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      • KCI등재
      • 사출금형 기술정보 온톨로지의 객체구성 자동화

        이석우(Seokwoo Lee),남성호(Sungho Nam),송기형(Kihyeong Song),이동윤(Dongyoon Lee),최헌종(Honzong Choi) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.5

        Nowadays, much attention is being paid to topic map - a kind of searching method based on meanings - for a solution which helps people manage and integrate huge amount of technical information and retrieve correct ones fast and effectively. This paper proposed the integrated KMS (Knowledge Management System) of technical information needed when developing injection molds. Based on the results of injection molding CAE analyses and the use-case models of the people who develop injection-molds, the technical knowledge management system was designed and constructed in the engineering collaborative hub. This system consists of the integrated ontology model of technical information utilizing topic map approach and the retrieval system based on meanings in the field of injection mold development. The ontology of the developed systems is updated automatically.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        The Case concerning Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan; New Zealand intervening)

        Seokwoo Lee(이석우) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2013 法學硏究 Vol.16 No.3

        1946년 12월 포경의 남용으로부터 고래를 보호하기 위해 포경규제에 관한 국제협약(International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling: ICRW)이 체결되었다. 이 협약 제8조는 당사국이 일정한 조건에 따라 과학적 연구를 목적으로 하는 자국민의 포경을 특별허가 할 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 그런데 ICRW 제3조를 근거로 설립된 국제포경위원회(International Whaling Commission, IWC)는 1980년대 이후 무분별한 포경으로부터 고래를 보호하기 위해 포경에 대한 규제를 강화하기 시작했다. 즉, IWC는 1982년 ICRW의 중요한 부속문서인 명세서(Schedule) 제10항에 (e)를 추가해서 1985/86년 이후 모든 종류의 고래에 대한 상업적 목적의 포경을 금지하였다. 그리고 IWC는 1994년 명세서 제7항에 (b)를 추가하여 남대양 서식지(Southern Ocean Sanctuary)에서의 상업적 포경을 금지하였다. 그 동안 여러 국제기구 회의와 외교적 경로를 통해 일본의 포경행위를 지속적으로 비난하며 중단을 요구해 온 호주는 2010년 5월 31일 포경에 관한 국제적 의무를 위반했다며 일본을 국제사법재판소(ICJ)에 제소하였다. 일본정부는 IWC의 포경 규제강화 이후에도 계속해서 연구목적이라는 구실 하에 민간 어선이 일본 정부의 특별허가를 받아 포경을 할 수 있도록 하는 고래연구프로그램(JARPA II)을 실시해 왔다. 호주는 JARPA II에 따라 일본 어선이 대량의 포경을 하도록 하는 것은 곧 일본이 ICRW상 당사국의 의무를 위반한 것이라고 주장하였다. 본 논문은 협약 제8조를 둘러싼 호주와 일본간의 법리 공방을 중심으로, ICJ에서의 재판결과에 상관없이 향후 IWC 체제의 유지 차제가 부정적이라는 함의를 도출하고 있다. The Case Concerning Whaling in the Antarctic is primarily based on a dispute over the interpretation of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW). Article VIII provides that “any Contracting Government may grant to any of its nationals a special permit authorizing that national to kill, take and treat whales for purposes of scientific research . . . .” (emphasis added). Utilizing this exception, Japan announced the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA) in the 1987/88 season. Japan commenced the Second Phase of the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA II) during the 2005/6 season. The stated objectives of JARPA II include monitoring the Antarctic ecosystem, modeling competition among whale species, clarifying changes in stock structure, and improving the management of minke whale stocks. After research is conducted, meat from harvested whales is sold for consumption and profits are used to support the Institute for Cetacean Research. On 31 May 2010, Australia instituted proceedings against Japan in the ICJ. Australia filed its memorial on May 9, 2011, and Japan filed a counter-memorial on March 9, 2012. On 20 November 2012, New Zealand filed a Declaration of Intervention in the Registry, and the Court granted permission to intervene on 6 February 2013. Australia claims that Japan’s large scale whaling under JARPA II violates its obligations under the ICRW, as well as its other international obligations for the preservation of marine mammals and marine environment under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Japan however argues that the Court lacks jurisdiction over Australia’s claims, and that, as a result, New Zealand’s application to intervene lapses. In the alternative, Japan argues that Australia’s claims should be rejected because the whaling activities are conducted for the purposes of scientific research, which is permitted under the ICRW. Australia counters that Japan is engaging in commercial whaling under the guise of “research.” A public hearing was held from on 26 June to 16 July 2013. The Court’s judgment will be rendered at a public sitting but is not expected for several months. This is the first time for Japan to appear as a party to a dispute at the ICJ. For Australia, it is the first time since the 1973 Nuclear Test case for the country to institute proceedings; it last appeared in the ICJ as the Respondent in the East Timor case which began in 1991. If the judgment is unfavorable to Japan, the country might withdraw from the IWC. In the past, Japan has threatened to do so and form an alternative ? and presumably more whaling-friendly ? organization. Such actions will probably initiate a domino effect among other pro-whaling countries. Alternatively, if the judgment favors Japan, the IWC may regain credibility among pro-whaling countries that feel isolated due to the organization’s increasingly conservationist stance. In addition, such a decision may encourage anti-whaling countries to be more flexible in their stance against whaling.

