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        C3H 생쥐에서 자외선 B의 집중조사와 분할조사가 표피내 랑게르한스 세포의 회복에 미치는 영향

        구상완,한승경,박윤기,조무연 ( Sang Wahn Koo,Seung Kyung Hann,Yoon Kee Park,Moo Yon Cho ) 대한피부과학회 1991 대한피부과학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        N/A The Effect on the Recovery of Epidermal Langerhans Cells in C3H Mice after Single and Fractionated Exposure of Ultraviolet B Irradiation Sang-Wahn Koo, M.D., Seung Kyung Hann, M.D., Yoon-Kee Park, M.D., Moo Yon Cho, M.D. Department of Dermatology, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea The study was undertaken to see the recovery in epidermal Langerhans cells in relation to time after UVB irradiation through different amounts and ways of exposure in C3H mice. We irradiated the ears of C3H mice with UVB 200mJ/㎤ and 400mJ/㎤ in a single dose at one time and 5 fractionated doses for 5 days and 10 fractionated doses for 10 days and performed biopsies on the ears of the control and experimental groups after, 2, 7, 14, 21 days of irradiation and stained them by the immunoperoxidase method. The results are summarized as follows. 1. A more significant decrease in the number of Ia-positive epidermal Langerhans cells was observed in single-dose-exposed group than fractionated-dose-exposed groups on the second day of irradiation. 2. On the seventh day of exposure, the number of the Ia-positive epidermal cells in single-dose-exposed group returned to normal, but in fractionated-dose-exposed groups the number of Langerhans cells decreased most remarkably. 3. In fractionated-dose-exposed groups, the number of Langerhans cells returned to normal on the 14th or 21st day of expposure. (Kor J Dermatol 29(4) : 459-465, 1991)

      • 나이에 따른 대식세포의 IL-6 생산양상의 변화

        윤원기,김무강,조성환,류시윤 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1994 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.2 No.-

        The present study was designed to observe the age-related changes in the IL-6 production capabilities of the peritoneal macrophages. Pertioneal macrophages were collected from adult mature (13-20 weeks of age) and aged BALB/c mice (60-70 weeks of age). Macrophages were cultured in the presence of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide lug/ml, Escherichia coli serotype 0111:B4). In aged mice, IL-6 levels in the culture supernatants were seemed to be relative high than that in adult mature mice.

      • 非水混合容媒속에서의 Anthraquinone-β-carbonyl chloride의 加溶媒分解反應

        尹庠基,徐吉龍 釜山工業大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        The rate of solvolysis for anthraquinone-β-carbonyl chloride have been measured in EtOH-(Me)₂CO, EtOH-TFE at the various temperatures ranging from 15℃ to 30℃. The activation parameters and leffer' slope are determined by the analysis of solvolysis rates. Results show that the rates increase as EtOH-(Me)₂CO, EtOH-TFE. It was concluded that solvolytic reaction proceeds via ?? 2 mechanism at the transition and overall reaction was controlled to entropy.

      • tert-Butyl alcohol-물 混合溶媒系에 대한 n-Alkylamine 염산염의 電導度에 관한 硏究

        尹庠基,朴鍾烈 東亞大學校 大學院 1977 大學院論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        3級 bytyl alcohol-물 混合溶媒中에서 CH3NH3Cl, EtNH3Cl, n-PrNH3Cl 및 n-BuNH3Cl의 네가지 同族體 amine 鹽의 당량전도도(Λ)를 25℃에서 測定하고 Fuoss-Onsager의 羊理論式으로서 여러가지 전도도 parameter를 구하였다. 0.1 mole fraction(m.f.)에서 0.8 m.f.에 이르는 여러가지 組成의 混合溶媒系에서 공통적으로 amine염의 濃度增加에 따라 Λ는 減少하고 Λvs. ?plot는 거의 直線性을 보였다. 또한 溶媒조성에 따른 극한당량전도도 (Λ.)는 cosolvent t-buOH의 농도증가에 따라 즉 m.f.가 커짐에 따라 줄어 드는데 그 줄어드는 幅이 cosolvent의 농도가 묽은쪽, 즉, 물에 가까울수록 크고 특히 0.1 m.f.에서 特異하게 큰 감소를 보였다. 한편 0.8m.f.부근에서는 Λ.가 극히 적은 값으로 관측되었다. 이러한 현상들은 혼합용매계의 유전상수(ε), 용매구조와 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 논의되었다. 실험결과는 같은 시료로서 methanol-물, 2-propanol-물 혼합계에서 관측한 결과와 많은 유사점과 차이점이 나타났고 이러한 점에 대하여 비교 검토 하였다. Conductance measurements are reported for the homologous series of MeNH3Cl, EtNH3Cl, n-PrNH3Cl and n-BuN3HCl in various t-butyl alcohol and water mixtures for the range from 0.1 m.f. to 0.8 m.f. at 25℃ and conductance parameters are determined by means of Fuoss-Onsager's semiempirical equation. Equivalent conductances(Λ) are decreased with the increasing of the salts concentration for all salts species while the plot of Λ vs. ? showed nearly linearity. The limiting equivalent conductances(Λ.) are also decreased with the increasing of the concentration of cosolvent i.e. m.f. of t-butyl alcohol and anomalously large decrement in Λ. as increasing m.f. cosolvent nearly for 0.1 m.f., on the other hand significantly small decrements are showed near for 0.8 m.f. solvent. These behaviors are interpreted in terms of the change of dielectric constant and structural effect for binary mixtures. Considerable similarities or differences are found through the results of present work in comparision with those of the results for water mixtures of methanol and 2-propanol with the same salts.

