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      • Gilbert 증후군에서 열량 제한 시험과 Phenobarbital 자극 시험의 의의(14예)

        이헌영,채경훈,정재훈,강윤세,김연수,문희석,박기오,이엄석,김선문,김석현,성재규,이병석,이강욱 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        Gilbert 증후군은 인구의 7%에서까지 나타날 수 있는 매우 흔한 증후군으로서 비진행성인 양성의 만성적 경과를 치하며, 간질환의 증상과 징후가 없는 경한 비포합형 고빌리루빈혈증이 특징인 일종의 체질적인 증상으로서 혈장 빌리루빈 농도에 대한 사춘기의 영향 때문에 10대와 20대에 자주 진단이 된다. 따라서 임상적인 중요성은 미약하지만 높은 빈도가 예상되는 점에 그 중요성이 부여되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 적정한 임상적 진단법으로 기왕에 소개된 열량제한 시험과 phenobarbital 유도 시험을 시행하고 이들의 진단적 가치를 알아보기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 1990년 7월부터 1999년 4월까지 충남대학교병원에 내원하여 HBsAg, IgG anti-HBc 및 anti-HCV가 음성이고, 간 초음파 스캔에서 이상이 없으며, 혈청 AST, ALT 및 AP가 정상인 비음주자에서 경한 비포합형 고빌리루빈혈증이 있는 14예의 환자들을 대상으로 ^(99m)Tc-DISID 스캔을 시행하였으며, 기저 치 총빌리루빈 및 포합형 빌리루빈 치를 측정한 다음에 하루에 400Kcal로 48시간동안 제한한 열량 제한 시험을 시행하였고, phenobarbital을 하루 60mg씩 5일간 투여한 후에도 각각 총빌리루빈과 포합형 빌리루빈 치를 검사하여 비포합형을 구하였다. 대상 환자들은 모두 14예로서 남자가 11예(78.6%)였고 여자가 3예(21.4%)여서 3.7:1로 남자에서 많았으며, 20대가 6예(42.9%), 30대가 역시 6예(42.9%) 및 40대가 2예(14.2%)로서 2,30대가 대부분(85.8%)이었다. 열량 제한 시험 후의 총빌리루빈 치, 비포합형 및 포합형 빌리루빈 치들은 평균 각각 5.5±2.7, 4.2±2.3 및 1.3±10mg/dL 로서, 시험 전 치들인 3.0±0.8, 2.2±0.8 및 0.7±0.4mg/dL 보다 유의하게(p=0.001, p=0.001, p=0.023) 상승하였다. 포합형 빌리루빈 치도 유의하게 상승하였으나 비포합형의 상승보다는 훨씬 낮아서 주로 비포합형이 증가하였다. phenobarbital 투여 중 설사가 발생하여 중단한 1예를 제외한 13예에서 열량 제한 시험 후에 상승하였던 총, 비포합형 및 포합형 빌리루빈 치가 phenobarbital 유도 시험후에는 2.0±1.1, 1.5±0.8 및 0.5±0.4mg/dL로서 열량 제한 시험 결과보다 유의하게 낮아졌고(p=0.00, p=0.000, p=0.001), 열량 제한 시험 전의 기초치들인 3.0±0.8, 2.2±0.8 및 0.7±0.4mg.dL 보다도 더욱 낮아졌으며 유의한 차이(p=0.001, p=0.02, p=0.005)를 나타내었다. 14예에서 시행한 ^(99m)-Tc DISIDA 스캔에서 9예(64.3%)가 정상이었고, 5예(35.7%)에서는 심장 및 신장으로의 간외 섭취가 3예였고, 60분까지 소장 배출이 없는 배설 지연 예와 담낭 수축 불량 예가 각각 1예 씩 발견되었다. Phenobarbital 투여시험에서 민감도가 열량제한시험에 비해 더 높았다(92.3%와 50.0%). Gilbert 증후군에서 1일 400 Kcal로 48시간의 열량제한 시험과 1일 60mg의 phenobarbital을 5일간 투여하는 유도 시험은 편리하고 유용한 임상적인 진단법으로 이용할 수 있다고 생각된다. 그러나 열량 제한 시험에서는 증가 기준의 통일이 필요하다고 유추되며 phenobarbital 유도 시험이 민감도가 더 높은 것으로 생각된다. Gilbert's syndrome is very frequent and benign chronic process characterized by mild, intermittent, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia without any symptom and sign of liver disease. Previously intoduced caloric restriction test and phenobarbital stimulation test as two appropriate clinical tests had been examined and their diagnostic values were reevaluated. Fourteen patients with mild, persistent, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia were included. Subsequently caloric restriction has been applicated by 400 Kcal/day for 48 hours and phenobarbital has been prescribed by 60 mg/day for 5 days. Therafter serum levels of total and direct bilirubin were measured. Most of the patients were third and fourth decade(85.8%) and male predominant. Each basal serum levels of total, indirect and direct bilirubin were 3.0±0.8, 2.2±0.8 and 0.7±0.4 mg/dL. After caloric restriction test, each levels were increased significantly to 5.5±2.7, 4.2±2.3 and 1.3±1.0 mg/dL(p=0.001, p=0.001, p=0.023). After phenobarbital stimulation test for 13 patients had been practiced, increased levels of each bilirubin after caloric restriction test were decreased significantly to 2.0±1.0, 1.5±0.8 and 0.5±0.4 mg/dL(p=0.000, p=0.000, p=0.001) and these levels were significantly lower than basal levels(p=0.001, p=0.02, p=0.005). The sensitivities of caloric restriction test were 85.7%, 50.0%, and 71.4%, 35.7%(1.0, 1.5 mg increase of total bilirubin and 1.0, 1.5 mg/dL increase of indirect bilirubin). The sensitivities of phenobarbital stimulation test were 93.2% and 92.3% at criteria of 1.5 mg/dL increase of total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin. On the diagnosis of Gilbert syndrome, caloric restriction test and phenobarbital stimulation test are convenient and useful diagnostic tools in clinical face. And also phenobarbital stimulation test has higher sensitivity than caloric restriction test. Furthermore, standardization of bilirubin increment would be necessary in caloric restriction test.

