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      • 소아에서 Fogarty 카테터를 이용한 일측폐 환기 마취 경험

        유수봉,강효석,임지훈,김두식,류시정 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.3

        Thoracic surgery may be greatly facilitated by causing selective atelectasis of the lung being operated on (one-lung ventilation anesthesia). But the tube used for one-lung ventilation is greater outer diameter than conventional endotracheal tube when compare to each other with same inner diameter, so in some young children it is impossible to one-lung ventilation using double lumen tube or bronchial blocker tube because of narrow vocal cord. We performed one lung ventilation anesthesia using conventional endotracheal tube and Fogarty catheter as a bronchial blocker in 11-year old women who received lung biopsy surgery and left lower lobectomy.

      • KCI등재

        한국판 섬망 평가 척도-98(K-DRS-98)의 표준화 연구

        임경옥,김수영,이양현,이선우,김정란 大韓神經精神醫學會 2006 신경정신의학 Vol.45 No.6

        Objective : This study was conducted to develop and to validate the Korean version of Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98(K-DRS-98), which is a scale for diagnosing delirium and evaluating its severity. Method : After developing the K-DRS-98, 102 patients were rated by it among 4 diagnostic groups, such as delirium (N=25), dementia (N=27), schizophrenia (N=25) and others (N=25). To test for reliability, K-DRS-98 was independently administered by two psychiatrist. To test for validity, Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K) and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) were administered simultaneously. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS window version 12 package and statistical significance was p<0.05. Result : Intemal consistencies (Cronbach α) of two raters were 0.867 and 0.858, respectively. Inter-rater reliability (κ) was 0.893 for severity items of K-DRS-98 and κ value of diagnosis items was 0.969. In Delirium group, Pearson correlation Coefficients (r) of K-DRS-98 were -0.682 for MMSE-K and 0.667 for CGI. In comparison Delirium group with Others, ANOVA post hoc multiple comparison LSD was statistically significant (p<0.001). The cutoff score to diagnosis of delirium can be recommended 16 for seventy items and 21.5 for total score, respectively. Conclusion : The K-DRS-98 was showed good reliability and validity for the assessment of delirium. The K-DRS-98 is an easy and useful tool for diagnosing delirium and assessing its severity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        운동신경원성 질환에 대한 임상적 고찰

        임정근,이동국,김광수,이상도,박영춘 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1993 계명의대학술지 Vol.12 No.3

        Clinical features, electromyographic findings and the prognosis were observed in 51 patients (33 men and 18 women) who were diagnosed as acquired motor neuron disease at Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital between Jan. 1985 and Aug. 1992. The mean age at onset in our study was similar to that in several other domestic studies but was younger than that in western studies. The therapeutic effect of L-threonine couldn't be evaluated correctly, but L-threonine may have no effect on the course of MND.

      • 철근 콘크리트 구조물의 내진 구조 해석에 관한 연구 : 비탄성 지진응답을 고려한 동적해석을 중심으로 Of Dynamic Analysis for Considering Inelastic Seismic Response

        임희철,장정수 朝鮮大學校 建設技術硏究所 1999 建設技術硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        The objective of this publication is to present the state-of-art in inelastic dynamic and static approaches to the analysis and design of structures subjected to earthquakes. This emphasizes that the response of building structures in actual intense earthquakes in inelastic, and that such response can be realistically estimated only though inelastic dynamic analysis. Much of the discussion is focused on the controlled utilization of inelastic response in earthquake-resistant design of concrete structures.

