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      • KCI등재

        임상증례중심 성인 전문적 심장구조술 교육과정에 대한 고찰

        유은영,박승현,박규남,최세민,김세경 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: To describe the first experience of case-based advanced cardiac life support(ACLS) course in Korea. Methods: We have given case-based ACLS course to 13 nurses(6 emergency nurses, 4 coronary care unit nurses, 3 professors) and 17 physicians(4 emergency physicians, 12 emergency residents, 1 intern). We performed the case-based ACLS course according to 1992 American Heart Association guidelines and recommendations for advanced cardiac life support by american ACLS instructors(1 pulmonologist, 4 critical care nurses). We performed final theoretical written test and 2 times written survey (immediate and 100th day after the course) about the course. Results: On final written test, all practitioners answered at least 70% of the questions correctly. There was no significant difference between nurses and physicians(86.2±3.6 of physicians and 82.5±6.8 of nurses, p=0.06). 90% of participants considered that case-based advanced cardiac life support was acceptable. 100th day after the course, 93% of participants answered that ACLS course have been helpful on his/her job and also want retraining of ACLS course. 70% of participants considered that ideal ACLS training committee in Korea is the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. Conclusion: Case-based ACLS course is a useful educational method for physicians and nurses in Korea. In the future, we should organize Korean resuscitation committee and then make guidelines for ACLS, and then continuously educate physicians and nurses.

      • KCI등재

        아동의 부착치은 폭경에 대한 연구

        한세현,이상훈,김정욱,김종철,유인아 大韓小兒齒科學會 2000 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.27 No.1

        각화치은, 부착치은의 폭경, 치은열구의 깊이에 대해 성인에서는 많은 연구가 있었으나 아동에서의 연구는 드물었기 때문에, 유치열기, 혼합치열기 및 영구치열기의 모든 치아에 대하여 아동의 협측 각화치은 및 부착치은의 폭경과 치은 열구 깊이에 대한 정상치을 구하고, 악골의 발육 및 치아의 맹출과의 관련성를 고찰하며, 점막치은문제의 발현빈도를 조사하고자 하였다. 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 유치열의 부착치은 폭경은 상악 유측절치 및 유견치에서 각각 3.50mm, 3.55mm로 최대값은, 하악 제1유구치에서 1.35mm로 최소값은 나타내었다. 영구치열의 경우에는 상악 측절치에서 3.00mm로 최대값을, 하악 제1소구치에서 0.55mm로 최소값은 나타내었다. 상하악 동명치아 비교시 상악 치아가 하악 치아보다 더 큰 값을 나타내었고, 남녀간 차이에는 특별한 규칙이 발견되지는 않았다. 2. 연령증가에 따른 부착치은 폭경의 변화 양상은 유치열의 경우 유견치, 제1유구치, 제2유구치에서 6세부터 증가하였다. 영구치의 경우 남자에서는 하악 중절치와 상악 제1대구치의 측정값만이 연령에 따른 층가 추세를 나타냈으나(P<0.05), 여자에서는 상하악 중절치 측절치 및 상악 제1대구치에서 통계적으로 유의성 있는 각화치은 폭경의 증가 추세를 관찰 할 수 있었다(P<0.05). 3. 치아교대기에서 부착치은 폭경의 차이는 남자 상악 중절치를 제외한 모든 경우에 유치에서의 측정값이 영구치에서의 측정값보다 큰 것으로 나타났다(P<0.05). 4. 6세부터 12세까지는 각화치은의 폭경과 치은열구의 깊이는 대부분 유치 초기값보다 그 계승영구치 최종값이 더 높은 값을 나타냈으나(P<0.05), 부착치은의 폭경에서는 유치 초기와 그 계승영구치 최종값 사이에 통계적으로 유의성 있는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 5. 점막치은 문제 발현 빈도는 남녀에 상관없이 유치열은 상하악 제1유규치가, 영구치열은 상하악 모두 제1소구치가 최고치를 나타냈으며 유치에서 보다 그 대응 계승영구치에서 그 빈도가 더욱 높게 나타났다. 연령증가에 따라 점막치은 문제의 발현 빈도는 유치열, 영구치열에서 모두 감소하였으나, 하악 제1유규치, 하악 영구견치, 제1. 제2소구치의 경우 연령 의 증가와 상관없이 비슷하게 유지되거나 증가하는 경향을 보였다. The aim of this study is (1) to establish the baseline information concerning the width of keratinized gingival, depth of gingival sulcus and width of attached gingiva on the buccal surface of the teeth : and (2) to determine the relationship between the above values and tooth eruption: and (3) to estimate the frequency of mucogingival problems. The results were as follows: 1. The mean width of attached gingiva of the children aged 6-12 proved to be wider in the maxilla than in the mandible. Of the primary teeth, the widest width was found in the areas of maxillary primary lateral incisors and maxillary primary canines (3.50mm and 3.55mm). The narrowest was noted in the area of mandibular first primary molars (1.34mm). In the permanent dentition, the greatest width was found in the areas of maxillary permanent lateral incisors (3.00mm). The narrowest was noted in the area of mandibular first premolars (0.55mm). 2. In the primary dentition, the width of attached gingiva of primary canines and first and second primary molars became wider from the age of six as the age increased. In the permanent dentition of the boys, only mandibular central incisors and maxillary first molars showed the tendency towards increase in the width of attached gingiba with increasing age. In the permanent dentition of girls, central and lateral incisors of both jaws and maxillary first molars showed statistically significant increase in the width of attached gingiva with increasing age (p<0.05). 3. At the age of tooth change, the attachcd gingiva of primary teeth were almost wider than those of successive permanent teeth(p<0.05). 4. During the period of 6 to 12 years of age, the width of keratinized gingiva and the depth of gingival sulcus of permanent tooth at the age of twelve were larger than those of primary tooth at the of six (p<0.05). 5. The maximum in the frequency of mucogingival problems was found in the areas of upper and lower first primary molars of primary dentition, and in the upper and lower first premolars of permanent dentition regardless of sex. The frequency was higher in primary teeth than in the corresponding successive permanent teeth. These teeth showed tendency towards increase in mucogingival problems with age.