      • 5-置換 헤테로고리 酸鹽化物 및 그 유도체에 대한 親核的 置換反應의 速度論的 硏究 : 5-브로모-2-염화휴로일의 가용매분해반응

        尹床基,嚴泰燮,朴鍾烈 東亞大學校 大學院 1979 大學院論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Kinetics for the solvolytic reaction of 5-bromo-2-furoyl chloride have been studied in dipolar and aprotic solvent mixtures, i.e. acetonitrile-water and acetone-water while that of the reaction rates for the methanolysis are measured in non-aqueous binary solvents, i.e. acetonitrile and acetone with methanol cosolvent respectively by means of conductometery at various temperatures. Experimental results are interpreted in terms of solvent effect with varing the composition of binary mixtures and of the reactivities due to the substituent in the heteroaromatic ring in comparison with non-substituted 2-furoyl chloride. The reactivities and reaction mechanism are also reported by the analysis of activation parameters such as ΔS≠ and ΔH≠. The results are also showed that the rates of solvolysis are found to be faster in acetonitrile-water mixtures than those of it in acetone-water system. These behaviors are comparatively consistent with the order of solvent parameters Z and D values which denoting the polar character and dielectric constant of solvent respectively. The rates of methanolysis are increased with the increase of methanol content in non-aqueous binary mixtures, while those of it in acetonitrile-methanol mixtures are also faster than in acetone-methanol system. The order of reaction susceptibility attributable to the substituent in five-membered heteroaromatic ring is observed as 5-bromo-2-furoyl chloride > non-substituted 2-furoyl chloride because of electron withdrawing effect of the bromine atom in the hetero ring. The mechanistic results of solvolysis for the acid chloride is concluded as SN2 cathegory according to Grunwald-Winstein's and Kivinen's plots, and also as entropy controlled reaction on the basis of activation parameters.

      • 미숙아에서 경구 포도당액, EMLA^(R)크림, 노리개 젖꼭지(pacifiers)의 통증 감소 효과에 대한 비교

        윤영훈,노영일,김은영,박상기 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2004 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.29 No.2

