は1964年の『さわやかな欠如』から、2004年の『ささ笛ひとつ』まで5冊、編集詩集『森崎和江詩集』は1984年と2015年に2冊刊行されている。編集詩集はそれまでに発表された詩篇を編んだものであるため、森崎の最終詩集は前掲の『ささ笛ひとつ』ということになる。 本稿では、詩人としての森崎和江が最後に残した詩集『ささ笛ひとつ』に注目した。当詩集を改めて読み直すことで、彼女が詩によって何を描こうとしたのか、そして思索の果てに残したことばがいかなるものであったのかについて追究した。 森崎は当詩集を「亡き父と母、そして彼岸の弟へ捧げる」としていた。詩集には、人生を「旅」にたとえていた森崎の旅の道程とも受け取ることのできる詩篇が収録されている。詩集は家族に向けたレクイエムでもあり、旅を続ける覚悟が込められたものでもある。そして詩集の最後に配置された「笛」という詩篇によって、森崎がいかなる意思のもとに、人生の旅を歩んできたのかということを読み取ることができた。また、詩集の最後に置かれた「余韻」という文章からは、森崎が人生の旅の最後まで表現し続けることを選択した様子が窺える。

      • KCI등재

        森崎和江の詩「ほねのおかあさん」の背景考察 ―分裂する「わたし」と『からゆきさん』への結実―

        SORIMACHI MASUMI 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2021 일본학 Vol.54 No.-

        In this paper we focus on the poem ‘Hone-no-Okaasan’ by Kazue Morisaki. This poem is based on Morisaki's experiences during her pregnancy. Morisaki expresses the feeling that 'I', her existence, has slipped away from her body. The poem is a projection of Morisaki's confusion, overwhelm and tears, while her body is filled with the joy of carrying a child. The poem is not only an expression of Morisaki herself, but also of the loneliness of women in Japanese society, where a woman carrying a child has no words to call herself. The poem “Hone-no-Okaasan” also paved the way for the publication of the reportage “Karayuki-san”. It was through this poem that Morisaki met his friend, the daughter of “Karayuki-san”. Morisaki's friend had witnessed the “commodification of women” at close quarters from an early age. As such, she knew that women's sexuality and life was not only coloured by love and the joy of living. Although Morisaki and her friend had some things in common, such as being female and born in Korea, they had clear differences. The friend tried to show Morisaki the “reality” of the situation of women, which Morisaki did not know, and longed for the birth of a poem that would surpass “Hone-no-Okaasan”. Morisaki then began to write interviews with the women who had been “Karayuki-san”. Visiting the hometowns of the “Karayuki-sans” and listening to their stories was an opportunity for Morisaki to see people living in the local dialect and to internalise their language. It was also an opportunity to internalise the language. This is why “Hone-no-Okaasan” is such an important poem for Morisaki. 本論文では、森崎和江の詩「ほねのおかあさん」に注目し考察を行った。「ほねのおかあさん」は、森崎の妊娠時の体験に基づき創作されたものである。「わたし」という一人称から、当時の森崎がこぼれ落ちているという感覚に襲われた思いが綴られている。身ごもった喜びが身体に満ちあふれていながらも、戸惑い、打ちのめされ、泣いている「ほねのおかあさん」に森崎の姿が投影されている。さらにこの詩は、森崎個人の姿を映す鏡であると同時に、子どもをその身に宿した女が自称することのできる言語が日本社会に存在していないという「女の孤独」をも描いている。 そして「ほねのおかあさん」は、ルポルタージュ『からゆきさん』発表までの道筋を作った作品でもある。森崎はこの詩を介して「からゆきさん」の娘であった友人と出会ったためである。友人は「女の商品化」の様相を幼い頃から間近で見ていた。よって、女性の性や生が、単に愛や生命を宿した喜びのみに彩られるものではないということを身をもって知っていたのだ。森崎と友人は、「女」であることや「朝鮮生まれ」という共通点を持ち合わせてはいたものの、そこには歴然とした格差が横たわっていた。友人は、森崎がそれまで知らずにいたもの──女たちが置かれている「現実」を森崎に見せようとし、「ほねのおかあさん」を越える詩の誕生を切望していた。 その後森崎は「からゆきさん」であった女性たちへの聞き書きを行うようになる。「からゆきさん」の郷里を訪ね話を聞く作業が、その土地に根差した方言を使いながら生きる人びとの姿を森崎に見せ、そのことばを内面化させる機会を与えた。また、「ほねのおかあさん」から繋がるあらゆる経験は、朝鮮体験に沈んでいた森崎へ、日本で生きる道や覚悟をもたらしたとも考えられる。それほどこの「ほねのおかあさん」は森崎にとって重要な詩であると言えるのだ。