      • KCI등재
      • 豌豆의 실용형질의 유전력, 상관 및 경로 분석

        金翰林,文楨洙 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1992 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        豌豆 育種에 있어서 播種期에 따른 品種의 生態反應과 實用形質에 對한 選拔指標의 變化를 究明하기 위하여 Sparkle外 16品種을 春播에서 10月 15日, 11月 4日, 春播에서2月20日, 3月 11日 4回 播種하고, 이들에 對한 實用形質을 調査하여 播種期移動에 따른 名 形質의 生態反應 遺傳力, 遺傳相關, 表異型相關, 環境相關 및 經路係數를 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 開花까지 日數 및 生育日數는 早播할수록 길어지고 晩播 할수록 짧아지는 傾向으로 開花 및 生育日數가 긴 早期播種에서 生育狀兄이 좋은 편으로 濟州道에서 豌豆栽培는 10月中旬에 播種하는 것이 收量構成要素의 形質發現이 良好하여 種實收量이 많았다. 2. 秋播 및 春播에서 共히 成熟期가 빠른 早生品種은 Sparkle, Jeonbug, Jeonkwang30, Sojeong 等이었고, 成熟期가 늦은 晩生 品種은 Frescory, Chejujerae Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Alderman, Namuradaehyup, Laseui 等이었다. 3. 莖長은 春播에 比하여 平均 50cm程度 秋播에서 길었는데 秋播와 春播에서 平均 莖長이 70~100cm인 短莖品種은 Sparkle. Profinos R.S. Thomas Laxton, Jeonbug, Alderman 等이었고, 中程度(110~140cm)인 品種은 Frescory, Chejujerae Ⅱ, Laseui, Namuradaehyup, Rondo 等이었으며, 140cm~200cm인 長莖品種도 있었다. 4. 株當分枝數는 早播할수록 많은 傾向이었으나 多分枝形品種은 Frescory, Chejujerae Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Kwangdojeokhyup, Alpine, Namuradaehyup 等이었고, 그 外 品種은 小分枝型이었다. 5. 莢長 및 莢幅은 播種期間에 큰 差가 없었으나, 品種間에 莢長이 긴 것은 8~9cm, 짧은 것은 6~7cm 內外였다 6. 株當莢數는 播種期가 늦어질수록 현저히 減少하였고, 모든 播種期에서 共히 莢數가 많았던 品種은 Chejujerae Ⅰ, Targ, Frescory, Alpine, Thomas Laxton, Alderman 等이었다. 7. 莢當莢數는 播種期間에 大差 없었고 粒數가 많은 品種은 6~7粒, 적은 品種은 4~5粒 程度였다. 8. 100粒種은 播種期가 늦어짐에 따라 減少되었고, 大粒種은 Laseui(26.03g), Kwangdojeodhyup(24.0g), Chejujerae Ⅱ(22.43g), Sparkle(20.43g) 等이었으며, 小粒種은 Thomas Laxton(14.63g), Frescory(14.70g), Daejung 11(14.95g) Jeonbug(14.95g) 等이었다. 9. 株當莢塘重도 早播할수록 많아 秋播의 平均莢當重(8.76g/株)에 比하여 春播의 平均莢當重(3.72g)은 겨우 42% 程度였다. 10. 株當 種實重은 早播할수록 많고, 早播할수록 많고, 晩播할수록 減少程度가 甚하여 秋播의 平均種實重(23.23g/株)에 比하여 春播의 平均(10.14g)은 44% 程度였으며 品種別로는 秋播時 多收性 品種이 春播에서도 共히 多收性은 아니었으며, 秋播에서 多收性品種은 Laseui, Targ, ChejujeraeⅡ, Thomas Laxton 等이었고, 春播에서는 Chejujerae I, Namuradaehyup, Kwangdojeokhyup, Alderman 等이었으며, 秋播와 春播에서 共히 多數性 品種은 Chejujerae I, Kwangdojeokhyup, Namuradaehyup 等이었다. 11. 遺傳力은 100粒重, 開花까지 日數, 生育日數 및 開花로부터 成熟까지 日數, 莢長 및 莢幅等은 比較的 높았고, 株當莢數, 株當分地數는 中種度였으며 株當 種實重, 莢當粒數, 株當莢當重에서는 낮은 傾向이었다. 12. 形質間의 相關은 播種期에 따라 다르며 一定한 傾向이 없었다. 種實重은 株當莢當重 및 株當莢數와 귀傳相關이 높았고, 100粒重과는 秋播에서 높게 나타났다. 13. 表現型相關은 遺傳相關이 큰 경우 큰값을 보였고, 大部分의 形質間의 表現型相關은 遺傳相關보다 多少 낮고 遺傳相關과 表現型相關과의 正負의 方向은 같은 경우가 많았다. 14. 株當 種實重에 對한 經路係數는 全播種期에서 直接效果가 모두 큰 形質은 없으나 大體로 높은 것은 開花까지 日數, 株當莢當重, 100粒重, 株當 莢數 順이었다. 15 株當莢當重, 100粒重 및 株當莢數는 株當種實重과 遺傳相關은 勿論 直接效果도 높아 多收性 品種의 選拔指標로 活用할 수 있다고 思料된다. These studies were carried out to clarify the ecological response and the changes of selection criteria in accordance with the difference of seeding dates in pea (Pisum sativum L.) The studies were conducted to estimate genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlations, heritability, and path coefficient for the major agronomic characters using 17 cultivars including Sparkle which were seeded on October 15, November 4, February 20 and March 11 in Cheju Island, Korea. The result obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The days from seeding to flowering and days from seeding to maturity were prolonged in early seeding and shorted in late seeding, the middle of October was the optimum seeding time to get the highest yield and the agronomic characters of the yield components in Cheju Island. 2. Early maturing cultivars were Sparkle, Jeonbug, Jeonkwang 30 and Sojeong, and late muturing cultivars were Frescory, Chejujerae Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Alderman, Namuradaehyup and Laseui. 