      • Manufacturing Innovation Strategy via On-line Collaboration

        이석우(Seokwoo Lee),류광열(Kwangyeol Ryu),최영재(Youngjae Choi),송기형(Kihyeong Song),최헌종(Honzong Choi) 한국로고스경영학회 2007 한국로고스경영학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.7월

        Unpredictable and ever changing customer demands make manufacturers difficult to get competition power enough to survive in the global market. To meet customer requirements dynamically changed. the manufacturing industry of today needs to equip with advanced technologies based on substantial infrastructure. Especially most mold makers in Korea. for example. are in labor shortage and fund starvation. Even though they have any specialized technology. they usually get in trouble to compete with big companies. Under this situation. we found that "collaboration" is the best solution for them to survive and to get competition power. Therefore. we have launched and conducted a project. referred to as an e- Manufacturing project. Note that e- Manufacturing is referred to as a system methodology enabling the integration of manufacturing operations and functional objectives of an enterprise by using intelligent IT technologies such as Internet. tether-free communication methods including wireless networking or web-based connections. In order to provide on-line collaboration environment. we have developed five kinds of hub systems for collaborative design and production of molds as well as parts/modules of an automobile while conducting e-Manufacturing project funded by the Korea government. Since the outcomes by utilizing each hub system are evaluated to be very beneficial for increasing competition power of Korean small and medium size companies. the Korea government will launch more bigger project. referred to as "i-Manufacturing project" which include nor only e-Manufacturing as a title of "innovation by informatization" but manufacturing processes and systems. In this paper, therefore. we briefly introduce the outline of the e-Manufacturing project and the strategy of i-Manufacturing project with the outcomes of the e-Manufacturing project in 2006 as well.

      • KCI등재
      • 기업간 상생협력 기반 한국형 제조혁신 전략

        이석우(Seokwoo Lee),류광열(Kwangyeol Ryu),남성호(Sungho Nam),홍원표(Wonpyo Hong),최헌종(Honzong Choi) 대한기계학회 2007 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2007 No.5

        Unpredictable customer demands make manufacturers to make quality products with cheaper price and shorter delivery. To survive in the global market, the manufacturing industry needs to equip with advanced technologies including IT. Under this situation, collaborationis the best solution for manufacturers to survive and to grow their company instead of competition. With this strategy, we have conducted a project(e-Manufacturing). The companies participate to the project attained the amazing results by utilizing collaboration systems such as delivery shortened and increase in sale/profit. Since the strategy of the project is assessed to be very useful to increase competition power of manufacturers, the project will be enlarged to cover wider application domains with a new project name called i-Manufacturing. In this paper, therefore, we introduce the specific output from the e-Manufacturing project and the specific strategies/plans of i-Manufacturing project.

      • i매뉴팩처링(한국형 제조혁신) 추진전략 및 실행방안

        이석우(Seokwoo Lee),류광열(Kwangyeol Ryu),홍원표(Wonpyo Hong),강은구(Eungoo Kang),최헌종(Honzong Choi) 한국생산제조학회 2007 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.10

        국내 제조업은 국가 경제에 중추적인 기여를 하는 분야이다. 제조업의 뿌리이자 기둥인 국내 중소 제조기업들은 급변하는 글로벌 제조환경의 변화 속에서 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해 많은 노력들을 하고 있다. 그러나 국내ㆍ외 환경의 격렬한 변화와 구조적ㆍ기술적 취약성으로 인해 많은 어려움을 겪고 있는 실정이며, 이러한 상황에 대처하고자 정부에서는 2004년부터 전통 제조업에 IT기술을 접목한 e매뉴팩처링을 추진하여 여러 측면에서 좋은 성과를 거두었다. e매뉴팩 가진 고부가가치 선진 산업구조로 전환되도록 다양한 혁신정책을 일관성 있게 추진하고자 2007년부터는 기존의 e매뉴팩처링 사업영역을 확대하여 i매뉴팩처링(한국형 제조혁신)사업을 추진하게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 i매뉴팩처링 사업의 추진전략 및 구체적인 실행방안에 대해 논해보고 이에 따른 기대효과를 설명하도록 한다.

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