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      • 퇴행성 슬관절염에 대한 제통단의 안정성과 효능 임상연구

        서병관,류성룡,강중원,안경애,이상훈,최도영,김건식,이두익,이윤호,이재동 EAST-WEST MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE KYUNG HEE UNI 2005 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2005 No.-

        Objectives : In order to investigate the efficacy and safety of the newly developed herbal medicine Jetongdan, a placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial of patients with osteoarthriotis of the knee was undertaken. Methods : Data were obtained from 80 patients with OA of the knee. After the enrollment, they were asked to answer a disease-specific questionnaire (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) OA index) and analyzed with the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in order to evaluate the efficacy of Jetongdan, and analyzed for aspartate transaminase (AST) level, alanine transminase (ALT) level, blood urea mitrogen (BUN) level, and creatinine (Cr) level in order to evaluate the safety of Jetongdan. Results : The liver function and renal function did not deteriorate after treatment with Jetongdan. Composite WOMAC score and physical function subscale was improved, but pain subscale, stiffness subscale, and ESR were not improved by Jetongdan. This was possibly because the baseline characteristics of the two groups were not homogenized after randomization. Conclusions : Jetongdan could be a promising treatment option for osteoarthritis of the knee. Further study in a larger population with appropriate severity grades is recommended.

      • 백회혈(GV20)을 지배하는 운동 및 감각신경세포체의 표지부위

        이창현,오인균,이상룡 又石大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The location of motor, sensory neurons and afferent fibers in the brain stem, spinal cord and ganglia projecting to the rat GV20 were investigated by HRP histochemical methods using the neural tracers, WGA-HRP. Following injection of WGA-HRP into GV20, the labeled motor neurons were observed bilaterally within the facial nucleus in the brain stem and superior cervical ganglia. Labeled sensory neurons were observed in trigeminal ganglia and dorsal root ganglia C_1-2 Primary afferent fibers projecting to the rat GV20 were bilaterally labeled in lamina Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ in the dorsolateral region of dorsal horn of C_(1-2) segments.

      • 세네카의 레저사상에 관한 연구

        이동현,김형준,김성룡 群山大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Seneca is the most important philosopher on leisure studies. It is said that his viewpoints for leisure ard written in the works of “on the Shortress of Life”“On Tranquility” On Leisure”and in western world, to say nothing of the study focused on Seneca´s philosophy of leisure. So it is the aim of this essay to make review what the Seneca´s philosophy of leisure is and, also what the philosophy tells us to think about the meaning of leisure toward our learning society.

      • 예ㆍ체능계 및 일반 여대생의 인성특성에 관한 비교 연구

        이종희,류근림,한광령,심성섭 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 1996 體育學論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        This study has reached the following conclusion after analyzing and investigating through questionaire in order to compare and analyze the personality tendencies appeared specfically according to the major under the effect of study environments which are being experienced uniquely according to department based on changeability theory of personality which have said to be able to changed by the effect of postnatal study environment. 1.In the comparison of activity, the order has appeared as Physical education(65.53±10.75), Dancing(64.07±9.89), Music(61.81±15.97), Art(57.40±16.31), General deparment(51.20±14.93) and in the Duncan's test, the result was General science department showed significant difference respectively from Music, Art and Physical education department. (p〈.05) 2.In the comparison of emotional stability, the order has appeared as Physical education(63.08±7.82), Dancing(58.76±11.82), Music(55.38 ± 11.96), General department(54.43±14.99), and Art department(53.29±12.59) and the Duncan's test showed by significant difference from Physical education and Art department (p〈.05). 3.In the comparison of Sociability, the order has appeared as Dancing(73.96±12.74), Physical education(69.16±15.03), Art(65.65±16.07), General(58.66±14.11), and Music department(57.96±16.25) and the result of Duncan's test was shown by significant difference(p〈.05) between Dancing and Physical education department and Music and General department. 4.In the comparison of Autonomy, the order was appeared as Art(71.58±14.42), Physical education(66.44±12.69), Music(60.38±17.55), Dancing(59.70±15.21), and General department(57.96±16.25) and the Duncan's test showed the result that the department of Art had significant difference(p〈.05) respactively from Music, Dancing and General department while Physical education the difference (p〈.05) from General department also. 5.There have been no difference between Dominance, Reflectiveness and Achievement, but there showed little higher tendencies of Dominance in Dancing department while Reflectiveness in General department and Achievement in Art department. 6.Psychoneurosis, Psychosis, Anti-social behaviors have been kown to be included in the normal scope, in Psychoneurosis, there appeared lower tendency by the significant difference(p〈.05) more than Physical education, Dancing and Music department while in the Psychosis, only Dancing department showed lower tendency by significant difference(P〈.01) from other departments respectively, and in the Anti-social behaviors, General department showed lower tendency by the significant difference(p〈.05) from Dancing department.

