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      • 골다공증의 위험인자 : 아산시 지역 주민을 대상으로

        김용배,장원기,황보영,김화성,안규동,이병국,이용진,이남수,이상건,이상범,이상우,이선정,이성수 순천향대학교 2006 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.12 No.1

        Objective : As the average lifespan of human increases, osteoporosis and osteoporosis-related fractures have become major health care problems. Despite recent advances in medical treatment, few studies have assessed the recognition of osteoporosis in general adults. This study examined the recognition of osteoporosis and analyzed the relating factors. Method : A population-based sample of 1086 adults in Asan-city, Korea was investigated with questionnaires and height, weight, Information regarding the general characteristics(gender, age, economic state), lifestylef exercise, smoking, alcohol),medical history(progestin, GH, steroid, calcitonin, PTH), demographic parameter, obesity, stress, and family history was collected through an interview using a structural questionnaire. The level of obesity was measured by the body mass index(BMI). BMD(Bone mineral density) at the lumbar spine and femoral neck was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Osteoporosis was considered to be T-score below -2.5. Results : The prevalence of osteoporosis increased progressively with age, decreased with BMI and predominant in women by the result of x^(2) -test, T-test. Age, weight, BMI were significantly correlated with osteoporosis by the result of Pearson correlation ana1ysis(P<0.05). And age, gender, BMI, family history of osteoporosis were proved to be significant risk factors of osteoporosis by the result of multiple logistic regression(P<0.05). Conclusion : These results suggest that age, gender, BMI might be the most important risk factors of osteoporosis. And the history taking about family history of osteoporosis is helpful for diagnosing osteoporosis.


        남병철의 혼천의 연구 I

        이용삼,김상혁,남문현,LEE YONG-SAM,KIM SANG-HYUK,NAM MOON-HYON 한국천문학회 2001 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.34 No.1

        In this paper we have reconstructed an armillary sphere based on the Method of an Armillary Sphere Making described in the Volume 1 of The Collection of Writings on the Scientific Instruments-Uigijipsol (儀器輯說, two volumes) edited in the 1850's by Nam Byong-Chul (南秉哲, 1817-1863) who was a famous Korean states-man-scientist. Nam achieved convenience and accuracy in the measurements of stellar positions in the manner of selective setting the equatorial, ecliptic and horizontal poles by adding a pole axis exchange ring called Jaigeukkwon (載極圈) between the Three Arrangers of Time and Four Displacements. We made use of 3-dimensional graphic software for modelling Nam's armillary sphere which consisted of five layers-eight rings. Results of simulation showed that the pole axis exchange ring functioned properly in setting the equatorial, ecliptic and horizontal coordinates simply by exchange of positions of specified holes on the ring. We ascertained that the invention of Jaigeukkwon solved inherent problems in the conventional Chinese armillary sphere in computation of real ecliptic coordinates. It was revealed that Nam Byong-Chul made great contributions in the East Asian history of armillary sphere making.

      • 鷄龍山의 水棲昆蟲 群集에 관한 硏究

        남상호,조영호,박영준,한용구,이정수 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2002 自然科學 Vol.13 No.2

        천황봉에서 발원하여 산간 계류를 형성하고 흐르다가 유성천과 합류해 금강으로 유입되는 계룡산 동학사 계곡의 수선곤충 군집을 조사한 결과 총 5목 17과 37종이 출현하였다. 이중에서는 하루살이류가 6과 14종으로 가장 많이 출현하였으며, 현존량은 파리류가 전체 1,165개체중 569개체(48.84%)로 가장 높게 나타났다. 전체 우점종은 꼬마하루살이와 깔다구류로 0.15의 우점도지수를 기록하였다. 종다양도는 제 4지점인 남매탑 계류의 합류점이 0.93으로 가장 높았고, 제 1지점인 은선산장 위 부근이 0.09로 낮게 나타났다. 각 지점별 오수생물계열은 초강부수성-강부수성으로 매우 낮게 조사되었다. Aquatic insect communities were investigated in a mountain streams of YIt. Iiyeryong1 one of the central areas of Korea, from March to September, 2002. As a result, 37 species of aquatic insects in 17 families and in 6 orders appeared during the study period, the order Ephemeroptera and Diptera of which were the most appeared. Ephemeroptera was consisted of 14 species of 6 families, and Diptera was consisted of 589 individuals(48.84%j of total individual nun-her. Dominant species was Baetis ther-micus and the subdominant species was Chironmidae sp.. Dominant species index of Baetis thermicils and Chironmidae sp. was O.15 The highest species diversity index was observed of site 4 as 0.93 and the lowest species diversity index was observed of site 1 as 0.09. Dominance indices ranged between 0.15 and 1.00 while diversity indices between 0.09 and 0.93. In relation to species diversity indices, Mt. Iiyeryong streams were determined as Isosaprobity-Polysaprobity area. In general, it is inferred from the aquatic insect community that typical mountain streams of Korea are low.

