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      • 傳門大學 海洋土木科 敎育課情 開發硏究

        林秉龍,鄭營采,申文燮,李東周,張仁奎,金榮燮 군산대학교 1982 群山水産專門大學 硏究報告 Vol.16 No.1

        To carry out the study on the curriculum development for the ocean civil department in junior college, we collected and analyzed data which are on the curriculum development or improvement of the inside and outside of the country. We also gathered the opinion through the inquiring paper investigation and the consultation to the industrial organization, concerned school and authorities during 6 months from May, 1981. In addition, we analyzed and compared the present curriculum of special civil and ocean civil department in junior college. On the basis of above methods, a result we made a model curriculum shown in Table 10. Under current trend and circumstances of the industrial society, the best way for the curriculum development is to make like the course curriculum. But, it is is difficult to make the course curriculums of the ocean cavil department at present. Because the ocean civil is a branch of general civil engineering, furthermore the oceanic industry of our country is not developed well. So, dividing the major subjects in four fields for operating the model curriculum flexibly with the characteristics of the community and college, we developed the suitable curriculum in junior college course, such as general basic field, special basic field related to the ocean, special basic field related to the general civil and application field. We also tried to entensify the subjects of general basic field, special basic field related to the ocean, and to simplify the number of subjects in the model curriculum. Of course we can't say this model curriculum is perfect. But we believe firmly that the results of this paper will be a help to another curriculum development or improvement study for the ocean civil department in junior college.

      • 물리화학적 영향에 의한 백서 대뇌피질 Mitochondria Monoamine Oxidase활성도의 변경

        김영준,신용규,이정수 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1990 中央醫大誌 Vol.15 No.3

        Various factors influencing monoamine oxidase activities of mitochondria obtained from rat cerebral cortex were investigated. These factors included pH and temperature of incubation media, anions, divalent cations, hydrogen peroxide, sulfhydryl inhibitor, compounds containing SH groups and sonication. With kynuramine, the maximum MAO activity was observed at the concentration of 0.1mM and increasing the concentratin beyond 0.1mM was accompained by a decrease in the enzyme activitv. The MAO activity -was considerably altered by change of the pH of the incubation medium and the maximum value was observed at pH 8.0. MAO was resistant to temperature of incubation medium and the activity was not significantly affected at the temperature range of 0˚C -37˚C, but thereafter the activity was decreased with temperature, Among anions and cations tested, sulfite ion, Ag^++, Cu^++ and Cd^++ markedly inhibited MAO activity. Specific inhibitors for SH group such as, HgCl_2, PCMB and PCMBSA significantly inhibited MAO activity. Inhibitory action of Hg^++ was reverse by cysteine, GSH and MPG. Hydrogen peroxide weakly inhibited the MAO activity. MAO activity was decreased by sonication. The results suggest that factors influencing the cellular environment can alter MAO activity.

      • 응용을 위한 ISFET의 측정회로

        유상대,신장규,이용현,이종현 慶北大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.36 No.-

        The ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) is one of the family of chemically sensitive semiconductor devices(CSSD) which has been the object of considerable research and development. This study describes the operation of an ISFET as an electronic device. The measurement circuit based on this operation theory is developed for an appropriate ISFET application.

      • Pyrantel Pamoate (Combantrin)에 依한 蛔蟲 및 鉤蟲感染의 集團治療

        徐丙卨,朴定圭,趙昇烈,姜信榮,魚光本,康世喆,李源宰,李正雨,黃邱一 中央醫學社 1972 中央醫學 Vol.23 No.6

        The mass treatment trial of pyrantel pamoate on Ascaris lumbricoides and Ancylostoma duodenale infections was carried out to school-children and inhabitants in rural areas in the central part of Korea. Pyrantel pamoate ("Combantrin") tablet (123 mg base) was administered as a single dose of 10. 0 mg per kg. body weight to a total of 4,198 Ascaris infected cases selected out of 4,436 (41. 6%) positives, who were screened from the total 10,660 collected stool specimens. Of these, only 3,169. cases were followed up after treatment to provide an analysis in this study. Incidentally 161 cases with concomittently infected hookworm were also subjected to assess the efficacy of pyrantel pamoate against A. duodenale. The egg negative conversion rate on A. lumbricoides was 95.3%, and on A. duodenale, 97.5% four weeks following treatment. In failed cases, the egg reduction rates on both of the infections were 97.6% and 97.3% respectively. No side effects and no problem in drug administration were demonstrated. It is concluded that this study confirms the high efficacy of pyrantel pamoate in the treatment of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ancylostoma duodenale infections and also proves the acceptability and safety of this drug in the mass treatment of ascariasis in a population with relatively high worm burden.

