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      • 보리와 둑세풀에 대한 애멸구$\cdot$끝동매미충의 기주 선택성(제1보)

        최승윤,이형래,Choi S. Y.,Lee H. R. 한국응용곤충학회 1976 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        봄철 보리와 둑새풀에 대한 애멸구, 끝동매미충의 기주선택성을 검토하기 위해 실태시험을 실시하여 아래와 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 애멸구 약충은 둑새풀이나 벼에 비하여 보리에 대한 식이선호성이 현저히 높고 둑새풀과 벼사이에는 별 차이없이 식이선호성이 낮았다. 끝동매미충 약충은 벼 보다는 독새풀에 대한 식이선호성이 현저히 높었다. 2. 보리, 둑새풀 및 벼에 대한 애멸구의 산란선호성은 기주식물간에 차이가 없었고 끝동매미충은 벼에 비하여 보리와 둑새풀에 대한 산란선호성이 현저히 낮았다. 3. 애멸구는 보리에서 약충의 발육이 빠르고 우화율이 높았으나 둑새풀에서는 발육이 늦고 우화율이 크게 낮았다. 끝동매미충은 보리에서는 약충기 사충율이 $100%$로서 한마디리로 우화하지 못하였으며 둑새풀은 벼에 비하여 우화율이 크게 낮았다. 4. 보리에서 사육한 애멸구 성충의 평균수명과 평균산란수는 각각 32일 182개인데 비하여 둑새풀에서 사육한 것은 성충의 수명이 9일이었고 산란수는 불과 13개이었다. 둑새풀에서 사육한 끝동매층은 성충의 평균 수명은 15일, 평균산란수는 24일기이었다. 5. 벼 진흥의 유묘에서 얻어진 애멸구, 끝동매미충 성충을 보리와 둑새풀에 옮겼을 때 애멸구의 평균수명은 보리에서 27일, 둑새풀에서 9일이었으며 끝동매미층의 평균수명은 보리에서 8일, 둑새풀에서 12일이었다. 6. 월동 애멸구, 끝동매미충의 증식 가능 여부면에서 볼 때 애멸구는 보리를 좋은 기주식물로서 선택하나 독새풀은 그렇지 않으며 보리는 끝동매미충의 기주식물로서 그 가치가 낮아 세대의 증식이 크게 이루어지지는 않을 것 같다. Laboratory experiments were conducted to clarity the early-spline host·selectivity by the small brown planthopper(SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus Fallen, and green rice Leafhopper(GLH), Nephotettix cincticeps Uhle., on the bailey (the variety Suweon #18) and water foxtail (Alopeculus aequadis Sosbol). The host selectivity was evaluated on the bases of feeding and ovipositional perferences of the insects on the plants and their biological effects on the plants. The nymphs of SBPH much more preferred barley for feeding than water forxtail, while the nymphs of GLH relatively prefered water foxtail. There was no significant difference in ovipositional preference by SBPH among the test plants, and ovipositional preference by GLH Ivas significantly lower on barley and water foxtail than on rice. Nymphal growth an4 adult emergence of SBPH were significantly faster and higher on barley than on water foxtail. No adult emergence of GLH was observed on barley, and adult emergence was still quite lower even on water foxtail. The adult of SBPH fed on barley showed longer longevity aad higher fecundity than that of SBPH from water foxtail and rice. The adult GLH fed ell water foxtail shorted relatively shorter longevity and to)ver fecundity than that of GLH on rice. In conculsion, barley seems to be more adequate for spring host of SBPH than water foxtail, but barley may not be quite adequate for spring host of GLH. At presont moment, GLH seems rather to primarily select the water foxtail than barley as a spring host, even if the water foxtail is not so adequate for development of GLH.

      • Carbofuran 수도근부처리가 논거미 밀도에 미치는 영향

        최승윤,이형래,유재기,Choi S. Y.,Lee H. R.,Ryu J. K. 한국응용곤충학회 1978 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Population density of the spiders (Micryphantidae and Lycosidae) in the two Paddy field at Suweon and Iri was studied following single root-zone application of carbofurans encapsulea and liquid-formulated and two to four paddy water applications of carbofuran to rice plants. In two field tests, the spider populations were reduced In all insecticide treatments. Among them, the reduction was greater in the capsule placement of carbofuran than in the liquid injection and broadcast of carbofuran. Their reduction was also enlarged with the increase of application rate of insecticide. The significant reduction of spider population in root-tone appliration of carbofuran was considered due to the food-chain toxicity on the spider-hopper system. 침투성 살충제 Carbofuran의 Capsule 근부처리, 액상근부주변처리 및 수면시용을 실시하였을 때 논거미(늑대거미류와 애접시거미류) 밀도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 수원과 이리에서 포장시험을 실시하였다. 1. Carbofuran의 처리에 의하여 거미의 밀도가 저하되며 관용방법인 수면처리에 비하여 근부처리의 경우 거미의 밀도가 더욱 낮었다. 2. 액상근부주변처리에 비하여 Capsule 근부처리에서 거미의 밀도가 더욱 낮었다. 3. 근부처리에서나 수면처리에서 약량이 증가함에 따라 거미밀도가 낮어졌다. 4. 무처리에서 거미밀도는 팔굉품종에서 높았고 유신품종에서 낮았으나 약제처리에서 품종간 거미밀도차이는 인정할 수 없었다. 5. 해충의 방제효과가 좋았던 Capsule 근부처리에서 거미 밀도가 낮은 이유는 식물연쇄에 의한 독성 및 살해로 고찰되었다. 6. Carbofuran의 경우 처리방법을 달리하였을 때 거미에 대한 살해를 감소시킬 수는 없을 것으로 사료된다.