      • 마우스 종양발생에서 Nitric Oxide의 역할에 관한 연구 Ⅲ : Helicobacter pylori에 의해 유발된 마우스 위암에서 염증매개인자의 역할 The role of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 in H. Pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis

        남기택,오상연,조현무,이국경,강진석,제정환,최미나,한상욱,김대용,장동덕,양기화,안병우 식품의약품안전청 2001 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.5 No.-

        feficotorfer fyf☞ri(Hp)가 위암파 관련이 있다는 역학적인 증거는 많이 있지만 이에 대한 정확한 기전에 대해선 밝혀져 있지 않고 있으며 실험동물 모델도 적절하지 못한 것으로 알려져있다. 본 실험에서는 위암의 원인으로 알려져 있는 f, fyforf'(Hp)를 이용하여 마우스에서 위암 모델을 확립하고 만성염증과정 중에 생성되는 리0와 COX-2 등의 발현이 위암발생에 미치는 명향을 통하여 예방과 치료를 위한 점근을 시도하고자 하였다. 마우스를 7군으로 나누어서 1, 2, 3, 4군의 등물은 MNU를 증류수에 200ppm 농도로 음수병득 이용하띤 10주간 격주로 투여하였으며 MHU 음술 투여 1주 휴씩 후 배양한 f. fyrofi 를 약 109cru/rfll 로 맞춰 한 마리당 0.1ml 씩 이틀 간격으로 세 번에 걸쳐 하룻방 금식시킨 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7군기 마우스의 위장에 투입하떴다. 균 투입을 마친 후 다응 날부터 2군쏙 6군은 iNOS 억제제인 aminoguanidine(AG)을 음수병으로 툰여하였으며 3군과 7군은 COX-2 척제제인 nimesulide(NSD)를 투여하였다. 위의 종양발생양상을 샅최보면 bfNU와 Hp만을 투여한 1 관 ; (hfNU +Hp), 2군 : iNO을 inhibitor 투여군(MNU+HP+AG'1. 3군 ;CO딘-2 Inilibitor 투여군(MNU누Hp누 NSD), 4군 ,MNlf 단독투여군, 5군 ;Hp 단독투여춘, 6군 ; 러p 단독에 AG투여군, 7군 , Hp 단독에 NSD투여군의 종양발샐을은 각각 쁜.Bff(l1/16), 70.6%f12/ti), 했.9ff(7/18), 10%(1/10), Off(O/IS)0%(O/S), 0%(O/5)의 발쟁율을 보여 iNOS 억제제인 AC은 좁양발생을 억계하지 못하였으며, COX-2억제제인 NSD 는 종양발생을 유의적으로 감소시켰다. 콩양발생개수에서는 2.62±0.36, 1.41츠0.14, 0.44 르0.12, 0.10±0.10을 보여 AC와 NSD에서 유의성 있게 발생개수를 줄였다. Hp 단독투여에 의해즌는 종양발생이 나타나지 않았으며 HP+AG, Hp+ IfSD 추여군에콕 시험증료 시점에 약물에 의해 Hp의 제균효과가 있는지의 여부를 확인끓기 위하여 PCR을 이용하여 확인한 결과 모두 양성인 것으로 나타나 Hp의 제균효과에 의한 촐양발생 억제가 일어나지는 않았다. 위의 결과로 볼 때 Hp는 위암발생을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났고 딘p 감염시 매개되는 염증인자를 억제하였을 때 종양발생을 억제하는 것으로 위암 발생에서 염증매개인자는 종양을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났으며 it,705 억제제쓱 COX-』 억제제의 위알 예밭효과fl는 효과적일 것으로 사료된다 In spite of a large volume of epidemiological evidence indicating significant relationship between H. pylori infection and gastric adenocarcinoma, a doubt still exists on an elevated risk of stomach cancer by H. pylori infection due to lack of direct evidence of their exact mechanistic link. It is, therefore, essential to have an appropriate animal model for detailed analysis of the role of H. pylori played in gastric carcinogenesis. There is a wealth of evidence to support that over production of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) is involved in the pathogensis of various cancer in both rodents and humans. The aim of this study was to establish a mouse model for H. pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis and to identify the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) played during the gastric carcinogenesis in mice. Eighty-three specific pathogen free, six-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into seven groups. Animals of the group 1, 2, 3, 4 were given MNU in their drinking water at the concentration of 200 p.p.m. for total five cycles of one-week regimen with one-week pause. After completion of MNU administration, they were given autoclaved distilled water for one weeks, and groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 were inoculated with H. pylori. After completion of H. pylori. inoculation, groups 2 and 6 were given aminoguanidine in their drinking water at concentration of 1000p.p.m. and animals of group 3 and 7 were given the diet containing 200 ppm nimesulide at 12 weeks of age. All animals were killed at 50 weeks of age. The incidences of the glandular stomach tumors in the group 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 87.5%(14/16), 76.4%(13/17), 44.4(8/18), 10.0%(1/10), respectively and the tumor incidence of group 3(MNU→Hp+nimesulide) was significantly lower than those of group 1(MNU→Hp) at the value of P<0.01. The average numbers of tumors of group 2(MNU→Hp+AG : 1.41±0.24) and group 3(MNU→Hp+nimesulide : 0.44±0.12) were significantly lower than those of group 1(MNU→Hp : 2.62±0.36) at the value of P<0.05. Therefore, overproduced iNOS and COX-2 plays an important role in mice gastric carcinogenesis. We concluded iNOS and COX-2 inhibitor have good effects on gastric carcinogenesis.