      • 회전근 개 파열로 인한 수술 후 처치에 관한 국내 연구 동향

        이충희,김연희,오민석 大田大學校 附屬 韓方病院 2018 惠和醫學 Vol.27 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the latest trend of studies on treatments of postoperative rotator cuff tear patients which are published in Korea. Methods : We investigated the studies on the treatments of postoperative rotator cuff tear patients via searching 6(six) Korean web databases(NSDL, RISS, Korean traditional knowledge portal, OASIS, KISTI, KCI). As a result, 16(sixteen) studies were found. We classified the papers by publication date, published journal, method of study, type of treatment, evaluation scale and referencing research ethics. Results : 16(sixteen) papers were published from 2006 to 2017. The papers were published in The journal of Korean shoulder & elbow society, The journal of korean acupuncture & moxibustion medicine, etc. 5(five) randomized controlled trials, 5(five) non-randomized controlled trials, 4(four) case reports and 2(two) Retrospective report have been found. For types of treatment, 6(six) exercise therapies, 3(three) Korean medicine treatments and 7(seven) other treatments have been found. Main evaluation tools were VAS, ROM , NRS and Muscle strength. Conclusions : In this study, we analyzed the latest trend of studies on treatments of postoperative rotator cuff tear patients. Reviewing the international trends of studies on treatments for postoperative rotator cuff tear are essential for the future studies.

      • 煉炭灰魚汁 吸着飼料의 添加가 돼지의 血液像에 미치는 영향

        鄭鉉丞,李乙熙,吳錫斗,宋瑛敏 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1989 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.2 No.-

        煉炭灰魚汁 吸着飼料 添加가 돼지의 血液像에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 赤血球, 血色素量, 赤血球容積 및 血液球數는 무처리구에서 높은 편이고, 平均赤血球容積, 平均赤血球血色素量, 平均赤血球血色素濃度는 煉炭灰魚汁 吸着飼料 添加區에서 약간 높았으나, 白血球鑑別計數를 포함한 이들 모든 血液像은 정상치 범위내였다. The objective of this experiment is to investigate the effects of fish-soluble-absorbed-briquette-ash-added feed upon the hematological value of swine. RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit and WBC were higher in the non-treated group. Mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were a little higher in the treated group. And all the above hematological values including differential count were within the normal range.

      • 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料 開發에 關한 硏究

        鄭鉉丞,李乙熙,金哲旭,宋瑛敏,吳錫斗 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1990 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.3 No.-