      • 기주식물의 N.P.K. 및 Sugar의 함량이 흰불나방에 미치는 생물학적 영향

        정규회,최승윤,Chung K. H.,Choi S. Y. 한국응용곤충학회 1968 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.5 No.-

        본시험은 5개 기주식물(뽕나무$\cdot$버즘나무$\cdot$미류나무$\cdot$네군도나무 및 사과나무)의 Nitrogen$\cdot$Phosphorus$\cdot$Potassium 및 Sugar함량이 흰불나방의(Hyphantria cunea DRURY) 유충기간$\cdot$용기간$\cdot$용체중$\cdot$자아의 포난수 및 $\gamma-BHC$에 대한 감응도에 미치는 영향을 조사연구하기 위해 시행되었다. 그 시험결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 공시 기주식물엽의 Nitrogen$\cdot$Phosphorus$\cdot$Potassiuln 및 Sugar함양은 기주의 종류와 화기(1화기와 2화기)에 따라 각각 상이한 차가 있었다(표 1). (2) 1, 2화기 유충기간과 용기간은 비교적 N의 함량이 많은 뽕나무에서 짧았고 그렇지 않은 사과나무에서 가장 긴 경향이었으며, 1화기보다 2화기에서 더 짧아졌다. 이들은 기주의 N함량과 유의성은 인정할 수 없었으나(1화기 유충기간은 제외), 비교적 높은 부의 상관을 나타낸 것으로 보아 P·K 및 Sugar에 비하여 크게 관여한 것 같았다. (3) 용체중과 포난수에 있어서도 (2)의 경우와 마찬가지로 기주의 종류, 자웅의 성 및 화기에 따라 현저한 차이가 있었다(표 3). 용체중은 N의 함량이 많은 뽕나무에서 역시 가장 높았고 그렇지 않은 사과나무에서 가장 낮았으며, 자아당 평균 포란수에 있어서도 용체중의 경향과 비슷하였다. 용체중이나 포난수의 경우나 영양과의 관계는 유의한 상관을 인정할 수 없었으나 크게 관여한 것은 N의 함량으로 생각되었다. (4) $\gamma-BHC$에 대한 천불나방유충의 내약력은 기주의 종류에 따라 현저한 차가 있었으며, 그 감응도는 네군도나무$\cdot$미류나무$\cdot$버즘나무$\cdot$사과나무$\cdot$뽕나무 순으로 강하였다(표 6). 역시 유의한 상관을 인정할 수는 없었으나 N·P 및 Sugar보다 K의 함량이 많은 기주 일수록 $\gamma-BHC$에 대한 유충의 내약력이 강한 경향을 나타내었다. This experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sugar contents in the loaves of five different host plants on tile larval period, pupal period, pupal period, number of eggs in the ovary, and the tolerance of fall webworm larvae (Hyphantria cunea DRURY) to gamma-BHC. The results obtained in this study were as follows; 1. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sugar in tile leaves tested were varied with the species of the host plants and sampling time. 2. The larval and pupal periods were also varied with the host plants and generation of the fall webworm. The shortest larval and pupal periods were found in the mulberry and the longest ones in the apple tree, and their periods were shortened much more in the second generation. Except the relation between the larval period and tile nitrogen content in the first generation, significant correlation could not be found between their periods and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and surgar contents. The nitrogen contents among the other chemical factors, however, might be much more influenced on their developing period. 3. The pupal weight and number of eggs in the ovary were also varied with the host plants. sex, and generation. In both generations, the greatest pupal weight and number of eggs per female were found in the mulberry and the least ones in the apple tree. No significant correlation could be found between the pupal weight and number of eggs per female and the chemical factors analyzed. However, only the nitrogen content seemed to be highly related to the pupal weight and number of eggs. 4. The tolerance of the fall webworm larval to gamma-BHC was highly varied with the host plants. The host order o( the larval tolerance level to gamma-BHC was box-elder, popla, platanus, apple tree, and mulberry. There was no significant correlation between the larval tolerance to the BHC and the chemical factors analyzed. However, the larvae fed on the host plant with higher pottassium content were shown a tendency to be higher tolerant.

