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      • KCI등재후보

        Psychometrically Equivalent Korean Bisyllabic Words Spoken by Male and Female Talker

        Richard W. Harris,Eunoak Kim,Dennis L. Eggett 한국언어청각임상학회 2003 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 청력검사시 어음청취역치 측정에 사용될 한국어 이음절 검사어표를 제작하는 것이다. 일상 생활에서 사용 빈도가 높은 90개의 이음절을 한국어 형태소 및 어휘 사용 빈도의 분석(김흥규 & 강범모, 2000)이란 자료를 통해 선택하였다. 이 검사용 단어들은 한국어 표준말을 구사하는 각각의 남녀에 의해 디지털 방식으로 녹음되었다. 각 단어들을 정상 청력자 20명에게 10 에서 18dBHL 까지 2dB 간격으로 청취하게 한후, 15 개의 자극강도에서 인지도를 측정하였다. 90 개의 단어중 인지도 성적이 가장 좋은 36개의 단어를 선택한후, 각 단어의 역치가 연구에 참가한 20명의 정상 청력자의 평균 순음역치(4.33dBHL)와 같도록 디지털 방식으로 조절하였다. 36개의 이음절에 대한 평균 인지도 곡선(%/dB)은 남자 목소리로 녹음된 것이 11.9%/dB 이고, 여자 목소리로 녹음된 것이 10.4%/dB로 나타났다. 단어간에 인지도가 서로 대등하도록 제작된 이 36 개의 이음절은 남녀 각각에 의해 브리감 영 대학교 한국 어음 청력 검사어표(Disc 1.0) 컴팩트 디스크에 녹음 되었다. This investigation was undertaken to develop, digitally record, evaluate, and psychometrically equate Korean bisyllabic words for use in measurement of the speech reception threshold(SRT). Ninety familiar bisyllabic words were selected for evaluation. These words were recorded by both male and female talkers native to Seoul, Korea who spoke the standard Korean dialect. Psychometric functions were calculated, using logistic regression, for each of the 90 bisyllabic words for 20 normally hearing subjects who listened to these words at 15 intensity levels from 10 to 18dBHL in 2dB increments. The 36 best bisyllabic words were selected and then digitally adjusted, with respect to intensity, so that the threshold of each word was equal to the mean PTA(4.33dBHL) of the normally hearing subjects. The mean slope(%/dB) for the bisyllabic words was 11.9%/dB for the male talker and 10.4%/dB for the female talker. The result was the development of a list of 36 Korean bisyllabic words(male and female talker) which were homogeneous with respect to threshold audibility and also with respect to psychometric function slope.These psychometrically equivalent Korean bisyllabic words spoken by both male and female talkers are included on the Brigham Young University Korean Speech Audiometry Materials(Disc 1.0) compact disc.

      • KCI등재후보

        Psychometrically Equivalent Korean Monosyllabic Speech Discrimination Materials Spoken by Male and Female Talkers

