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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        A gravimetric method to determine horizontal stress field due to flow in the mantle in Fennoscandia

        Nureldin A.A. Gido,Mohammad Bagherbandi,Lars E. Sjöberg 한국지질과학협의회 2019 Geosciences Journal Vol.23 No.3

        Mass changes and flow in the Earth’s mantle causes the Earth’s crust not only to move vertically, but also horizontally and to tilt, and produce a major stress in the lithosphere. Here we use a gravimetric approach to model sub-lithosphere horizontal stress in the Earth’s mantle and its temporal changes caused by geodynamical movements like mantle convection in Fennoscandia. The flow in the mantle is inferred from tectonics and convection currents carrying heat from the interior of the Earth to the crust. The result is useful in studying how changes of the stress influence the stability of crust. The outcome of this study is an alternative approach to studying the stress and its change using forward modelling and the Earth’s viscoelastic models. We show that the determined horizontal stress using a gravimetric method is consistent with tectonics and seismic activities. In addition, the secular rate of change of the horizontal stress, which is within 95 kPa/year, is larger outside the uplift dome than inside.

      • KCI등재후보

        Karl Rahner and the Society of Jesus

        안드레아스 바틀로그 SJ(Andreas R Batlogg SJ) 서강대학교 신학연구소 2014 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.25

        칼 라너는 80년의 생애 중 62년을 예수회원으로 살았다. 본 연구는 종종 간과되고있는 이 사실을 부각시키고 있다. 라너에게 있어서 예수회원이라는 것은 무엇을 의미했을까? 어떤 방식으로 그것은 라너의 사유방식에 영향을 주었을까? 그에게 있어 예수회는 분명히 자신이 인생을 보낸 틀이었지만 분명 그것을 넘는 의미가 있었다. 칼 라너는 로욜라의 이냐시오가 예수회를 창립하면서 만들었던 영신 수련의 경험으로 살았다. 주님과 교회를 섬긴다는 것, 자신을 고집하지 않고 언제든 따를 준비가 되어 있는 것, 라너는 예수회의 이 이상에 따라 살려고 항상 노력했다. 그러나 이렇게 하는 것이 그에게 항상 쉬운 일은 아니었다. 칼 라너가 국제적 명성을 얻어감에 따라 그는 다른 사람들, 심지어 그의 형제들에게까지 질투를 샀다. 비록 라너가 장상들과의 직접적 충돌에 대해서 한 번도 불평한 적은 없지만, 제2차 바티칸 공의회 전까지 그에게는 꽤나 힘겨운 시간들이 있었다. 예수회에 있다는 것은 축복과 평온함만을 의미하지도 않았고 또 의미하지도 않는다. 그러나 칼 라너는 교회에 뿐 아니라 예수회에 깊이 연결되어 있음을 느꼈다. 그의 이 소속감이 매우 명확하게 드러나는 것은 아니지만, 칼 라너는 자신의 성소에 대해 감사했다. 그리고 예수회는 이냐시오의 이 아들을 매우 자랑스러워했다. 신학에 있어서 라너의 영향력은 이미 그의 생전에 대단했고, 그의 사상과 통찰은 교회와 신학을 위해서 계속해서 풍요로운 열매를 가져다주었으며, 그리고 앞으로 이어질 100년 동안도 그럴 것이다. Of the 80 years of his life, K. Rahner spent 62 as a Jesuit. This often-neglected fact is highlighted in this lecture. What did being a Jesuit mean to Rahner? In which way did it influence his way of thinking? To him, the Society of Jesus certainly was a frame-work in which he spend his life, but its meaning exceeded that by far. K. Rahner lived from the experience of the spiritual exercises that Ignatius of Loyola made the fundament of the Society. To serve the Lord and his Church, to be at disposal without pushing oneself forward: K. Rahner always tried to live up to these Jesuit ideals. This did not always give him an easy time, however. With his international reputation, K. Rahner had to face the envy of others, even his confreres. Although he never complained about direct conflicts with his superiors, there were quite trying times for him before the Second Vatican Council. Being in the Society did-and does-not mean bliss and tranquillity. However, K. Rahner felt deeply obliged to the Society of Jesus, as well as to the Church. His sense of belonging may not show very obviously, but K. Rahner was grateful about his vocation. And the Society was well proud of this son of St Ignatius. His impact on theology was enormous during his lifetime, and his thoughts and insights are still fruitful for Church and theology-and will be for another hundred years.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Priest as 'Man of The Word': Rahner as Starting Point for a Theology of Priesthood In Asia