      • KCI등재


        SORIMACHI MASUMI 대한일어일문학회 2021 일어일문학 Vol.90 No.-

        본 논문은 일본 식민주의의 상흔이라 할 수 있는 ‘외지’ 일본어를 포함한 식민지의 체험이 모리사키 가즈에에게 미친 영향에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 많은 선행연구가 그러한 것처럼 그녀의 표현활동 전체의 흐름에 대해 부감(俯瞰)하여 논하기보다는, 일본 귀국 직후부터 표면화되기 시작한 과거 조선에서의 식민지 체험이 준 영향에 대해, 특히 언어와 정서의 문제를 중심으로 하여 고찰을 시도하려는 것이다. 이 논문의 목적 중 하나는 일본의 식민주의 정책이 초래한 식민지 조선 속 피식민자에 대한 영향이 아니라, 식민지배국 측에 속해 있던 외지 일본인에게 미친 영향과 그 작용 양상을 확인하려는 것이다. 비록 어린 시절의 경험이었고 무의식에 가까운 것이었다고는 하더라도 식민지배국 측에 속해 있던 모리사키가 조선에서 생활하며 익힌 일본어, 그리고 특수한 상황에서 체득하게 된 정서와 감성이 이후 일본과의 사이에서 어떤 마찰을 불러일으켰을까. 식민지 정책의 산물이며 역사적 희생자였다고 할 수 있는 인양자(引揚者) 즉, 모리사키와 같은 식민 2세들이 일본으로 귀환한 뒤 어떻게 생활을 했는지에 대해 주목하면서 일본의 식민주의가 이들의 삶에 끼친 영향에 대해 밝히고자 한다. 그중에서도 특히 모리사키에게 내재된 ‘결여(缺如)’ 의식에 대해 주목하고자 한다. 한반도에 존재하고 있던 억압과 피억압의 이항 대립 구조가 만들어내는 공적 기억과는 구별되는 그녀의 개인사적 행보의 일단(一端)에 대해 분석하면서, 이 결여의 감각을 중심으로 다양한 언설과 시 등에 나타난 표현을 구체적으로 살펴보고자 하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        詩人神保光太郎の分岐点となった南方体験 -『南方詩集』を中心に -

        反町??美(Masumi Sorimachi) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2022 日本 硏究 Vol.- No.56

        This article examines the life of the poet Kotaro Jinbo, focusing on his collection of Southern Poems, while considering his dispatch to Singapore as a conscripted literary agent as a turning point in his life. Kotaro Jinbo is considered to be the opposite of Masuji Ibuse, who was also conscripted to Singapore. While Ibuse was anti-war and anti-establishment, Jinbo is said to have been an active supporter of Japan’s “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” ideology. This assessment, however, does not take into account the fact that Jinbo was a poet, but judges him solely for his role as President of the Shonan Japan Academy, which taught Japanese in the region. However, in order to appropriately evaluate Jinbo, it is necessary to follow him and pay attention to his activities as a poet before and after his posting to Singapore. This article examines the poetry and discourses of the poet Kotaro Jinbo, before and after his conscription, and examines how the experience of conscription affected him.

      • KCI등재

        Dry deposition of nitric acid gas by long‑term measurement above and below a forest canopy

        Zhaojie Wu,Mao Xu,Atsuyuki Sorimachi,Hiroyuki Sase,Makoto Watanabe,Kazuhide Matsuda 한국대기환경학회 2024 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) Vol.18 No.1

        Reactive nitrogen negatively affects terrestrial ecosystems by excessive deposition. Nitric acid gas ( HNO3), a component of reactive nitrogen, is readily deposited on ground surfaces due to its high reactivity. However, there have been recent cases in which suppressed deposition fluxes, including upward fluxes, were observed above forests. As the mechanisms of HNO3 dry deposition on forest surfaces are not fully understood, the accuracy of dry deposition estimates remains uncertain. To reduce uncertainties in the estimation, we investigated dry deposition of HNO3 by 1-year measurement in a forest. We measured the vertical profiles of HNO3, nitrate, and sulfate in PM2.5 in a deciduous forest in suburban Tokyo (FM Tama). We observed their concentrations above the forest canopy (30 m) and near the forest floor (2 and 0.2 m) using the denuder/filter pack from October 2020 to September 2021. The HNO3 concentration decreased significantly from 30 to 2 m. However, the decrease in HNO3 was not as significant, and occasionally, emission profiles were produced between 2 and 0.2 m. This was likely caused by HNO3 generated by the volatilization of NH4NO3 near the forest floor, which was warmed by sunlight during daytime in both leafy and leafless periods. Conversely, HNO3 concentrations at 30 m were much higher than those at 2 m and 0.2 m, indicating that the forest acted as a sink for HNO3 from a long-term perspective. It is presumed that HNO3, generated just above the forest canopy, could cause an upward flux if a temperature difference of several degrees occurs between 25 and 20 m.