      • KCI등재

        특발성 치은증식증의 치험례

        한세현,김종철,유인아 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.3

        Idiopathic gingival hyperplasia is a rare condition of undetermined etiology. The enlargement is usually associated with the emergence of the teeth into the oral cavity and may regress after extraction. The enlarged gingiva may be primarily attributed to hyperplasia of the subepithelial layer that is relatively avascular and consists of densely arranged collagen bundles and numerous fibroblasts. The recommended time for treatment is after completion of eruption of permanent teeth. But the most important is the patient's psychological and esthetic needs. Lately, Schluger has proposed modified gingivectomy procedure with horizontal, internal beveled incision for thinning of the flap resulting in less pain and bleeding after treatment, minimal opportunity of infection. The purpose of this report is to document a case of 8-year-old girl who had registered in Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry of Seoul National University dental hospital for treatment of her gingival hyperplasia and delayed tooth eruption.

      • 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 주폐포자층 폐렴에 대한 고찰

        주지현,최정현,이동건,백지연,고윤호,이혜정,김세희,신호진,박윤희,박지영,김유진,신완식,김춘추 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.4

        Background : Pneumocytitis cainii pneumonia (PCP) can occur in immunocompromised hosts especially such as AIDS or cancer patients. Although recent research had focused on PCP in AIDS patients, few studies have described the clinical presentations of PCP in recipients of stem cell transplantation (SCT). We evaluated the clinical manifestations of PCP in SCT patients admitted at St. Mary's hospital, Seoul, Korea. Methods : The medical records of 17 PCP patients undergoing SCT between Feb. 1998 and Feb. 2000 were reviewed. The diagnosis of PCP was confirmed through the demonstration of Pneumocytitis cainii via either cytology of brochoalveolar lavage (BAL) or histological technique of lung biopsy. CMV disease and CMV infection were confirmed by BAL culture and antigenemia respectively . Results : Seventeen patients were all recipients of allogeneic SCT and 7 of 17 patients were performed non-sibling SCT. Patients presented with symptoms including brief period (4 ∼23 days) of fever (76%), dyspnea (70%), cough (64%), and signs such as rare(58.8%), Sixteen patients (94%) had been receiving immunosuppressive agent such as cyclosporine A (64%) or Fk506 (35%) without PCP prophylaxis. Eleven patients (64%) were treated with corticosteroid with mean dose of 16 mg/day prednisolone and mean duration of 4.6 months after post-SCT period. Twelve patients were co-infected with CMV. Another co-infected miCroorganisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes simplex virus, parainfluenza virus, Average duration of treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) was 21 ±9 days. Four patients died, and three of them were related with PCP. Conclusion : PCP developed frequently in patients who were taking immunosuppressive drug due to graft versus host disease or were not taking TMP/SMX prophylaxis. High risk patients showing fever, cough, or dyspnea should be considered to take early bronchoscopic intervention for detection of PCP. When treat for PCP, it also be considered to the possibility of coinfection such as CMV. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:273∼279, 2001)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아세클로페낙 연질캡슬(클란자 에스 연질캡슬)의 개발