        놀란 줄리아 SJ(Norlan Julia SJ) 서강대학교 신학연구소 2014 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.25

        본 연구에서는 사제직의 본성에 대한 이해에 있어 라너가 취한 출발점이 삶의 자리에 기초한 사제직 모델, 즉 '말씀의 사람'으로서 아시아의 사제라는 모델을 구성하는데 어떻게 기여할 수 있는가를 고찰하였다. 아시아의 독특한 상황이 이 모델을 요청하기 때문에 아시아의 구체적 상황을 이해할 필요 또한 있다. 교회와 사제직에 대한 라너의 신학은 아시아에서의 사제직에 대한 이해를 진작시키는 데에 원동력을 제공할 수 있다. 지금까지 친교 및 예배의 모델은 강조되어 왔지만 예언자적 모델에 대해서는 소홀했었다. 그래서 본 연구는 '말씀의 사람'으로서의 사제 모델을 제안하고 있는 것이다. 사제는 대화적 및 예언적 그리고 성령으로 태어난 말씀의 사람이다. 이 사제직 모델은 다문화적, 다종교적이며 그리고 상당수의 사람들이 가난하다는 아시아의 고유한 환경에 매우 적합할 뿐 아니라 필요하기까지 하다. 사제직에 대한 이 쇄신된 이해를 받아들이고 이해한다면 이 모델은 말씀의 선포자, 성사의 거행자 그리고 하느님 백성의 목자가 될 미래의 사제 양성의 틀을 마련해줄 것이다. This paper illustrates how a revised understanding of Rahner's starting point in determining the nature of the priesthood leads to a context-based model of the priesthood: that the Asian priest is best described as 'man of the Word'. The peculiar situation of Asia calls for this model. Hence, there is a need to understand, too, the concrete situation of Asia. Rahner's theology of the Church and of the priesthood serves as the initial impetus for articulating an alternative understanding of the priesthood in Asia. The communion and the cultic models have already received due emphasis; but the prophetic model has been neglected thus far. This paper proposes the alternative model of the priest as 'man of the Word'. He is a man of the dialogical, prophetic and Spirit-borne Word. In the multi-cultural, multi-religious and largely poor Asian setting, this model of the priesthood is what is most appropriate, even necessary. Once recognized and accepted, this revisionist understanding of the priesthood should shape the formation of future priests whose task it is to be preachers of the Word, ministers of the sacraments, and shepherd of God's people.

      • KCI등재후보

        Freedom and Eschatology: The Contribution of Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar to the Question of Human Freedom in the Eschatological Fulfillment

        클라우스 페히틀 SJ(Klaus Vechtel SJ) 서강대학교 신학연구소 2014 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.25

        지난 50년 동안 가톨릭의 종말론에 있어 괄목할만한 변화가 일어났다. 종말론의 "자리들" 최후의 심판, 연옥, 천국과 지옥에 대한 전통적 가르침들은 개별 인간 및 전체인류의 하느님과의 결정적 만남, 그리고 시간적으로 구분되는 만남으로서가 아니라, 질적으로 그리고 인격적 관계라는 카테고리의 용어로 이해되었다. 인격적 카테고리에 기초한 이러한 해석학적 틀은 결과적으로 현대의 신학으로 하여금 종말론적 충만함에 있어서 인간 자유의 역할에 대해 질문하게 한다. 인간의 자유는 하느님과의 궁극적 그리고 결정적 만남에서 인간 구원을 위해 여전히 중요한 어떤 결정들을 할 수 있는 것인가? 칼 라너와 한스 우르스 폰 발타사르는 지난 세기 가톨릭 신학의 쇄신에 있어서 가장 중요한 신학자들 중의 하나이다. 라너와 폰 발타사르 둘 다 모든 이를 위한 보편 구원에 대한 희망을 강조한다. 본 논문에서는 종말론에 있어 그리고 특별히 종말론적 충만함에 있어서 인간 자유의 역할을 검토하였다. In the catholic eschatology of the last fifty years a remarkable change has taken place. The traditional doctrine of the eschatological "places" - final judgment, purgatory, heaven and hell - has to be understood in terms and categories of a personal relationship and qualitatively not as temporally distinct moments of the definitive encounter of the single person and the entire mankind with God. As a consequence of this hermeneutical framework based on personal categories contemporary theology is confronted with the question about the role of human freedom in the eschatological fulfillment. Is human freedom capable of decisions which are still relevant for human salvation in the final and definitive encounter with God? Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar are among the most important theologians in the renewal of catholic theology in the last century. Both, Rahner and von Balthasar, are stressing the hope for a universal salvation of all. Their contribution to eschatology and especially to the role of human freedom in the eschatological fulfillment will be examined.

