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        송시열의 ‘춘추필법’ 실행 양상: 비문(碑文)과 전(傳)을 중심으로

        이송희(Song-hee Lee) 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원 2018 OUGHTOPIA Vol.33 No.2

        송시열은 분명한 춘추필법의 의식을 가지고 압도적인 분량의 전기자료를 저술했다. 본 연구는 송시열의 인물 포폄 행위를 당대의 언어와 도덕적 개념들로 자신의 행위를 정당화하고 담론장을 재구성하고자 한 하나의 성공한 시도로 이해해보고자 한다. 명의 멸망 이후 조선이 중화 문명권에서 자신의 위치를 재정립해야 했던 시기에, 송시열의 가장 강력한 전략은 춘추의리를 서인-노론계의 학통과 접합시키는 것이었다. 그가 춘추필법을 자처하며 斯文을 재구성한 결과, 儒者라면 춘추대의의 명분에 따라 존왕양이를 실천해야 한다는 논리구조가 만들어졌으며, 그 결과 조선의 사대부들에게 대명의리를 포기한다는 것은 곧 사림의 일원으로서의 자기정체성에 핵심적인 부분을 버리는 셈이 되었다. 한편, 구체적인 현실에서 벌어지는 상황들에 대한 가치판단이 필요한 경우 송시열은 다른 무엇보다도 의도의 순수성을 강조하는 경향을 보이며, 이는 결국 조선후기 윤리의식의 핵심적인 요소로 자리 하게 되는 듯하다. 두 가지 모두 유가적 언어장에 속한 구성원들이 쉽사리 논파하기 어려운 언어 전략으로, 그 결과 송시열은 당대에 경합하던 여러 ‘명분’들간의 대립에서 승리할 수 있었다. Song Si-Yeol, the most influential Confucian scholar and notorious doctrinarian in 17th Century Joseon, left extraordinarily huge volume of biographies under the name of Chunqiu bifa[春秋筆法], or indirect moral criticism. This paper analyzes the act of Song’s writing biographies as linguistic games to reorganize and manipulate rhetorical and conceptual resources for his own purpose in the boundary of moral limits of the contemporary Joseon. Facing the urgent need to rebuild its legitimacy in the Sinocentric world after the fall of the Ming dynasty, Song’s main strategy was to establish the orthodox genealogy of Joseon Confucians under the name of Chunqiu, and argued that those who didn’t belong to this lineage are enemies of Sinocentric civilization. On the other hand, Song emphasized the purity of moral motif of one’s act when judging someone in specific situation, and this attitude seems to become one of the key elements of moral standard of late Joseon. Those two aspects of Song’s political and moral language was strong enough to triumph over other rival causes of the time.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 식품 기준·규격의 합리적 관리 ·운영에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 두부,식용유지, 전분의 분말상 원료에 관하여 Powdered marerials of Tofu, Edible oil, Starch

        김희연,홍진환,박혜경,한상배,박종석,이은주,이정성,송경희,최은희,최영준,소경아,성영제,이주엽 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 분말상 원료(전분, 대두분)의 저장유통시 품질변화를 건전성과 안전성 측면에서 검토하여 식품의 기준 ·규격 설정f.」 합지적으로 반영하고자 하였다. 전분과 패두분의 이물을 검사하고, 2종 대두분(중국산, 미국산)을 ?0일간 IS'c와 30t에 저장하면서 성상, 수분, 산가, 과산화물가, 지방산 조성,아플라톡신 BB의 생성여부를 분석하였다. 중국산 대두분 30'』 저장군에서 50일 이후 곰팡이가 발생한 것 이외에 모든 시료에서 양호한 성상을 나타내었고, 전분과 대두닥 모든 시료에서 이물은 검출되지 않았다. 산가는 중국산과 미국산 시료간에 편차를 보여 증국산 30"C, 50일 저장시료에서 약 10배끙도 증가하였고, 과산화물가는 저장 90일후 15'E 저장군은 약 2.3배, 30'c 저장군은 3배정도 증가하였다. 대두분의 주요 지방산은 linoleic acidf18. 2), oleic acid(18 : 1), palmitic acid(16 : 0)이었으며, 3개월 저장에 따른 지방산 함량의 변화는 미미하였다. 아플라톡신 B₁은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. The objective of this study was to investigate auality changes of type raw materials(starch, soy flour) during various storage conditions. Starchflour(source of China, U.S.A) were slfred under two temperature(15'C, 30'c) forSensory evaluation, (o.reign material test, moisture content, acid value, peroxide ualue,composition, aflatorin Bi were analyzed. China soy flour(stor·ed 30'f) was contaminated by fungj on 50 days. Except for soy flour contardnated by fungi, sensory characteristics were not changed and foreign mater;als were notdetected. Acid value of China soy flour(stored at 30'C, 90 days) was about 10 times higherlevel before storage and acid value was more influenced by source(China, USA). Peroxide valuewas in proportion with the storage period slightly. The major fatty acid of soy flour waslinoleic acid(18 . 2), an(3 the change of fatty acid composition was not observed. Aflatoxlrl Blwas not detected.