      • 보리새우, Penaeus japonicus의 中腸에서의 Glycine Transport

        朱鎭球,宋容圭,劉寬凞,朴來鉉,申埈國 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1983 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.2

        Glycine transport through mucosal border of the columnar epithelium on the marin shrimp, P. japonicus midgut has been investigated with particular emphasis on the interaction to Na^+. The transmural fluxes of the amino acid across the midgut wall were also determined. 1. Mucosal glycine uptake occurred via Na^+-dependent and Na^+-independent carrier processes, and the passive movement of glycine. 2. Mucosal and serosal glycine uptakes in normal saline were higher than those in Na^+-free medium, but lower than those in Cl^--free medium. 3. L-alanine was acted like a competitive inhibitor of mucosal glycine entry process. 4. Exit process of glycine across the mucosal membrane was accelerated by the presence of L-alanine in the medium. 5. Prediction equation of saturable glycine uptake was derived from experimental data. 6. Turning point and regression coefficients of segmented linear regression for the high affinity and low affinity components of glycine carrier were determined by using computer. 7. Ultrastructural changes of mucosal epithelial cells related to the experimental treatments were observed through transmission and scanning electron microscope.

      • 아드레날린 수용체 중개에 의한 Catecholamine의 Synaptosome을 통한 칼슘 이동의 조절

        조성진,이정수,신용규,이광수 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1988 中央醫大誌 Vol.13 No.1

        The presynaptic α-adrenoceptors medicate a negative feedback mechanism which leads to inhibition of neurotransmitter release probably by restricting the calcium available for the excitation-secretion coupling. It is reported that norepinephrine may shorten the duration of plateau phase in action potential by decreasing a voltage sensitive, slow inward calcium current and this action of norepinephrine is antagonized by α-adrenergic blocking agents. It is also suggested that there is a direct linkage between adrenoceptors and Na+-K+ ATPase. In the present study, therefore, effects of norepinephrine, dopamine an 5-hydroxytryptamine on the calcium uptake, Na+-Ca++ exchange and membrane potential in rat brain synaptosomes were investigated. The actions of neurotransmitters on the regulators for cellular calcium transport were also studied by investigation effects of catecholamines on synaptosomal Na+-k+ ATPase, Ca++ ATPase and Na+-Ca++ ATPase activities with or without adrenergic blocking agents. In the reaction mixture containing calcium without potassium, the addition of ATP induced the synaptosomal calcium uptake only slightly. The further addition of potassium is followed by a marked increase in calcium uptake with concomittent development of membrane depolarization. Amounts of calcium uptake were increased with increasing concentrations of potassium but decreased in the presence of extracellular sodium. Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine inhibited the potassium induced calcium uptake but had no effect on membrane potential. Na+-K+ ATPase, Mg++ ATPase and Ca++ ATPase activities were stimulated by these amines and stimulatory effects of catecholamines were antagonized by phentolamine and propranolol. Ouabain enhanced potassium induced calcium uptake but significantly inhibited Na+-K+ ATPase activity. Diltiazem and dibucaine effectively inhibited the depolarization induced calcium uptake, but had a variable effects on ATPase activities. Dibucaine significantly inhibited Ca++ ATPase. Among various agents tested, dibucaine alone was shown to slow down the development of membrane depolarization. Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine inhibited both the sodium dependent calcium efflux and Na+-Ca++ ATPase activity. The inactivation of Na+-CA++ ATPase by catecholamines was reversed by phentolamine and propranolol. These results suggest that there is a linkage between presynaptie adrenoceptors and regulatory apparatus for calcium transport across the synaptic membrane. Catecholamines appear to inhibit the calcium transport by the indirect effect on the ATPases, particulary Na+-K+ ATPase at plasma membrane which is mediated by adrenoceptors and also by possible action on the calcium conductance mechanism. On the other hand, adrenergic agonists may affect the Na+ dependent Ca++ efflux in synaptic membranes.

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