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        Kinematic geometry of a line trajectory in spatial motion

        Reem A. Al-Ghefari,Rashad A. Abdel-Baky 대한기계학회 2015 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.29 No.9

        This paper derives the equations of line-trajectory in spatial motion by means of the E. Study dual-line coordinates. A special emphasisgoes to the second-order motion properties for deriving a new proof of the Disteli formulae. As an application concise explicit expressionsof the inflection line congruence are directly obtained. Also, a new metric is developed and used to investigate the geometricalproperties and kinematics of line trajectory as well as Disteli axis. Finally, a theoretical expressions of point trajectories with special valuesof velocity and acceleration, which can be considered as a form Euler-Savary equation, for spherical and planar motions are discussed.

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