      • 살충제 살포가 수도해충과 천적의 밀도에 미치는 영향[1] 벼멸구와 포식천적 황산적거미에 대한 몇가지 살충제의 선택독성에 관한 연구

        장영덕,송유한,최승윤,Chang Y.D.,Song Y.H.,Choi S.Y. 한국응용곤충학회 1979 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        현재 우리나라에서 사용되고 있는 수종의 수도용 살충제들에 대하여 벼멸구와 이의 주요천적인 황산적거미에 대한 상대독성을 실내에서 미량국소 처리방법으로 반치사약량을 조사 비교한 결과 PAP(0.4), MPP (0.7), MEP(1.8), Diazinon(2.8) , Carbofuran(7.5), NAC(11.3), BPMC(17.5), Pyridaphenthion(35.9), MIPC(65.7)의 순이었으며 특히 MIPC, Pyridaphenthion은 벼멸구와 황산적거미에 대해 선택성을 나타내었다. The relative toxicity of some of the insecticides which have been used for the control of paddy rice insect pests in Korea was evaluated in the laboratory with the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens, and a predaceous paddy spider Pirata subpiraticus. In order of the relative toxicity (LD5O value to spider/LD50 value to BPH) were PAP (0.4), MPP(0.1), MEP(1.8), diazinon(2.8), carbofuran(7.5), NAC(11.3), BPMC(17.5), Pyridaphenthion(35.9) and MIPC(65.7). MIPC and Pyridaphenthion were considered as having the desirable selective toxicity for the spider and the BPH.

      • KCI등재후보

        벼멸구(Nilaparvata lugens Stal.)에 抵抗性인 찰벼계통 wx 318, wx 319

        M. H. Heu(許文會),S. Y. Choi(崔承允),H. S. Chung(鄭厚燮),Y. S. Cho(趙鏞涉) 한국육종학회 1975 한국육종학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        This paper reports about the procedures which they were bred and the agronomical characteristics of wx 318 and wx 319 lines which are resistant to brown planthopper(Nilaparvate. lugens Stal.). 1. The glutinous rice wx318 was bred from the crosses wx126²///Honam 36//IR24/Tongil and the glutinous rice, also, wx319 was bred from the crosses wx126//Honam36/Tongil. Where Honam 36 is the cross of KCL-4/IR1317-81-3², and KCL-4 is the cross of IR667-98-2-1-7/Mudgo. So, tine brown planthopper resistance of the lines wx318 and wx319 was originated from the Mudgo. 2. The wx318 and wx319 lines show also the resistance to the smaller brown planthopper(Laodelphax striatellus Fallen). The penetrance of the resistance were incomplete. 3. The resistance to the blast at both in field nursery and IA-65 race inoculated isolated nursery were complete. 4. Heading date of wx318 and wx319 are slightly later than “Glutinous Tongil” and earlier than “Tongil”. The performance and other traits of them were alike to the “Glutinous Tongil”.

      • KCI등재후보

        멸구類에 대한 手稻 品種抵抗性의 遺傳 Ⅰ. 벼멸구에 대한 抵抗性의 遺傳

        M. H. Heu(許文會),K. H. Kim(金光鎬),S. Y. Choi(崔承允) 한국육종학회 1974 한국육종학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Six crosses were made to study the inheritance of resistance to brown planthopper(Nilaparuata lugens Stal.) with four resistant rice varieties, Mudgo, Co 22, IR 2061 and A.SD 7, and two susceptible breeding lines, Wx 126 and Wx 206. Seedling reactions to brown planthopper in hybrid populations were checked individually, and the results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. A single dominant gene controlled the resistance of Mudgo, Co 22 and IR 2061. The resistance of ASD 7 was conditioned by a single recessive gene. 2. It was found that the resistance gene in IR 2061 was as same as in Mudge. 3. The reaction of the resistance gene to brown planthopper found in Korea was as same as in Philippines and Taiwan. 4. The resistanec gene to brown planthopper in IR 2061 was inherited independently from the gene controlling the smoothness of leaf blade.

