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      • Compositional homogeneity and X-ray topographic analyses of CdTe<sub> <i>x</i> </sub>Se<sub>1−<i>x</i> </sub> grown by the vertical Bridgman technique

        Roy, U.N.,Bolotnikov, A.E.,Camarda, G.S.,Cui, Y.,Hossain, A.,Lee, K.,Lee, W.,Tappero, R.,Yang, Ge,Cui, Y.,Burger, A.,James, R.B. Elsevier 2015 Journal of crystal growth Vol.411 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We grew CdTe<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>Se<SUB>1−<I>x</I> </SUB> crystals with nominal Se concentrations of 5%, 7%, and 10% by the vertical Bridgman technique, and evaluated their compositional homogeneity and structural quality at the NSLS’ X-ray fluorescence and white beam X-ray topography beam lines. Both X-ray fluorescence and photoluminescence mapping revealed very high compositional homogeneity of the CdTe<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>Se<SUB>1−<I>x</I> </SUB> crystals. We noted that those crystals with higher concentrations of Se were more prone to twinning than those with a lower content. The crystals were fairly free from strains and contained low concentrations of sub-grain boundaries and their networks.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> CdTeSe crystals were grown by the vertical Bridgman technique. </LI> <LI> Very high compositional homogeneity. </LI> <LI> Low concentration of sub-grain boundaries. </LI> <LI> Almost free from sub-grain boundary network. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Overcoming Zn segregation in CdZnTe with the temperature gradient annealing

        Kim, K.,Bolotnikov, A.E.,Camarda, G.S.,Hossain, A.,James, R.B. Elsevier 2016 Journal of crystal growth Vol.442 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The availability of large volume crystals with the same energy gap in melt-grown CdZnTe (CZT) is restricted due to the Zn segregation in CdTe hosts. We observed the migration of Zn in the solid phase along the positive temperature gradient direction both <I>in situ</I> and post-growth temperature gradient annealing (TGA) of CZT. Diffusivity of Zn obtained from the <I>in situ</I> TGA was approximately 10<SUP>−5</SUP> cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s order and completely different mechanism with that of post-growth. The CZT ingots obtained through <I>in situ</I> TGA have uniform Zn and resistivity of <SUP> 10 10 </SUP> Ω cm orders. The CZT detectors fabricated from <I>in situ</I> TGA applied ingots exhibit 10% of energy resolution for 59.5keV peak of <SUP>241</SUP>Am.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Zn migrates in the solid phase along the positive temperature gradient. </LI> <LI> Zn migration mechanism is different in <I>in situ</I> and post-growth CdZnTe annealing. </LI> <LI> Zn segregation in CdZnTe can be solved by temperature gradient annealing. </LI> <LI> <I>In situ</I> CdZnTe annealing is a useful method to obtain highly uniform bandgap detector. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Genomic Location of a Gene Conditioning a Miniature Phenotype in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]

        Jeffery D. Ray,James R. Smith,Earl Taliercio,Felix B. Fritschi 한국식물학회 2012 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.55 No.1

        The potential for global warming and climate change has increased the focus of research on plant genes that respond to high temperatures. Previous research identified a temperature-sensitive miniature soybean mutant that was controlled by a single gene. The objectives of our research were to confirm the single-gene control and to determine the genomic location of this gene. Segregation of the combined progeny of four BC6F5 plants heterozygous for the miniature trait in a Tracy-M background confirmed that the trait was conditioned by a single gene (1:2:1, χ2=4.38, P=0.1120). Molecular marker analysis identified three SSR markers and a SNP marker on molecular linkage group B2 (chromosome 14) associated with segregation for the miniature trait. One of these, marker Satt560, cosegregated perfectly with the miniature trait. The data from these four polymorphic markers indicated that the gene conditioning this miniature phenotype is at or near Satt560. Given this newly identified location of the gene and the recently published soybean genomic sequence, it may be feasible to isolate the gene and determine its mechanism of action in responding to temperature. Such knowledge may be of use in understanding how plants respond to increased temperature.