        Background and Objectives : We compared the pain reducing effect of orally administered glucose with that of EMLA cream and pacifiers during venipuncture in preterm infants. Material and Method : Twenty two preterm infants were included for this study. We performed four methods in al1 preterm infants. First, control group, second, received EMLA cream on the skin, third, received 30% glucose orally administered, and fourth, received pacifiers. Symptoms associated with pain at venipuncture were measured with the Premature Infants Pain Profile (PIPP) scale. Result : Among the subjects, 14 (63.6%) was male, 8 (36.4%) was female. The distribution of gestational age was as follows ; gestational age 30~34 was 2, 32333 was 2, 34-35 was 10, 36-37 was 8. The comparison of PIPP score between groups was as follows : control group was 12.73±2.45, EMLA group was 10. 05±3.59, 30% glucose group was 6.45±2.06, pacifiers group was 9.18±2.32 (P<0.001). The percentage of patients with PIPP score above 12 was as follows : control group was 68.5%, EMLA group was 31.8%, 30% glucose group was 0%, pacifiers group was 14.5%. The mean heart rate change between before and after venipuncture was as follows : control group was 22.32±4.09, EMLA group was 31.91±3.53, 30% glucose group was 7.00±4.14, pacifiers group was 9.36±2.15. Conclusion : Our study supports the use of oral glucose, EMLA, and pacifers is the effective intervention at venipuncture in preterm infants. The most effective method was oral glucose. 목 적 : 미숙아에서 포도당의 경구 투여, 국소 마취 크림인 EMLA^(R)와 노리개 젖꼭지의 통증 감소 효과를 비교하고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 2003년 3월부터 8월까지 조선대학교 병원 신생아실에 입원한 재태연령 37주 미만의 미숙아를 대상으로 4가지 방법으로 통증 감소를 측정하였다. 제 1 군(대조군)은 아무것도 투여하지 않은 군, 제 2군은 EMLA^(R) 크림을 바른 군, 제 3군은 30% 포도당액을 먹인 군, 마지막 제 4군은 노리개 젖꼭지를 물린 군으 로 나누어서 통증을 감소를 비교하였다. 통증의 평가는 PIPP 점수와 최고 심장 박동수의 변화를 측정하였다. 결 과 : 1. PIPP 접수 비교 대상아이의 PIPP 점수를 보면 대조군 12.73±2.45, EMLA^(R) 크림군 10.05±3.59, 30% 포도당군 6.45♀2.06, 노리개 젖꼭지군이 9.18±2.32로 대조군에 비해서 다른 군들이 유의하게 낮았다(모두, P<0.001). 30% 포도당군이 EMLA^(R) 크림군의 PIPP 접수에 비해 유의하게 낮았으며 (P<0.05), 노리개 젖꼭지군의 PIPP 점수에 비해서도 유의하게 낮았다(P<0.05). 2. 통증을 느끼는 PIPP 6점 이상 비율의 비교 통증을 느끼는 PIPP 6점 이상의 비율을 비교하면 대조군 100% (22명), EMLA^(R) 크림군 86% (19명), 30% 포도당군 50% (11명), 노리개 젖꼭지군은 90% (20명) 으로 30% 포도당군에서 가장 낮았다. 3. 심한 통증을 느끼는 PIPP 12점 이상 비율 비교 심한 통증을 느끼는 PIPP 12점 이상의 비율을 비교하면 대조군 68.6% (15명), EMLA^(R) 크림군 31.8% (7명), 30% 포도당군 0% (0명), 노리개 젖꼭지군은 14.5% (1명) 으로 30% 포도당군이 가장 낮았다. 4. 최고 심장 박동수의 변화 비교 최고 심장 박동수의 증가를 비교하면 대조군 22.32±4.09, EMLA^(R) 크림군 13.91±3.53, 30% 포도당군 7.00±4.14, 노리개 젖꼭지군이 9.36±2.15로 대조군에 비해서 다른 군들이 유의하게 낮은 증가를 보였다(모두, P<0.001). 30% 포도당군의 최고 심장 박동수의 증가가 EMLA^(R) 크림군에 비해 유의하게 낮았으나(P<0.001), 노리개 젖꼭지군과 비교하면 두 군간의 유의한 차이는 없었다(P>0.05). 결 론 : 미숙아에서 통증의 감소에 EMLA^(R) 크림, 포도당액의 경구 투여, 노리개 젖꼭지가 효과가 있었으며, 포도당액의 경구 투여의 경우에는 빠른 시간에 효과가 나타나서, 이용이 용이할 것 같다.