        우리나라에서 年間 50萬M/T 生産廢水處理되는 魚汁中의 蛋白質, U.G.F., Ca等과 991萬M/T 生産廢棄되는 煉炭灰中의 Fe, Zn等의 微量鑛物質을 混合한 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料(FBF:Fish-soluble-abosorbed briquette ash feed)를 開發하기 爲하여 一次로 1981年부터 1984年까지 煉炭灰의 成分分析과 煉炭灰 添加給與試驗을 哺乳中仔豚과 育成-肥育豚에 實施하였고 哺乳中 仔豚에 實施하고 있는 1, 2次 鐵分注射代用 給與試驗을 거쳐 添加給與飼料化 可能性 確認後 1985年부터 1989年까지 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料를 製造하여 5∼10% 添加 給與試驗結果 優秀한 成績이 나타났으므로 3%, 5%, 10% 水準을 代替配給한 飼料를 製造하여 哺乳仔豚의 鐵分注射代用으로서의 效果, 育成期, 肥育期, 育性-肥育期의 飼養試驗, 試驗飼料의 製造,貯藏性, 消化率 및 經濟性, 豚의 背脂肪層,屠體率, 血液像 等으로 調査한 바 다음과 같다. 1. 煉炭灰와 煉炭의 一般成分 및 鑛物質 分析結果 煉炭灰의 成分含量은 수분(0.15%), 조단백질(0.52%), 조지방(0%), 조섬유(4.13%), NFE(0%), 조회분(95.35%), Ca(0.807%), P(0.074%), K(0.138%), Na(0.025%), Mg(0.183%), Fe(3,769mg/kg), Mn(98mg/kg), Zn(139mg/kg) 및 Cu(21.0mg/kg)이였고 煉炭은 NFE(10.96%), 조회분(71.35%), Ca(0.224%), P(0.043%), K(0.158%), Na(0.039%), Mg(0.191%), Fe(7,385mg/kg), Mn(116mg/kg), Zn(306mg/kg) 및 Cu(17.5mg/kg)이었다. 2. 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料成分 分析 煉炭灰 500g에 濃縮魚汁量을 50g에서 250g 및 1,250g 乾物換算(1:1) 水準까지 混合시킨 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料의 成分含量은 濃縮魚汁量이 50g일때는 各各 11.69% 및 31.31%와 2.61% 및 10.6%로 增加하였고 粗纖維와 粗灰分은 各各 5.51% 및 3.86%와 62.82% 및 50.42%로 감소하였다. 아미노酸 成分에서 lysine의 境遇 濃縮魚汁量이 50g일 때 0.19%로 나타났으나 濃縮魚汁量 增加에 比例하여 250g일 때 0.75%로 나타났다. 기타의 아미노酸들도 濃縮 魚汁量이 增加할수록 아미노산 含量이 높게 나타나는 傾向을 보였다. 鑛物質成分은 Ca, Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn 및 Co등은 濃縮魚汁量인 높을수록 높게 나타났다. 3. 哺乳中의 成長期와 離乳後 育成-肥育期에 微量鑛物質 供給濟로서 煉炭灰를 自由 採食시켰을 때 (1) 增體量은 配合飼料 單飼區보다 配合飼料 + 煉炭灰 給與區가 多少 높았으나 有意性은 認定되지 않았다(p>0.05). (2) 飼料效率은 配合飼料單飼區(4.71)보다 煉炭灰 給與 育成肥育區(4.84)가 약간 낮게 나타났다. (3) 仔豚育成區에서는 飼料效率이 3.0이었으며 萎縮豚에 效果가 좋은 것으로 나타났다. (4) 經濟性 分析結果 1kg增體當 飼料肥로 換算하면 配合飼料單飼區(829원)에서 比해 配合飼料 + 煉炭灰區(852원)가 23원이 增加하였다. (5) 仔豚育成區에서는 1kg 增體當 528원이 소요되었다. (6) 煉炭灰의 嗜好性은 좋은 편이었고 건강상태도 양호했다. 4. 哺乳仔豚에 鐵分注射代用으로서 效果 및 離乳仔豚의 育成期에 微量鑛物質 供給源으로서 煉炭灰를 3, 5, 7% 水準으로 添加 給與하였을 때 (1) 哺乳中 鐵分注射 代用으로 煉炭灰를 自由採食 시켜도 仔豚의 發育成績과 健康狀態는 異狀이 없었고 比較的 良好한 便이었다. (2) 增體量은 煉炭灰를 3% 添加 給與하였을 때 가장 좋게 나타났다(P>0.05). (3) 飼料要求量은 對照區와 處理區間에는 큰 差異가 없었다(p>0.05). (4) 1kg增體에 所要된 飼料費는 T1(3% 첨가구), T2(5% 첨가), C 및 T3(7% 첨가구)에서 636.40, 646.72, 672.52 및 684.56원이었다. (5) 對照區에 比해 處理區에서의 血色素 含量은 암·수 供히 良好하였다. 5. 母豚과 哺乳仔豚에 煉炭灰를 自由 採食시켰을때의 乳汁을 通한 鐵分이 哺乳仔豚에 미치는 影響과 哺乳仔豚이 直接 採食하므로서 哺乳中 實施하는 鐵分注射代用으로서의 效果는 (1) 生後 3週間의 體重은 本 大學(5.27kg)이 原種豚(5.00kg)보다 다소 높게 나타났다. (2) 育成數 및 育成率은 本 大學(8.0頭, 86.0%)이 原種豚(8.3頭, 88.3%)보다 낮게 나타났다. (3) 離乳時 體重은 本 大學(17.8kg)이 原種豚(17.4kg) 보다 多少 높게 나타났다. (4) 分娩時期와 哺乳仔豚數가 같은 區에서 鐵分注射區와 煉炭灰給與區間의 比較成績은 煉炭灰給與區가 多少 좋게 나타났으나 有意差는 없었다(p>0.05). (5) 哺乳中 鐵分注射代用으로 煉炭灰를 自由採食시켜도 仔豚의 發育成績과 健康狀態는 異狀이 없었고 比較的 良好한 便이었다. 5. 哺乳仔豚에 2回 實施하고 있는 鐵分注射를 1回로 줄이고 哺乳母豚과 仔豚에 煉炭灰를 自由 採食시켰을 때 (1) 哺乳中 21日齡의 體重은 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區(4.48kg)가 鐵分注射 2回區(4.43kg)보다 苦干 좋게 나타났다. (2) 離乳時體重은 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區(16.8kg)가 鐵分注射 2回區(17.4kg) 보다 낮게 나타났다. (3) 15週齡의 體重은 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區(48.85kg)가 鐵分注射 2回區(46.0kg) 보다 좋게 나타났다. (4) 終了時 體重은 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區(78.3kg)가 鐵分注射 2回區(71.6kg) 보다 좋게 나타났다. (5) 日當 增體量은 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區(0.589kg)가 鐵分注射 2回區(0.537kg) 보다 좋게 나타났다. (6) 飼料效率은 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區(2.32)가 鐵分注射 2回區(2.34)보다 낮게 나타났다. (7) 鐵分注射 1回 煉炭灰給與區의 健康狀態는 正常이었다. 以上의 結果로 生後 3週齡까지의 鐵分注射 1回代替로서 煉炭灰 給與가 可能하고 育成-肥育 前期까지 微量鑛物質 供給源으로 煉炭灰 給與效果가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 7. 1981年부터 1984年까지 4年間 돼지에 煉炭灰를 급여하였을 때 鐵分注射代用 및 微量鑛物質 供給源으로서 效果를 究明하기 위하여 본 대학 부속목장에서 실시한 결과를 綜合的으로 考察해 본 것이다. 대체적으로 姙娠中 암돼지에 煉炭灰給與區와 대조구간에 나타난 仔豚의 生時體重, 21日齡 體重, 56日齡 體重은 有意的인 差異가 없었다. 育成率은 煉炭灰給與區가 優秀하였다. 離乳後 계속 煉炭灰를 給與한 育成豚은 대조구보다 15週齡 체중, 일당증체량 및 사료효율이 유의적으로 높았다. 