3. Stem length was longer (50cm) in winter seeding than in spring. The short stem cultivars (70-100cm) were Sparkle, Profinos R. S. Thomas Laxton, Jeonbug and Alderman, and the middle stem cultivars (110-140cm) were Frescory, Chejujerae Ⅱ, Laseui, Namuradaehyup and Rondo, the other cultivars were 140-200cm in stem lenght. 4. As pea were seeded early, the number of branches per plant increased. The numerous branch cultivars were Frescory, Chejujerae Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Kwangdojeokhyup, Alpine and Namuradaehyup, and the others were small branch cultivars. 5. Pod length and pod width had no change with the difference of seeding dates, but long pods were 8cm to 9cm and short pods were 6cm to 7cm. 6. As the pea were seeded late, the number of pods plant decreased greatly, but cultivars with the numerous pod were Chejujerae I. Targ, Frescory, Alpine, Thomas Laxton and Alderman. 7. The number of seeds per pod had no change with the difference of seeding dates, the large number of seeds were 6 to 7 and the small mumber were 4~5. 8. Weight per 100seeds of pea was decreased in late seeding, cultivars with heavy seed were Laseui (26.03g), Kwangdojeokhyup (24.0g) Chejujerae Ⅱ(22.43g) and Sparkle (20.43g), and cultivars with light seed were Thomas Laxton (14.63%), Frescory (14.7g), Daejung 11 (14.95) and Jeonbug (14.95g). 9. The shell weight of pea in early seeding was increased, the average shell weight in spring seeding was lighter than in winter seeding. 10. The weight of seed per plant in early seeding was increased, but that was decreased greatly in late seeding, average seed weight was 56% lower in spring seeding than in winter seeding. High yielding cultivars in winter seeding were not always high in spring seeding High yielding cultivars in winter seeding were Laseui. Targ, Chejujerae Ⅱ and Thomas Laxton, and high yielding cultivars in spring seeding were chejujerae Ⅰ, Namuradashyup, Kwangdojeokhyup and Alderman, and high yielding cultvars for both spring and winter were Chejujerae Ⅰ, Kwangdojeokhyup and Namuradaehyup. 11. The Heritabilities estimated for the days from seeding to flowering, from flowering to maturity, from seeding to maturity, 100 seed weight, pod length and pod width were high, while the number of pods and the number of branches per plant showed medium values, the seed weight and shell weight per plant and the number of seeds per pod were small values. 12. Relationships between the characters differed with seeding dates and the changes in correlation coefficient had no definite tendency. As for the genotypic correlation, the seed weight was highly correlated with the shell weight and the number of pods per plant in the both seasons and with 100 seed weight in winter. 13. The phenotypic correlations were showed high positive values when genotypic correlation were high, The most phenotypic correlation values were lower than genotypic correlation. The genotypic correlations and phenothpic correlations were generally showed the same directions in positive and negative. 14. Direct effect estmates of the characters versus seed weight were not high at all the seeding dates, but the days from seeding flowering, the shell weight per plant, 100 seed weight and the number of pods per plant had a large influence. 15. The genotypic correlation coefficient and direct effects of the shell weight per plant, 100 seed weight and the number of pods per plant versus the seed weight showed high positive values, as a result, it was thought that these characters were useful selection criteria for the seed yield.

