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        Experimental Comparisons of Leading Display and RSVP Display of Chinese Dynamic Text in Searching Tasks

        Songzhen Tong,Pilsung Choe,Pei Shi,Lin Yang 대한인간공학회 2013 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        Objective: This study investigates user performance and user perceptions of dynamic Chinese text displays (Leading display and RSVP display) when users search for target information. Background: Today, information searching with dynamic displays is widely used in TV programs, on Internet advertisements, for traffic information systems, and more. Method: A human factors experiment was conducted to compare both displays. Eighteen subjects participated in evaluating two simulated interfaces for the leading display and the RSVP display. Results: The results show that the leading display was better in terms of search time and certain subjective measurements (Easiness, frustration, anxiety). The latter results are consistent with the conclusions of other research efforts showing that dynamic displays are more effective and efficient when reading information. Conclusion: The leading display is more useful for Chinese users in terms of both information searching and information reading. Application: This study helps design dynamic displays written in Chinese texts.

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