        Mi Suk Lee,Kyung Hee Chung,Song Mi Lim,Qingqing Luo 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        Fresh attention is being paid to lifestyle brands offering differentiated contents and value such that the 21st century is now being called the age of global lifestyle. Recently national income has been increasing and a broad lifestyle culture has been established. Thus, brands with Scandinavian (Sweden, Denmark, or Norway), culture sensitivity, and design have deeply permeated the domestic market which has led to a domestic consumers' lifestyle trend (Chung& Park, 2004; Kwon, 2013; Magnus & Chrystin, 2003). In particular, such global lifestyle brands as Marimekko (Finland), CathKidston (UK), and Muji (Japan) have secured competitiveness in the global market as textile products which reflect its country's cultural identity (Lee& Park, 2014). Meanwhile, a new word, Hanban (韓版)which refers to Korean brands or products that were created from the Korean wave (韓流), which refers to Korean dramas or songs. Korean culture has been commercialized and grafted into various industries. In particular, a strong wind of Hanban in fashion cultural products not only has spread the Korean lifestyle to the world, but has enhanced its influence on related industries as well as fashion. Although certain major Korean companies launched lifestyle brands such as Jaju, Modern House, Butter, and Pum to help realize a Korean lifestyle brand business, most products sold in Korean lifestyle brands focus on overseas imported goods,so it is difficult to find Korean images on these products(Bang, 2004; Lee & Chung, 2013). The size of the lifestyle market is growing as a high value-added industry that can lead consumers' lifestyle trends, and there is a growing interest for Korean fashion cultural products. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to attempt to develop textile designs for Korean-made high value-added products with the improvement of Korean brand values. For study methodology, the status of lifestyle brands at home and abroad was examined and textile designs were developed for lifestyle brand B. For the development of the textile designs, demand required by brand B was researched and a textile design concept was established based on fashion and interior decoration trends. Then, a textile was designed using a motive that can effectively represent the identity of brand B and the Korean image. Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and Adobe Illustrator CC programs were used for the standardized textile design motif, pattern development, and colorway. The results were as follows. First, global lifestyle brands such as Marimekko, CathKidston, and Muji sell differentiated lifestyle products from other brands by applying motifs and colors which symbolize their country's and city's cultural image on textile products and displaying their own identity and peculiarity. On the other hand, Korean lifestyle brands such as Casamia, Hanssem, Kosney, and Art Box do not plan or produce their own design, but will import and sell foreign textile fabric or textile products with high recognition, or copy imported fabric. Thus, their textile design is unsatisfactory to express their own identity and satisfy consumers' needs. Second, as to the development direction required by brand B, a Korean lifestyle brand, the focus was to first, 'design American and European products using colors and techniques which reflect Korean image trends', Second, to create a 'design with Scandinavia's peculiar simplified line and sensitive color', and finally, to make a 'flower pattern design with good sustainable market feasibility'. Based on the direction and 2015 S/S color and textile trends, three concepts were established: Global Tribe, Bunny in the Wonderland, and Beyond Nature. Global Tribe is a folk paintin g(Minhwa) representing the Korean image well, and was reinterpreted in a modern sense. Bunny in the Wonderland is a modern Scandinavian style design using a rabbit, a symbol of brand B, as the main motif. Beyond Nature used a flower motif in various expression techniques and images. A textile design was developed by extracting from a folk painting, a rabbit, and a flower motif and standardizing a motif in watercolor, pen, and graphic techniques. It was digitalized by a scanner and a pattern was made via the steps of color adjustment and repetition. Three kinds of textile designs were developed according to three concepts and four kinds of colorways were made for each design. This study attempted to develop a textile design as Korean-made high value-added textile products. It is meaningful to suggest textile design with Korean cultural images and brand identity. Further study will focus on the development of fashion cultural products and DIY products to commercialize developed textile design.