이상의 결과를 綜合 考察할 때 平素에 煉炭灰를 먹이면 仔豚에 鐵分注射를 아니해도 이상이 없고 育成豚은 微量鑛物質 不足으로 발생하는 여러 가지 疾病이 발생하지 아니하였으므로 煉炭灰를 먹였을 때 돼지의 성장 및 飼料費 節減에 效果가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 8. 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料를 育成期에 5%, 肥育期에는 10%를 添加하여 飼養試驗하였을 때 (1) 日當 增體量은 試驗區(784.52g)가 對照區(645.24g)보다 높게 나타났다. (2) 飼料攝取量은 試驗區(185.53kg)가 對照區(165.46kg)보다 높게 나타났으며, (3) 飼料效率은 試驗區(2.82)가 對照區(3.05)보다 有意的으로 높게 나타났다. (4) 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料 添加 飼養으로서 1kg 增體當 飼料費가 49.45원이 節減되었다. (5) 90kg 到達日齡은 試驗區(155日)가 對照區(169日)보다 14日이 短縮되었다. 9. 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料의 代替水準(0%, 3%, 5%, 10%)別 飼養試驗成績은 (1) 育成期 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料를 C(0%), T1(3%), T2(5%), T3(10%) 水準別로 代替 配合한 飼料로 飼育하였을 때 ① 日當增體量은 試驗區가 T1:658g, T2:686g, T3:683g으로 對照區의 618g 보다 높게 나타났으며, ② 1일 飼料攝取量은 T3:1.61kg>T2:1.59kg>T1:1.55kg>C:1.54kg의 順으로 魚汁吸着飼料量이 增加함에 따라 증가하였다. ③ 增體量은 T2(38.47kg)>T3(38.20kg)>T1(36.83kg)>對照區(34.59kg)의 順으로 T2區가 가장 높게 나타났고, 飼料要求率도 T2(2.32), T1(2.36), T3(2.37)區의 순으로 좋게 나타났으며 全般的으로 處理區가 對照區(2.49)에 比하여 좋은 성적을 나타내었다. ④ 1kg 增體當 飼料單價는 T2區가 291.24원으로 가장 낮게 나타났고 對照區에 比해 1kg 增體當 24.62원의 節減效果가 나타났다. ⑤ 育成期飼料의 消化率은 對照區의 處理區間에 有意적인 差異가 없었고 貯藏期間에는 成分의 變化없이 安定한 것으로 나타났다. (2) 肥育期 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料를 配合飼料에 0%(C), 3%(T1), 5%(T2) 및 10%(T3) 水準으로 代替 配合하여 飼育하였을 때 ① 日當增體量은 T3(779.33g)와 T2(752g)에서 對照區(674g) 보다 높았고 (p<0.01) 飼料效率 및 90kg 到達日齡도 試驗區에서 良好한 成績을 나타내었다. ② 肥育飼料의 消化率은 多少 向上되는 傾向이나 有意的인 差異는 없었다. ③ 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料를 配合한 試驗區에서는 貯藏初期 7日間에 成分含量이 낮아졌으나 以後 21日까지는 安定的인 狀態를 나타내었다. ④ 背脂肪層 두께는 T3(10%)區가 1.51cm로 對照區 1.56cm보다 얇게 나타났다 (p<0.01). ⑤ 屠體率은 對照區(61.99%)에 比하여 試驗區(63.67∼64.65%)가 높게 나타났다 (p<0.01). ⑥ 1kg 增體에 所要된 飼料費는 對照區(386.81원), T1(374.19원), T2(347.79원) 및 T3(33699원)로써 試驗區의 飼料費가 절감되었다. (3) 育成-肥育期 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料를 配合飼料에 0%(C), 3%(T1), 5%(T2) 및 10%(T3) 水準으로 代替 配合하여 飼育하였을 때 ① 增體量, 日當增體量, 飼料效率 및 90kg 到達日齡 等에서 對照區에 比하여 FBF를 5%(T2), 10%(T3) 代替 配合하여 飼育하였을 때 良好하게 나타났다 (p>0.01). ② 育成期 및 肥育期飼料의 消化率은 多少 向上되는 傾向이었으나 有意性은 없었다. ③ 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料를 代替 配合한 試驗區에서는 貯藏初期 7日間에 成分含量이 낮아졌으나 以後 21日까지는 安定的 狀態를 나타내었다. ④ 背脂肪層은 T3(10%)區가 1.51cm로 對照區 1.56cm 보다 얇게 나타났다 (p<0.01). ⑤ 屠體率은 對照區(61.99%)에 比하여 試驗區(63.67∼64.65%)가 높게 나타났다 (p<0.01). ⑥ 1kg當 增體에 所要된 飼料費는 對照區(350.77원), T1(336.32원), T2(320.89원), T3區(316.11원)의 순으로써 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料 添加時 飼料費가 節減되었다. 10. 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料와 濃縮魚汁을 配合飼料에 各各 10%씩 代替 給與하였을 때 (1) 終了時體重과 日當增體量은 對照區(94.05kg, 678g)에 比하여 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料 代替區(98.65kg, 752g) 및 濃縮魚汁代替區(95.40kg, 709g)順으로 나타났다. (2) 飼料效率은 對照區에 (3.65) 比하여 煉炭灰魚汁吸着代替區(3.24) 및 濃縮魚汁 代替區(3.40)에서 良好하게 나타났다. (3) 1kg增體當 所要飼料費는 煉炭灰 魚汁代替區(369.33), 濃縮魚汁代替區(388.15), 對照區(413.56)의 順으로 나타났다. (4) 90kg到達日齡은 煉炭灰魚汁 代替區(162.1), 濃縮魚汁 代替區(163.7) 및 對照區(166.9)의 順으로 短縮되었다. 11. 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料給與 飼養時의 血液狀은 赤血球, 血色素量, 赤血球容積 및 白血球數는 無處理區에서 높은 편이고, 平均赤血球容積, 平均血球血色素量, 平均赤血球血色素濃度는 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料 添加區에서 약간 높았으나, 白血球 鑑別計劃數를 包含한 이들 血液像은 正常値 範圍內였다. 12. 哺乳仔豚에 鐵分注射代用으로서 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料를 給與하였을 때 (1) 日當 飼料攝取量은 對照區 408g 보다 處理區가 418g으로 10g이 더 높았다 (p<0.01). (2) 平均 日當增體量은 對照區 222.94g 보다 處理區가 296.89g이 더 높았다(p<0.01). (3) 飼料效率은 對照區 1.83 보다 處理區가 1.41로 改善되었다. (4) 哺乳仔豚에 鐵分注射代用으로 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料를 自由採食 시켰을 때 仔豚의 健康狀態의 發育成績은 比較的 良好하였다. 13. 煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料 代替 水準別 配合飼料製造費用은 1kg當 單價로서 育成期 配合飼料는 代替水準 0%가 125.34원, 3%가 125.56원, 5%가 126.03원 및 10%가 125.43원으로 나타났고, 肥育期飼料는 0% 113.31원, 3% 113.52, 5% 113.68, 10% 114.10원으로 나타났다 (煉炭灰 魚汁吸着飼料 1kg當 生産費 100원 基準). 