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        Effects of Tube Materials and Cooling Media on the Energy Separation in Vortex Tubes

        Riu, Kap-Jong,Kim, Hyun-Woo,Park, In-Su,Kim, Byung-Ha The Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating 2002 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.10 No.3

        The phenomena of energy separation in vortex tubes was investigated experimentally to see the subsidiary effect of the conductivity of tube material and cooling conditions around the outer surface of the tube. The experiment was carried out with pyrex, stainless steel and copper tubes, and the heat transfer conditions of the tubes were with insulation, without in-sulation and water cooling modes respectively The results were obtained that the hot exit fluid temperature was highly affected by a change of conductivity of a tube when the outer surface was cooled by the water, while the working fluid through the tubes was air. How-ever, the cold exit temperature was little affected by the heat transfer modes on the outer surface of the vortex tube.

      • A Numerical Analysis of Radiative and Convective Heat Transfer from Tranpezoidal Fins on a Plane Wall, Including Matual Irradiation

        Riu, Kap-Jong,Kim, Chul-Soo 慶北大學校 産業開發硏究所 1985 硏究報告 Vol.13 No.-

        對流, 輻射 및 傳導 세가지 形態사이에 複雜한 相互作用을 包含하는 에너지 傳達問題는 最近 많은 注目을 받고 있다. 傳熱面에 있어서 熱流速을 增加시키는 目的으로서 여러가지 幾何學的인 形狀을 갖는 핀이 使用되고 있는데 特히 最近에 問題가 되는 相互輻射를 包含하는 輻射對流핀에 關한 硏究는 rectangular fin뿐이었다. 따라서 本 硏究에서는 trapezoidal fin의 輻射와 對流에 의한 熱傳達에 關하여 相互輻射도 包含하여 傳熱特性을 硏究하고, 여러 parameter가 有效度에 미치는 影響, 핀의 두께, 핀의 間隔, 周邊輻射溫度, 및 輻射率이 有效度에 미치는 影響, 그리고 全體有效度를 計算하여 rectangular fin과 比較檢討하였다. 그 結果 全體有效度는 rectangular fin보다 3∼10%程度 낮게 나타났으나 單位體積當 熱傳達은 rectangular fin보다 47∼67%程度 높게 나타났으며 無次元對流係數와 輻射傳導係數의 핀의 附着이 容易한 값의 範圍는 制限되어 졌다. 그리고 trapezoidal fin의 有效度는 w/L, T_0^*, b/L, 및 e의 값이 增加할때는 減少하였다.


        Riu,Key-Zung,Koh,Young-Hwan,Kim,Chan-Sik,Lee,Sun-Joo 제주대학교 방사능이용연구소 1994 연구보고 Vol.8 No.-

        E. coli ornithine transcarbamylase is the enzyme which catalyzes the citrullin biosynthesis from ornithine and carbamyl phosphate. To facilitate the purification of enzyme which will be used for many purposes, cloning and expression of E. coli argI gene, ornithine transcarbamylase gene, have been conducted. argI has been amplified from genomic DNA of E. coli DH5a strain by PCR method, and cloned in prokaryotic expression vector, pKK223-3. The enzyme expressed has been purified by salt fractionation, heat denaturation and affinity chromatography. The result of SDS PAGE shows a single band of the purified enzyme. Kinetic data for expressed enzyme give almost same results as those of the wild type enzyme. Vmax of the enzyme 1.0x105 min-¹, and Kms of ornithine and carbamyl phosphate are 0.35 mM and 0.06 mM, respectively. On the other hand, TB2 cell has been obtained by plasmid curing. This strain does not have argI gene and resulting ornithine transcarbamylase activity. The strain has been prepared for site-directed mutagenesis work.

      • Efficiency of Spine When the Profile of a Spine of Circular Cross Section Varies as ??

        Riu,Kap-Jong 慶北工業專門大學 1970 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        圖形斷面의 spine의 外形이 ??로서 變할때 spine의 溫度分布를 解析하고, 그 結果를 가지고 spine의 效率을 誘導하였다. 誘導된 效率을 外形이 矩形 및 抛物線인 spine의 效率과 比較 檢討하였다. When the profile contour of spine of circular cross section varies as ??, analysis of the temperature distribution of the spine is presented. and from this the spine efficiency is derived. A comparison between these results and the efficiency of the spine of rectangular and parabolic profile is also presented.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Construction of Citrus Transgenic Plant with Fatty Aicd Desaturase Gene

        Riu, Key Zung,Jin, Seong Beom,Boo, Kyung Hwan,Lee, Do Seung,Chae, Hyun Byung,Song, Seong Jun 한국농화학회 1999 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.42 No.3

        The transgenic plant of Citrus species (Citrus aurantium L.) was constructed with a fatty acid desaturase gene using microprojectile bombardment transformation system. The DNA of a fatty acid desaturase gene, fad7, constructed in pBI121 was coated onto tungsten particles (1.1 ㎛) and introduced into callus cells by bombarding with 1100 psi of helium pressure, l/4 in of gap distance, 7.0 ㎝ of target distance and 27 in Hg of chamber vacuum. The bombarded cells were selected on the medium containing kanamycin. The selected cells were successfully regenerated into plantlets via somatic embryogenesis on the media containing plant growth regulators. The results of polymerase chain reaction analysis of genomic DNAs from the putative transformants showed that the introduced DNAs of fad7 were present in both the selected callus cells and the regenerated plantlets.

