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        The Legacy of the Olympic Games: A Review

        Scheu Anja,Holger Preuss,Thomas Könecke 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2021 Journal of Global Sport Management Vol.6 No.3

        Much has been written about the legacies of Olympic Games but there have been little efforts to synthesize current knowledge. This has led to inconsistencies in defining, contextualising and measuring these legacies. The literature review described in this paper provides an overview over research on the legacy of the Olympic Games from 1908 to 2016 that was published in peer reviewed journals between 1984 and 2017. The analysis reveals a significant increase of literature dealing with Olympic legacy since 2008. It turns out that considerably more studies relate to the legacy of Summer Olympic Games than of Winter Games. Regarding the six different facets of legacy of the framework that was employed, ‘urban development’ and ‘beliefs and behaviour’ have been scrutinized much more often than the other four. Regarding the methodologies used in legacy studies there is a dominance of commentary articles and a lack of adequate empirical research. This leads to a number of implications for future studies, which are discussed in the paper.

      • KCI등재

        In-situ HRTEM Studies of Alumina-Aluminum Solid-Liquid Interfaces

        Oh, Sang-Ho,Scheu, Christina,Ruhle, Manfred Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 2006 Applied microscopy Vol.36 No.2

        The alumina-aluminum solid-liquid interfaces were directly observed at atomic scale by heating the alumina single crystal in high-voltage electron microscope (HVEM) owing to the electron beam damage processes, Atomic ordering in the first several layers of the liquid was clearly resolved adjacent to the alumina surface and its relevance to the single crystal growth was examined with the real-time observations.

      • KCI등재

        Reproductive Fitness and Dietary Choice Behavior of the Genetic Model Organism Caenorhabditis elegans under Semi-Natural Conditions

        Freyth, Katharina,Janowitz, Tim,Nunes, Frank,Voss, Melanie,Heinick, Alexander,Bertaux, Joanne,Scheu, Stefan,Paul, Rudiger J. Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2010 Molecules and cells Vol.30 No.4

        Laboratory breeding conditions of the model organism C. elegans do not correspond with the conditions in its natural soil habitat. To assess the consequences of the differences in environmental conditions, the effects of air composition, medium and bacterial food on reproductive fitness and/or dietary-choice behavior of C. elegans were investigated. The reproductive fitness of C. elegans was maximal under oxygen deficiency and not influenced by a high fractional share of carbon dioxide. In media approximating natural soil structure, reproductive fitness was much lower than in s tandard laboratory media. I n seminatural media, the reproductive fitness of C. elegans was low with the standard laboratory food bacterium E. coli (${\gamma}$-Proteobacteria), but significantly higher with C. arvensicola (Bacteroidetes) and B. tropica (${\beta}$-Proteobacteria) as food. Dietary-choice experiments in semi-natural media revealed a low preference of C. elegans for E. coli but significantly higher preferences for C. arvensicola and B. tropica (among other bacteria). Dietary-choice experiments under quasi-natural conditions, which were feasible by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of bacteria, showed a high preference of C. elegans for Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides, Firmicutes, and ${\beta}$-Proteobacteria, but a low preference for ${\gamma}$-Proteobacteria. The results show that data on C. elegans under standard laboratory conditions have to be carefully interpreted with respect to their biological significance.


        Oscillatory Mass Transport in Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth of Sapphire Nanowires

        Oh, S. H.,Chisholm, M. F.,Kauffmann, Y.,Kaplan, W. D.,Luo, W.,Ruhle, M.,Scheu, C. American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2010 Science Vol.330 No.6003

