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      • Welfare and Work Requirements: Lessons from the American Reform

        Robert Rector 한국경제연구원 2012 한국경제연구원 세미나자료 Vol.12 No.12

        The welfare reform undertaken in the U.S. in 1996 required many welfare recipients work, engage in training, perform community service, or undertake a supervised search for employment. This reform showed that a “work requirement” of this sort can cause a sharp and immediate drop in the number of persons receiving welfare and a surge in employment. In the U.S., the number of recipients in the reformed program dropped by 50 percent within five years. The U.S. welfare reform provides much useful information on the role of work requirements in welfare. These lessons can be summarized as follows. 1.“Work” requirements in welfare programs create fairness between taxpayers and recipients. Taxpayers resent working hard to pay benefits to able-bodied recipients who choose not to work. By requiring recipients to work or take actions leading to work, requirements create fairness between taxpayers and recipients. 2. In practical terms, it is impossible to require a recipient to take a real job in the private sector because employers will be reluctant to hire someone who appears unenthusiastic about work and jobs may be temporarily unavailable. However, it is easy to require recipients to undertake other activities such as supervised job search, training, or community service in exchange for welfare benefits. Participating in these required activities reduces the incentive to remain on welfare and make recipients eager to find real jobs. 3. The key to a successful work program is to require recipients to engage in supervised activity for a large number of hours each week. The exact type of activity is not important; the important point is to reduce the opportunity for the recipient to receive a welfare income while idle. By removing the opportunity to receive “something for nothing”, the incentives to be on welfare are greatly reduced. The number of new enrollments will drop substantially and those receiving benefits will leave welfare much more quickly. 4. Requiring individuals to engage in constructive activities at the time they first enroll in welfare is particularly effective in reducing dependence. For example, an individual who has just applied for benefits could be required to immediately undertake six weeks of closely supervised job search (in which he has to appear at the welfare office each day). This will cause a sharp drop in the number of persons applying for welfare. 5. In the American experience, it was more important to change incentives and to alter recipient attitudes and work habits than to provide specific vocational skills. 6. Prior to reform, it was generally claimed that work requirements were impractical because there were not enough jobs available for recipients to take. This idea was inaccurate. In reality, a lack of jobs was never a significant problem for reform.

      • KCI등재

        Pathways of National Reunification in Germany, Yemen and Korea

        정재관,Chad Rector 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2014 Pacific Focus Vol.29 No.2

        Korean reunification could be achieved by a confederation agreement between the South Korean government and the North Korean regime that preserves the existing North Korean elite or by a unilateral absorption of the North in which the North’s population and territory would be directly incorporated into the South Korean political system. Which of these is a more plausible path to Korean unity? Two regimes confederate when one regime offers a bargain and the other accepts it; the confederation agreement itself then shapes future bargaining between the regimes. Absorption, in contrast, ends one of the regimes and so precludes future negotiations. The confederation path to reunification is more likely when the regimes can confederate in a way that preserves the balance of bargaining leverage between them, which will be when the weaker regime can claim unique competence at governing its territory and when both regimes can maintain their security via a combination of internal resources and external ties. When these factors are not present, absorption is the more likely path to reunification. We illustrate the theory by the reunification of Yemen via a confederation and the reunification of Germany via absorption and apply its logic to the unresolved case of Korea. We conclude that a confederation agreement between North and South Korea is unlikely in the foreseeable future.

      • Pyridoxine-derived bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants: synthesis and their antioxidant activities

        Nam, Tae-gyu,Ku, Jin-Mo,Rector, Christopher L.,Choi, Hoyoung,Porter, Ned A.,Jeong, Byeong-Seon Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Organic & biomolecular chemistry Vol.9 No.24

        <P>A few facile synthetic pathways for bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants are presented. Attachment of a long alkyl chain to the bicyclic pyridinol scaffold was established using ester linkage. Non-substituted pyrrolopyridinols and 1,3-oxazine-fused pyridinols were also synthesized as novel antioxidant scaffolds. Antioxidant activities were measured by a radical clock method and new compounds prepared are comparable to the best bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>A few facile synthetic pathways for bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants are presented. Attachment of a long alkyl chain to the bicyclic pyridinol scaffold was established using ester linkage. Non-substituted pyrrolopyridinols and 1,3-oxazine-fused pyridinols were also synthesized as novel antioxidant scaffolds. Antioxidant activities were measured by a radical clock method. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c1ob05144j'> </P>

      • Life Science : Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry ; Pyridoxine-derived bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants: synthesis and their antioxidant activities

        ( Tae Gyu Nam ),( Jin Mo Ku ),( Christopher L Rector ),( Ho Young Choi ),( Ned A Porter ),( Byeong Seon Jeong ) 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2012 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.22 No.0

        A few facile synthetic pathways for bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants are presented. Attachment of a long alkyl chain to thebicyclic pyridinol scaffold was established using ester linkage. Non-substituted pyrrolopyridinols and 1,3-oxazine-fused pyridinols were also synthesized as novel antioxidant scaffolds. Antioxidant activities were measured by a radical clock method and new compounds prepared are comparable to the best bicyclic aminopyridinol antioxidants.

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