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      • COP1 regulates plant growth and development in response to light at the post-translational level

        Kim, Joo Yong,Song, Jong Tae,Seo, Hak Soo,Raines, Christine Oxford University Press 2017 Journal of experimental botany Vol.68 No.17

        <P>Photoreceptors perceive different wavelengths of light and transduce light signals downstream via a range of proteins. COP1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, regulates light signaling by mediating the ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of photoreceptors such as phytochromes and cryptochromes, as well as various development-related proteins including other light-responsive proteins. COP1 is itself regulated by direct interactions with several signaling molecules that modulate its activity. The control of photomorphogenesis by COP1 is also regulated by its localization to the cytoplasm in response to light. COP1 thus acts as a tightly regulated switch that determines whether development is skotomorphogenic or photomorphogenic. In this review, we discuss the effects of COP1 on the abundance and activity of various development-related proteins, including photoreceptors, and summarize the regulatory mechanisms that influence COP1 activity and stability in plants.</P>

      • Knockout of the Ribonuclease Inhibitor Gene Leaves Human Cells Vulnerable to Secretory Ribonucleases

        Thomas, Sydney P.,Kim, Eunji,Kim, Jin-Soo,Raines, Ronald T. American Chemical Society 2016 Biochemistry Vol.55 No.46

        <P>Ribonuclease inhibitor (RNH1) is a cytosolic protein that binds with femtomolar affinity to human ribonuclease 1 (RNase 1) and homologous secretory ribonucleases. RNH1 contains 32 cysteine residues and has been implicated as an antioxidant. Here, we use CRISPR-Cas9 to knock out RNH1 in HeLa cells. We find that cellular RNH1 affords marked protection from the lethal ribonucleolytic activity of RNase 1 but not from oxidants. We conclude that RNH1 protects cytosolic RNA from invading ribonucleases.</P>

      • Process based system models - a stakeholder based improvement philosophy

        ( Raine Isaksson(phd) ) 한국품질경영학회 2015 한국품질경영학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.2

        Background The process approach is included in many improvement philosophies such as Six Sigma and Lean Management. Still, it seems that it has not been used to its full potential with many organisations having low process maturity. Visualising processes, stakeholder needs and opportunities could support the introduction of the process approach as a start for process based improvement. Purpose The purpose with this paper is to propose and to demonstrate the use of a process based system model. Methodology The starting point is in previous research on process based system models. A chosen model is reviewed and modified. The reviewed model is then tested in using it to describe global processes of providing accommodation and the sub-processes of producing cement and concrete. Findings The findings consist of proposed process models for detecting and realising opportunities for improvement. Results from the review of the process of providing accommodation indicate that the models can be used to detect opportunities. Practical implications The results provide a concept for visualising change and change elements. Originality/value The paper provides insights into process based improvement work and in synergies between quality and sustainability.

      • National Process of Quality Management Education: the Swedish Example

        ( Raine Isaksson ),( Jonas Hansson ),( Rickard Garvare ) 한국품질경영학회 2007 The Asian Journal on Quality Vol.8 No.2

        The application of a process view, as complement to the traditional functional division, is often a way to highlight organisational improvement potential. This paper examines the process of providing university level education in quality management, using Sweden as an example. The purpose is to assess the performance of university education as part of the supply chain of providing quality management to a society. This has been done by studying the actual offering compared to a notional benchmark of best performance. Preliminary results indicate that there could be a significant improvement potential in both providing more education of the right type and in the right way. A lot of similar basic courses are given but with varying names, possibly reflecting difficulties in defining the area of quality management and its constituents. An important reason for the detected improvement potential seems to be the lack of ownership of the studied supply chain of providing university level quality education to the Swedish society.

