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      • 유아교육을 위한 미디어로서 로봇의 교육적 활용에 대한 연구

        남궁선혜 공주영상정보대학 2002 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        '21 세기는 정보화 시대이다' 라는 말은 이제 우리에게는 너무나도 익숙한 말이며 이러한 정보화가 유아교육에 어떠한 맥락안에서 해석되어야 하는지가 우리의 과제가 되고 있다. 본 고에서는 정보사회에서 가장 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있는 미디어 중에서 로봇을 소개하였으며 로봇이 유아교육 측면에서 어떻게 교육적으로 적용이 될 수 있을까에 대해 논의하고 그 활용방안의 하나로써 '로머' 로봇을 소개하였다. 로봇은 기존의 움직임이 없는 미디어에서 벗어나 공간에서 움직임을 시각적으로 인식할 수 있는 미디어로서 새로운 교육적 의미를 내포하고 있다. 앞에서도 소개한 영국의 '로머' 로봇도 ICT 산업분야의 교육적 미디어로서 개발된 제품으로 로봇이 이제는 더 이상 상상속의 그 무엇이 아니라는 것을 증명해 주고 있다. 이러한 것을 고려해 볼 때 다음과 같은 논의점을 제시해 볼 수 있다. 첫째, 로봇을 유아교육용 매체로 활용시 유아의 발달특징이 고려되어야 한다는 것이다. 로머에서도 보면 로봇의 모양이 둥글게 되어 있어서 유아의 안전을 보장받을 수 있고 버튼의 조작도 손쉽게 되어 있다. 뿐만 아니라 혼자서 놀이 할 수 있게 하기보다는 그룹을 이루어 게임도 하고 어떠한 상황에 대한 결과를 협동하여 예상해보는 활동으로 이끌어 내고 있다. 이렇듯이 유아교육용 매체로서 로봇은 유아의 신체적 발달이나 사회성 발달 특징 등 유아의 여러가지 발달적인 특징이 반영되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 로봇을 유아교육용 매체로 활용시 유아교육적으로 의미가 있어야 한다는 것이다. 유아를 대상으로 하는 모든 교육 내용은 통합적 접근에 기반을 두고 있다. 즉 한 영역에만 국한되는 매체로서가 아니라 다양한 영역이 포함되어져한다는 것이다. 로머에서도 보면 수세기, 기하학, 모양, 미술, 음악, 언어 등의 영역활동들이 통합적으로 로봇 프로그램에 프로그래밍 되어 있다. 이는 유아교육내용의 통합적 접근에 매우 유용한 것이며 유아교육용 로봇의 개발에서 필수적인 요소라는 것이다. '로봇' 이라는 매체는 아직까지 우리에게는 낯선 존재이고 이것이 우리의 유아교육 현장에 어떠한 영향을 미칠 것인가를 예측하는 것은 아직은 시기상조일 수도 있다. 그러나 분명한 것은 앞으로의 유아교육용 매체가 지금까지 우리가 접했던 정적인 것에서 좀 더 동적이며 능동적 개념의 것으로 발전할 것이라는 것(예를 들면 '로봇' 형태의 것과 같은)은 간과할 수 없는 것이고 이와 관련지어 교육적 활용에 대한 모색도 병행되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        예비유아교사의 유교적 가치, 교직관 및 인성교수효능감과 교직헌신도와의 관계 연구

        남궁선혜 ( Seon Hye Namgung ),김현정 ( Hyun Jung Kim ) 미래유아교육학회 2013 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between confucian values, views of teaching, character teaching efficacy and commitment to teaching for pre-service early childhood teachers The subjects were 359 pre-service early childhood teachers at 2 colleges, which are located in J and D city. To collect the data, cofucian values, occupational perception, commitment to teaching and character development efficacy of the pre-service early childhood teachers were asked through the questionnaires. The answered questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 for windows program. The results were as follows; These four variables(confucian values, occupational perception, commitment to teaching moreover character development efficacy of the pre-service early childhood teachers) were highly correlated. And the character development efficacy in the relationship among antecedents variables(confucian value as korean traditional values, occupational perception and Commitment to teaching) partially affect.

      • KCI등재

        캡스톤 디자인 수업 운영 사례를 통해 바라본 예비유아교사를 위한 역량기반 교육과정 운영 탐색

        남궁선혜(Seon-Hye Namgung),김현정(Hyun-Jung Kim) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.10