以上의 結果를 보아 廢棄物인 煉炭灰와 廢水處理되는 魚汁을 混合하여 飼料資源化하므로써 飼料費節減, 飼料效率改善, 營養素利用 增進, 環境汚染防止, 公害處理, 煉炭灰魚汁吸着飼料 開發 活用으로써 導入飼料外貨 節減效果와 養畜農家의 所得增大에 이바지할 것으로 生覺된다. In Korea, 500,000M/T of fish soluble and 9,910,000M/T of briquette-ash are yearly produced and discarded as waste materials. A series of experiments was performed to develop fish soluble-absorbed briquette ash feed(FBF) in order to utilize the protein, UGF, Ca contained in the abandoned fish soluble and Fe, Zn, and other microminerals in the discarded briquette-ash. From the year 1981 to 1984 the chemical composition of briquette-ash was analyzed and its feeding effects on sucking, growing and fattening pigs were studied. Also the effects of briquette-ash addition for substituting Fe injection in pigs at sucking were examined. After the potential of briquette-ash feed was proved, from the year 1985 to 1989 fish soluble-absorbed briquette ash feed(FBF) was made and previously fed from 5 to 10%, subsequently, 3, 5, and 10% of pig ration was substituted by FBF and its effects on sucking pig as substitution for Fe injection, its feeding effects on growing, fattening and growing-fattening pigs, changes during storage, digestibility, economics, backfat thickness and hematological values were examined and gave results as follows. 1. Analysis of proximate composition and mineral contents of briquette and briquette-ash. Briquette-ash contained moisture(0.15%), C·protein (0.52%), C·fat (0%), C·fiber (4.13%), NFE (0%), C·ash (95.35%), Ca (0.807%), P (0.074%), K (0.138%), Na (0.025%), Mg (0.025%), Mg (0.183%), Fe (3,769mg/kg), Mn (98mg/kg), Zn (139mg/kg), Cu (21.0mg/kg). And in the briquette contained NFE (10.96%), C·ash (71.35%), Ca (0.224%), P (0.043%), K (0.158%), Na (0.039%), Mg (0.19%), Fe (7,385mg/kg), Mn (116mg/kg), Zn (306mg/kg), Cu (17.5mg/kg). 2. Analysis of Fish soluble-absorbed Briquette ash Feed (FBF). To study the effects of feeding Fish soluble-absorbed Briquette ash Feed (FBF) in pigs, firstly the chemical composition, mineral contents and amino acids contents of briquette ash absorbed concentrated fish solubles were analyzed. Increasing absorbed rate of concentrated fish soluble to briquette ash, chemical composition, mineral contents and amino acids contents resulted higher. 3. When the briquette-ash was fed ad libitum to sucking and growing-fattening pigs as micromineral supplements; (1) Body weight gain was little higher in the briquette-ash supplied group than control(p>0.05). (2) In the growing-fattening pig, feed efficiency was better in the control group (4.71) than the briquette-ash supplied group (4.84). (3) In the weaning pig the feed efficiency was 3.0 and suplemental effects of briquette-ash were outstanding in atrophic pigs. (4) Making economical analysis by term of feed cost per kg weight gain, in the briquette-ash supplemented group, the feed cost was increased to 852 won where it was 829 won in the control group. (5) In the weaning pig group, 528 won was used per kg weight gain. (6) The palatability of briquette-ash was good and healty conditions were normal, too. 4. When the briquette-ash was supplemented in 3%(T1), 5%(T2) and 10%(T3) to the sucking, weaning and growing pigs; (1) When the briquette-ash was fed as substitution for Fe injection for sucking pigs, the growing state and health conditions were good enough. (2) Body weight gain was best when 3% of briquette-ash was supplemented(p>0.05). (3) There was no significant difference in feed efficiency(p>0.05). (4) Feed costs required per kg weight gain for T1, T2 and T3 were 636.40, 672.52 and 684.56 won respectively. (5) Hematological values of treatment group were in normal range. 