      • KCI등재

        Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudarthrobacter sp. IC2-21, a Fluquinconazole-Degrading Soil Bacterium

        Riu Myoungjoo,Kim Songhwa,Song Jaekyeong 한국미생물·생명공학회 2024 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.52 No.1

        Pseudarthrobacter sp. IC2-21 is isolated from the greenhouse soil in Icheon, Gyeonggi, Korea. This strain IC2-21 is a first fluquinconazole degrading soil bacterium. We analyze the whole genome sequence of Pseudarthrobacter sp. IC2-21. The sequence analysis revealed that Pseudarthrobacter sp. IC2-21 possesses a single 4,265,009 bps circular chromosome with a DNA G+C-content of 65.4%. This chromosome contains 3,942 protein-coding sequences and 12 rRNA and 51 tRNA genes. In the result of sequence analysis, it is revealed that strain IC2-21 possessed genes coding the triazole pesticides degradation related enzymes, such as oxygenase, and fluquinconazole degradation related genes.

      • KCI등재

        Microstructural Wear Mechanism of vol% SiC nanocomposite and Ceramics

        Riu Doh-Hyung,Kim Yoon-Ho,Lee Soo-Wohn,Koichi Niihara 한국분말야금학회 2001 한국분말야금학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        Through the observation of wear scar of two ceramic materials, microstructural wear mechanisms was investigated. As for the -5 vol% SiC nanocomposite, the grain boundary fracture was suppressed by the presence of SiC nano-particles. The intragranular SiC particles have inhibited the extension of plastic deformation through the whole grain. Part of plastic deformation was accommodated around SiC particles, which made a cavity at the interface between SiC and matrix alumina. On the other hand, gas-pressure sintered silicon nitride showed extensive grain boundary fracture due to the thermal fatigue. The lamination of wear scar was initiated by the dissolution of grain boundary phase. These two extreme cases showed the importance of microstructures in wear behavior.

      • KCI등재

        시․군․구 지방정부 평생교육비전의 구성요소와 공유가치 분석

        유정록(Riu, Jeong-Rok),배홍연(Bae, Hong-Yeon),장경미(Jang, Kyoung-Mi),현영섭(Hyun, Young-Sup) 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2018 교육혁신연구 Vol.28 No.3

        연구목적: 국내 시․군․구 지방정부 평생교육에 대한 비전의 구성 요소와 가치는 확인하는 것을 본 연구의 목적으로 한다. 연구방법: 비전에서 표현 된 단어와 구문을 분석 프레임에 따라 추출하여 분류하고 기술 통계 분석을 하였다. 기술 통계의 결과를 토대로 평생 교육 비전의 구성 요소와 가치를 분석했다. 연구결과: 첫째, 한국의 229 개 지자체 중 177명(77.3%)이 평생 교육에 대한 비전을 갖고 있었다. 둘째, 비전의 구성 요소를 분석 한 결과 시력에 공유 가치 가 포함 된 지방 정부가 약 48%를 차지했다. 셋째, 공유 비전의 요소 인 교육과 학습 이 비전의 절반에서 표현되었다. 그리고 공동체, 평등, 공동체 참여 및 경제 발전이 뒤따랐다. 논의 및 결론: 비전을 수용하는 것 외에도, 비전은 회원들의 업무 또는 행동 기준으로 적용되거나 고려되어야한다. 장래에 평생 교육의 비전을 수립 할 때 지방 정부의 비전과 전략은 비전의 기준으로 구성 요소와 가치를 고려할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 지역 경제 발전이 매우 중요하며 비전에 포함되어 있다는 점을 감안할 때 대부분의 지방 자치 단체는 평생 교육의 전략적 비전에 반영되어야한다. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to see the components and values of the visions for lifelong education of local governments. Method: The words and phrases expressed in the visions were extracted and classified according to our analysis frame and descriptive statistics were analyzed. Based on the results of the descriptive statistics, the components and values of the vision for lifelong education were analyzed. Results: First, 177(77.3%) among 229 local governments in Korea had the visions for lifelong education. Second, as a result of analyzing the components of the visions, the local governments of which vision contained ‘shared values’ were about 48%. Third, ‘education and learning’ as a element of shared vision was expressed at the half of the visions. And community, equality, community involvement and economic development were followed. Conclusion: Beyond the acceptance of vision, the vision should be applied or considered as a standard of work or action by the members. In the future, when establishing the vision of lifelong education, the vision and strategy of the local government need to consider the components and values as a criteria for vision. Lastly, nowadays the regional economic development had been an important issue of the local governments, and the issue also had been included in the vision. This result suggested that the vision of lifelong education should be more strategic fitting with the vision of local development.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 자연기반 생태관광 동기가 관광지 이미지와 만족에 미치는 영향: 우포늪 생태관광지를 중심으로

        이리우 ( Riu Lee ),이수형 ( Soo Hyung Lee ),문선정 ( Sun Jung Moon ) 한국환경과학회 2015 한국환경과학회지 Vol.24 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to describe how nature-based ecotourism motivation of ecotourists influences destination image and satisfaction of ecotourists. In order to achieve the above purposes, the study carried out a literature study and an empirical analysis. Based on the obtained data through the literature study, the study designed a model for the empirical study. The results of this study are as follows. First, returns to nature, knowledge. fitness and escape as ecotourism motivation of ecotourist had a positive effect on each ecotourism destination image, such as cognitive and affective image. However, effect of novelty on cognitive image for destination had not significant results. Second, ecotourism destination image, such as cognitive and affective image, had a positive effect on ecotourism satisfaction of ecotourists. The results of the article provide implications for strategies for promoting ecotourism destination and suggest some guidelines for the eco-education of tourists.

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