      • 도재소부용 저금함유금합금에서 열처리에 따른 Sn의 영향

        남상용,김치영,조현설 대구보건대학 1999 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was carried out by oberserving to compositions of oxide on the surface of dental porcelain low gold alloy with various Indium addtions according to the degassing and analysing the change composition of additional elements Sn on diffusion behaviors of porcelain-metal surfaces. The specimens used were Au-Pd-Ag alloys by small Tin addition. These specimens were treated for 10min at 1000℃ in vacuum condition. To investigate the micrstructure of oxidized alloy surface, SEM and EDAX were used and EPMA were used to investigate the diffusion behaviors of porcelain-metal surfaces. X-ray diffraction were used to observe the morphological changes in the oxidation zone. Te results of this study were obtained as follows: 1) The Tin oxidation increased with increasing Sn content after hear treatment. 2) In concentration of Sn on metal-porcelain surface, Sn-6 was most significantry increased 3) In thickness of Sn on metal-porcelain surface, Sn-9 was most significantry increased 4) The oxidations of alloy surface were mainly SnO₂.

      • KCI등재
      • 卷柏의 혈액암세포주에서 抗癌作用에 대한 연구

        남항우,이성원,이병주,권칠용,문연자,안성훈,우원홍 한국전통의학연구소 2002 한국전통의학지 Vol.12 No.1

        The Sellaginella Tarmariscina is widely used in the traditional oriental herbal medicine for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects. The effects of aqueous extracts of Sellaginella Tarmariscina on the viability and induction of apoptotic cell death were investigated in HL-60 cells. The cell viability after treating with extract of Sellaginella Tarmariscina was quantified by MTT assay. The results showed that could inhibit the proliferation of HL-60 cells and caused a 40% inhibition of HL-60 cells at concentrations of 400 ㎍/ml. The cancericidic effect of Sellaginella Tarmariscina was mediated by apoptosis. Thus, HL-60 cells exposed to Sellaginella Tarmariscina displayed the DNA fragmentation ladder and nucleus chromatin condensation characteristic for apoptosis. In conclusion, our results suggest that the extract of Sellaginella Tarmariscina may induce the apoptotic death in HL-60 cells.