5. Effects of briquette-ash addition as substitution for Fe injection when breeding and sucking pigs are fed with briquette-ash. (1) The pig of this college (5.27kg) had slightly heavier average weight at the age fo 3 wks. than the purebred of National Livestock Breeding Station(5.00kg). (2) The purebred (8.3pigs. 88.3%) had higher litter size and survival rate at weaning than the pig of this college. (3) The pig of this college (17.8kg) had slightly heavier average weight at weaning than the purebred of National Livestock Breeding Station (17.4kg). (4) In the group equal to farrowing season and litter size at sucking, there were nonsignificant defferences for the reproductive traits between briquette-ash addition and Fe injection group. (5) When fed liberally, briquette-ash as the substitute for Fe injection in sucking pig, there is relatively superior tendency to the growth and health conditions in pigs. 6. When the Fe injection was reduced to once and briquette-ash was supplied liberally; (1) Pig weight at 21 days was heavier in the pigs feeding briquette-ash after injected Fe once than in those injected Fe twice. (2) Pig weight at weaning(16.8kg) was lower in the pigs feeding briquette-ash after injected Fe once than in those injected Fe twice (17.4kg). (3) Pig weight at 15 wks. was heavier in the pigs feeding briquette-ash after injecte Fe once (48.85kg) than in those injected Fe twice (46.0kg). (4) Final body weight was heavier in the pigs feeding briquette-ash after injected Fe once (78.3kg) than in those injected Fe twice (71.6kg). (5) Feed efficiency was better in the pigs feeding briquette-ash after injected Fe once (2.32) than in those injected Fe twice (2.34) (6) The health conditions of the pigs feeding briquette-ash injected Fe once were normal. (7) The results obtainced in this study suggest that briquette-ash feeding can substitute Fe injection effectively supplementing sufficient microminerals from growing to fattening. 7. The results of feeding briquette-ash to pigs during 4 years from 1981 to 1984 in substitution for Fe injection and as micromineral supplements are reviewed. Generally, when sows are fed briquette-ash ad libitum, there were no significant differences in birth weight, weight at 21 days and weight at 56 days. The survival rate was better in the briquette-ash supplemented group. However when the briquette-ash was supplied continuously after weaning, there were significant differences in weight at 15 days, weight gain and feed efficiency. In conclusion, it might be suggested that the pigs farrowed from sows fed ad libitum briquette-ash could grow without Fe injection and when fed briquette-ash ad libitum, it can prevent micromineral deficiency and gain body weight more rapidly. 8. When FBF was added by 5% in the growing pig ration and 10% in the fattening pig ration; (1) Daily body weight gain was higher in the treatment group (784.52g) than the control group (645.24g). (2) Feed intake was higher in the treatment group (185.53kg) than the control group (165.46kg). (3) Feed efficiency was significantly higher in the treatment group (2.82) than the control group (3.05). (4) Adding FBF in ration, 49.45 won was saved per kg body weight gain. (5) Ages at 90kg were shortened by 14 days in the treatment group (155d) than the control group (169d). 9. Effects of levels 0%(C), 3%(T1), 5%(T2), and 10%(T3) of substitution of FBF (1) Growing period 1) Daily body weight gain was higher in the treatment group (T1:658g, T2:686g, T3:683g) than the control group (618g). 2) Daily feed intake was in order of T3:1.61kg>T2:1.59kg>T1:1.55kg>C:1.54kg. it increased according to the level of fish soluble. 3) Body weight gain was in order of T2:38.47kg>T3:38.20kg>T1:36.83kg>C:34.59kg. Feed efficiency was in order of T2:2.32>T3:2.37>T1:2.36>C:2.49. Generally the treatment group was better than the control group. 4) Feed cost per kg weight gain was lowest in T2(291.24won) and it saved 24.62won per kg weight gain compared to the control group. 