        용철순,이경희,최진석,박병주,정세현,김용일,박상만,배명수,김귀자,김영식,유창훈,강성룡,유봉규,이종달,최한곤 한국약제학회 2004 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.34 No.1

        To develop and aceclofenac soft capsule, four preparations with various solubilizers were prepared and their dissolution test was carried out. Among four preparations tested, a preparation with ethanolamine was selected a formula of aceclofenac soft capsule (Clanza S^(™), since it showed the fastest dissolution rate. Bioequivalence of aceclofenac tablet, Airtal^(™)(Dae-Woong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and aceclofenac soft capsule, Clanza S^(™)(Korea United Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA. Fourteen normal male volunteers (age 20-25 years old) were divided into two groups and a randomized 2×2 cross-over study was employed. After oral administration of one tablet or capsule containing 100 ㎎ of aceclofenac, blood ws taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of aceclofenac in plasma wa determined with an HPLC method under UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters (C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t)) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters using logarithmically transformed AUC_(t), C_(max) and T_(max) between Airtal tablet and Clanza soft capsule were 2.89%, 0.18% and 43.0%, respectively. There were no sequence effects between two formulations in these parameters. The 90% confidence intervals using logarithmically transformed data were within the acceptance range of log(0.8) to log(1.250(e.g.log(0.81) - log(1.23) and log(0.89) - log(1.14)) for AUC_(t) and C_(max), respectively. Thus, the criteria of the KDFA guidelines for the equivalence was satisfied, indicating that Clanza S^(™) soft capsule is bioequivalent to Airtal^(™) tablet.

      • Free Communications : P2 ; Cannabinoid Receptors : Its Impact in Epidermal Differentiation and Possible Role in Treatment of Psoriasis

        ( Ji Seok Kim ),( Chan Hee Nam ),( Ji Yeon Yoo1 ),( Hyun Jung Kim ),( Se Kyoo Jeong ),( Sung Ku Ahn ),( Seung Phil Hong ) 한국피부장벽학회 2014 한국피부장벽학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Purpose: There are researches indicating that in human skin, the cannabinoid receptors exist, which take a part of endocannabinoid system. Nonetheless, the possible association of cannabinoid receptors with the pathogenesis of psoriasis has not yet been fully elucidated. Through this research, we tried to document the association between cannabinoid system, epidermal differentiation and psoriasis. Methods: Using human keratinocyte (KC), the expression of cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1R) and -2 (CB2R) was analyzed according to the degree of differentiation. Also we examined for changes in differentiation marker of KC after application of CBR agonist. In addition, murine model applied with imiquimod to induce psoriasis symptoms was used to evaluate the effect of topical CBR agonist on inflammation and skin barrier function. Results: Compared to normal human skin, CBR expression was reduced in epidermis of psoriasis skin. Western blotting revealed the expression of both CB1R and CB2R in undifferentiated KC. The expression level of CB1R increased as the differentiation progressed in KC as with involucrin, K1 and K10. On the other hand, there was no change of CB2R in the process of differentiation. Furthermore, CB1R agonist partly increased expression of proteins associated with epidermal differentiation. Through this we could speculate that the CB system may be associated with proteins related to epidermal differentiation. Moreover, inflammation and barrier function in murine models with psoriasis symptoms were improved after 3 days-application of topical CB1R agonist. Conclusion: Cannabinoid receptors in human skin might be related to the differentiation of KC, and since its activation could improve skin barrier condition in murine psoriasis model, it can be expected to be a new therapeutic target for treatment of psoriasis.

      • KCI등재

        프레탈정 (실로스타졸 100mg)에 대한 실로스탄정 (한국유나이티드 제약)의 생물학적 동등성

        용철순,이경희,최진석,박병주,정세현,김용일,박상만,유봉규,이종달,최한곤 한국병원약사회 2003 병원약사회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Bioequivalence of one cilostazol tablets, the Pletaal^(R)(Korea Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and Cilostan^(R)(Korea united Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA. Sixteen normal male volunteers(age 20~30 years old)were divided into two groups and a randomized 2×2 cross-over study was employed. After one tablet containing 100㎎ of cilostazol were orally administered, blood was taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of cilostazol in plasma was determined with an HPLC method using UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters(C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t)) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameter. The results showed that the differences in C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t) between one tablet were 16.08%, 18.88% and 17.57%, respectively. The powers (1-β) for C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t) were 85.03%, 83.92% and 80.12%, respectively. Detectable differences(Δ) and confidence intervals were all less than 20%, and confidence interval of all the parameters were also less than 20% at the significance level(α) of 0.05. All of these parameters met the criteria of KFDA for bioequivalence, indicating that Cilostan^(R) tablet is bioequivalent to Pletaal^(R) tablet.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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