      • Translation and Appropriation of the World's Longest Epic : Tibet's Gesar of Ling

        Roberta RAINE 한국통역번역학회 2014 FORUM Vol.12 No.2

        Ces demieres annees, Ia Chine a investi des ressources considerables dans des travaux de collecte, de traduction et de publication de l'ancien conte oral tibetain L'epopee du roi Gesar. Si l'epopee en tant que telle a deja fait l'objet d'etudes exhaustives de Ia part des chercheurs, personne ne s'est encore penche sur le gigantesque projet de traduction actuellement en cours en Chine. Le present article a pour objet de combler cette lacune en adoptant differentes approches traductologiques critiques, ce afin d'etudier Ia nature et les modalites de Ia traduction de l'epopee de Gesar en Chine en tant qu'reuvre litteraire d'ethnie minoritaire. Les concepts d'appropriation et d'oralite seront d'abord discutes dans Ia mesure oil ils se rapportent a Ia traduction. Ensuite, nous etudierons Ia theorie du polysysteme, notamment au regard de Ia version enrichie de cette theorie de Chang (200 I). Cette version est d'un interet particulier pour les chercheurs travaillant dans les regions politiquement sensibles car elle leur permet de placer une traduction dans son contexte politique, ideologique et social. Ensuite, nous passerons en revue les normes et les strategies actuellement utilisees par les traducteurs de cette epopee en chinois, sur Ia base d'ouvrages realises par d'eminents traducteurs et specialistes de Gesar. La discussion sur les differentes approches critiques aboutira a une hypothese qui sera ensuite appliquee au projet de traduction.