      • 열처리후 치과용 합금과 도재사이의 화학적 결합의 영향

        남상용 대구보건대학 1992 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Real bondig beteen metal and procelain is influenced by various bonding Mecanisms which also influence each other, and is caused by aseries of complicated thermochemical reaction. For this reason, clear determination of the drgree and distribution. 1. Fators influencing the Bonding strength Chemical bonding 52% (including primary bond) Mechanical bonding 22% Compression bonding 26% 2. Effects of the Base Metal Elements Added to Allots. The elements Sn. In, and Fe were added originally in accordance with the concept that they might strengthen the Alloy though a dispersion effect. 3. We heated the Degudent G.U Dental porcelain and analysis the surface elemental chang by Energy Dyspersive X-ray analysis and obtained the result that mainly the In element was concentrated to the alloy surface.

      • 土性 및 pH差異가 湛水土壤의 메탄가스 生成에 미치는 影響

        南相烈,金才正,鄭光溶 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        The effect of soil texture and pH on the behavior of anaerobic products in submerged soils, fatty acids and methane gas were studied. The study was done under anaerobically controlled system applied rice straw as carbon source at 30℃. 1. Methane formation was higher in the loamy soil compared to that obtained with sandy loam soil, in pH 7.0 compared to pH 4.5 and rice straw treatment enhanced the methane gas for-mation remarkably. 2. The Eh values were below -350 mV since 5 days after incuabtion in the treatment of pH 7.0 with rice straw, and in this condition methane content was about 65% and carbon dioxide 35%. 3. Acetic propionic, isobutyric, butyric, lactic isovaleric and valeric acid were detected during the incubation and acetic acid was accumulated in the large quantity under the condition that methane formation was inhibited. 4. The average methane formation rate during the incubation period was ranged from 0.0003 to 16.17 g/㎡/day which were depending on soil pH, Eh and organic material. 5. The conditions for inhibition of methane formation in submerged soil were low pH, low Eh and suppression of organic matter supply.

      • Ventriculosubgaleal shunt의 임상적 경험

        남궁원철,박상근,김태홍,신형식,황용순,김상진 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.2

        Object : Ventriculosubgaleal(VSG) shunt is considered to be useful and safe ventricluar diversion method for the patient for whom ventriculoperitoneal(VP) shunt cannot be carried out because of significant particulate debirs within the CSF, recent surgeries, or infections that were considered substantial enough to impair shunt function or to increase the risk of infection. To clarify the efficacy of VSG shunt for temporary ventricular decompression we analyzed our clinical trial cases. Patients and Methods : VSG shunt was carried out in 8 patient with acute hydrocephalus between February 2000 and June 2000. The causes of acute hydrocephalus were as follows: spontaneous intracerebral hemorrahage and intraventricular hemorrhage in four patients, spontaheous subarachnoid hemorrahge in three patients, tuberculous meningitis in one patient. With these 8 cases we compared pre-operative and post-operative clinical conditions and ventricular size in the brain CT scan. Results : Even though the ventricular size was not changed statistically there was significant clinical improvement between preoperative Glasgow coma scale(GCS)(7.25) and postoperative GCS(9.25). Six patients died as a result of causes unrelated to the VSG shunt. There were no VSG shunt infection. A permanent ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery was needed in two patients. Conclusion : The VSG shunt is a simple and safe method of treatment for acute hydrocephalus instead of extraventricular drainage in the patients who cannot be underwent a permanent shunt immediately due to some reasons. Even though VSG shunt were free from infection, our preliminary clinical trials suggests that its efficacy seems to be doubtful. Further studies with lots of cases would be needed for its clinical application.

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