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        Sustainable employment of folkloric botanicals and conservation practices adopted by the inhabitants of Parbati Valley of North Western Himalaya, India in healing substantial corporeal disorders

        Tanay Barman,Sher Singh Samant,Jyoti,Abhijit Dey,Samapika Nandy,Riya Maitra,L. M. Tiwari,Anjana 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2023 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.23 No.2

        Variations in topogeographical features causes immense miscellany of widely used medicinal plants (MPs) in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), thus an ethnobotanical approach was adopted to file the undocumented indigenous wealth of the communities against different corporeal ailments. 370 households of 31 villages were surveyed during the summer seasons of 2015 and 2016 to explore the traditional folkloric practices of the inhabitants using a semi structured questionnaire. The data set was documented in Microsoft Office Excel and statistically analyzed for Use Value (UV), Informants' Consensus Factor (ICF), Fidelity Level (FL), Relative Importance (RI), Cultural Importance Index (CI), Index of Agreement on Remedies (IAR) and Cultural Agreement Index (CAI). The MPs were classified and analyzed for altitudinal distribution, nativity, endemism and threat categories. Total 292 MPs belonging to 95 families were reported to be used against major 15 types of substantial corporeal disorders. The richness of MPs decreased with an increasing altitude. Asteraceae (27 species) was found to be dominant family, followed by Rosaceae (17 species), Lamiaceae (16 species) and Ranunculaceae (15 species) used to cure such ailments. Five MPs were endemic to the IHR and 8 MPs were found to be critically endangered (CR) in the study region. Traditional healers had a detailed and wide range of folkloric therapeutic wisdom to treat different types of human diseases. Folkloric practice provides an alternative preference from conventional healthcare centers for the needy rural ethnic people of this distant area. But unfortunately rapid loss in biodiversity elements, urbanization and considerable anthropogenic stress causes significant decrease in the ethnic knowledge as well as the MPs. Thus, awareness among the people and proper conservation measures is readily needed.

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