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        Predicting the Financial Behavior of the Religious Organization Board in Indonesia

        ABBAS, Djamila,ALI, Muhammad,NOHONG, Mursalim,SOBARSYAH, Muhammad Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.12

        The religious organization members have a unique take on the spiritual factors related to their daily life. The present study contributed to the lack of discussion investigating this particular pool of data's financial behavior. This article regressed several predictors of economic behavior, i.e., the locus of control, financial attitude, income, and religiosity, with 460 respondents. The results of the research are as follows: Financial attitude partially influences the financial behavior of Muhammadiyah committee members. Income partially influences the financial behavior of Muhammadiyah committee members. This research indicates that income is one of the factors that plays an essential role in determining the merits of improvement of the financial behavior of Muhammadiyah committee members. The higher the level of income received by Muhammadiyah members, the higher the desire to spend the money. Religiosity partially influences the financial behavior of the religious board of Muhammadiyah members in Indonesia. The higher the religiosity of Muhammadiyah committee members will encourage better financial management. Religiosity indicates how often individuals or Muhammadiyah members practice the religious sharia that they embrace. The findings of this study reveal that locus of control, financial attitude, income, and religiosity are the strong predictors of the board of the religious organization's financial behavior in Indonesia.

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