        본 연구의 목적은 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 역량기반 교육과정과 함께 고려되어야 할 교육과정 운영 측면에서 유아교사를 양성하는 교수자가 이를 어떻게 실행할 수 있을 것인가에 대한 논의를 제시해 보고자 하는 데에 있다. 국가수준에서 교과목을 제시하고 있는 유아교육 분야에서는 역량기반 교육과정을 새로 개발하기 보다는 이를 어떻게 운영해야 하는지에 대한 고민이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 예비유아교사의 역량기반 교육과정 운영을 위해 기존의 유아교육 전공 교육과정에 캡스톤 디자인 수업을 연결시키는 통합적 모형을 활용하고 이에 대한 실제 수업 사례를 제시하면서 해결점을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 실행된 캡스톤 디자인 수업적용 단계는 1. 주제 제안서 작성 2. 예상되는 놀이상황 제시 3. 지도교수의 검토 4. 예상되는 놀이상황에 대한 수정, 5. 산업체 담당자의 검토 및 현장 적용 6. 저널작성 7. 보고서 작성 및 발표로 제시되었다. 캡스톤 디자인은 이미 다양한 전공 분야에서 학습자의 역량을 기를 수 있는 수업모형으로 적용되고 있으나, 유아교육 분야에서는 이를 적용한 사례가 활발하게 이루어지고 있지 않다. 이에 본 연구는 캡스톤 디자인 수업이 예비유아교사를 위한 역량기반 교육과정 운영을 위해서 어떻게 활용될 수 있는지를 탐색함으로써 본 연구에 대한 시사점을 모색하고자 하였다. The purpose of this study is to discuss how to train students in early childhood education and apply it in terms of competency-based curriculum, which has become a recent issue. In the field of early childhood education, where subjects are presented at the national level, rather than developing a new competency-based curriculum, it is necessary to think about how to operate it. Therefore, this study focuses on an actual class case baes on an integrated model that I proceed with my own unique protocol, which is how to train students in early childhood education by using Capstone Design. This protocol features seven steps as follows: 1. Writing a topic proposal, 2. Presenting the expected play situation, 3. Feedback from an academic advisor, 4. Modify the play for the situation within an expectable range, 5. Reviewing the play by the field manager and apply play to the field, 6. Journal writing, and 7. Report writing and presentation. Capstone design has less influence on the field of early childhood education compared to other fields. To sum up, this study shows how to use capstone design to enhance the competence of students in early childhood education and identifies how capstone design can be used in early childhood education for competency-based curriculum operation.

      • KCI등재

        유아예비교사를 위한 교과교육론 PBL 수업설계 적용 연구

        남궁선혜(Namgung Seon Hye),임진형(Lim Jin Hyung) 한국육아지원학회 2006 육아지원연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구에서는 PBL(Problem Based Learning)에서 제시하는 이론과 실질적인 수업 방식을 대학의 유아교육과 예비유아교사교육 과정에 개설되어 있는 ‘교과교육론’과목 수업에 직접 적용한 연구이다. 본 연구에서 사용한 PBL 모형은 H대학 간호보건 계열 특성화 사업에서 개발한 PBL 수업 모형을 기본으로 하고 있으며 이에 대한 실제 수업방식을 Workshop을 통해 PBL 수업설계에 관한 연수를 이수한 후, 교과교육론 PBL Package를 개발하여 수업에 적용하였다. 교과교육론 과목에 적용된 PBL 수업설계는 예비교사들에게 토론학습을 이끌 수 있었으며 예비교사들 스스로 자기주도학습을 경험할 수 있는 기회를 얻을 수 있었다는 자기평가를 보고하고 있다. 이러한 결과는 PBL 수업설계가 향후 예비교사교육의 한 방법으로서 적용될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. In this research, theories and practical teaching methods provided by PBL were applied to classes for future early childhood education teachers in the departments of early childhood education in college, the effects of the application were investigated. As an investigation tool, research problems are as follows: 1) development of a subject matter education package 2) application of the subject matter education package The results of the research can be summarized as below: First, the learners could achieve knowledges through organizing learning community. Students reported that they could naturally experience what they already know as well as other's knowledges by having group activities from PBL type classes. Second, the learners could develop practical abilities for real working places. From PBL classes, students could have better understanding on real situations taking place in educational institutions where they will work after graduation. Third, the self-directed learning abilities of the learners increased. The students had an experience of self-studying from the PBL classes, and they could have confidence and feeling of gaining knowledges. In this research, PBL classes, based on a constructivism theory, were practiced under an assumption that there could be various teaching methodologies for early childhood teachers, and the following responses from the classes were shown. From the results from this research, advantages of PBL classes were proved, and this implies that PBL teaching could be considered as a class for early childhood teachers. Finally, as a conclusion, since developing scenario is critical in PBL classes. detail research for developing scenario is necessary in order to active optimum results from PBL classes that are planned.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Serological investigation of Ureaplasma urealyticum in Korean preterm infants

        Eun, Ho Seon,Lee, Soon Min,Park, Min Soo,Park, Kook In,Namgung, Ran,Lee, Chul The Korean Pediatric Society 2013 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.56 No.11