      • 솔잎혹파리의 藥劑防除에 關한 硏究 Ⅲ. 殺蟲劑의 樹幹注入 孝果

        安龍濬,李炯來,宋裕漢,崔承允 서울大學校 農科大學 1981 서울대농학연구지 Vol.6 No.1

        A series of experiments were carried out to evaluate some insecticides for control of the pine gall midges (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye) and to improve the conventional implantation method of insecticides into the tree trunk. The insecticides tested were the emulsion concentrates Dimecron( ) (20-Chloro-2-diethyl carbamoyl-1-methyl vinyl dimetyl phosphate, 50%), Folimat( ) (0,0-dimethyl-S-(N-methyl carbamoyl-methyl)-phosphorothioate, 50%), Azodrin( ) (Dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydroxy-N-methyl-cis-crotonamide, 24%), Metasystox( ) (S-2-(ethyl-sulfinyl) ethyl 0,0-dimethyl phosphoro-thioate, 25%), Bux( ) (m-(1-methyl-butyl) phenyl-methyl carbamate, 24%), and Bassa( )(2-Secondary-butyl phenyl-N-methyl carbamate, 50%). The insecticides were implanted into the tree trunk (8 to 10cm in diameter of breath height) at the rate of 0.3ml per cm in diameter of breath height by three different methods; method (A) was the direct implantation into the holes of 1.2cm in diameter and 3cm in depth bored out by the hand drill (1.2cm in diameter), method (B) the implantation through the plastic syringes (2.5ml) inserted in the holes of 1.2cm in diameter and 1.5cm in depth bored out by the hand drill (1.2cm in diameter), and method (C) the implantation through the syringes inserted in the holes of 0.34cm in diameter and 1.5cm in depth bored by by Mauget type's drill bit. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The insecticide Folimat( ) showed the highest effectiveness for control of the pine gall midges, and following Dimecron( ), Azodrin( ), and Metasystox-R( ). However, Bux and Bassa were ineffective. 2. Effectiveness of the trunk implantation of the insecticides to the insects was varied with the implantation methods; methods (A) and (B) were much more effective and laborous in the implantation than the method (C), and method (C) showed the lowest effectiveness possibly due to the low infiltration of the insecticides into the tree trunk. Method (C), however, required the least labour in the implantation and it was considered as the most feasible implantation method as far as the recovery of the holes bored was concerned. 3. Generally, the treatments of June 13 showed more effective control than those of May 16 and 30. Folimat( ) showed very good residual effectiveness, and Dimecron( ), Azodrin( ), and Metasystox-R( ) were relatively short and poor in their residual effectiveness. 4. In this experiment, there was no any significant maldistribution in the gall incidences and damaged-marking needles in accordance with the foliar parts of the trees, the directions of the implantation, and the number of syringes inserted in the methods (B) and (C). 5. The insecticides Dimecron( ), Folimat( ), Azodrin( ) and Metasystox( ) induced the great number of injured needles in which no larva was, and they caused the lower larval population in the gall.

      • 이화명충에 대한 水稻의 品種抵抗性

        崔承允,李炯來,宋裕漢 서울大學校 農科大學 1976 서울대농학연구지 Vol.1 No.2

        Fifteen varieties of rice were tested in field experiments for their resistance to the striped rice borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker, under natural infestations. The resistance was evaluated on the bases of borer damages, larval survivals and larval weights. Further, the associations between several plant morphological characters and the development of white heads were studied. Formations of dead hearts and white heads were varied with the varieties. In some of the varieties their susceptiblity was changed with the growth phases; the varieties Zenith. Rexoro, Yushin and Shenshuraku were comparatively lower in percentages of dead hearts but they became significantly higher in percentages of white heads. The varienties Tongil (Suweon 213-1), Suweon 240, Tetep, IR-26 and IR-747 reacted as resistant. The varieties reacting as resistant had significantly lower larval populations than did the varieties reacting as susceptible. Larval weights also were generally higher on susceptible than on resistant varieties, although they were not consistant on some of the varieties such as Namsun-13, Jinheung, Yushin, etc. Percentages of white heads were negatively correlated with the number of tillers per plant ?? , but they were not significantly correlated with the plant characters such as external diameter of the culms at base, plant heights, height of culms, length and width of the flag leaf, and lengths of the second and third elongated internodes.

      • 벼멸구에 抵抗性인 매끄러운葉 찰벼 系統 wx817

        朴淳直,許文會,李殷雄,崔承允 서울大學校 農科大學 1981 서울대농학연구지 Vol.6 No.1

        검수삭제 The paper reports about the breeding procedures and the agronomical characteristics of wx817 lines which has resistance to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) with smooth leaves and floral glumes. 1. The glutinous rice wx817 was bred from the crosses 1R1317/1R833//1R667-98⁴/4/Malakit sinaguing/IR667-98³//1R2061/1R667-68. 2. The glabrous glutinous wx817 line also show the resistance to the stripe and dwarf viruses and bacterial leaf blight pathotype ⅠandⅡ. The penetrance of the restance to bacterial leaf blight pathotype I was incomplete. 3. Heading date of wx817 is about a week earlier in ordinary season and 4-5 days earlier in late season than that of Josangtongil. 4. The performance and other traits of wx817 are alike to the Josangtongil and Tongilchal. 5. The utility of smoothness in rice breeding and cultural practice are discussed.

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