      • Sports 技術槪念의 現象學的 考察

        김성룡,이동현 群山大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Heutzutage ist allgemein anerkannt, daβ die sportliche Technik in Sportarten einen entscheidend leistungstimmenden Faktor darstellt. Trotzdem ist der Begriff “Technik” im Sport nich immer bis jetzt eindeutif definiert. Der Zweck dieser Betrachtung besteht darin, daβ die Hierarchie der Begriffsbestimm-ung sportlicher Technik durch die phanomenologische Betrachtungweise ins klare gebracht werden soll, um die grundlegende Uberlegung uber die Technik im Sport beizutragen. Beim Zusammenfassen der bisherigen Definitionsvorschlage uber die sportliche Technik kann man sage, daβ der Begriff “Technik”aus den folgenden zwei Komponenten besteht: “Technik als einer bestimmten Sportart”. Im Unterschied zur Technik als Bewegungsfertigkeit versteht man im allgemeinen unter der Technik als Lehrinhalt zuerst ein Grundverfahren zur bestmoglichen Losung einer bestimmten sportmotorischen Handlungabe. Meiste Sportarten setzen sich aus einer Anzahl von Techniken in diesem zusammen, die nicht stereotypische Unveranderlichkeit ausweisen sondern situativ bedingt variiert werden konnen. Sie werden aufgrund einer Gemenisamkeit der raumlichzeirlichen und dynamischen Strukturn in bezug aut Bewegungaform so typisier, daβ der Erwerb dieser Bewegungsform in der Bewegungsschulung erzielt werden. Dabei werden die einzelne konkrete Bewegungsfuhrungsweisen als untergeordenete Techniken hervorgehoben, die das Zustandekommen einer Bewegungsform ermoglichen. Diese Technik als konkrete Bewegungsfuhrungsweise soll auf parktischem Wege gefunden und durch den Transfer einer Bewegungsform auf andere Personen ihre Gultigkeit gepruft werden. Dabei darf man nicht ubersehen, daβ man im phylogenetischen Prozeβ die verschiedenartige Typen innerhalb einer Technik als konkrete Bewegungsfuhrungsweise feststellen konnenn. Infolgedessesen soll es unentbehrlich sein, die grundlegende Techniken zur Hervorbringunf des Grundschemas einer Bewegungsform und die huhere Techniken zum Zustandekommen einer differenzierten Bewegungsrorm zu unterscheiden. Zum Schulβ sei bei der Betrachtung der sportlichen Technik in einzlnen Sportsrt, sorgfaltig solche hierarchische Begriffsbestimmung uberlegr weden soll.

      • 정화조 병합처리를 통한 가정오수 정화

        박현건,성낙창,김형갑,서주수,이상용 진주산업대학교 1991 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        1. 單獨處理에 비해 倂合處理가 汚染負荷量으로 볼때 평균 약 31.1%의 더 높은 제거 효율을 얻을 수 있었다. 2. 下水道 流入 BOD 평균농도는 單獨處理時에 BOD 147.5㎎/l~160㎎/l정도인데 비해 倂合處理는 BOD 91㎎/l~100.8㎎/l을 나타내었다. 3. 家庭汚水를 무단방류하는 것보다 倂合處理를 하므로서 水系의 水質改善을 기여하였다. 4. 가능한 淨化槽는 실제 住居人口數보다 容量이 큰 것을 設置토록 하는 것이 좋다. This sutdy was performed in order to evalulate the purification of domestic sewage through single(nightsoil) and combined(nightsoil+domestic sewage) treament. The result of single and combined treatment are as follows: 1. The removal efficiency of BOD loading in Combined treatment was 31.1% more than that of single treatment. 2. The average concentratron of effluent BOD was 147.5㎎/l~160㎎/l in single treatment but 91㎎/l~100.8㎎/l in combined treatment. 3. Combined treatment contributes to improving the quality of water than direct discharging domestic sewage does. 4. It is desirable that, if possible, we should install a bigger septic tank than the volume which the actual residents need.