      • KCI등재
      • 메탄올-물 혼합용매중에서 n-Alkyllamine염산염의 전도도-분몰랄부피와의 相關關係

        尹庠基,嚴泰燮,朴鍾烈 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1977 敎育大學院 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        여러가지 조성의 methanol-물 혼합계에 대하여 methyl amine에서 n-butylamine까지 4가지 동족체 amine 염산염의 전도도를 25℃와 30℃에서 용매조성에 따라 측정하고 Fuoss-Onsager의 반 이론식에 의거 극한당량전도도(??)와 기타의 conductance parameter를 구하였다. 실험결과 amine염의 종류와 온도에는 관계없이 methanol 조성이 증가함에 따라 ??는 감소하고 0.4m.f.에서 minimum을 보였다. 또한 0.1m.f.부근에서 ??값이 이상하게 큰 감소幅으로 나타났다. Onsager의 limiting slope ??는 0.4m.f.를 전후하여 최소값을 보였으나 ??값이 0.4.m.f.에서 minimum을 보인 현상과는 일치하지 않았다. parameter B??는 규칙성이 없는 작은 값이고 한편 Walden product는 0.1m.f.때 maximum값을 나타내었다. 이와같은 현상들은 같은 시료와 용매계에서 관측한 분몰랄부피(??)와 극히 유사한 현상으로 결국 용매의 미시적인 구조변화와 밀접한 관계가 있는 것이라 논의하였다 Conductance measurements are reported for n-alkylamine hydrochloride C??H????NH₃Cl where n varies from one to four in various methanol-water mixtures at 25℃ and 30℃ respectively. Data are analyzed by means of Fuoss-Onsager's semi-empirical equation to obtain the limiting equivalent conductances(??), and others such as limiting Onsager's slope(??). The results are discussed in terms of varing the composition of binary solvent that is mole fraction (m.f.) of methanol-water mixtures. It has been found that ?? decreases with the increasing of m.f. composion and show minimum at 0.4m.f. regardless of salt species and tempperature, particularly large decrement in ?? are showed at near water, 0.1 m.f. composition. Limiting Onsager's sope(??) show minimum in the range of 0.2 to 0.5 m.f., whereas parameter B?? were small and irregular alues over the whole range of solvent system. These conductance behaviors are considerably consistent with those of the results of partial molal volumes(??) observed for the same solvent system with same salts and suggested that both behaviors are closely related to the structual change of the binary mixtures.

      • 물-에탄올 및 물-아세톤 혼합용액속에서 2-염화푸로일의 가용매 분해반응

        윤상기,손진언 東亞大學校 大學院 1978 大學院論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The rates of solvlysis for 2-furoyl chloride have been measured in aqueous acetone and aqueous ethanol at various temperatures from 20 to 40℃. The solvent effect and mechanism have been discussed in terms of variation in solvent composition and activation parameters. The results indicated that the reaction rates of solvolysis are considerably slower than those of the reaction for benzoyl chloride. The results also showed that the reacthion proceed with the SN2 mechanism whereas bond-breaking increased with the increase of water content and over all reaction in subject to entropy control.

      • 2-Propanol-물 혼합용매에 대한 n-Alkylamine 염산염의 Partial Molal Volume에 관한 연구

        윤상기,엄태섭,김봉규,박종열 東亞大學校 1977 東亞論叢 Vol.14 No.-

        2-propanol-물 혼합용매계에 대한 n-alkylamine 염산염의 "겉보기몰랄부피" ø??를 부력법을 이용하여 30℃에서 측정하였다. Amine염 C??H??NH??Cl은 C??에서 C??에 이르는 저급 동족체를 시료로 하고 혼합용매 각 조성마다. 0.01M~0.2M 농도범위안의 용액에 대한 float의 무게를 소수점이하 5위까지 평량하였다. Limiting law equation에 의거 농도의 평방근 √vsø?? plot한 것을 C→0 즉 무한대의 묽은 쪽으로 extrapolation 함으로서 "분몰랄부피"V를 구하였다. 실험결과는 농도변화와 용매조성에 따른 ø?? 및 V의 변화, limiting slope S'와 ion의 charge effects 등에 대하여 논의하였다. 즉 √대 ø?? plot의 결과는 기울기가 크고 positive한 두 직선이 생기는데 이것이 √ 0.2부근에서 예리하게 교차되는 것이 관측 되었다. 또한 0.2m.f. 조성 때에 maximum의 S'와 minimum의 V?? 값이 나타나고 아울러 ion의 charge effect가 maximum임을 알았다. 실험결과는 또한 같은 시료를 methanol-물, ethanol-물 혼합계에 각각 적용한 결과와 비교하여 논의하였다. The apparent and partial moral volumes (ø?? and V??) of the lower homologous salts of n-alkylamine hydrochloride C??H??NH??Cl where C?? varies from C?? to C?? have been determined to the fifth decimal place at 30℃ by means of float method in 2-propanol-water mixtures, and the values of ø?? extrapolated to infinite dilution according to the limiting law equation give partial molar volumes. The experimental results are discussed in terms of the charge of ion and of the volume change in apparent molar volumes depend upon the increase of he concentration of the solutions and in partial molal volume according to the varing composition of mixed solvent. It has been observed that the plot of ø?? vs c?? showed sharp transition at approximately c?? 0.2 with anomalously positive and large slope, while the maximum charge effect related to the limiting slope S'?? causes minimum in V?? at 0.2 mole fraction of mixed solvent. It has been discussed and compared with respect to the results of the previous study as examined for the same sample species in methanol and ethnol-water mixtures respectively.

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