      • Comparative analysis of radon, thoron and thoron progeny concentration measurements

        Janik, Miroslaw,Tokonami, Shinji,Kranrod, Chutima,Sorimachi, Atsuyuki,Ishikawa, Tetsuo,Hosoda, Masahiro,Mclaughlin, James,Chang, Byung-Uck,Kim, Yong Jae Oxford University Press 2013 Journal of radiation research Vol.54 No.4

        <P>This study examined correlations between radon, thoron and thoron progeny concentrations based on surveys conducted in several different countries. For this purpose, passive detectors developed or modified by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) were used. Radon and thoron concentrations were measured using passive discriminative radon-thoron detectors. Thoron progeny measurements were conducted using the NIRS-modified detector, originally developed by Zhuo and Iida. Weak correlations were found between radon and thoron as well as between thoron and thoron progeny. The statistical evaluation showed that attention should be paid to the thoron equilibrium factor for calculation of thoron progeny concentrations based on thoron measurements. In addition, this evaluation indicated that radon, thoron and thoron progeny were independent parameters, so it would be difficult to estimate the concentration of one from those of the others.</P>

      • A Second-Order Sliding Mode Controller for Active Suspension Systems

        Shigehiro Toyama,Fujio Ikeda,Yoshio Sorimachi 제어로봇시스템학회 2008 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.10

        This paper presents a second-order sliding mode controller for active suspension systems. The proposed controller, which occurs a limit cycle as the second-order sliding mode, is designed by the integral sliding mode control theory with the twisting algorithm. With the block diagram algebra, the proposed control system can be converted into a nonlinear feedback system consisting of a linear transfer function and a nonlinear element. For the nonlinear system, the describing function method can approximately lead the existence condition for an ideal limit cycle at desired frequency with desired amplitude. Satisfying the existence condition, the proposed controller could almost occur the desired limit cycle in the vicinity of the switching surface, instead of the perfect sliding mode for the conventional sliding mode control theory. As a result, deterioration of the control efforts due to the chattering in high frequency range, such as the ride comfort or the road holding performance, could be suppressed, since the control input could be smooth. An indicator of the robustness against the perturbation of the plant was led from a view of the existence condition in the Nyquist’s plot. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

      • KCI등재

        Frequency and Characteristics of Paraclinoid Aneurysm in Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms

        Hideaki Shigematsu,Kazuma Yokota,Akihiro Hirayama,Takatoshi Sorimachi 대한신경외과학회 2024 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.67 No.1

        Objective : This study aimed to determine the frequency of paraclinoid aneurysms among ruptured cerebral aneurysms and compare paraclinoid aneurysms with other aneurysms to clarify the characteristics of ruptured paraclinoid aneurysms. Methods : This study included 970 ruptured cerebral aneurysms treated at our hospital between 2003 and 2020. Results : There were 15 cases (1.3%) of paraclinoid aneurysms with maximum diameters of 5–22 mm (mean±standard deviation [SD], 11.6±5.4 mm). Treatment consisted of clipping in four patients and endovascular treatment in 11. Factors significantly different in multivariate analysis for paraclinoid aneurysms compared with those for other aneurysms were a history of hypertension (odds ratio [OR], 1.2–9.8; p=0.021) and aneurysm ≥10 mm (OR, 7.5–390.3; p<0.001). The sites of paraclinoid aneurysm were ophthalmic artery type in nine patients, anterior wall type in five, medial wall type in one, and ventral wall type in zero. The medial wall type (22 mm) was significantly larger than the ophthalmic artery type (mean±SD, 7.2±2.0 mm) (p=0.003), and the anterior wall type (mean±SD, 12.2±4.8 mm) was significantly larger than the ophthalmic artery type (p=0.024). Conclusion : This study showed a low frequency of paraclinoid aneurysms among ruptured cerebral aneurysms. Most were upward-facing with relatively large aneurysms, and no aneurysms were smaller than 5 mm. With recent advances in endovascular treatment devices, paraclinoid aneurysms are easily treatable. However, the treatment indication of each paraclinoid aneurysm should be carefully considered.

      • KCI등재


        Oikawa Shoko,Matsui Yasuhiro,Kubota Naoyuki,Aomura Shigeru,Sorimachi Kazuhiro,Imanishi Akira,Fujimura Takeshi 한국자동차공학회 2023 International journal of automotive technology Vol.24 No.2

        This study attempts to clarify the characteristics of light-duty truck collision accidents involving pedestrians during right-turn maneuvers by analyzing actual pedestrian accident data in Japan. Evidence differences were observed between the daytime and nighttime. The number of injured and fatal pedestrians during the day was larger than that during the night. The rate of vehicle travel velocity ≤ 10 km/h in the daytime (47.0 %) was significantly higher than that in the nighttime (39.2 %), whereas the rate of vehicle travel velocity ≤ 20 km/h in the nighttime (52.7 %) was significantly higher than that in the daytime (46.9 %). The highest rate in the daytime was presented for the age group of 13 ~ 64 years in minor injuries (54.1 %) and for those 75 years or older in serious injuries (47.5 %) and fatalities (64.3 %). For pedestrian crossing directions on the crosswalk, the pedestrian crossing from the forward left-side corner to the right-side corner exhibited the highest percentage in the daytime (39.2 %), and the opposite direction of crossing from the right-side corner to the forward left-side corner exhibited the highest percentage in the nighttime (39.6 %). The characteristics obtained in this study will contribute to the development and evaluation of advanced safety systems that are specialized for right-turning maneuvers of light-duty trucks.

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