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      • Indian Banking Industry: It's Progress: An Empirical Analysis

        Shaik Abdul Majeeb Pasha,Ato Wondwossen Jerene Daare 한국유통과학회 2016 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2016 No.-

        Indian financial sector has been growing at a galloping pace, comparatively with other industries from the last three decades. At present, India is Geographical area 7th in the world - widely dispersed terrain Population - 2nd in the world-1.3 billion and by nominal GDP - 10th largest economy in the world with 30 States and 6 Union Territories, 644 districts,600,000 Villages-multilingual and multiethnic society along with above 150 public and private sector banks with more than 110000 branch network. Indian economy is currently going through a difficult period. However, the problems are not unique to India. Growth has also slowed down in many other Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs). Present study motto of researchers' wants to finds out the challenges, opportunities and progress of Indian banking and to know reasons behind them. Finally, based on empirical findings reasonable recommendation and conclusion has given.

      • KCI등재

        A Critical Analysis on Capital Market Developments in India: Pre and Post Liberalization Period

        Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri,Shaik Abdul Majeeb Pasha,Siva Kumar Challa,Srilakshmi Challagundla 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.10

        Purpose This paper aims to critically examine capital mar – -ket developments in India before and after liberalization. Research design, data, and methodology The paper exam – -inesthe Indian capital market from its inception to the latest de-velopments related to both primary and secondary markets, andalso discusses recent initiatives ofcapital markets to enhance theexpected level of services to the investor community. It alsosheds light on the regulatory framework for investor protection. Results The study further highlights the future roadmap for –the radical development of the Indian capital market. The paperidentifies the various initial obstacles and intricacies that affectthe smooth functioning of the Indian capital markets. Hence, thepaper articulates that these concerns should be addressed bythe regulatory authorities and at the policy level at the earliestfor further strengthening the capital markets in the interests ofthe economy in general and retail investors in particular. Conclusion This is a topic of utmost contemporary im – -portance to worldwide national economies, and calls for novelmethods and techniques in dealing effectively with the menacefacing capital markets.

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