5) There was no significant difference in the digestibility of growing diets and it was stable during the storage period. (2) Fattening period 1) Daily weight gain was higher in T3 (779.33g) and T2 (752.0g) than control (674.0g) significantly (p<0.01). Feed efficiency and ages at 90kg were also better in the treatment group. 2) Digestibility was improved in the treatment group by not signivicantly. 3) Until the 7th day of storaging period, the chemical composition of FBF added ration decreased but it did not show any change until the 27th day. 4) Backfat thickness was significantly (p>0.01) thinner in T3 (1.51cm) than control (1.56cm). 5) Dressing percentage was significantly (p>0.01) higher in the treatment group (63.67∼64.65%) than in the control group (61.99%). 6) Feed costs required per 1kg weight gain were 386.81 won in control, 374.91won in T1, 347.79 in T2 and 336.99won in T3. As result feed costs were saved adding FBF in the ration. (3) Growing-fattening period 1) Weight gain, feed efficiency and ages at 9kg were significantly higher in FBF added T2(5%) and T3(10%) group. 2) Digestibility of growing and fattening diet was improved in the treatment group but not significantly. 3) The chemical composition of FBF added ration decreassed slightly till the day 7 of storaging period. But after 7th day it did not show and change untill the dat 27. 4) Backfat thickness was significantly (p<0.01) thinner in T3 (1.51cm) than control (1.56cm). 5) Dressing percentage was significantly (p<0.01) higher in the treatment group (63.67∼64.65%) than in the control group (61.99%). 6) Feed costs required per 1kg weight gain were 350.71won in control, 336.32 won in T1, 320.89won in T2 and 316.11won in T3. As result feed costs were saved when FBF was added in the ration. 10. When the ration was substituted by FBF and fish soluble by 10% respectively; (1) Final weight and daily weight gain were 94.05kg, 678g in control group whereas 98.65kg, 752g in FBF substituted ration and 95.40kg, 709g in fish soluble substituted ration. (2) Feed efficiency was 3.65 in control group whereas 3.24 in FBF substituted ration and 3.40 in fish soluble substituted ration giving better resuluts. (3) Feed cost required per kg weight gain was in order of FBF substituted ration (369.33 won), fish soluble substituted ration(388.15 won) and control group (413.56 won). (4) Ages at 90kg were in order of FBF substituted ration (162.1), fish soluble substituted ration (163.7) and control group (166.9). 11. Hematological values of FBF fed pigs RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit and WBC were higher in the non-treated group, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were a little higher in the treated group. And all the above hematological values including differential count were within the normal range. 12. Effects of FBF addition as substitution for Fe injection for sucking pigs. (1) Daily feed consumption was larger by 10g in the treatment group (418g) than in the control group(408g). (2) Average daily weight gain was larger by 73.95g in the treatment group (296.98g) than in the control group (222.94g). (3) Feed efficiency was higher in the treatment group (1.41) than in the control group (1.83). (4) When the sucking pigs were fed liberally FBF as the substitute for Fe injection, there was relatively superior tendency to their growth and health conditions. 13. Production cost of FBF per kg (when the production cost of 1kg of FBF is fixed as 100 won) (1) Growing 0% ; 125.34 won, 3% ; 125.56 won, 5% ; 126.03 won and 10% ; 125.43 won (2) Fattening 0% ; 113.31 won, 3% ; 113.52 won, 5% ; 113.68 won and 10% ; 114.10 won As conclusion, making FBF with the abandoned briquette-ash and fish soluble results in lowering feed cost, increasing feed efficiency, increasing nutrient availability, decreasing pollution, saving the foreign currency used to import feed ingredients and increasing farmers income.