      • 회사의 기부와 이사의 선관주의의무 위반 판단기준에 대한 검토 - 대법원 2019. 5. 16. 선고 2016다260455 판결 -

        강라인(Rain Kang),박상우(Sangwoo Park) 서울대학교 법학평론 편집위원회 2021 법학평론 Vol.11 No.-

        대법원 2019. 5. 16. 선고 2016다260455 판결(이하 ‘대상판결’, 원심판결: 서울고등법원 2016. 9. 23. 선고 2015나2046254 판결)은 태백시를 위한 기부를 추진한 강원랜드의 이사에 대하여 상법 제399조에 따른 손해배상책임이 성립하는지 문제된 사안에서, 회사의 기부행위 허용기준을 제시한 최초의 민사판례라는 점에 의의가 있다. 다만 이러한 허용기준은 ‘공익’ 개념에 터 잡은 것으로, 대상판결 및 원심판결은 강원랜드의 기부행위가 공익에 기여하기 위한 상당한 방법이라 볼 수 없고, 기부행위가 공익 및 강원랜드 회사의 이익에 기여하는 정도가 크지 않다는 등의 이유로 상법 제399조에 따른 손해배상책임을 인정하였다. 우선 본고는 선관주의의무와 경영판단의 원칙을 개관하고, 특히 경영판단으로서의 기부행위에 관한 기존 대법원 판례 및 해외 규율을 정리하였다. 이를 통해 기부행위 허용기준에 대한 판례의 태도를 분석하고, 미국 및 일본과 비교하여 우리 대법원이 기부행위에 대하여 보다 엄격한 잣대를 적용하여 왔음을 보였다. 이후 본고는 대상판결 및 원심판결이 ‘공익’ 개념을 바탕으로 기부행위 허용기준을 설정함으로써 기부행위의 허용범위를 더욱 축소하였다는 점을 논증하였다. 먼저 ‘공익’ 개념은 그 모호성으로 인하여 이사들에게 명확한 행위지침을 제시하기 어렵고, 대상판결이 ‘공익’에 대한 심사의무를 부과함으로써 회사의 기부를 과도하게 위축시킬 우려가 있음을 보였다. 나아가 경영판단의 원칙의 내용적 합리성은 현저히 불합리한 경우에 한해 고려하는 것이 대법원의 일관된 판시인데, 기부행위의 경우에만 ‘공익’의 잣대를 통해 전면적 사법심사로 나아가는 것은 타당하지 않다는 점을 지적하였다. 이에 본고에서는 ‘공익’ 개념을 사용하지 않는 대신 ‘회사의 이익’ 개념을 새롭게 정의함으로써 기부행위의 허용기준을 제시하고자 하였다. 먼저 통합모델에 입각하여 ‘회사의 이익’을 ‘장기적 주주가치’로 재정의함으로써, 주주권 침해 여부를 우선적인 기준으로 삼는 배임죄 판례와의 정합성을 도모하면서도 ESG 요소가 부상하는 경영 현실과의 조화를 꾀하였다. 그 후 강원랜드의 특수법인으로서의 지위에 주목하여, 태백시가 원고 회사의 ‘장기적 주주가치’에 영향을 미치는 이해관계자임을 논증하였다. 이러한 일련의 과정을 통해 특수법인의 이사가 지자체 등 이해관계자를 고려하여 내리는 기부 판단이 경영판단의 원칙을 통해 사법적으로 보호할 가치가 있음을 밝히고, 대상판결 사안에서 구체적 타당성을 기하고자 하였다. The Supreme Court decision 2016Da260455 decided May 16, 2019 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Case’, and the Seoul High Court’s original decision 2015Na2046254 decided September 23, 2016 hereinafter referred to as ‘the Original Decision’), the case in which directors who had partaken in Kangwon Land board’s resolution to make donation to Taebaek-si were held civilly liable, is the first precedent to have set forth the criteria for the admissibility of corporate charitable giving. The Case and the Original Decision, having their logical foundations built upon the concept of “public interest”, recognized liability for damages under Article 399 of the Commercial Act on the following grounds; that the charitable giving itself was ill-suited as means of achieving public interest, and its contribution to the corporate as well as public interest was negligible. This paper provides an overview of the duty of care and the business judgment rule, specifically focusing on the Supreme Court precedents and the overseas regulations concerning corporate charitable giving involving business judgment. Through such comparative jurisprudence, this paper analyzes the Supreme Court’s handling of corporate charitable giving and shows that the Supreme Court has maintained relatively rigid stance against corporate charitable giving compared to those of Japan and the United States. Afterwards, this paper demonstrates that the Case and the Original Decision have limited the scope of admissible corporate charitable giving by proposing a test that is rooted in the concept of “public interest.” First, the underlying concept of “public interest” is too vague a concept to provide a clear code of conduct for directors, and the burden of determining “public interest” works to suppress corporate charitable giving. Furthermore, the court’s outright interference with corporate decisions through such test is unwarranted, given the Supreme Court’s firm stance that substantive rationality of a business judgment shall be subject to judicial review if and only if the judgment is highly unreasonable. Consequently, this paper attempts to establish an alternative test to be applied on the admissibility of corporate charitable giving, by excluding the concept of “public interest” in exchange for a newly defined concept of “corporate interest.” First, in light of the Integrated Model, this paper redefines the “corporate interest” as the “long-term shareholder value”, to achieve coherence with the Supreme Court precedents on breach of trust that prioritize shareholder rights, while also seeking to harmonize with the modern business environment which is tilting towards ESG factors. This paper then presents how Taebaek-si qualifies as a stakeholder with significant influence on Kangwon Land’s long-term shareholder value, by shedding light on Kangwon Land’s status as a special corporation. Ultimately, this paper proposes that judicial protection by the business judgment rule be granted to judgments made by special corporations’ directors on corporate charitable giving, thereby leading to fair outcome in the given case.

      • National Process of Quality Management Education : The Swedish Example

        Isaksson, Raine,Hansson, Jonas,Garvare, Rickard The Korean Society for Quality Management 2007 The Asian Journal on Quality Vol.8 No.2

        The application of a process view, as complement to the traditional functional division, is often a way to highlight organisational improvement potential. This paper examines the process of providing university level education in quality management, using Sweden as an example. The purpose is to assess the performance of university education as part of the supply chain of providing quality management to a society. This has been done by studying the actual offering compared to a notional benchmark of best performance. Preliminary results indicate that there could be a significant improvement potential in both providing more education of the right type and in the right way. A lot of similar basic courses are given but with varying names, possibly reflecting difficulties in defining the area of quality management and its constituents. An important reason for the detected improvement potential seems to be the lack of ownership of the studied supply chain of providing university level quality education to the Swedish society.

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