      • 자기 효능의 개념 분석

        서순림,이은남,박송자,양영희,이동숙,최은옥,구미옥,김인자,이인숙,김성재,박영임,이은옥 서울대학교 간호대학 간호과학연구소 1997 간호학 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        Today human needs for health promotion and maintenance are increasing. The nursing progression has a great responsibility for helping clients to practice good health behavior. self efficacy was found to be potent predictor in initiating and maintaining the health-related behavior. Therefore, the concept is important in nursig intervention for change of health behavior. The purpose of this paper was to analyze and clarify the meaning of the concept, self efficacy. This study used Walder & Avant's process of concept analysis. Critical attributes of self efficacy were : 1) positive perception of his won capability; 2) intrapersonal strength; 3) possibility of being learned; 4) individuality; 5) specificity; 6) generalizability. Antecedents of self efficacy consist of those facts that 1) new situation occurs; 2) individuals have needs to change the new situation; 3) there are some required actions in new situation. Consequences occurring as a result of self efficacy consist of those facts that 1) individual initiates the of failure; 5) cope with the situation; 6) controls the situation; 7) the level of self efficacy is enhanced; 8) the level of self-esteem is enhanced.

      • The Safety and Efficacy of Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir with Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection and Hemodialysis

        ( Myeong Jun Song ),( Jung Hyun Kwon ),( Soon Woo Nam ),( Tae Hee Lee ),( Young Woo Kang ),( Ji Woong Jang ),( Seok Hyun Kim ),( Byung Seok Lee5 ),( Sea Hwan Lee ),( Hong Soo Kim ),( Ji Hoon Kim ),( S 대한간학회 2017 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2017 No.1

        Aims: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Daclatasvir (DAV) and Asunaprevir (ASV) in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) and chronic renal failure (CRF). Methods: 22 chronic hemodialysis patients with HCV infection at 12 medical centers have prospectively enrolled from Feb, 2016 to Feb, 2017 (NCT02580474). Of those, 9 patients who were followed 12 weeks after treatment ended were included. We evaluated the virological responses at each week 4, 12, 24 and the 12-week sustained virologic response (SVR12). The tolerability and safety of patients were also evaluated. Results: Of these 20 patients, there had no resistance-associated variant of NS5A (NS5A RAVs) and 2 patients showed indeterminate NS5A RAVs. 12 patients (54.5%) completed the 24 weeks treatment of DAV and ASV. 6 patients (27.2%) have continued, but 4 patients discontinued study prior to 12 weeks. Overall, all patients (n=9) achieved SVR12. Virologic response at week 4, 12 and 24 showed 94.4% (17/18), 93.3% (14/15), and 100% (12/12) respectively. DCV and ASV were well tolerated among the majority of patients and discontinuation of the treatment due to adverse events (hypertension, bradycardia, leukemia) was occurred in 3 patients. In two patients with indeterminate NS5A RAVs, one achieved SVR12 but the other showed viral breakthrough and discontinued treatment. Conclusions: In this study, DAV and ASV combination therapy for chronic hemodialysis patients with HCV infection achieved high sustained virological response with few adverse events. Close monitoring of safety and tolerability may be necessary when treating chronic hepatitis C patients with CRF receiving DCV and ASV.

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