      • KCI등재

        Methods for sampling and analysis of marine microalgae in ship ballast tanks: a case study from Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

        Matthew J. Garrett,R. William Richardson,Jennifer L. Wolny,B. James Williams,Michael D. Dirks,Julie A. Brame 한국조류학회I 2011 ALGAE Vol.26 No.2

        Ballasting and deballasting of shipping vessels in foreign ports have been reported worldwide as a vector of introduction of non-native aquatic plants and animals. Recently, attention has turned to ballast water as a factor in the global increase of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Many species of microalgae, including harmful dinoflagellate species, can remain viable for months in dormant benthic stages (cysts) in ballast sediments. Over a period of four years, we surveyed ballast water and sediment of ships docked in two ports of Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Sampling conditions encountered while sampling ballast water and sediments were vastly different between vessels. Since no single sample collection protocol could be applied, existing methods for sampling ballast were modified and new methods created to reduce time and labor necessary for the collection of high-quality, qualitative samples. Five methods were refined or developed,including one that allowed for a directed intake of water and sediments. From 63 samples, 1,633 dinoflagellate cysts and cyst-like cells were recovered. A native, cyst-forming, harmful dinoflagellate, Alexandrium balechii (Steidinger) F. J. R. Taylor, was collected, isolated, and cultured from the same vessel six months apart, indicating that ships exchanging ballast water in Tampa Bay have the potential to transport HAB species to other ports with similar ecologies, exposing them to non-native, potentially toxic blooms.


        Kunder, Andrea,Stetson, Peter B.,Cassisi, Santi,Layden, Andrew,Bono, Giuseppe,Catelan, Má,rcio,Walker, Alistair R.,Paredes Alvarez, Leonardo,Clem, James L.,Matsunaga, Noriyuki,Salaris, Maurizio American Institute of Physics 2013 The Astronomical journal Vol.146 No.5

        <P>The first calibrated broadband UBVI time-series photometry is presented for the RR Lyrae variable stars in NGC 6656 (M22), with observations spanning a range of 22 years. We have also redetermined the variability types and periods for the RR Lyrae stars identified previously by photographic observations, revising the number of fundamental-mode RR Lyrae variables (RR0) to 10 and the number of first-overtone variables (RR1) to 16. The mean periods of the RR0 and RR1 variables are ⟨P⟩<SUB>RR0</SUB> = 0.66 ± 0.02 days and ⟨P⟩<SUB>RR1</SUB> = 0.33 ± 0.01 days, respectively, supporting an Oosterhoff II classification for the cluster. The number ratio of RR1-type to all RR-type variables is N<SUB>1</SUB>/N<SUB>RR</SUB> = 0.61, also consistent with an Oosterhoff II designation. Both the RR Lyrae stars' minimum light colors and the blue edge of the RR Lyrae instability strip suggest E( B – – V) = 0.36 ± 0.02 mag toward M22. Regarding the HB morphology of M22, we find (B-R)/(B+V+R) = +0.97 ± 0.1 and at least one 'gap' located in an unusual part of the blue HB, in the middle of the so-called hot HB stars.</P>


        Methods for sampling and analysis of marine microalgae in ship ballast tanks: a case study from Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

        Garrett, Matthew J.,Wolny, Jennifer L.,Williams, B. James,Dirks, Michael D.,Brame, Julie A.,Richardson, R. William The Korean Society of Phycology 2011 ALGAE Vol.26 No.2

        Ballasting and deballasting of shipping vessels in foreign ports have been reported worldwide as a vector of introduction of non-native aquatic plants and animals. Recently, attention has turned to ballast water as a factor in the global increase of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Many species of microalgae, including harmful dinoflagellate species, can remain viable for months in dormant benthic stages (cysts) in ballast sediments. Over a period of four years, we surveyed ballast water and sediment of ships docked in two ports of Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Sampling conditions encountered while sampling ballast water and sediments were vastly different between vessels. Since no single sample collection protocol could be applied, existing methods for sampling ballast were modified and new methods created to reduce time and labor necessary for the collection of high-quality, qualitative samples. Five methods were refined or developed, including one that allowed for a directed intake of water and sediments. From 63 samples, 1,633 dinoflagellate cysts and cyst-like cells were recovered. A native, cyst-forming, harmful dinoflagellate, Alexandrium balechii (Steidinger) F. J. R. Taylor, was collected, isolated, and cultured from the same vessel six months apart, indicating that ships exchanging ballast water in Tampa Bay have the potential to transport HAB species to other ports with similar ecologies, exposing them to non-native, potentially toxic blooms.


        Detector performance and defect densities in CdZnTe after two-step annealing

        Kim, Eunhye,Kim, Yonghoon,Bolotnikov, A.E.,James, R.B.,Kim, Kihyun Elsevier BV * North-Holland 2019 Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Vol. No.

