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      • KCI등재후보

        水稻의 白葉枯病 抵抗性遺傳子 分析

        S. Z. Park(朴淳直),J. W. Lee(李貞華),K. C. Kim(金基淸) 한국육종학회 1984 한국육종학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The inheritance mode of the genes for resistance to bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae was studied through the F₂ analysis of three crosses, wx 817-1-65-2-3 /Hankangchalbyeo, wx 817-1-65-2-3 /Zhu-Lian-Ai and Hankangchalbyeo /Zhu-Lian-Ai. The resistance to bacterial leaf blight isolate, JN 7919 appeared to be controlled by duplicate dominant genes without cumulative effect, while the complementary interaction of two genes seemed to be involved in the resistance to isolate GW 8031. kecombination value between resistance genes to bacterial leaf blight isolates, JN 7919 and GW 8031 were estimated to be 7.9% and 20.5% in wx 817/ZLA and Han. chal. /ZLA, respectively. The resistance to bacterial leaf blight was segregated independently of glabrousness and base color in this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        쌀 胚乳의 Alkali 崩壞性의 遺傳 Ⅱ. 高ㆍ中ㆍ低 Alkali 崩壞性 組合에서 雜種種字 (F₁)의 Alkali 崩壞性의 表現과 그 遺傳分離

        S.Z. PARK(朴淳直),M.H. HEU(許文會) 한국육종학회 1981 한국육종학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Alkali digestibility value (ADV) were tested for the F₁ and F₂ seeds of the crosses among low, medium and high ADV parents. Hybrid seeds of seven possible different combinations among low, medium and high ADV parents, i.e. LLL, LLM, MML, MMM, MMH, HHM, and HHH, were obtained at high and low temperature utilizing cytoplasmic male sterility to minimize the influences of hybridization operations. ADV of seven different hybrids LLL, LLM, MML, MMM, MMH, HHM, and HHH were 1.25, 1.63, 1.80, 3.43, 4.68, 4.95, and 5.67 at high temperature and 1.82, 4.00, 4.19, 6.38, 6.38 6.38 and 6.50 at low temperature respectively. ADV of F₂ seeds turned out 3 low to 1 medium in the cross of low and medium ADV parents while no theoretical value observed in the cross of medium and high ADV parents at both temperature conditions. From the results it was concluded that the ADV is controlled by one major gene, low ADV being dominant over medium ADV, and a few minor genes which modifying the ADV of different medium 1 low dosages of endosperm, while the dosage effect of high ADV to medium ADV appeared to be additive at high temperature only. All the combinations showed significantly high ADV value at the low temperature, and the temperature effects were higher in the M-ADV combinations.

      • KCI등재후보

        쌀 胚乳의 Amylose含量에 미치는 Wx 因子의 Dosage 効果 1. Base Color의 Isogenic Line을 利用한 交配種子의 Amylose含量

        M. H. Heu(許文會),S. Z. Park(朴淳直) 한국육종학회 1976 한국육종학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Isogenic lines for glutinous endosperm and base color in rice were used to obtain different endosperm genotypes, wxwxwx, wxwxWx, WxWxwx and WxWxWx. The base color was used as the marker gene to elliminate the selfed seeds. The amylose content of rice endosperm was significantly different among genotypes. The dosage effect of the Wx allele seemed to be additive in its action on the amylose content, though the amylose content is not directly proportional to the number of Wx dose. The effects of Wx allele to wx and H-Wx allele to L-Wx, the first one dose (xwxw Wx/L, wxwx Wx/H and WxWx/L Wx/H) is most significant and the effect of 2 doses(WxWx wx/L and WxWx wx/H) and 3 doses (WxWxWx/L and WxWxWx/H) were linearly increased.

      • KCI등재후보

        水稻에 있어서 姉妹系統間 競合能力 比較

        B.G. IM(林炳琦),S.Z. PARK(朴淳直) 한국육종학회 1982 한국육종학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        To investigate the oompetition effect on agronomic characters in sister lines of a cross in rice, four near isogenic lines for glabrousness and base color bred from the backcrosses of the donor parent Malagkit Sinaguing (ACgl) to the recurrent parents IR667 and IR1317 (ACGL) were grown in pure and mixed stands with different combinatioes of two lines. The competitive ability was estimated by substrate the value of pure stand from that of mixed stand in each lines. The competitive ability appeared to be different depending on the sister lines with different genotypes. The line of ACGL genotype was superior competitor and the line of ACgl genotype was inferior resulting from the positive effect of competition on yield components in ACGL genotypes and the negative effect in ACgl genotype, respectively, while the competitive effects of the both lines with Acgl and AcGL genotypes were negligible in all characters. Number of grains per panicle, grain fertility and number of panicles per hill were more competitive in this experment.

      • KCI등재후보

        쌀胚乳의 Alkali 崩壞性의 遺傳 Ⅰ. 高 · 低 Alkali 崩壞性組合에서 雜種種字(F₁)의 Alkali 崩壞性의 表現과 그 遺傳分離

        M.H. HEU(許文會),S.Z. PARK(朴淳直) 한국육종학회 1979 한국육종학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        Alkali digestibility value (ADV) were tested for the F₁ and F₂ seeds of the cross between high ADV and low ADV parents. Hybrid seeds of four possible different combinations between low and high ADV parents, i.e. LLL, LLH, HHL, and HHH, were obtained at high and low temperature utilizing cytoplasmical male sterility to minimize the influences of hybridization operations. ADV of four different hybrid LLL, LLH, and HHH were 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and 5.75 at high temperature and 1.75, 2. 00, 2.63 and 6.00 at low temperature respectively. ADV of F₂ seeds turned out 3 low to 1 high at both temperature. From the results, it was concluded that the ADV is controlled by one major gene, low ADV being dominant over high ADV, and a few minor genes which modifying the ADV of different high/ low dosages of endosperm.