        <P>In vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth, the liquid phase plays a pivotal role in mediating mass transport from the vapor source to the growth front of a nanowire. Such transport often takes place through the liquid phase. However, we observed by in situ transmission electron microscopy a different behavior for self-catalytic VLS growth of sapphire nanowires. The growth occurs in a layer-by-layer fashion and is accomplished by interfacial diffusion of oxygen through the ordered liquid aluminum atoms. Oscillatory growth and dissolution reactions at the top rim of the nanowires occur and supply the oxygen required to grow a new (0006) sapphire layer. A periodic modulation of the VLS triple-junction configuration accompanies these oscillatory reactions.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Reproductive Fitness and Dietary Choice Behavior of the Genetic Model Organism Caenorhabditis elegans under Semi-Natural Conditions

        Katharina Freyth,Tim Janowitz,Frank Nunes,Melanie Voss,Alexander Heinick,Joanne Bertaux,Stefan Scheu,Rüdiger J. Paul 한국분자세포생물학회 2010 Molecules and cells Vol.30 No.4

        Laboratory breeding conditions of the model organism C. elegans do not correspond with the conditions in its natural soil habitat. To assess the consequences of the differences in environmental conditions, the effects of air composition,medium and bacterial food on reproductive fitness and/or dietary-choice behavior of C. elegans were investigated. The reproductive fitness of C. elegans was maximal under oxygen deficiency and not influenced by a high fractional share of carbon dioxide. In media approximating natural soil structure, reproductive fitness was much lower than in s tandard laboratory media. I n seminatural media, the reproductive fitness of C. elegans was low with the standard laboratory food bacterium E. coli (γ-Proteobacteria), but significantly higher with C. arvensicola (Bacteroidetes) and B. tropica (β-Proteobacteria) as food. Dietary-choice experiments in semi-natural media revealed a low preference of C. elegans for E. coli but significantly higher preferences for C. arvensicola and B. tropica (among other bacteria). Dietary-choice experiments under quasi-natural conditions, which were feasible by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of bacteria,showed a high preference of C. elegans for Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides, Firmicutes, and β-Proteobacteria,but a low preference for γ-Proteobacteria. The results show that data on C. elegans under standard laboratory conditions have to be carefully interpreted with respect to their biological significance.

      • Strengthening and strain hardening mechanisms in a precipitation-hardened high-Mn lightweight steel

        Yao, M.J.,Welsch, E.,Ponge, D.,Haghighat, S.M.H.,Sandlö,bes, S.,Choi, P.,Herbig, M.,Bleskov, I.,Hickel, T.,Lipinska-Chwalek, M.,Shanthraj, P.,Scheu, C.,Zaefferer, S.,Gault, B.,Raabe, D. Elsevier 2017 ACTA MATERIALIA Vol.140 No.-

        <P>We report on the strengthening and strain hardening mechanisms in an aged high-Mn lightweight steel (Fe-30.4Mn-8Al-1.2C, wt.%) studied by electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atom probe tomography (APT) and correlative TEM/APT. Upon isothermal annealing at 600 degrees C, nano-sized kappa-carbides form,, as characterized by TEM arid APT. The resultant alloy exhibits high strength and excellent ductility accompanied by a high constant strain hardening rate.& para;& para;In comparison to the as-quenched kappa-free state, the precipitation of kappa-carbides leads to a significant increase in yield strength (similar to 480 MPa) without sacrificing much tensile elongation. To study the strengthening and strain hardening behavior of the precipitation-hardened material, deformation microstructures were analyzed at different strain levels. TEM and correlative TEM/APT results show that the kappa-carbides are primarily sheared by lattice dislocations, gliding on the typical face-centered-cubic (fcc) slip system {111 }<110>, leading to particle dissolution and solute segregation. Ordering strengthening is the predominant strengthening mechanism. As the deformation substructure is characterized by planar slip bands, we quantitatively studied the evolution of the slip band spacing during straining to under stand the strain hardening behavior. A good agreement between the calculated flow stresses and the experimental data suggests that dynamic slip band refinement is the main strain hardening mechanism. The influence of kappa-carbides on mechanical properties is discussed by comparing the results with that of the same alloy in the as-quenched, kappa-free state. (C) 2017 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved</P>

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