      • 專門大學 不動産科 敎育課程 修正ㆍ開發에 관한 硏究

        金淸祐,鄭郁浩,李圭熙,成錫駿 대구산업정보대학 1988 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        1) Object Individuality of real estate department and inner firmness of vocational education in junior college. 2) Method of study. The study of booket concerned with the curriculum of homeland and foreign land. Analysis and study of the question examination from the professors, the enrollments and graduates. 3) Conclusion ① Preferential organization on the subjects corresponded with the field after graduation; 「Architecture Construction, Equipment」 must be added with reguired subjects and 「Civil Procedure and Auction」ㆍ「E.D.P.S」 must be added with optional subjects. ② Reinforcement on the actual affairs and the actual training; Enlarging actual affairs on 「Real Estate Taxes」ㆍ「Real Estate Registration」ㆍ「Land Register」 and a new establishment on 「Spot Practice Subject」 ③ Exemption of the unnecessary and unessential subjects(ex, Real Estate Finance), which is too theoretical, also subdivided and repeated subjects.

      • 자연임신에서 분만 및 주산기 예후에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이윤희,안준모,김태성,박은희,정집광,이석민,이해혁 순천향의학연구소 2002 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.8 No.1

        Object: To compare pregnancy outcome between term pregnancy and postterm pregnancy. Method: A clinical observation has been made on 60 cases of postterm pregnancies out of 64 cases delivered at the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Soonchunhyang University from January 1, 1997 to May 31, 2002. 100 cases of full term deliveries of 37 to 42 gestational weeks conducted in same period were used as the control group for this study. We analyzed their cesarean section rate, fetal weight, placental weight, meconium stain, perinatal morbidity. The statistical significance was defined as P<0.05. Result: The following results were obtained 1. The incidence of postterm pregnancy was 1.34%. 2. The cesarean delivery rate in postterm group(51.7%) was significantly higher than control group(26%). 3. The incidence of large fetus (weight over 4,000gm) in the postterm group(21.7%) was higher than control group(2%). 4. The weight of placenta was 757g and 706g in the postterm group and control group respectively. 5. 1, 5 minute Apgar score lower in the postterm group than control group. Conclusion : To decrease perinatal morbidity and cesarean rate at 42 or more weeks gestation, appropriate labor induction and twice weekly biophysical profile and USF(AI, Doppler) may be indicated.

      • 射擊選手의 性格特性에 關한 調査 硏究

        韓忠植,張甲錫,朴泳熙 韓國體育大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the personality traits of shooting athletes and college students. "Personality traits inventory(Chung-Ang Aptitude Test Publishing Co., 1988) were used as personality test tool. Used 51 male shooting athletes who belong to Korean Junior National Caliber and 60 male college students. The results were summarized as follows : 1) The subjects who were shooting athletes had a higher masculinity and impulsiveness than college students. 2) The subjects who were shooting athletes had a lower emotional stability, responsibility and conformity than college students. 3) Dominance, sociability, reflectiveness and superiority as personality traits were not different betwee college students

      • 분할서비스와 설명기능을 제공하는 Z39.50 클라이언트 구현

        손충범,이석희,유재수 충북대학교 컴퓨터 정보통신 연구소 1999 컴퓨터정보통신연구 Vol.7 No.1

        Z39.50은 정보검색을 위한 클라이언트/서버 기반의 프로토콜로써, 인터넷상의 정보교환을 위한 형식과 절차를 다루는 일련의 규칙들의 집합인 네트워크 프로토콜이다. Z39.50은 시스템마다 다른 환경의 차이에서 생긴 정보검색상의 문제점을 해결하기 위해 제시되었다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 Z39.50 클라이언트들이 제공하지 않는 Z39.50 프로토콜 버전 3의 대용량의 데이터를 여러 개의 세그먼트로 나누어 전송 받을 수 있는 레벨 1 분할의 분할 서비스와 서버의 구현정보를 제공하는 설명 기능을 지원할 수 있는 Z39.50 클라이언트를 구현한다. 구현한 클라이언트는 사용자에게 재전송 요구를 하지 않고 한번에 레코드들을 전송받을 수 있다. As a client/server based protocol for information retrieval, Z39.50 is a set of rules of network protocol that handles formats and procedures for the exchange of messages in internet. The protocol was presented to solve the problem of information retrieval in the heterogeneous systems. In this paper we implement Z39.50 client that can support explain facility to provide implementation information and segment service of level 1 segmentation to receive a large data divided in several segments. The implemented client doesn't ask users to request again and can receive records at once.

      • 轉移函數 雜音模型을 利用한 月流出量 豫測

        趙廷錫,韓良洙,金喜洛 대구대학교 과학기술연구소 1999 科學技術硏究 Vol.5 No.5

        This model was based on the theory of Box-Jenkins multiplicative ARIMA (SARIMA) and the Transfer function to simulate changes of monthly runoff. The forecasting of Runoff from the pair of observed value of effective rainfall and runoff (X_(t), Y_(t)) in the uniform interval will gives less standard error then the analysis only by Y_(t), so the object of this study is more rational forecasting by the use of (X_(t) , Y_(t)). I analyzed the records of monthly runoff and effective rainfall, and applied the multiplicative ARIMA model and Transfer function-noise model. so I made it possible to do the long-term forecasting and got following results.

      • Box-Jenkins法을 利用한 河川水質의 時系列 豫測

        趙廷錫,韓陽洙,金喜洛 大邱大學校 科學技術硏究所 1997 科學技術硏究 Vol.4 No.2

        This study was carried out to develop the stochastic stream water quality model for the intaking station of Taejoun City waterworks in the Keum River system. The monthly water dissolved oxygen with periodicity and trend were forcasted by multiplicative ARIMA models and then the applicability of the models was tested based on 13years of the historical monthly water quality data at Taejoun City intaking site. The parameter estimation was made with the monthly observed data. The last one year data was used to compare the forcasted water quality by ARIMA model with the observed. The models are ARIMA(2.0.2)x(2.1.1)_(12) for dissolved oxygen. The forecasting results showed a good agreement with the observed. It is implying the applicability of multiplicative ARIMA model for forecasting monthly water quality at the Taechoung site.

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