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        Trabeculae in the basilar venous plexus: anatomical and histological study with application to intravascular procedures

        Viktoriya S. Grayson,Mitchell Couldwell,Arada Chaiyamoon,Juan J. Cardona,Francisco Reina,Ana Carrera,Erin P. McCormack,Kendrick Johnson,Sassan Keshavarzi,Joe Iwanaga,Aaron S. Dumont,R. Shane Tubbs 대한해부학회 2023 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.56 No.4

        Few studies have examined the basilar venous plexus (BVP) and to our knowledge, no previous study has described its histology. The present anatomical study was performed to better elucidate these structures. In ten cadavers, the BVP was dissected. The anatomical and histological evaluation of the intraluminal trabeculae within this sinus were evaluated. Once all gross measurements were made, the clivus and overlying BVP were harvested and submitted for histological analysis. A BVP was identified in all specimens and in each of these, intraluminal trabeculae were identified. The mean number of trabeculae per plexus was five. These were most concentrated in the upper half of the clivus and were more often centrally located. These septations traveled in a posterior to anterior direction and usually, from inferiorly to superiorly however some were noted to travel horizontally. In a few specimens the trabeculae had wider bases, especially on the posterior attachment to the meningeal layer of dura mater. More commonly, the trabeculae ended in a denticulate form at their two terminal ends. The trabeculae were on average were 0.85 mm in length. The mean width of the trabeculae was 0.35 mm. These septations were consistent with the cords of Willis as are found in the lumen of some of the other intradural venous sinuses. An understanding of the internal anatomy of the BVP can aid in our understanding of venous pathology. Furthermore, this knowledge will benefit patients undergoing interventional treatments that involve the BVP.

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