      • KCI등재

        기관지폐 이형성증의 임상 양상: 다기관 연구

        성기혜 ( Ki Hye Sung ),김민희 ( Min Hee Kim ),김은령 ( Eun Ryoung Kim ),심재원 ( Jae Won Shim ),이정주 ( Jung Ju Lee ),임재우 ( Jae Woo Im ),진현승 ( Hyun Seung Jin ) 대한주산의학회 2009 Perinatology Vol.20 No.3

        목적: 최근 극소 저출생 체중아의 생존율의 개선으로 기관지폐 이형성증(bronchopulmonary dysplasia, BPD)이 늘고 있다. 다기관 연구에 의해 전국적인 BPD의 역학, 임상 양상과 각 병원 간의 차이를 조사하여 향후 우리나라의 BPD 감소와 중증도를 줄이는 것을 목적으로 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법: 2005년 6월부터 2007년 5월까지 건국대학교병원, 영등포 성애병원, 강북삼성병원, 중앙대학교병원, 건양대학교병원, 강릉아산병원의 신생아 집중 치료실에 입원하였던 신생아 4,476명을 대상으로 하였다. BPD의 진단 기준은 비전형적인 BPD를 포함하여 병인적인 분류를 하고 있는 Ogawa 등의 분류법을 이용하여 신생아 호흡 곤란 증후군(respiratory distress syndrome, RDS)과 전형적 또는 미만성 혼탁의 방사선 소견, 산전 감염의 유무에 따라 6가지 type으로 분류하였다. 또한 전체 신생아의 출생체중 분포와 생존율, 각 출생체중 군별 BPD의 발생률, 병태 비율, 사망률 등을 조사하고, 이 후 재택 산소요법 시행 여부와 미숙아 망막증, 괴사성 장염 등의 합병증 여부를 조사하였다. 결과: 생후 28일째 산소 치료가 필요한 신생아는 89명이었고, 이 중 Ogawa 분류법에 의한 BPD 환아는 70명(1.6%)이었으며, 특히 1,500 g 미만의 환아 237명 중 60명(25.3%)이었다. 생후 28일 이상 생존율은 98.7%이고, 사망 예는 없었으며 평균 재원 기간은 97.8±51.2일(43~405일)이었다. BPD는 900~999 g, 1,000~1,249 g의 체중 군에서 발생률이 각각 15명(21.4%)으로 가장 높았으며, 교정 36주 이후에도 산소투여가 필요한 중증 BPD의 경우 900~999 g의 체중 군에서 7명(23.3%)로 가장 높았다. Ogawa 분류법으로 BPD의 각 병태 비율로는 RDS 이후에 나타나는 I, II형이 각각 전체의 17예(24.3%), 44예(62.9%)로 대다수를 차지하였다. 이외에도 III`형은 2예(2.9%), IV형은 2예(2.9%), V형은 5예(7.1%)이었고, III형, VI형은 없었다. 재택 산소요법은 8예에서 시행되어 전체의 11.4%였으며, 이 중 BPD I형이 7예로 87.5%를 차지하였다. 미숙아 망막증은 35명(50.0%)에서 발생하였으며, 700 g 이하 신생아에서 9예(26.5%)로 가장 많았다. 또한 괴사성 장염은 3명(4.3%)이었다. 결론: 본 연구는 국내에서 처음으로 진행된 BPD의 전국적인 다기관 역학 조사로, 대상 신생아의 Ogawa 분류에 의한 BPD 유병률은 1.6% 이었고 1,500 g 미만 신생아의 25.3%이었으며, 전체 신생아의 BPD 70명 중 Ogawa 분류의 I, II형이 각각 24.3%, 62.9%로 대다수를 차지하였다. Purpose: As the neonatal intensive care advanced, the incidence of neonatal bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) has increased. We conducted a multi-center investigation of the prevalence of BPD in six hospitals to investigate the epidemiology of BPD in Korea. Methods: Retrospective reviews ware performed for survival rate, prevalence of BPD of total 4,476 newborn infants who were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit in Konkuk university hospital, Sung-Ae General hospital, Kangbuk Samsung hospital, Chung-Ang university hospital, Konyang university hospital, and Gangneung Asan hospital between June, 2005 and May, 2007. By Ogawa, BPD was defined as oxygen dependency at 28 days after birth, with respiratory distress symptoms and the change of chest x-ray finding, and classified as 6 subtypes. Classic BPD was defined as oxygen dependency at 36 weeks of postmenstrual age. Results: Survival rate at 28 day after birth was 98.7%. BPD infants by Ogawa classification were 70 (1.6% of overall newborn infants), classic BPD infants were 30 (0.7%). Especially, among 237 preterm infants with birth weight less than 1,500 gram who survived to 28 days of life, 60 (25.3%) had BPD by Ogawa classification and 23 (9.7%) had classic BPD. In Ogawa classification, infants with RDS as type I and II, were 17 infants (24.3%) and 44 infants (62.9%). Home oxygen therapy was performed 8 infants (11.4%). Prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity was 35 infants (50.0%), necrotizing enterocolitis was 3 infants (4.3%), and intraventricular hemorrhage was 6 infants (8.6%). Conclusion: Prevalence of BPD infants was 1.6% of overall newborn, 25.3% of preterm infants with birth weight less than 1,500 gram. Among 70 BPD infants, BPD by Ogawa classification with history of RDS as type I and II were 24.3%, 62.9% as the majority of BPD. This study would be the first report of epidemiology of Korean BPD infants by multi-center study.