        Richard W. Harris,Eunoak Kim,Dennis L. Eggett 한국언어청각임상학회 2003 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 청력검사시 어음명료도 측정에 사용될 한국어 단음절 검사어표를 제작하는 것이다. 이 연구에 사용된 250개의 단어들은 한국어 형태소 및 어휘 사용 빈도의 분석(김흥규 & 강범모, 2000) 이란 자료를 통해 선택되었다. 검사용 단어들은 한국어 표준말을 구사하는 각각의 남녀에 의해 디지털 방식으로 녹음되었다. 각 단어들을 정상 청력자 20명에게 5에서 40dBHL 까지 5dB 간격으로 청취하게 한후, 10개의 자극강도에서 명료도 검사 성적을 측정하였다. 250개의 단어중 명료도 성적이 좋은 200개의 단어를 최종 컴팩트 디스크에 포함시켰다. 따라서, 한 개의 표당 단어가 50개씩 구성 되어 있는 4개의 검사어표(full-lists)와 각 표를 다시 둘로 나누어 25개의 단어를 포함하게 한 8개의 검사어표(half-lists)가 제작되었다. 이 검사어표들은 표간에 대등한 명료도 성적을 갖도록 단어의 강도를 조절하였다. Chi-square 분석은 이들 검사어표 간에 통계학적으로 차이가 없음을 나타내었다. 한국 단음절 검사어표는 남녀 각각에 의해 브리감 영 대학교 한국 어음 청력 검사어표(Disc 1.0) 컴팩트 디스크에 녹음되었다. This investigation was undertaken to develop, digitally record, evaluate, and psychometrically equate Korean monosyllabic word lists for use in measurement of auditory word recognition. Two hundred fifty monosyllabic words were selected from a Korean frequency usage dictionary: Frequency Analysis of Korean Morpheme and Word Usage(Kim & Kang, 2000). These words were digitally recorded by both male and female talkers native to Seoul, Korea. Percent correct word recognition was measured for each word at 10 intensity levels from 5 to 40dBHL in 5dB increments using 20 normally hearing subjects. Difficulty rankings were calculated for each of the 250 monosyllabic words. The 200 monosyllabic words that were easiest to identify were selected for inclusion in the final compact disc recordings. Four equivalent word lists of 50 words each and eight half-lists of 25 words each were formed from the selected monosyllabic words. A chi-square analysis revealed no statistically significant differences in audibility among the lists or half-lists. In order to increase homogeneity of audibility of the lists and half-lists, the thresholds of the 16 monosyllabic half-lists were adjusted so that the threshold of each list was equal to the midpoint(11.1dBHL) between the mean threshold of the male half-lists and the mean threshold of the female half-lists. No attempt to phonemically balance the 4 lists, or 8 half-lists was made. The concept of phonemic balance is briefly discussed. The psychometrically equivalent Korean monosyllabic word recognition lists, spoken by both male and female talkers, are included on the Brigham Young University Korean Speech Audiometry Materials(Disc 1.0) compact disc.

      • KCI등재

        What Is the Usefulness of the Fragmentation Pattern of the Femoral Head in Managing Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease?

        김휘택,우승훈,장재훈,이승근,Harry K.W. Kim,Richard Browne 대한정형외과학회 2014 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.6 No.2

        Background: Within the lateral pillar classification of the Legg-Calvé-Perthes (LCP) disease, hips seem quite variable in the pattern of fragmentation as seen in radiographs. The purpose of this study was to determine: if it is possible to reliably subdivide the lateral pillar groups into femoral head fragmentation patterns, and if such a subdivision of the lateral pillar groupings is clinically useful in managing LCP disease. Methods: Two hundred and ninety-three anteroposterior radiographs taken at the maximal fragmentation stage (189 lateral pillar B, 57 B/C border, and 47 C hips; mean bone/chronologic age at the time of first visit, 6.2/7.9 years) and at skeletal maturity (mean age, 16.6 years) were analyzed. We distinguished 3 fragmentation patterns in each pillar group based on the region of major involvement. We tested the inter- and intraobserver reliability of our classification system and analyzed the relationships between the fragmentation patterns and the Stulberg outcomes as well as other factors such as surgical treatment and age. Results: Inter- and intraobserver consistency in fragmentation pattern assignments was found to be substantial to excellent. A statistically significant trend (p = 0.001) in the proportion of Stulberg III or IV outcomes in comparison with Stulberg I and II was only found for the different fragmentation patterns in our lateral pillar B patients: fragmentation patterns having mainly lateral-central necrosis led to poor outcomes. No significant association was found between fragmentation patterns and Stulberg outcomes in pillar groups B/C border and C. Conclusions: Our results are consistent with the lateral pillar classification itself. Therefore, fragmentation patterns in each lateral pillar classification did not provide clinical usefulness in the management of LCP disease.

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