        Purpose: Ureaplasma colonization is related with perinatal complications in preterm infants. Little is known about the difference in virulence among various Ureaplasma urealyticum serovars. The aim of this study was to determine U. urealyticum serovars of preterm infants in order to assess whether any of the serovars were associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Methods: Three hundred forty-four preterm infants with a gestational age less than 34 weeks admitted to Gangnam Severance Hospital neonatal intensive care unit from July 2011 to December 2012 were included in this study. Tracheal and gastric aspirations were conducted on infants to confirm Ureaplasma colonization. Ureaplasma colonization was confirmed in 9% of infants, of these, serovars were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: A total of 31 infants (gestational age, $29.3{\pm}3.1$ weeks; birth weight, $1,170{\pm}790g$) were U. urealyticum positive. The Ureaplasma positive group treated for more days with oxygen and ventilation than the negative group (P<0.05). Histologic chorioamnionitis and moderate to severe BPD were more frequent in the Ureaplasma positive group than in the negative group (P<0.05). U. urealyticum isolates were either found to be a mixture of multiple serovars (32%), serovar 9 alone or combined with other serovars (39%), serovar 11 (26%), 2 (13%), 8 (10%), 10 (13%), and 13 (25%). No individual serovars were significantly associated with moderate to severe BPD and chorioamnionitis. Conclusion: This is the first study to describe the distribution of U. urealyticum serovars from Korean preterm infants. Ureaplasma -colonized infants showed higher incidence of BPD and chorioamnionitis.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Factors Affecting Anger in Patients With Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

        Je Sungsuk,Kim Kiwon,Namgung Seon,Lee Seung-Hoon,So Hyung Seok,Choi Jin Hee,Choi Hayun 대한신경정신의학회 2022 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.19 No.11

        Objective To identify the factors affecting anger in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients who underwent Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2).Methods We retrospectively reviewed patients who underwent CAPS and MMPI-2 at Veteran Health Service Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. Based on the CAPS score, the patients were divided into the PTSD group (n=46) and the trauma exposed without PTSD group (n=29). After checking the correlation between anger, CAPS, and MMPI-2 scales, logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors for clinically relevant symptoms.Results The PTSD group showed significant differences in schizophrenia-related symptoms, ideas of persecution, aggressiveness, psychoticism, and anger scales compared to the trauma-exposed without PTSD group. There was a significant correlation between anger, CAPS, and MMPI-2 except masculinity/femininity, disconstraint, and MacAndrew Alcoholism-Revised. In particular, anger has been shown to have a substantial connection with paranoia, schizophrenia-related symptoms, ideas of persecution, aberrant experiences, and psychoticism. Multiple regression analysis identified that the only significant risk factor for anger was the negative emotionality/neuroticism scale (odds ratio=1.152, p<0.001).Conclusion The PTSD group had increased anger compared to the trauma-exposed without PTSD group, and that negative emotions may be a risk factor for PTSD.

      • Directional neurite growth using carbon nanotube patterned substrates as a biomimetic cue

        Jang, Min Jee,Namgung, Seon,Hong, Seunghun,Nam, Yoonkey IOP Pub 2010 Nanotechnology Vol.21 No.23

        <P>Researchers have made extensive efforts to mimic or reverse-engineer <I>in vivo</I> neural circuits using micropatterning technology. Various surface chemical cues or topographical structures have been proposed to design neuronal networks <I>in vitro</I>. In this paper, we propose a carbon nanotube (CNT)-based network engineering method which naturally mimics the structure of extracellular matrix (ECM). On CNT patterned substrates, poly-L-lysine (PLL) was coated, and E18 rat hippocampal neurons were cultured. In the early developmental stage, soma adhesion and neurite extension occurred in disregard of the surface CNT patterns. However, later the majority of neurites selectively grew along CNT patterns and extended further than other neurites that originally did not follow the patterns. Long-term cultured neuronal networks had a strong resemblance to the <I>in vivo</I> neural circuit structures. The selective guidance is possibly attributed to higher PLL adsorption on CNT patterns and the nanomesh structure of the CNT patterns. The results showed that CNT patterned substrates can be used as novel neuronal patterning substrates for <I>in vitro</I> neural engineering. </P>

      • Wide Contact Structures for Low-Noise Nanochannel Devices Based on a Carbon Nanotube Network

        Lee, Hyungwoo,Lee, Minbaek,Namgung, Seon,Hong, Seunghun American Chemical Society 2010 ACS NANO Vol.4 No.12

        <P/><P>We have developed a wide contact structure for low-noise nanochannel devices based on a carbon nanotube (CNT) network. This low-noise CNT network-based device has a dumbbell-shaped channel, which has wide CNT/electrode contact regions and, in effect, reduces the contact noise. We also performed a systematic analysis of structured CNT networks and established an empirical formula that can explain the noise behavior of arbitrary-shaped CNT network-based devices including the effect of contact regions and CNT alignment. Interestingly, our analysis revealed that the noise amplitude of <I>aligned</I> CNT networks behaves quite differently compared with that of <I>randomly oriented</I> CNT networks. Our results should be an important guideline in designing low-noise nanoscale devices based on a CNT network for various applications such as a highly sensitive low-noise sensor.</P>

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