      • 사람 대장조직 DNA Topoisomerase I 에 관한 연구

        오수정,권기량,임규,황병두 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.2

        DNA topoisomerase I was prepared from normal mucosa and cancer tissue of human colon and the properties were compared. Specific activity of the enzyme from normal mucosa was 257.2 unit/mg protein/ min and that from cancer tissue was 403 unit/mg protein/min. Both enzymes showed a broad pH optimum from pH 5.8 to pH 7.4 and arc heat-labile, being completely inactivated by heat treatment at 55℃ for 5 minutes. The enzyme from normal mucosa was activated 0.2 M K^+ and 0.15 M Na^+ approximately 20 and 4 folds and that from cancer tissue was activated approximately 40 and 10 folds, respectively. Mg^2+ was the most potent activator, the enzyme from normal mucosa being 5, 20, and 60 folds activated at 2 mM, 10 mM, and 20 mM, respectively and the enzyme from cancer tissue being 2.5, 13, 26 folds activated, respectively. Both enzymes were inhibited by 2 mM ATP and 5 mM GTP in the presence of Mg^2+ and K^+ , respectively. ddATP and ddGTP were the potent inhibitors of these enzymes. The enzvate front nurmal mucosa was activated by spermine, spermidine, and histone H3 and that from cancer tissue was activated by histone H1. The enzyme from normal mucosa yeas completely inactivated by alkaline phosphatase treatment whereas the enzyme activity from cancer tissue was indifferent. The molecular weight of both enzymes were 150 KD. Camptothecin and 10-OH-camptothecin variably inhibited DNA relaxation according to tile enzyme preparation and there was no DNA fragmentation in the cleavage assay. From the above results, the possible role of phosphorylation for regulation of this enzyme and the application of camptothecin to colon cancer were discussed.

      • 바둑학 전공자들의 여가활동 특성에 관한 연구

        박장근,정수현,임란희 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2002 藝體能論集 Vol.13 No.-

        This study aims at examining the characteristic of leisure types of ‘the majors in Baduk Studies who attend Myong-ji University. The questionnaire was given to 100 students for the purpose of investigating their leisure type, that is, leisurely activities, satisfaction from it, absorbtion in it and the degree of satisfaction with life. The result conducted by some statistical analyses is as follows : 1. The Analysis of Participation type of leisure activities 1) In the aspect of participation type of leisure modes, play &ecreation takes 34.0% and in sex appears significant difference. 2) In the participation frequency, over 6 times occupies 41.0% and in sex comes meaningful discrepancy. 3) In the participation span, over 3 years has 56% of the whole, where remarkable differences are shown in grade, religion and the level of household economy. 4) In the participation of accompanists, 66% turns up ‘friends’, which has no significant difference in any factors. 5) In the participation of an obstruction factor, the shortage of time accounts for 48.0%, that shows an meaningful difference in grade. 2. The Analysis of the Degree of Satisfaction in Leisure Participation of the Majors in Baduk Studies 1) The highest in leisure satisfaction was shown in men, freshmen, non-religion, middleclass, and a meaningful difference appeared in religion. 2) The highest satisfaction in leisure absorbtion was seen in women the 4th grade, non-religion, the high class, and a significant difference came out in the level of household economy. 3) The highest in the satisfaction of life turned up in men, freshmen, non-religion, the high class, and a meaningful difference was shown in the level of household economy.

      • KCI등재

        도플러검사법을 이용한 새로운 심기능평가법 : 급성 심근경색증에 의한 심기능장애의 선별진단법으로서 심기능지표의 유용성 The Utility of Cardiac Performance Index in the Screening Test of Cardiac Dysfunction due to Acute Myocardial Infarction

        김원,임경수,이영주,최옥경,전정민 대한응급의학회 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Background : Because systolic and diastolic dysfunction frequently coexist in acute myocardial infarction (AMI), we hypothesize that a combined measure of ventricular performance using Doppler echocardiography may be more sensitive and time-saving diagnostic tool for the evaluation of patients presenting with cardiogenic chest pain. Method and Results : Seventy-one patients with AMI (47 male, 59±11 years) and 45 patients with normal coronary artery (29 male, 52±11 years) were included in the study for measurement of cardiac performance index and established parameters of ventricular function using conventional echo-Doppler methods. a new derived index of cardiac performance: (ICT+IRT)/ET, was obtained by subtracting ejection time(ET) from the interval between cessation and onset of the mitral inflow velocity to give the sum of isovolumic contraction time(ICT) and isovolumic relaxation time(IRT). The mean value of the index was significantly different between normal and AMI(p<0.01). The degree of inter-group overlap was smaller for the index compared to other parameters. within functional groups, the value of the index did not appear to be related to heart rate, mean arterial pressure and the degree of mitral regurgitation. Conclusion : cardiac performance index is a conceptually new, simple and reproducible Doppler index of combined systolic and diastolic myocardial performance, and it is useful as screening test for patients with cardiac dysfunction due to AMI

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