      • KCI등재후보

        水稻品種間交雜에 있어서의 稈長의 遺傳分離 3. Japonica x Indica 組合

        M. H. Heu(許文會),S. Z. Park(朴淳直) 한국육종학회 1973 한국육종학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        The culm length segregation mode were studied in the single-cross F₂s, back-cross F₂s and top-cross F₂s of the hybrids between Japonica and semi-dwarf Indica rice varieties. 1. In the single-cross F₂ populations of the hybrids between Japonica and Indica, the culm length segregation showed complecate and non-alleic. 2. In the F₂ populations which back crossed or top crossed to the semi-dwarf Indicas, 3 different type of segregation mode were observed. They are homogeneous short, complecate and segregating into 3 tall and 1 short. 3. No maternal effects were observed in the culm length segregation. 4. For the productive plant type breeding in the hybrids between Japonicas and Indicas, the efficiency of the back-crosses and top-crosses to the semidwarf Indicas were discussed.

      • 벼멸구에 抵抗性인 매끄러운葉 찰벼 系統 wx817

        朴淳直,許文會,李殷雄,崔承允 서울大學校 農科大學 1981 서울대농학연구지 Vol.6 No.1

        검수삭제 The paper reports about the breeding procedures and the agronomical characteristics of wx817 lines which has resistance to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) with smooth leaves and floral glumes. 1. The glutinous rice wx817 was bred from the crosses 1R1317/1R833//1R667-98⁴/4/Malakit sinaguing/IR667-98³//1R2061/1R667-68. 2. The glabrous glutinous wx817 line also show the resistance to the stripe and dwarf viruses and bacterial leaf blight pathotype ⅠandⅡ. The penetrance of the restance to bacterial leaf blight pathotype I was incomplete. 3. Heading date of wx817 is about a week earlier in ordinary season and 4-5 days earlier in late season than that of Josangtongil. 4. The performance and other traits of wx817 are alike to the Josangtongil and Tongilchal. 5. The utility of smoothness in rice breeding and cultural practice are discussed.

      • 水稻 品種間 交雜에 있어서 稈長의 遺傳 分離 : Ⅷ. 短稈 Japonica 品種들과 d-t 對應 長稈 檢定親과의 組合 Ⅷ. The segregation of culm length in the crosses between short Japonica cultivars and a tall Indica tester allelic to d-t height.

        金弘烈,金容權,安鍾雄,朴淳直,許文會 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.2

        短稈 Japonica 品種들의 Semi-dwarf (d-t) gene에 對한 allelism을 檢討하기 위하여 Semi dwarf gene을 가진 wx 817과 그에 대하여 allelic tall 因子를 가진 Binato를 檢定親으로 하여 Binato에 6個의 短稈 Japonica 品種을 交配하여 그 F₁, F₂ 및 F₃를 展開하여 稈長을 調査하였다. 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 檢定親稈 組合인 Binato×wx 817의 F₂에서는 長稈:短稈이 3:1로 分離되어 기왕의 報告와 一致하였다. 2. 供試된 短稈 Japonica 品種들은 檢定親인 Binato와의 組合 F₂에서 年次間 變異에 關係없이 모든 組合에서 長稈:短稈이 3:1로 分離되었다. 3. 短稈群에서 選拔된 F₃系統은 選拔 當時의 稈長을 中心으로 正規分布를 나타냈으나, 長稈群에서 選拔된 系統은 分離하는 것과 그렇지 않은 것이 2:1로 分離되어 理論値에 適合하였다. 4. 組合에 따라서는 F₃系統의 稈長 變異의 幅이 F₂集團에 비하여 다소 短稈된 組合과 伸張된 組合이 있었으나 稈長의 分離 樣相은 모든 組合에서 同一하였다. 5. 以上의 結果로 보아 供試된 短稈 Japonica 品種들의 稈長을 支配하는 主??遺傳子는 同一하지만 組合에 따라 서로 다른 微??遺傳子가 存在하는 것으로 推定된다. 6.F₂長桿群에서 選拔한 2群, 長一長群과 長一短群은 F₃에서 분명히 差가 나는 mode를 나타내어 選拔의 를 할 수 있었다. F₂短桿群에서 選拔한 F₃個體들의 變異를 보아 短稈群에서의 選拔도 有意할 것으로 추축되었다. Investigations were made to search for the semi-dwarf Japonicas allelic to the semi-dwarf rice cultivars which is controlled by d-t gene. Six dwarf Japonicas, Reimei,Hoyoku,Shiranui,Kokumasari, M.7 and S.224 were crossed to the tall tester cultivar, Binato. Binato is known having tall allelic gene to semi-dwarf gene d-t. Their F₁, F₂, and F₃ were grown in 1984 and 1985 and culm length were measured at harvest. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In the F₂ of test cross, Binato/wx817, culm ength was segregated 3 tall to 1 short, which conformed the tester's validity. 2. The F₂s of all 6 crosses showed 3 tall to 1 short segregation which indicated the short Japonicas were allelic to the tall tester variety. 3. F₃lines selected from short group of F₂showed no segregation but F₃ lines selected from tall group of F₂ were segregated in to 2 segregating and 1 not-segregating. 4. The range of variation of the short segregants and the tall segregants were variable depending on the cross combination, but the general patterns were similar in all 6 crosses. 5. From the results of F₂and F₃ segregations, it was concluded that the 6 semi-dwarf Japonicas tested here were controlled by same major gene d-t though they were modified by different minor genes. 6. The modes of segregation in F₃s selected from taller tall and selected from shorter tall were significantly different in every crosses which implies the selection effects. The selection effects in the short group also was presumed from their wide variations in F₃.

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