      • Development and Gene Expression of Porcine Cloned Embryos Derived from Bone Marrow Stem Cells with Overexpressing Oct4 and Sox2

        Lee, Jeong-Hyeon,Lee, Won-Jae,Jeon, Ryoung-Hoon,Lee, Yeon-Mi,Jang, Si-Jung,Lee, Sung-Lim,Jeon, Byung-Geun,Ock, Sun-A,King, W. Allen,Rho, Gyu-Jin Mary Ann Liebert 2014 Cellular reprogramming Vol.16 No.6

        <P>The present study compared the potential of porcine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (pBMSCs) at different passages as nuclear transfer (NT) donors and the developmental efficiency of NT embryos from donor cells transfected with/without Oct4 and Sox2. Early-passage pBMSCs showed higher proliferation and expression of Oct4 and Sox2 and differentiation potential into mesenchymal lineages than middle- and late-passage pBMSCs. Cleavage rate did not differ among pBMSCs at different passages, but NT embryos with early-passage pBMSCs and middle-passage pBMSCs transfected with Oct4 (Oct4-pBMSCs) had significantly (p<0.05) higher blastocyst development than those with middle-passage pBMSCs. The incidence of apoptotic bodies in NT blastocysts from late-passage pBMSCs and Sox2-transfected middle-passage pBMSCs (Sox2-pBMSCs) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than others. The transcriptional levels of Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Cdx2, Dnmt3a, and Igf2r genes were significantly (p<0.05) higher in Oct4- and Sox2-pBMSCs NT embryos. Middle-passage pBMSCs NT embryos revealed lower transcriptional levels of Bcl2 than others, except Sox2-pBMSCs NT embryos. The transcriptional level of Bax increased gradually in NT embryos derived from pBMSCs following extended passages and was significantly (p<0.05) higher in Sox2-pBMSCs NT embryos. Our results demonstrated that early-passage pBMSCs are more potent in expressing transcription factors and displayed higher differentiation ability, and middle-passage pBMSCs transfected with Oct4 improved the developmental efficiency of NT embryos, suggesting that high Oct4 expression cells are more efficient as NT donors.</P>

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