      • KCI등재

        Antiulcerogenic effects of Gymnosporia rothiana

        SJ Surana,AS Jain 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2009 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.9 No.3

        Gymnosporia rothiana (walp) Lawson (celastraceae), commonly known as Maytenus rothiana, is used in Indian folk medicine as an antiulcerogenic agent. However, there have been no scientific reports regarding its antiulcer activity. Therefore, this study was intended to evaluate the antiulcer property of petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanolic extract of leaves of Gymnosporia rothiana at different dose levels in ethanol induced and indomethacin induced gastric ulcer models. It was observed that oral administration of all the extract of Gymnosporia rothiana produces significant reduction in ulcer lesion index as well as increase in volume and pH of gastric content in both experimental models, being petroleum ether extract the most effective at dose of 250 mg/kg; it significantly reduced gastric lesion index (70.06%), in comparison to omeprazole (71.20%) and methanolic extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg (67.22%). Increased gastric mucosal defense mechanism by petroleum ether extract is probably due to its high levels of terpenoids like β amyrin, lupeol acetate. The present results clearly shows antiulcer effect of Gymnosporia rothiana against various irritants has been mainly due to cytoprotective effect mediated through prostaglandin and partly due to free radical scavenging activity. Gymnosporia rothiana (walp) Lawson (celastraceae), commonly known as Maytenus rothiana, is used in Indian folk medicine as an antiulcerogenic agent. However, there have been no scientific reports regarding its antiulcer activity. Therefore, this study was intended to evaluate the antiulcer property of petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanolic extract of leaves of Gymnosporia rothiana at different dose levels in ethanol induced and indomethacin induced gastric ulcer models. It was observed that oral administration of all the extract of Gymnosporia rothiana produces significant reduction in ulcer lesion index as well as increase in volume and pH of gastric content in both experimental models, being petroleum ether extract the most effective at dose of 250 mg/kg; it significantly reduced gastric lesion index (70.06%), in comparison to omeprazole (71.20%) and methanolic extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg (67.22%). Increased gastric mucosal defense mechanism by petroleum ether extract is probably due to its high levels of terpenoids like β amyrin, lupeol acetate. The present results clearly shows antiulcer effect of Gymnosporia rothiana against various irritants has been mainly due to cytoprotective effect mediated through prostaglandin and partly due to free radical scavenging activity.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Fast Ferrite Tuner for ICRF Experiment of KSTAR Tokamak

        sj Wang,B. G. Hong 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.49 No.III

        All ICRF transmitters for the KSTAR tokamak are capable of generating 2 MW of RF power when the reflection power from the mismatching load is minimized. A coaxial FFT (Fast Ferrite Tuner) is being developed to match load conditions varying in millisecond time order. For a feasibility study, a reduced scale coaxial type FFT was constructed and tested. Conventional transmission line, solenoid coil and stacks of ferrite rings are arranged coaxially. Nd-YIG having low saturation magnetization is used to reduce the required range of external magnetic field to below 1 kGauss. The return loss of RF power was measured as fairly low and phase shifting was predictable within the range of frequency of interest. The low-loss range of magnetic field was found to be above 350 Gauss, depending on the RF frequency. It was attached as a pre-matching stub tuner for the helicon plasma source and showed reasonable matching capability for time varying loading reactance of the helicon antenna. The design concept and preliminary test results will be explained.

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