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Defects both microscale and nanoscale are play an important role in CdZnTe (CZT) device performance. Typical micro-scale defects such as Te inclusions were removed via a two-step annealing process, and their concentration was analyzed via IR transmission microscopy. In addition, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurement was employed to investigate the evolution of nano-scale defects after the annealing process. Dislocation and stacking faults were commonly observed defects in as-grown and annealed CZT. The line shape defects, which are possibly related to the stress field around dislocations, disappeared during the in-situ the annealing at 200–220 ° C. A Frisch-grid CZT detector made via the two-step annealing process exhibited improved energy resolution and low backscattering counts in Cs-137 gamma spectra.</P>


        An overview of the volatile systematics of the Lau Basin – Resolving the effects of source variation, magmatic degassing and crustal contamination

        Hahm, Doshik,Hilton, David R.,Castillo, Paterno R.,Hawkins, James W.,Hanan, Barry B.,Hauri, Erik H. Elsevier 2012 Geochimica et cosmochimica acta Vol.85 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The Lau Basin erupts lavas with a range of geochemical features reflecting a complex history of interaction involving different mantle sources. The Valu Fa Ridge (VFR) and Mangatolu Triple Junction (MTJ) region have lavas with arc-like characteristics, Niuafo’ou Island (NV), Peggy Ridge and Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers (PR, CLSC and ELSC) erupt mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like volcanics, whereas the Rochambeau Bank (RB) has features akin to ocean island basalt (OIB). To characterize the volatile systematics of these various regions, we report a comprehensive study of 39 submarine lavas from these various eruptive centers encompassing analyses of the noble gases (He, Ne, and Ar) and carbon (CO<SUB>2</SUB>) – both isotopes and abundances – together with other major volatile phases (H<SUB>2</SUB>O, S, Cl, and F).</P><P>Helium isotope ratios of the NV, MTJ, CLSC, and ELSC are MORB-like for the most part except for differentiated lavas that tend to have lower, more radiogenic <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He values. The RB has considerably higher <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He ratios (up to 23 <I>R</I><SUB>A</SUB> in this work) which extend as far south as the PR. The influence of ‘plume-like’ sources in the RB is also apparent in Ne isotopes: RB samples follow a trend similar to Hawaiian basalts in 3-isotope neon space. However, RB lavas have lower <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>36</SUP>Ar (300–730) and higher [<SUP>36</SUP>Ar] than CLSC and ELSC, suggesting greater air contamination. Elemental He/Ne ratios (<SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>22</SUP>Ne<SUB>S</SUB> and <SUP>4</SUP>He/<SUP>21</SUP>Ne<SUP>∗</SUP> where S=solar and *=nucleogenic) are high throughout the Lau Basin and identify the Lau mantle as one of only two high <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He provinces worldwide with such an enrichment of He relative to Ne.</P><P>Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C fall in the range 7–350ppm and −28‰ to −6‰, respectively. RB lavas have less [CO<SUB>2</SUB>] and slightly lower δ<SUP>13</SUP>C than CLSC and ELSC. The lowest values are found among MTJ lavas. These lavas also have the highest [H<SUB>2</SUB>O], [F], [Cl], and [S] whereas the PR, ELSC and CLSC have the lowest. RB has intermediate [H<SUB>2</SUB>O]. We estimate primary [CO<SUB>2</SUB>] in primary melts using [CO<SUB>2</SUB>]–δ<SUP>13</SUP>C relationships, and find that RB lavas have higher [CO<SUB>2</SUB>] (∼935±168ppm) than ELSC/CLSC (638±115ppm). They also possess higher initial δ<SUP>13</SUP>C values, consistent with observations at other hotspot-related localities. However, there are no discernible differences in primary CO<SUB>2</SUB>/Nb ratios between mantle sources characterized by high <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He and MORB-like ratios. On the other hand, reconstructed values are considerably higher than that envisaged for depleted MORB mantle based on olivine-hosted melt inclusions.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Long-term Stability of Ammonium-sulfide- and Ammonium-fluoride-passivated CdMnTe Detectors

        김기현,R. Tappero,A. E. Bolotinikov,A. Hossain,G. Yang,R. B. James,P. Fochuk 한국물리학회 2015 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.66 No.10

        We evaluated the long-term stability of CdMnTe (CMT) detectors treated with ammonium-saltbased passivants. Passivation improved the detector’s stability and reduced the degradation of its energy resolution with time. Here, we stored passivated 5 × 5 × 9 mm3 CMT detectors in an ambient environment for 550 days and evaluated the effects of aging by measuring their pulse-height spectra over time. The CMT detector passivated with ammonium fluoride exhibited a higher leakage current after 550 days, and its performance was degraded accordingly. Our analyses of the leakage current for a pixelated CMT detector revealed that the edges and the corners of the detector were responsible for the higher leakage, which resulted from a degradation of the passivation layer in those areas. Assurance of the long-term stability and reproducibility of the detector necessitates that the edges and the corners be mechanically passivated following chemical treatment.

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